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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-30 12:28:07
  • 83


关于”很丧的句子“的英语句子45个,句子主体:A sad sentence。以下是关于很丧的句子的中考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:A sad sentence

1、All the nation were sad at the news. 全国听到这消息时都很悲伤。

2、It is believed that Shah Jahan was inconsolable to the point of contemplating abdication in favour of his sons. 据说,沙。贾汗极为悲伤,甚至打算退位,将王位让给他的儿子们。

3、We should not demand that a last line makes us either happy or sad, but thoughtful; it is this that ensures great literature lives, happily, ever after. 不能要求作品最后一句是让人欣喜还是让人悲伤,而是应该让人深省;这一点才是保证伟大的文学作品常青的关键。

4、Soon there’ll be flowers and prayers that are sad, 很快这里的鲜花和祈祷文将是悲伤的,

5、At times of distress, when we are down we slip over an abyss of emotional trauma and frustrations. One who can rise above the occasion, is the architect of many wins over sorrows. 沮丧时,我们会伤心地跌入绝望之谷,能摆脱这种困境的人是战胜悲伤的胜者。

6、And we have heard it from every grieving family we have met here, "Your work is hard, you are suffering to come here to see us." 我们在这里到处从悲恸的家庭听到这句话,“你们工作很辛苦,你们历尽艰苦,到这里看我们。”

7、The real man who smiles in troubles, gathers strength from greif, and becomes braver through introspection . 真正的男子汉在困境中微笑,从悲伤中积聚力量,通过反省变得勇敢。

8、Alicia Stanley sadly knows Trayvon Martin is the son she lost, is the child that she had raised from age 3 艾丽西娅·斯坦利悲伤的知晓塔拉万·马丁是她失去的儿子,是她从3岁起就养育的孩子。

9、By the way, you’re fat as hell. 顺提一句,你已经很胖了。

10、The prodigal son. 悲剧之子。

11、At last Becky herself took compassion upon him, and tried to engage him in talk. 后来还算贝基发慈悲,对他说了几句话。

12、The sudden death of an only child is a tragedy for any middle-aged or elderly parents. 特别是独生子女的意外死亡,其父母老来丧子,是人生之大不幸,这在中国这个有着儒家文化传统的社会里,这本身就是一种悲哀。

13、You are the string of the heaven, sweet and gentle, carring away sadness, depression, disappointment and pain. 你是那天堂的琴弦,甜美而温柔,带走一切的悲伤、沮丧、失望和苦痛。

14、Youth is a narrow boat, carrying their parents deep hope, which is helpless and sad moments. 青春是一条窄窄的小船,载着父母深深的希望,是无奈与悲伤的日子。

15、The wounded child soon quieted down and fell asleep. 受伤的孩子很快就安静下来睡着了。

16、Directly caused today's funeral man's losing the anguish of son. 直接导致了今日的丧夫丧子之痛。

17、He gashed his leg on the broken bottle. 破瓶子把他的腿刺了一道很深的伤口。

18、Looking backward, I'm really deeply hurted these days. 回首,在这些日子里,自己真的很受伤。

19、On that stool I have learned many life lessons. I learned to deal with sorrow and anger. 在那个凳子上我学到了很多人生课程,我学会了处理悲伤和愤怒。

20、In that moment, he forgot his fatigue from the journey returning to Sichuan and the grief of losing his father, and immediately headed to Bei Chuan to look for his wife and granddaughter. 此时,他顾不得旅途劳顿和丧父的悲伤,立即去往北川县城搜寻自已的妻子和孙女。

21、You'll see how Berthe Morisot could convey women's sense of boredom, sadness, and frustration. 您将看到如何贝尔特莫里索转达妇女无聊,一丝悲伤和沮丧。

22、I am very affected by any sorrow or sad thing, and I am very affected by joy and beauty. 我很容易受到悲哀或悲伤的事情影响,也很容易受到喜悦和美的事物影响。

