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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-22 01:57:15
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关于”100句优美的句子“的英语句子39个,句子主体:100 beautiful sentences。以下是关于100句优美的句子的五年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:100 beautiful sentences

1、75-100 = You’re an excellent listener and communicator. 75-100 =你是一个优秀的聆听者和沟通者。

2、Made with 100% Sun-Maid California Raisins, Post Raisin Bran is where nutritious and delicious live in harmony. 用100%的阳光少女加州葡萄干,提子麦麸养分丰厚,滋味鲜美的搭配。

3、I need 300 dollars in 100-dollar cheque. 我要300 美元票面为100 美元的支票。

4、This is the specialty means of this doctor, at a time meeting can't cure of and all use this words and assure to cure 100 diseases. 这是这位大夫的拿手手段,只要遇到不会治的,都用这一句话,包治百病。

5、For instance, if you buy a stock for $100 and it is currently trading at $200, you have made $100 in unrealized gains. 举例来说,如果你花100美元买一只股票,当前交易价200美元,你就有了100美元的未实现收益。

6、The ELAN effect in the ERP experiment justifies the priority of categorical information, also, N400 and P600 prove that lexical meaning and syntax interact with each other. ERP实验的ELAN效应验证了标准理论和管约论句法信息优先的合理性,N400和P600的对比证明了词汇语义与句法的互动。

7、At $100/hour this would be a $320,000 job. 以每小时100美元计算,就需要支付320,000美元。

8、Statement implicitly made deep, beautiful sentences law charm finding. Speak in measured tones read fluently, listening to the sweet spirit of vibration. 语句含蓄言理深,文辞优美律韵寻。抑扬顿挫诵顺口,听之顺耳振精神。

9、Written more than 100 years ago, Mashi Wentong has a fairly deep understanding of the imperative sentence . 《马氏文通》诞生在1 0 0多年以前,它对“祈使句”的认识已经达到了相当的水平。

10、Can you change 100 dollars? 100美元你能找开吗?

11、In order to get the count(*) query at UNION(6), you need to extract from the Optimized Statement the innermost parenthesized SQL statement that at minimum gives you the UNION ALL. 为了获得 UNION(6) 的 count(*) 查询,需要从优化语句中提取出最内层圆括号中的 SQL 语句,最少给出 UNION ALL。

12、The data source statement cache size can be tuned using a few different methods. 可以使用一些不同的方法来调优数据库语句缓存大小。

13、It's a neat accounting trick: if you sell a software package for $100, Wall Street will value that at $100. 这可是个聪明帐:如果你的升级包卖100美元,华尔街就认为它值100美元。

14、However, a 100% mortgage has its share of merits and demerits. 不过,有100%的按揭也有自己的优点和缺点。

15、Being its representative, Matsuo Basho not only carried forward fully the advantages of Haiku but exalted it to an unprecedented position as well. 其代表人物松尾芭蕉不仅充分发扬了俳句的优势,更以其探索性的创作把俳句带到了一个前所未有的高度。

16、The dog cost me 100$. 这只狗花了我100美元。

17、I need 300 dollars in 100-dollar cheques. 我要300美圆票面为100美圆的支票。

18、W:It's renminbi 827 yuan agianst US 100 dollars. 币827元兑换100美元。

19、A $100 registration fee per team is required. 每队必须交100美元的报名费。

20、It’s $200 after $100 mail-in rebate, with contract. 100美元折扣后的签约购机价为200美元。

21、The REOPT bind option affects the optimization of statements that contain parameter markers or host variables. REOPT 绑定选项将影响其中包含参数标记或主机变量的语句的优化。

22、Tie 4. Sale is $ 250, but fell to $ 100 is our house. 是250美元卖盘,但下跌到100美元是我们的房子。

23、I need 300 dollars in 100-dollar checks. 我要300美元票面为100美元的支票。

24、Besides that, it has a magnificent size of spirit, and Joyce wrote the most beautiful English: he can encapsulate a whole scene in one phrase. 另外,它的意韵深远恢弘,乔伊斯是顶尖的英语创作者,文风优美凝练,他常常将一整个场景描写凝练成一句话。

25、I have debited $100 against your account. 我把100美元记入了你的账户的借方。


26、Her parents famously told her, "You have to be better than all the rest. 她的父母曾对她说过一句广为人知的话,“你要比其他所有人都优秀。”

