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关于”富含哲理的句子“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Philosophical sentences。以下是关于富含哲理的句子的四年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Philosophical sentences

1、They have indeed showcased Mr Lee's renowned philosophy of martial arts: As you think, so shall you become. 事实上,参赛作品真正体现了李小龙先生的武术哲学名句: As you think, so shall you become.

2、He thinks about examples, he surveys examples and tries to extract a kind of metaphysical principle from this. 他思考一些例子,调查研究它们,试图从中提取一种,哲学原理。

3、Correctly to appreciate these philosophical methods and their value in the cognitive science can provide a rational orientation of the role of philosophy and philos… 正确评价这些哲学方法及其它们在认知科学研究中的价值作用能够对哲学和哲学家在认知科学中的作用给予合理的定位。

4、Modern philosophy mainly studies phenomena of daily life. It obviously trends towards"ordinary" in modern language philosophy, life philosophy and art philosophy. 现代哲学是一种以日常生活世界的现象为考察对象的哲学,在现代语言哲学、人生哲学和艺术哲学中,这种“日常化”的倾向极为鲜明。

5、Language of very few number, castingly is phonic, contain philosophy quite. 寥寥数语, 掷地有声,颇含哲理。

6、Feyerabend's philosophical thought has three origins: 1. The critical tradition in philosophy and philosophy of science:; 费耶阿本德哲学的批判精神来源于三个方面1。哲学、科学哲学的批判传统;

7、Western Philosophy ideological tendency will be summarized in two basic forms: " deified Philosophy" and "Poetic Philosophy. 将哲学的思想倾向概括为两种基本形态:“神化哲学”和“诗化哲学”。

8、Kant, the founder of Germen's classical philosophy , was deeply influenced by Hume's philosophy. 作为德国古典哲学的创始人康德,其哲学思想深受休谟哲学的影响。

9、British mathematician, logician , philosopher, founder of process philosophy. 英国数学家、逻辑学家、哲学家,过程哲学的创始人。

10、So Confucian Philosophy is named Philosophy of Humanization. 儒家的哲学,可以名之为“教化的哲学”。

11、As two basic theories of pragmatics, both speech act theory and conversational implicature derive from ordinary-language philosophy. 作为语用学的两大奠基理论,言语行为理论和会话含义理论皆源于日常语言哲学。

12、Here is a list of 26 life lessons I have learned thus far at the age of 26. 这份单子罗列了已走过26年的我所学到的26条人生哲理。

13、The Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor(Huang Di Nei Jing) is not only a medical classic, but also a philosophical one with abundant ideas of medical philosophy studied in it. 《黄帝内经》是我国古代一部医学经典著作,同时它也是当之无愧的“医学哲学之宗”,在中国医学史上最早地研究了医学哲学问题,此书中蕴涵着丰富的哲学思想。

14、The physics derives from the natural philosophy. 物理学从自然哲学衍生而来。

15、the inflationary theory has since become cosmological received wisdom and forced astrophysicists to take particle physics seriously. 从那之后宇宙膨胀理论成为宇宙哲学上广泛接受的看法,也使得天体物理学家们更严肃地看待粒子物理学。

16、These articles discuss the standpoint of philosophy of science, evolutional structure of theory, Heidegger's philosophy about modern technology and Feyerabend's postmodern philosophy of science. 本期论坛主要讨论科学哲学学科建设的立足点、科学理论的进化结构、海德格尔的技术哲学思想以及费耶阿本德的后现代科学哲学。

17、The atomistic and selfish individualism is the philosophy base of New Liberalism , but this philosophy presupposition is not reliable. 首先,新自由主义以原子式的、自利的个人主义作为其哲学基础,但这种哲学预设是不可靠的。

18、Applicable philosophy is a science about how to use the abstract philosophical principle in guiding people's social activities. 应用哲学是关于如何把抽象的哲学原理运用于指导人们社会实践的学问。

19、From the perspective of survivalism, the author discusses the "self-understanding" in "minority philosophy" in order to reveal the significance and value of the study of the minority philosophy. 本文从“生存论”的哲学观出发,探究“少数民族哲学”的“自我理解”,揭示少数民族哲学研究的意义和价值。

