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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-01 14:09:48
  • 107


关于”日常交流的句子“的英语句子46个,句子主体:Sentences for daily communication。以下是关于日常交流的句子的中考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentences for daily communication

1、父母应该经常同孩子交流. Parents should often communicate with their children.

2、I'm committed now to holding these community meetings at regular intervals. 我现在已经在日常工作间隙去组织这样社区交流。

3、Can undertake relevant schools, activities, holiday in daily communication. 能够进行有关学校、活动、假日方面的日常交流。

4、Teamwork -- how we align and communicate in daily work -- is critical in our company. 团队合作--如何在日常工作中进行良好的交流,协作--对我们的成长是至关重要的。

5、晚上有什么计划吗 is there anything you like to eat in this take away menu?

6、Management of measurements and observations i. e starting and stopping measurements in BSS and NSS. 管理日常测量和观察工作。例如运行和终止基站子系统和网络交换系统的日常测量。

7、Today, I and my classmates exchange Sunday and Saay schedule. 今天,我和同学一起交流周日和周六的日程。

8、let someone off .放某人一马10.This is not how it looks. 事情不是表面看来的这样11.Would you cut it out, already?

9、That's because they have all the words and phrases they need for everyday and aren't being pushed by frustrated communication to learn more. 因为他们现有的词汇已经足够应付日常交流,除非交流上真的有更多困难,他们很难再多学下去。

10、Online chatting is now a popular means of real-time communication. The conversations conducted in chatrooms are greatly different from those in oral or written English. 网络聊天是一种时下流行的实时交流方式,聊天室中的对话与日常会话和书面语都有所不同。

11、Intelecutals and brilliant thinking minds gathered around coffee tables and discussed their ideas. 知识分子和思想开明人士经常聚在咖啡桌前,交流彼此的观点。

12、I've gotten carried away. 我扯太远了2. Good thing。

13、These days my job, my cash flow and socialising are more important! 'Tom, 28, from Manchester. 在这些日子里,我的工作、现金流及社交更加重要!

14、In general, written communication requires more care than verbal communication. 通常,书面交流需要比口头交流更加小心。

15、From a traveler's standpoint, the Expo transportation service area can be divided into 4 circular sub-areas according to the prevailing limits of different travel modes. 从交通的角度,根据不同交通方式的优势范围划分4个世博交通服务圈层,进而分析世博游客的流向分布及其与日常交通流叠加的特点。

16、I am good at English, especially daily communication with foreign customers and got the CET4 certificate. 擅长英语,尤其与外国客户的日常交流,并获得公共英语4级证书.

17、This exchange makes professional philosophers er, because their daily work is far removed from the production of sage utterances. 这样的交流让哲学家们窃笑,因为他们的日常工作远离了圣人般的说话方式。

18、nose 鼻子 nose to nose 面对面 They often talk nose to nose. 他们经常面对面交流。

19、Email has already become the most commonly used of communication in daily life, and various of internal information communicating platform for email service also applied into lots of industries. 电子邮件已经成为日常生活中信息交流最为常用的方式,各种内部信息交流平台也随之发展,应用到各行各业。

20、The single AC power input voltage frequency, the internal AC to DC after; DC converter rectifier exchange conversion, self-produced - very stable, pure sine wave. 该电源输入单一交流电压和频率,内部经过交流对直流;直流对交流的变流整流转换后,自行产生-非常稳定纯净的正弦波。

21、Whether personal daily life or business communication, all the non-verbal elements that accompanied verbal behavior are communicating with each other to exchange information. 无论是个人的日常生活还是商务交流,那些伴随着语言行为的所有非言语的要素都在向交际对方传达着交流信息。

22、The Japanese side noted that Japan is ready to further strengthen dialogue, exchanges and cooperation with China to embrace the 40th anniversary of the normalization of diplomatic relations next year. 日方表示,日方愿进一步加强日中对话、交流与合作,迎接明年日中邦交正常化40周年。

23、This type of great importance because it often helps to deepen the feelings between the parents and children. 这种被称为“闲聊”的交流很重要,因为它常常有助于加深父母亲和孩子们的感情。

24、Since normalizing their bilateral relations, China and Japan have been experiencing ever-deepening communication and constant frictions. 中日邦交正常化以来,两国关系的现状是:“交流加深,摩擦不断”。

25、Diodes are electronic devices which rectify alternating current to direct current. 二极管是将交流电整流成直流电的电子装置。


26、周末过得愉快吗 Any plan for the evening?

