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节约用水英语句子 20个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-14 15:46:55
  • 133

节约用水英语句子 20个

1. Turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth.(刷牙时关掉水龙头。)

2. Fix any leaks in your pipes or faucets.(修理漏水的管道或水龙头。)

3. Take shorter showers.(缩短淋浴时间。)

4. Use a broom or leaf blower instead of a hose to clean outdoor areas.(用扫帚或风扇清洁户外区域。)

5. Don't overwater your plants.(不要浇太多水给植物。)

6. Use a bucket instead of a hose to wash your car.(用桶而不是水管洗车。)

7. Don't let the water run while washing dishes.(洗碗时不要一直让水流着。)

8. Use a pool cover to reduce evaporation.(使用游泳池罩减少蒸发。)

9. Install water-efficient faucets and showerheads.(安装节水型水龙头和淋浴头。)

10. Use a watering can instead of a hose to water your garden.(用水壶而不是水管浇水给花园。)

11. Only run the dishwasher when it is full.(只有洗碗机满了才运行。)

12. Use a high-efficiency washing machine.(使用高效洗衣机。)

13. Collect rainwater to use for watering plants.(收集雨水浇灌植物。)

14. Use a compost bin to reduce the amount of water needed for gardening.(使用堆肥坑减少需要浇水的植物。)

15. Don't let the water run while washing your hands.(洗手时不要让水一直流着。)

16. Use a low-flow toilet.(使用低流量厕所。)

17. Only wash full loads of laundry.(只有衣服洗满了才洗。)

18. Use a drip irrigation system for your garden.(为您的花园使用滴灌系统。)

19. Turn off the sprinklers on rainy days.(在雨天关闭洒水器。)

20. Use recycled water for non-drinking purposes such as flushing the toilet or watering plants.(对于非饮用用途,如冲厕所或浇水的用途,使用回收水资源。)

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