23、Page1: Lion is not happy. 狮子很伤心(不高兴)。

24、Life over all could be described in those terms—as a tragicomedy. 那些生活可以用这句话来概括——一部悲喜交加的戏剧。

25、Sadness “is a very functional emotion, ” Levenson says. 勒文森说,“悲伤是一种很有用的情绪。


26、You may have built up years of feeling unheard, ignored, sad, frustrated or disrespected. 你可能积累了数年没有被倾听、忽略、悲伤、沮丧或被藐视的情绪。

27、The good news that her son had been admitted into Qinghua University cheered the sad woman up. 她儿子已被清华大学录取的好消息使这位悲伤的妇女大为振奋。

28、Mental ation nephew Aaron also dont know the mother died, Lin tung handing nephew Aaron the urn, indigoeyes was grief. 智力低下的侄子浩子还不知道母亲身亡,佟林把骨灰盒交到侄子浩子手中,面色悲痛报丧。

29、Page2 :Lion is sad. He sees Little Bird. 狮子很伤心,他看见了小鸟。

30、Many are missing at a middle school in the city of Qingchuan. The scene is devastating at Juyuan Middle School, where sorrow seems endless. 晴川(音译)市有很多孩子失踪。菊园中学更是更加充满着无尽的悲伤。

31、His prose Xiangzi Yan mourns the loss of the life subject in the national minorities in the Western part of Hunan Province, on the other hand he resents of the national soul being deteriorated. 散文《箱子岩》悲哀于在压迫下湘西少数民族生命主体性的丧失,悲愤于民族灵魂溃烂而趋向衰败。

32、When one of my dogs died, the other one sorrowed. 我的一条狗死了,另一条很悲伤。

33、If you go away, I'll be blue. I'll miss you when you leave .“如果你走了,我会很悲伤。

34、Now, separation from Jackson has proven overwhelming for Taylor, who upon learning of his death, was “too devastated” to talk. 和杰克逊的生死离别使泰勒悲痛欲绝,乍闻噩耗,泰勒“深感悲痛”,一句话都说不出来。

35、These are the times I'm sad Fire Joe Morgan doesn't write about golf. 弗尔·乔·摩根没报道高尔夫的这些日子,我感到很沮丧。

36、You're being negative - If you're angry, frustrated, moody or combative, your child isn't going to be very receptive to you. 你自己心情不好。如果你生气、沮丧、忧伤、或者气势汹汹,就会很难让孩子接受。

37、What is frustrating about this, says Dr Kristensson, is that more often than not the correct strings of words were recognised, but rejected by the speech-recognition program on statistical grounds. 据Kristensson所言,使人沮丧的是,许多被认为并不具备正确结构的句子被语言识别程序以具备充足证据为由拒绝。

38、Yeah, I think Chinese history is very interesting. Yesterday, I read the article that an emperor was killed just because of a joke. 是的。我认为中国历史很有趣啊。昨天读到了一篇文章,是关于一句玩笑引起的弑君悲剧的。

39、I was most grieved to learn the death of your dear mother. Please accept my deepest condolences upon this sad event. 获悉令堂谢世,我深感悲伤,请接受我对丧事最深切的慰问。

40、Her five sons each cried bitter tears. 五个儿子,个个哭得很悲。

41、He answer'd not one Word, but look'd very grave and sad: I ask'd him what was the matter with him? 我对他说,我们可以动手造一条跟这一样大的船,让他坐着回家。他一句话也没有说,脸上显出很庄重、很难过的样子。

42、I'm so frustrated with my 14-year-old son, I am about to explode. 我14岁的儿子让我感觉很沮丧,他快把我给气炸了。

43、The whole song is very sad, a girl's father when she was very young and her mother argue, then abandoned them. 整首歌是非常悲伤的,女孩子的父亲在她很小的时候和她的母亲争吵,然后抛弃了她们。

44、Tenjou Utena lost her parents when she was little, while in great grief she met a rose-odour prince. 天上欧蒂娜在很小的时候就失去了父母,十分悲伤的她遇到一位满身蔷薇香气的王子。

