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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-01 16:38:32
  • 79


关于”收拾的词组“的英语句子25个,句子主体:Tidy up your phrases。以下是关于收拾的词组的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Tidy up your phrases

1、From the perspective of being identical or similar in meaning, there are three theories about synonyms: the mixing theory , the near-synonym theory and the differentiation theory . 我们认为 ,同义词是某种词汇系统中词汇意义相同的一组词 ,近义词是某种词汇系统中词汇意义相近的一组词。

2、The first kind is made up of the first letters of other words. These are called acronyms. 第一种是由单词的首字母组合而成,被称为首字母组合词。

3、You can also teach it new words and phrases. 你也同样可以教会其识别新的单词和词组。

4、The present thesis studies the syntax of quantifiers in the framework of DP Analysis and the Phase Theory. 本文在生成语法限定词词组假设理论和语段理论框架下,对量词的句法进行分析研究。

5、See so many red envelopes, he was excited look at是由动词look 与介词at组成的词组,相当于及物动词,后面可以带宾语,侧重"看"的动作。

6、Phrases using participles can act as adjectives and must be attached to the correct noun or oun. 词组使用分词作为形容词,并且必须附有正确名词或代词。

7、Morpheme is the smallest meaning-bearing unit of language. 词素是单词的最小的有意义的组成部分。

8、Synonym set (synset): A collection of synonyms -- concepts that roughly share meaning. 同义词组(synset):一组同义词 —— 含义基本相同的概念。

9、The supernormal combination of the words is a variation in morphology. 词语的超常规组合是语词层面的变异现象;

10、Most contemporary models of spoken word recognition argue for the activation of a set of word candidates upon the input of word fragments and a subsequent process of lexical competition. 当代口语语词辨识理论多主张语词的片段可以活化一组候选词,之后并引发了词汇竞争的过程。

11、近义词或词组 Chinese New Year | the Spring Festival |

12、The noun of locality is preceded by a modifier. The modifier can be a noun, oun, verb, or phrase. 前面是修饰后面的方位词的。方位词组的前部分可以是名词,代词,动词或词组。

13、Firstly, it delimits the object of the study, distinguishes between numeral adjective interrogatory oun and numeral phrase and concludes that numeral is a type of closed word class. 首先,在理论上明确了研究对象,对数词与助词、形容词、疑问代词、数词词组作了区别,得出了数词是一个封闭的词类的结论。

14、Each group consists of 30 Chinese-English word pairs. All four groups are matched in word frequency and word length. 每组共30个汉英词对,各组在词频和词长上相互匹配。

15、Organize all the information you have gathered according to your outline. 根据你的大纲组织整理你收集到的所有信息。

16、Antonymous compound word is the compound word which comes from antonymous phrase. Its structure includes the external structure and the internal structure. 反义复词是由成对单音反义词组合词化后产生了新义的复合词。

17、Since the parallel studies between clauses and nominal phrases have been noticed in the latest development of generative grammar, the phase theory is adopted in nominal phrases. 在生成语法近来的理论发展中,由于人们已经认识到了分句与名词词组的平行关系,语段理论也应用到名词词组的研究。

18、A prepositional phrase is one where a preposition carries an object. 介词结构(也叫介宾词组)是由介词带着宾语构成。

19、In modern Chinese, numeral can connect with measure word and with noun as well. 汉语中,数词既可与量词组合,又可与名词组合。

20、i always go shopping on weekend.(这里的go shopping是一个词组,固定词组)

21、Look for obscure word lists, sign up for word-a-day emails and never hesitate to look up a definition if you encounter an unfamiliar word. 寻找含糊的单词组,收发“每天一单词”的邮件,或当你发现不熟悉的单词时毫不犹豫地查出定义。

22、Computers have generated lots of new words and phrases. 有很多由电脑衍生出来的新词和词组。

23、The most frequently-used prepositions were also picked out after statistical work. 本文还将通过对介词词频的统计,整理出常用介词。

24、We?ve compiled thi dictionary to hel organize all that data for you. 我们编撰本词典的目的就是为你组织整理所有这些数据。

25、The lyric thinking of Chen Zi-long is the very important part of the lyric study critics and theory in Ming and Qing dynasty. 陈子龙的词学思想是明清时期词学批评、词学理论的重要组成部分。


26、Understand the dialogue in "Read and write", then fill in the blanks. 理解字母组合的发音规则,读出相关的单词。