27、That's right — $100 for a stinkin' mat. 是的——100美元就为了那个难闻的垫子。

28、Sleeve lining: 100% merino wool. 袖里:100%美利奴羊毛。

29、She deposited $100 in her account. 她在自己账户上存了100美元。

30、Eg: Enrolled, because of his high academic achievers, teachers like it, all praise. 例句:入学后,因为他品学兼优,所以老师喜欢,人人夸赞。

31、"I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too!" was No 99. 第99句是:“我会报仇的,小美人,还有你的小狗我也不放过。”

32、You're not putting in $100 to this investment; you're putting in $99.58 for the investment and you're getting out the difference between $100 and $99.58. 你并没有投资100美元,你只投入了99.58美元,你得到的收益是100和99.58美元的差值

33、By the way, with the so-called suborbital flights, a chance to look at the Earth from 100-160 km height may cost just as little as 200 000 USD. 顺便说一句,借助所谓的亚轨道飞行,从100-160千米高空俯视地球或许只要投入20万美元即可。

34、This section lists and describes the steps required to identify, tune, and optimize high-load SQL statements. 本部分列出了如何如何发现,调整,优化高负载的SQL语句的步骤。

35、Bottom line: Quality US-listed China stocks are poised for a rally, as investors hunt for bargains in the battered sector. 一句话: 由于投资者寻找低位买入的机会,中国赴美上市的部分优质股票料将反弹。

36、Zhao Ming: I have been doing quite well. As reach 90% and Bs reach 100%. 赵明:我学习成绩一直不错,优秀率是90%,优良率是100%。

37、OTTAWA (Reuters) - "O Canada," the country's national anthem, has included the line, "True patriot love in all thy sons' command," for nearly 100 years. 路透渥太华3月3日电--加拿大国歌拥有近百年历史。里面有这麽一句歌词:“True patriot love in all thy sons' command”(你的儿子,忠诚爱国)。

38、It wasn’t only that this writing seemed beautiful to Madeleine. It wasn’t only that these opening sentences of Barthes’s made immediate sense, were readable, digestible. 不仅是因为这些文字在玛德琳看来颇为优美,也不仅是因为巴特所做的这几句开场白让她立刻就能理解,能读懂,能消化。

39、You can use SurveyMonkey to run reasonable market research for $100. 花100美元,你就可以用调查猴子来进行理智的市场调查。

40、DB2 Optimization Expert provides an environment to identify and tune poor performing SQL statements. DB2 Optimization Expert 提供了用来识别和调优表现不佳的 SQL 语句的环境。

41、I need 300 dollars in 100-dollar cheques. 我要300美圆票面为100美圆之支票。

42、You borrow $100 today and repay $98 a year from now. 你今天借100美元,一年后只须偿还98美元。

43、Proton radiation therapy often exceeds $100, 000. 质子放射治疗往往超过10万美元。

44、Only Bid for $30 so that I can easily pay you if the project is awarded to you. We need 100 excellent writers. 只出价30美元,这样我可以很容易地付给你,如果该项目是颁发给你。我们需要100个优秀的作家。

45、Mother withdrew $100 from her account. 妈妈从账户上取出100美元。

46、Can you give me 100 dollars in Swiss francs? 能否给我100美圆的瑞士法郎?

47、And nothing, you would just get $100. 你只得到100美元,别无其他

48、Good developers sometimes seem to be afraid of executing statements that may cause NOT FOUND warnings. 优秀的开发人员有时候似乎害怕执行那些可能导致 NOT FOUND 警告的语句。

49、In the first year you have a $100 investment earning $7 and paying $3.50 in dividends. 第一年,你的100美元投资可以盈利7美元,支付的股息为3.50美元。

50、This is a crisp new 100 dollar note. 这是一张挺新的100美元新钞票。


51、Entry fees range from $100 to $1,000; outfits can cost between $100 and $12,000 each; and then there’s the cost of makeup, and even false teeth to cover up lost baby teeth. 报名费从100美元到1,000美元不等;每套衣物得花费100美元到12,000美元不等;还有化妆品开销,甚至掩饰脱落乳齿的假牙等的开销。