20、Two giant figures in ancient philosophy, Aristotle and Confucius, are taken as the examples to explore the philosophical roots of the two approaches to the world. 作者以两个古代哲学巨人——亚里士多德和孔子为例,来探讨两种认知世界方法的哲学根基。

21、It is also the first English version that claims to emphasize Chuang-tzu's philosophy. 也是第一部强调庄子哲学的译本。

22、As a follower of Nietzsche, the Stoics, Bergson, and other irrational philosophers, Deleuze was seeking the way to "reconstruct" philosophy after dethroning the traditional metaphysics. 作为尼采、斯多噶、 柏格森等非理性哲学的信徒,德勒兹一直在寻找着在解构传统形而上学哲学之后哲学话语的重建工作。

23、Comparing with dimidiate thinking in western philosophy, the Chinese mode of thinking can be illuminated by Mid-View thinking. 相对于西方哲学的“二分法”思维,中国哲学可以概括为中观思维,其基本含义是“执两用中”。

24、She is currently an associate professor of philosophy in department of Fujian Quanzhou Munil party school of C. PC. 现任泉州市委哲学教研室副教授、福建省哲学学会理事。

25、Satre s aesthetics of nothingness was included in his philosophy of nothingness. 萨特早期哲学中内含的美学是一种虚无论美学。


26、Both of Heidegger and Dewey have plenty of technical philosophic thoughts, but their positions in the field of technical philosophy are different, and Dewey"s pragmatism philosophy is often ignored." 海德格尔辛口杜威都具有丰富的技术哲学思想,但二者在技术哲学领域中的地位是不同的,杜威的实用主义哲学思想受到人们的忽视。

27、The last four books, mainly assembled by his students after Confucius' death, contain his philosophical treatises . 后四卷是在孔子死后主要由其学生汇编而成,涉及孔子的哲学论述。

28、The opposite of philosophical materialism is philosophical idealism. 哲学唯物主义的对应面即哲学唯心主义。

29、It is a commonplace to compare philosophical theories and the behavior of those who profess them. 比较哲学理论和信仰哲学的人们的行为的话,你会发现这一点司空见惯。

30、Conspiracy Theory, Philosophy of science, Falsifiability, Society. 阴谋理论;科学哲学;可证伪性;社会。

31、This article stands attheheights of culture philosophy; toimplements cogitate style as a kind of double existences. 本文站在文化哲学的高度,把思维方式理解成一种文化与哲学的双重存在。

32、"Problem paradigm", implicating in "philosophical paradigm", is a research orientation and important content of philosophy paradigm. “问题范式”内含于“哲学范式”中,是哲学范式的一个研究取向和重要内容。

33、There are two dimensions that should be considered in the study of Chinese philosophy. 研究中国哲学,必须先能掌握内含哲学思想的典籍史料。

34、Concerning its relation with philosophy, Philosophy of Culture from the cultural perspective might sublate philosophy but can not solve philosophical problem normatively. 就其与哲学的关系而言,文化观点的文化哲学可能扬弃哲学,却不会规范地解决哲学问题。

35、The phenomenology of linguistic form has been one of central thesis of Cassier's philosophy language. It's the key to understanding his whole philosophy. 语言形式现象学理论是卡西尔语言哲学的核心,是理解他全部哲学思想的关键。

36、An outlook is given for China's research on technology philosophy in the 21st century with two advices proposed and expounded briefly, i. e. , m… 关于21世纪技术哲学研究的展望,提出“拓展全面技术哲学研究”和“加强科学哲学、技术哲学、工程哲学一体化研究”两点建议,并进行了初步阐述。

37、When we usually trace back to the philosophical tradition of praxis , we would go directly to the Aristotle's philosophy, then to the modern philosophy, frequently overlooking the medieval philosophy. 通常在追溯实践哲学传统时,都会上寻到古希腊的亚里士多德哲学,然后就会跨过中世纪哲学而直接到近代哲学的传统,因而往往忽略了中世纪哲学传统对实践哲学的影响。

