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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-22 01:56:51
  • 203


关于”惊艳的短句“的英语句子39个,句子主体:Amazing short sentences。以下是关于惊艳的短句的高考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Amazing short sentences

1、The emperor of China was so amazed by the powerful scent and by the aspect of the peony that he named it the national flower of his country. 中国的帝王惊艳于它浓郁的花香和外观,把它命为国花。

2、Ferguson is a veteran among European club managers, and he was not at all surprised to see Forlán’s class at this World Cup. 在所有欧洲足球俱乐部经理中,弗格森的经验格外丰富,因此,对本届世界杯中弗兰的惊艳表现,他一点儿都不会感到吃惊。

3、I think Armand Traore can be a big surprise because he has improved a lot; 我认为阿尔蒙德·特拉奥雷一定会让人惊艳不已,因为他已经提高了一大块;

4、"to my surprise"短语,“我惊呆了”; Surprising“令人惊喜的",Surprised"感到惊喜的""I'm surprised for your pretty look";

5、The amazing Sprite generator allows you to send a zip file containing your images. 令人惊艳的Sprite generator让你可以发送一个含有图像的zip压缩文件。

6、Waterproof formula is not easy to open and fall off halo, a day to keep the magic of The eyes of stunning and moving. 防水配方,不易晕开和脱落,一整日保持惊艳动人的魔力双眸。

7、She is amazingly beautiful in that red dress. 她穿着那件红色洋装时,美得今人惊艳。

8、"Color woman, unexpectatively you primp foppery and have some to look a head. "Heart in stunning, inside but Be not ambitioning to admit. “色女,想不到你打扮打扮,还有点看头。”心中惊艳,口里却不肯承认。

9、The design, called "Project Utopia", was unveiled to stunned onlookers at the glitzy Monaco Yacht Show. 这一名叫“乌托邦计划”的设计在炫目的摩纳哥快艇展上惊艳全场。

10、One can hear music playing in the cave. It is amazing when you see it live! 人们可以在洞里听到有音乐演奏。如果你能亲眼看到,那将是多么惊艳的一刻!

11、I have seen Yoyo's style of calligraphy and it is quick and expressive in its formation and execution. 我看过祐中的书法,他的字体笔顺不仅快而且令人惊艳。

12、The most breathtaking sight is Heavenly Lake (pictured above), which takes the interesting shape of a lotus leaf. 最惊艳的风景是天池(上图),其呈现出一个有趣的荷叶形。

13、The guys and gals holding poses often have dramatic looks and body types. 男女模特常常有惊艳的外表和身材。

14、But you don’t have to be a size six to look stunning in a bathing suit. 但你不必非要纤细苗条,才能在穿上泳衣之后令人惊艳。

15、Who else could pull off this stunning ensemble? 还有谁能脱掉这套惊艳的礼服?

16、She paired the look with jewels around her neck, dark shades and awesome tangerine lipstick. 为配合这身行头,嘎嘎戴上了珠宝项链,涂上了深色眼影并搽上了惊艳的橘色口红。

17、The flowers look back, amazing? The elegant like water, in the meeting, to whom? The life of the phase. 花丛的回眸,惊艳了谁?那清雅如水,月下的相遇,携手了谁?那一生的相许。

18、Their faces, as described in Twilight, "were all 32)devastatingly, inhumanly beautiful." 正如《暮色》里所描述的,“他们的面孔都超乎凡人般地惊艳。

19、Powerful, modern and geometric. This stunning bangle lends a hint of rock to any outfit. 这款令人惊艳的手镯,集澎湃力量、摩登格调与几何风格于一身。

20、Black tea is bracing, strong, and tastes wonderful with a little honey and milk. 红茶茶味很足,搭配一点牛奶和蜂蜜更是惊艳。

21、It's on top of Mt. Hiei-zan and offers hiking opportunities and stunning views of all of Kyoto. 延历寺座落在比叡山山顶,人们能在里面健行,可以看到全京都令人惊艳的美景。

22、Ndesandjo is tall and slim, with close-cropped hair that gives him a strong resemblance to his brother. 德赛乔高高瘦瘦的,短短的头发使他与他的哥哥惊人的相似。

23、The simplicity of Rachel Weisz's dress contrasted with her daring choice of colour, leaving ody red-faced. 蕾切尔·兹挑选的这条样式简洁但颜色大胆的长裙艳惊四座。

24、"I've had a couple of those moments in my short career so far, " Hayes said. 迄今为止我短短的职业生涯里已经有好几次这样的惊情时刻了。

25、With the information disclosed, I do not feel so scared. 张艳说:“信息发布以后,我就不再感觉惊慌了。