52、You can identify a table by its name or by the quantifier number in the optimized SQL statement shown in the execution plan produced by the db2exfmt tool. 可以根据表名或经过优化后的 SQL 语句中的限定符(quantifier)编号识别表,SQL 语句显示在由 db2exfmt 工具生成的执行计划中。

53、There are 43 lessons, covering everything from syntax to coding guidelines and code optimization. 全书共43节课,涉及编码句法指导和代码优化。

54、The effort required to tune the whole application, by evaluating every single statement, is overwhelming. 通过评估每个语句来对整个应用程序调优的工作量是巨大的。

55、I got about 100 helpdesk messages a day and about 60 of those started with “I don’t know how to add a birthday “. 在求助 平台 上我一天收到了100条求助信息,其中有60条第一句话是“我不知如何去 添加一个生日 “。

56、Applications executing SQL statements have had the option of tuning the optimization goal through several mechanisms in the past 在过去,执行 SQL 语句的应用程序可以选择通过几种机制来调优优化目标

57、If an ad that costs $100 makes you $100 back in profit, it’s a good ad. 如果一个花了你100美元的广告为你带来了100美元的利润回报,这就是好广告。

58、After the caves, all it took to complete a perfect day was a trip to the pub. 参观洞穴之后,让泡吧来为完美的一天画上句号。

59、The chart in Figure 13 shows there were no statement discards after tuning the cache size. 而图 11 显示,调优缓存大小后再也没有出现丢弃语句的情况。

60、You can improve the efficiency of high-load SQL statements by tuning them using SQL Tuning Advisor. 通过使用SQL调整指导(SQL Tuning Advisor),你可以优化高负载SQL语句的效率。

61、How about 98 down and 100 a month? 先付头期款98美元,每月再付100美元,如何。

62、Naturally, with the cost below $100, the chip will encourage software developers to optimize their applications for multi-core processors as well as GPGPU technologies. 当然,低于100美元的成本,该芯片将鼓励软件开发商优化多核心处理器,以及GPGPU技术的应用。

63、In other words, for the average wage earner to make a million dollars, he or she would have to work 40 hours a week for approximately 21 years. 换句话说,一般人要是想赚100万美元,他或她就得每周工作40个小时,这样连续干大约21年。

64、The origin of the Sumerians remains obscure. 根据该词出现的那句话就可以得知这里讲述的是“苏美尔人的起源仍然不清。

65、Imagine, in a perfect world of smooth returns, you buy a $100 basket of shares today with a 7% earnings yield. 想像一下,在回报平稳的完美世界中,今天你花100美元买了一篮子股票,收益率为7%。

66、The old Wall Street cliché that 'money chases performance' may need to be revised. 华尔街那句“金钱追逐绩优股”的金科玉律恐怕需要改改了。

67、Is the material of 100% melamine? 原料是否为100%美耐皿。

68、I bet $100 on that horse. 我把100美元的赌注下在那匹马上。

69、NPV = 95, 650-100, 000 = -$4, 350 净现值 = 95 650 -100 000 = -4 350美元

70、The optimized SQL can be seen right after the original SQL statement in the db2exfmt output. 在 db2exfmt 输出中,优化的 SQL 紧接在最初的 SQL 语句后面。

71、Do you know the "100 Dollar Laptop?" 你知道“100美元笔记本”吗?

72、In other words, the optimizer overestimated the selectivity of the local predicates on the table. 换句话说,优化器过高估计了本地谓词对表格的选择性。

73、Online jeweler BlueNile.com sent out a targeted e-mail promotion offering $100 off a $500 engagement ring, valid until Tuesday. 在线珠宝商BlueNile.com 发出有针对性的电子邮件,开展订婚戒指满500美元返100美元的促销活动,有效期到周二。

74、Boy, if the Chinese only had 100 good pursuit planes and 100 fair pilots, they'd exterminate the Jap air force! 孩子,如果中国有100架好驱逐机和100名优秀飞行员,他们就会消灭日本空军。

75、Zhang Yuan: Because America is the first one small, so need to find that K. 张远 :因为小美是第一句,所以需要找到那个K。

英文句子模板76:100 beautiful sentences

76、The exchange rate is 832 RMB for 100 USD . 美元汇率是100美元兑832元群众币。

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