38、Grandson of Moses Mendelssohn, he grew up in a wealthy Jewish family that had converted to Protestantism. 他是哲学家 摩西•孟德尔颂的孙子,成长于一个富裕的犹太人家庭,他们已转信新教。

39、Both Chinese traditional philosophy works Yi Zhuan and ancient Greek philosopher Herakleitos's works are rich in dialectics thoughts. 在《易传》和古希腊哲学家赫拉克利特的思想中都蕴含有丰富的辩证法思想。

40、Husserl took philosophy as a rigorous science and attempted to realize the philosophical ideal in the transcendental phenomenology. 胡塞尔把哲学看作是严格的科学,试图在先验现象学中实现哲学的理想。

41、Based on the phenomenology and the philosophical interpretation of the Prometheus myth, Stiegler builds up a stimulating philosophy theory on human origin. 斯蒂格勒从现象学立场出发,以对普罗米修斯神话的哲学阐释为基础,提出并创立了一个富有启发性的关于人类起源的哲学理论。

42、philprof: He read Hume and woke from his dogmatic slumber. 哲学系教授:他阅读了休谟的哲学理论,并从他的教条主义睡梦中醒悟过来。

43、This search for and explore the meaning contains the philosophy and metaphysics Yun. 这种追寻和探索包含哲学形上学的义蕴。

44、So, though the study of cultural philosophy, we could not only enrich the studying results of the history of cultural philosophy, but also exhibits the importance of Cassirer's cultural philosophy. 对卡西尔文化哲学思想的研究可以丰富和拓展文化哲学思想史的研究,展现卡西尔文化哲学思想的重要意义。

45、Counterbalancing the idealism of Plato's philosophy is Aristotle's background as the son of a doctor. 制衡的理想主义,柏拉图的哲学是亚里士多德的背景的儿子去看医生。

46、Tan Sitong'philosophical thought is a very important component of enlightening philosophy in modern China, which promotes the transition of Chinese philosophy from tradition to modern times. 谭嗣同的哲学思想是中国近代启蒙哲学的重要组成部分,促进了中国传统哲学向近代哲学的转型。

47、Whether there is a basic problem in philosophy and what it is hinge on what the philosophy is and how we philosophize. 哲学基本问题是否存在、哲学基本问题是什么取决于哲学是什么、哲学之本是什么。

48、While noticing this role of the dialectical method in Lakatos' philosophy, we also retain the role of critical rationality long exercised by Lakatos and fortified by his acquaintance of Popper. 当注意拉氏哲学中包含辩证法的同时,我们依然强调拉氏哲学中「批判理性」这一受波普哲学影响的部分。

49、Historical philosophy is a philosophic consideration and rational knowledge for history, it surmounts objective historical experience. 历史哲学是超越客观历史经验的,对历史的一种哲理和理性的思考。

50、Language originate before philosophy, and that's what's wrong with philosophy. 语言起源于哲学以前,这就是哲学的错处。


51、In brief, on the basis of I Ching, Chang Tsai structured his philosophy's framework by the Heng-ch'u Four-Sentences Teaching. 总之,张载在易学的基础上,以“横渠四句教”作为框架构建了其哲学思想。

52、Confucian though on mental health has obvious characteristics which mainly manifest in the following: First, Confucius use "Benevolence" as the philosophical starting point of Mental Health; 通过研究发现,孔子的心理卫生思想具有以下特点:一、孔子以“仁”作为心理卫生的哲学起点;

53、Mind; A Quarterly Review of Psychology and Philosophy. 心智;心理学和哲学季评。

54、Seen such an article, saying that a philosopher Zhu collar disciples walk in the market, walked one way, the philosopher asked his disciples that traders in the face with the joy of color. 看过这样的一则文章,说的是一位哲学家领诸弟子走在街市,走了一程,哲学家问弟子商贩中那个面带喜悦之色。

55、The fundamental ways of the research on applied philosophy are:it is imperative to conclude broad alliance between philosophy and non-philosophy; 应用哲学研究的基本途径是:要建立哲学与非哲学的广泛联盟;

56、Chinese philosophers, such as Chuang Tzu and Laotse, took much count of the intactness of Tao. 中国古代的哲学家如庄子、老子等,他们重视完整性的道。