26、However, they share the view that Ci has the artistic qualities of sincerity penetrated through lush words, combination of refined and gorgeous tastes, and sentiment among the lush words, etc. 不过,他们围绕“艳”字,共同探索了艳词的情深语艳、雅艳相资及绮怨顽艳等艺术性。

27、In fact, I feel like this degrades the PSP, which I think is an amazing device. 事实上,我觉得这种设计策略让这款原本在我心目中惊艳的掌机的地位降低了。

28、As a performer, Mr. Curtis drew on his startlingly good looks. 作为表演者,柯蒂斯惊艳的英俊外貌可谓得天独厚。

29、People were surprised an Asian girl could produce such authentic R&B tunes. 人们都惊艳于一个亚裔女孩竟然可以表现出如此纯正的R&B唱腔。

30、Amazing camera work in this video. 这段视频简直是令人惊艳的摄像作品。

31、两年前在朋友家喝到1982 Gaja Barabresco Sori San Lorenzo,非常惊艳,至今念念不忘。

32、Please pretend that it is the first time that we meet for me. 就当是第一次见吧!

33、Now a new bus design has been unveiled and it has been wowing Londoners. 如今,一款新型双层巴士的设计惊艳亮相,赢得了伦敦人的盛赞。

34、It was worth it to get such amazing photos though. 即使这样,我还是觉得拍摄这张惊艳的照片是值得的。

35、This amazing flower truly has the shape of a bird and this detail is what makes it special. 这种令人惊艳的花形状很像天堂鸟,正是这一点让它很特别。

36、With colorful lights and thundering cheers, brilliant performances on stage stunned the audience. 流光溢彩,人声鼎沸,舞台上精彩纷呈的演出惊艳了全场观众。

37、These black kicks use snakeskin and touches of bright green for a very hot looking s . 这些黑色使用蛇皮,加上明亮的绿色让这款鞋很是惊艳。

38、An opportunity for a romance may arise which is likely to be exciting, though short-lived. 很有可能是个激动人心的艳遇,尽管它很短暂。

39、It is as amazing colorful & beautiful as Tanzania flora is booming freely in the heaven! 它如同坦桑尼亚的醉花,惊艳美丽的在天空中自由绽放!

40、"FU-GUI Tea Cup Set", an amazing meeting, an eternal collection. 让人惊艳的相遇,永恒的收藏。

41、A woman sells skintight spandex miniskirts and gaudy, patterned blouses from behind a flowery curtain in her ramshackle apartment. 一个女人从她破败的仿佛要塌掉的公寓花朵图案帘子后兜售紧身弹力超短裙和粗俗艳丽的带图案短衫。

42、Recently, thin effective Xiang wearing a pink dress appeared a shopping channel, and won acclaim. 日前,瘦身颇有成效的李湘一袭粉红色裙装亮相某购物频道,赢得一片惊艳。

43、While the effects are quite stunning, these images are actually very easy for anyone to produce. 尽管效果十分惊艳,这些图片对每个人来说制作起来却实在很容易。

44、The Duchess of Cornwall arrived in shocking pink for the Ambassador's Reception at Buckingham Palace in November 2005. 在白金汉宫宴请外国大使的招待会上,卡米拉一身粉色套裙真的是艳惊四座。

45、And they were all nestled snugly beneath the breathtakingly flounced skirt of Big Red. 它们都安稳地陈列在那件令人惊艳的大红色荷叶边裙的。

46、It was a wonderful brace, sealed with two incredible left-footed strikes, the second a real picture post card. 漂亮的梅开二度,两次都是令人瞠目的左脚射门,而第二粒进球可以谓之惊艳。

47、In periods of lower anxiety they wear brighter colors and patterns, higher necklines and short skirts. 低焦虑时期中,她们则穿得更艳丽花哨,以及高领口和短裙子。

48、Look up at the stars,not down at your feet 眺望星河,勿念疾痛

49、This kind of love poems smelt gaudy and amorous with chiseled and carved words, which were not only influenced by folk culture but also had close relations with his officials career. 这类艳情乐府诗题材艳冶,词句雕琢,其形成既受民间文化吴声西曲的影响,又与他的仕宦生涯有密切关系。

50、Spring rains in March, south of the peach blossom is busy most pleasant surprise Yan Mei. 春雨绵绵的三月,江南的桃花正在忙碌的惊喜中绽放艳美。


51、But opening my eyes cautiously, I saw her thick waist wrapped in a gaudy suit, the age that had settled on her figure, the unnatural ahjooma curls of her short hair. 但当我惊奇地张开双眼,却看到她那裹在艳俗的外套里臃肿的腰,看到了岁月在她的体形上烙下的痕迹,看到了她短发上不自然的粗糙卷曲。

52、"We think we are going to be in a period for the next couple of years of decent but not tremendous economic growth," Rieder said. 我们认为,未来几年的经济增长将不错,但不会令人惊艳.