27、Inner Mongolian boxing troop's funds can guarantee the Sports Team daily training and the foreign exchange study demand; 内蒙古拳击一线队伍的经费能够保证运动队日常训练及对外交流学习的需求;

28、Email, for many purposes, is a terrible form of communication. Scott’s main reasons 从很多方面来讲,电子信函是一种非常糟糕的交流方式。

29、This is Japan, there is a need to learn Japanese exchanges. 这里是日本,有必要学习日语交流的。)”藤川流利的说。

30、Language, as a significant tool for communications, stands on an unrespectable place in people's daily lives. 语言作为一种交流的工具,在日常生活中扮演着重要的角色。

31、PROFESSOR QI: Right. You made this same statement yesterday -- which I very much agree on -- when speaking to the students and scholars at Tsinghua University. 中国日报网 齐晔:您昨天在和清华大学的学者和学生交流时也说了这句话,我非常同意您的看法。

32、Through it we can understand that the lacquers both in China and Japan are developing mutually in the exchanging process. 并就中日漆器工艺中具有代表性技法的交流进行专门稽考,从中可以看出中日两国漆器在交流中互动发展。

33、Cross-pollination with other industries often sparks innovation. 与其他产业的交叉交流常常可以擦出革新的火花。

34、Why do we ignore, to our cost, the staggering 97 per cent of personal interaction that is non-verbal – and then wonder why we sometimes misunderstand and miscommunicate ? 为什么我们忽视了占据日常交流97%的非口头交流教育?然后当误解和沟通受到阻碍的时候不明所以?

35、The destination of English teaching in vocational colleges is to qualify the students to communicate with foreigners in daily activities and business transactions. 的是使学生能够在涉外交际的日常活动和业务活动中进行简单的口头和书面交流。

36、"Can we manipulate how much parents and children gesture, and if so, will it increase their vocabulary?" Rowe said. 罗伊说:“我们能控制父母和孩子在日常交流中使用多少动作吗?如果可以,那么这能增加孩子的词汇量吗?”

37、周末过得愉快吗 any plan for the evening?

38、A three-dimensional non-isothermal numerical model was developed for proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) with conventional and interdigitated flow fields. 针对常规流场和交指型流场的质子交换膜燃料电池提出了三维非等温数学模型。

39、In the history cl, we are learning the history of thriving exchanges between Japan and China. The story of Onono Imoko is very moving. 学校历史课上正在学习日中两国交流兴盛的古代史,小野妹子的事迹非常感人。

40、For example, a multimeter can verify that there are about 220 volts in an AC circuit or that a 1.5-volt battery is fully charged. 例如,万用表可以准确的测量出普通家庭所使用的220V交流电压,或者是日常使用的1.5V电池的直流电压。

41、Finally, the two folk art exchange and the impact of the characteristics and describes its normalization of Sino-Japanese relations facilitating role. 最后分析了两国民间艺术交流的特点、影响及作用,阐述它对中日邦交正常化的促进作用。

42、It was provided unprecedented convenient for people's daily communication and the resource sharing as well as the pass-along message and sending file. 为人们的日常交流和资源共享以及传送信息和文件提供了方便。

43、These alternates and exceptions are quite normal. 事件流的交替和例外是很正常的。

44、They assumed the familiar “stop-and-go” waves of congestion were due to the sheer volume of traffic. 他们猜想日常的拥堵的波动起伏是因为骤变的交通流量。

45、other experts have argued that it comprises as much as 70 to 90% of human communication. 其他专家学者则觉得肢体语言在人们日常交流中尤为重要,占到了70%-90%。

46、Assist with communication and maintenance of social networks of the Creative Service Department, e. g. YAMMER. 协助创意服务部社交网络的日常交流及维护工作。

47、晚上有什么计划吗 Is there anything you like to eat in this take away menu?

48、Besides routine duties, I have made several reports on project communication and overseas investigations on the symposiums held semiannually in our institute. 除日常的工作外, 在所内半年举行一次的学术交流会上曾作过数次关于项目交流和国外考察心得的报告 广州翻译公司。

49、AC DC rectifier of the converter is usually said. 交流变直流的变频器通常称整流器。

50、Mint Communications Director Christine Aquino says that when the final products emerged, it was a very special day. 铸币交流中心的主管克里斯廷`哎奎诺说当最终的产品问世时,那真实一个非常特殊的日子。


51、They interact with people who live in their neighborhood. 社区里的人相互之间经常交流。

52、The rectifier is supplied by the normal AC input. 整流器是所提供的正常交流输入。

53、He said cooperation and bilateral exchanges between China and Japan have reached unprecedented levels in a variety of fields since the two countries normalized relations 37 years ago. 中日邦交正常化37年来,在双方共同努力下,两国各领域交流合作达到前所未有的水平。

54、status relate to gesture, and can that explain some of the gap we see at school entry," Rowe said. 罗伊说:“我们需要解决的问题就是,再往前追问一下:这种社会经济地位与孩子在日常交流中所做动作的多少是否有关,是否能解释孩子在刚上学时存在的一些差距?”

55、Our teachers often communicate with their parents. 我们的老师经常与家长交流。

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