45、Sadly, gentlemen's agreements only work between gentlemen. 可悲的是,君子协定只在君子间有效。

46、He wrote a heartfelt letter to the grieving mother of a boy he'd previously met, who had recently died. And it's tear-jerking stuff. 他曾给一位因丧子而悲恸不已的母亲写过一封真诚的信,他的儿子哈里王子之前见过。这真是催人泪下的事情。

47、HARE pounced upon by an eagle sobbed very much and uttered cries like a child. 一只野兔被老鹰抓住了,他十分悲伤和痛苦,他的哭叫声如同孩子哭一般。

48、Soon there'll be flowers and prayers that are sad. 很快这搭的鲜花和祷告文将是悲伤的。

49、She dropped her voice, and looked so sad and piteous . 她把声音放得很低,一副悲悲戚戚的样子,真是可怜。

50、I think it was Charlie Chaplin who said that close up, human life is tragic, but from a distance, it’s funny. 我想应该是查理卓别林说的这句话吧:靠近看,人生就是个悲剧,但从远处看,又很有趣。


51、In other words, Riesman, like Carr, noted a loss of coherence within the individual. 换句话说,和卡尔一样,来茨漫注意到了个体内聚力的丧失。

52、I passed through the stages of grief that follow a breakup: denial, anger and depression. But not acceptance. 我经历了分手后的各种悲伤阶段:拒绝,愤怒和沮丧,可是没有接受。

53、The widow of a godly prophet was in grief, and her sons were on the verge of being sold into slavery. 一位敬虔先知的寡妇因丧夫哀伤不已,而她的儿子又面临被卖为奴。

54、In 1985, tragedy struck: a rope snapped during an outdoor performance in Seattle in which the dancers were lowered upside down from a rooftop; one man, Yoshiyuki Takada, died. 1985年发生了一场悲剧:在西雅图进行的一次室外演出中,舞者们头朝下吊在屋顶的绳子上,绳子突然断裂;其中一名男子Yoshiyuki Takada丧生。

55、In a tragedy, if you look for faults (of yourself or other people), you can't really grieve, and the hurt and hatred will be in your heart forever. 悲剧发生的时候,臣服很重要,这様你才能真正体会那个伤心,然后日子还是要过的。

56、NETIZENS said the funeral business was turning "monopolistic" and was getting a windfall from sorrowful cirtances. 网民表示丧葬行业已成为垄断行业,可以从悲伤氛围中获得暴利。

57、Unfortunately, as the saying goes, a leopard cannot change his spots. Many deal breakers listed by the study support this cliché –you cannot change them easily. 悲催的是,常言道:江山易改,本性难移。这项研究列出的许多分手原因都印证了这句话——人很难改变。

58、dying in the sunthe cranberries 很有名的歌手小红莓唱的,很轻很轻,透着淡淡的悲伤..像在阳光中逝去一样..让你整个心安静下来,去聆听她幽静而伤感的歌声..

59、So she never married but instead spent her time in the temple of the Lord, devoting her life to the Lord as a priestess. 我很沮丧,因为她是我唯一的女儿,而我必须遵循誓言把她贡献给上帝。当我告诉她我的誓言时,她很悲伤,因为她从此不能结婚。

60、In the battle that followed, the queen was wounded by a chance arrow and died, leaving Theseus a sad widower. 在接着的战斗中,王后被一只乱箭射中,不幸丧命,留下特修斯一人独自悲伤。

61、And I saw, in the base of the box, a hole, Which my sorrows had fallen out by. 结果我在盒子底下发现一个洞,我的悲伤都从那边漏出去了。

62、Later I concentrated on grief, both spousal and parental , and focused especially on the ways in which grief confronts us not only with loss but with our own mortality. 再后来我又专注于处理那些失去配偶或父母的悲伤,尤其关注那种不仅包含对丧失也包含对我们自身终极命运的悲伤。

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