53、And these phones will be leapfrogged in 12-18 months with something even more amazing. 在12-18个月内这些手机就会发生突飞猛进的改进,带来更令人惊艳的功能。

54、Just approach it with a positive attitude and a willingness to experiment and you'll amaze yourself at what you can produce. 只要你怀着积极乐观的态度和一颗敢于试验的心,你将被自己做的菜惊艳。

55、The Olympic Champions to be? Or just some lovely Frenchwomen wearing stunning T-shirts? 未来的奥运冠军?或者是几个穿着惊艳T恤的可爱的法国女人?

56、I think the risks are worth it to take such amazing pictures. 我觉得为了拍出这些惊艳的照片,所有的冒险都是值得的。

57、Many outsiders are put off by its complicated laws, unintelligible terms (any idea what a googly or a grubber is?), and mind-boggling statistics . 不少外人因为他繁杂的规定,难懂的短语和令人惊艳不解的数字而感到扫兴。

58、Others like to fill their homes with pretty blooms, or surprise that special someone with a bouquet. 另外一些人喜欢在家中摆放开得正艳的鲜花,或用一束鲜花给特别的人带来惊喜。

59、They also attempt to compete with other males by poaching mates for brief affairs. 他们也试图通过“狩猎”艳遇伴侣来和其他男性一较短长。

60、Her beauty is fleeting, but unlike Epiphyllum that flash dies, you could see her. 她的美艳是短暂的,但又不像昙花那样转瞬而逝,让你来不及看清她。

61、(介词短语) He seemed surprised at the new.他对这消息似乎感到吃惊。

62、We are all in the gutter but some of us are looking at the stars. 我们都生活在阴沟里,但仍有人仰望星空。

63、Clouds want to cover the fabulous sun. 云朵想要遮蔽那轮惊艳的太阳。

64、I must say I was pleasantly surprised! 我必须说我被露华浓给惊艳到了!

65、According to 2010 only just 4 hours. Chen Yanqing here, wish you all a Happy New Year. 据2010年只剩下短短4个小时。陈艳卿在这里祝愿大家新年快乐。

66、I am Beatriz Recari and I wanted to congratulate you and thank you for putting up together this amazing tournament. 我是碧翠丝‧理卡里,我想恭喜您并谢谢您举办这场另人惊艳的比赛。

67、November 11 Tang Club Chivas Baby stunning appearance How can a real heroic knights be quietly? 11月11日唐会迷城俱乐部芝华士宝贝惊艳现身英勇的骑士怎能不动声色?

68、The effect is equal parts hilarious and shocking. 短暂欢闹和震惊的效果是相等的。

69、However, the short-lived and that people often envy of the one-meter glory. 但是,短暂的往往是那让人艳羡的一米辉煌。

70、They say that I dont belong 他们说我格格不入

71、The beautiful planet was rebirthed into a planet of heavenly light, wonderful and amazing to behold. 这个美丽的星球重生成为一个有着天光的星球,奇妙,惊艳。

72、I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to distinguish between the two cuts, but the ichibo surprised me. 我不确定是否能分辨出这两种不同的切法,但这部分臀肉确实让我惊艳了。

73、We are amazed at how fast these went ourselves. 我们惊讶地发现在这麽短的时间卖完。

74、The actor, till today, is still remembered for his amazing role as the blood-ing vampire… 直到今日,这位影人凭所扮演的嗜血吸血鬼的惊艳形象,仍给人留下深刻印象。

75、It was love at first sip. "It has an astounding delicacy and complexity, " said Mancio. 曼西欧说,第一口就爱上了,「清酒有令人 惊 艳的美味和多样口感。」

英文句子模板76:Amazing short sentences

76、They are covered in clear crystal pavé and reflect the light in magical ways. 密镶透明水晶,反射着另人惊艳的光芒。

77、It's also ageing, leaving her looking more like Coronation Street's Bet Lynch than a blonde bombshell. 随着年龄渐长,她这身服装也使得她比加冕街的贝特林奇看起来更“惊艳”。

78、Like tasting the local cuisine, chatting to the local people or hiking/climbing towards breathtaking views. 像是品尝当地的美食,和当地人聊天或朝着惊艳的风景远足/攀岩。

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