57、Works of military strategists are books on military science and politics as well as management philosophy, which contain rich management thoughts. 兵家著作既是兵书和政书,又是管理哲学书,包含了丰富的管理学思想。

58、How can "the degree of developmental philosophy"actually be shown? 发展哲学的“哲学向度”究竟体现在何处。

59、Give brief, relevant examples. Examples make difficult, abstract philosophical points much clearer. 给出简短,相关的例子,这些例子使得抽象困难的哲学观点清晰化。

60、Jurisprudence is an academic branch by means of using the philosophical method to study the basic problems of law, and it's a subject that is to research the ordinary problems of law. 法理学是一个运用哲学方法研究法律基本问题的学术门类,与法律哲学或法哲学含义相同,都是探讨法律的一般性问题的学科。

61、Traditional Chinese medicine is a natural-philosophized medicine. 中医理论是自然哲学性质的医学。

62、The difference philosophy, development philosophy and harmonious philosophy constitute the philosophy contents of the Chinese Characteristic Socialist Road. 而差异论哲学、发展论哲学以及和舍论哲学则分别构成了中国特色社会主义道路的哲学底蕴。

63、Conspiracy ory, Philosophy of science, Falsifiability, Society. 阴谋理论;科学哲学;可证伪性;

64、Jer people take the wrong ph… 吴哲人哲学诗爹妈取错名的希腊…

65、The Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine" is a very important work in the history of science and technology in China, which contains abundant thoughts of philosophy." 作为在中国科技史上占有重要地位的《内经》,蕴涵着极为丰富的哲学思想。它以医科学作为哲学论证的基础,表现出独特的风格,为中国哲学史上所罕见。

66、Popper's theory of falsificationism has exerted tremendous influence upon contemporary western scientific philosophy and social philosophy. 波普尔的证伪主义理论对当代西方科学哲学和社会哲学产生了巨大影响;

67、He is study in department of philosophy , I'm too. 他在哲学系,我也在哲学系。

68、Reflecting and criticizing traditional philosophy, modern philosophy is changing to return to the life-world. 现代哲学在对传统哲学的反思和批判中,实现着面向生活世界的哲学变革。

69、At that time was still small, but also do not understand the meaning of this sentence. Now understand. The mother's philosophy, incomplete life taught her do? 那时还小,还不懂这句话的含义。现在已经懂了。而母亲的哲理,不全是生活教给她的吗?

70、Neo-Confucianism to make technology a more philosophical. 宋明理学使儒家学说更加哲理化。

71、The Medical Classic of the Yellow Emperor (Huang Di Nei Jing) is not only a medical classic, but also a philosophical one with abundant ideas of medical philosophy studied in it. 摘 要: 《黄帝内经》是我国古代一部医学经典著作,同时它也是当之无愧的“医学哲 学之宗”,在中国医学史上最早地研究了医学哲学问题,此书中蕴涵着丰富的哲学思想。

72、The reason why I like it is not only because the life philosophy contained in this beautiful line, but I do love chocolate. 我之所以欣赏这句话不仅仅是因为这里所蕴含的人生哲理,而我确实非常喜欢巧克力。

73、At the end, it is concluded that A-POC contains profound philosophy and minimalism thought and becomes one of the typical semiotic features of the oriental culture. 结果表明,“一块布”设计哲学蕴含了丰富的哲学思考,具有极少主义设计的倾向,也成为代表东方服饰文化的符号化的语言;

74、Monticello, Jefferson's home, was filled with examples of his scientific philosophy. 蒙蒂塞洛,杰斐逊的家,充满了他的科学哲学的例子。

75、The third writes thought background of Wei and Jin dynasties; 第三章是研究《抱朴子》哲学思想的形成背景;

英文句子模板76:Philosophical sentences

76、Feng's philosophy of life contains a wealth of ideas of the concept of life and death, ilrating his unique reflection on life and death. 生死观是人生哲学的集中体现,在冯友兰的人生哲学系统里蕴含了丰富的生死观思想,阐发了他对生与死的独到“反思”。

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