27、This study aims to explore whether there is any relationship between the use of vocabulary learning strategies (VLS) and L2 mental lexicon. 影响心理词汇组织结构的因素有词频、学习者的语言水平以及对具体每一个单词的熟悉程度。

28、Add an adverb or adverb phrase, or prepositional phrase. 添加个副词或副词词组或介词词组。

29、初一英语词组汇编 unit 坐下 sit down 祝你早安 good morning to you. 欢迎到…

30、The words of time in the book A Dream in Red Mansions (the first 80 charpters) can be integrated with the time words, numeral, adverb, oun, preposition, direction words etc. 《红楼梦》时间词可以和时间词、数词、副词、代词、介词、方位词等组合;

31、Coordinative words in Chinese has three subtypes, and different morpheme composition in different subtypes take different time for vocabulary recognition while consulting psychological dictionaries. 汉语中的并列式合成词具有三类型,而这三类型内部不同的词素组合在心理词典中则需要不同的词汇识别时间。

32、The word topped the 2007 "Most Useful" category, one of numerous subgroups the society choses. 该词在2007年“最有用的”词汇组群中名列榜首,这是该组织选择出的许多词汇组群中的一个。

33、The word length effect is the finding that the serial recall of lists of long words is worse than the recall of lists of short words. 本研究中的词长效应是由一组长词组成的词表比短词组成的词表的序列位置回忆成绩更差的现象。

34、Significant differences of the RT were found between the students with learning disabilities and high-achiever in affective words categorizing task; 3. 学业不良组与学业优异组被试对学业相关词以及情绪词的三种不同词性词语判断的反应时均存在显著差异;

35、Thanks a lot for sharing these important words and phrases. 的意思应是:“很多感谢分享这些重要词和词组。

36、You did it, and everyone knows it. own up 动词词组,坦白,爽快承认。

37、The word enthusiasm comes from two Greek words. “热情”这个词由希腊的两个词语组合而成。

38、Listen and choose the words or expressions you hear. 请选出每题里你所听到的词或词组。

39、As part of the Song Ci as a whole, imperial clan Ci has its own value and significance. 作为整个宋词词坛的组成部分,宗室词有其自身的价值和意义。

40、Most of technical terms in computer English are formed by giving new meaning to common words, creating new lexis and adopting technical phrases including many initialisms and clipped words. 计算机英语的专业术语主要通过旧词新义、新创词、缩略词等途径组成,同时采用了较多的专业词组。

41、S. Read the words together, in groups, in rows. 学生认读词组,齐读、分组认读。

42、Inverse morphemes words are double syllable multiple words ("SMDO" word), which are consisted of the same morphemes with inversed sequence. 所谓同素逆序词,指的是双音节复合词中构词词素相同且词素序位互逆的一组词。

43、Four phrasal categories are commonly recognized and discussed, namely, noun phrase (NP), verb phrase (VP), prepositional phrase (PP), and adjective phrase (AP). 通常讨论的词组类型有四种,分别是:名词词组,动词词组,介词词组和形容词词组。

44、If you are speaking with someone and don't understand a word or phrase they used, ask them about the word. 如果你跟某人说话,你不明白他所说的某个词或者词组,你得向他问清这个词。

45、Put away the parts now. We can continue assembling them in the afternoon. 你把这些散件先收拾起来,咱们下午再接着组装。

46、Elementary Level ( 120 lessons ), these lessons cover 800 new words, phrases and 80 grammar points. 初级共120个课时,共分三册,收生词和词组800多个,语法点80多条。

47、The language unit below word is morpheme and that above word is phrase. 第三种定义是,“词是介于词素和词组之间的语法单位。”

48、The chapter four investigate the other two groups, and research the replacement the words of three terms in group. 散论部分,考释了其他两组名物词,探讨了三组词语的更替。

49、As with solitary appositives, appositive phrases are placed near the noun or oun they describe. 同位词组放置在他们所描述的名词或代名词附近。

50、Duly authorized to sign the Bid for , and on behalf of________ 从这个词组的意思:duly accredited agent正式委派的人


51、Thee rule is that you pluralise the "head" of the term. 名词词组复数变化的规则就是:变变“重点词”。

52、An RDF triple has three components: a subject, a predicate (or verb), and object. RDF 三元组具有三个组件:主题、谓词(或动词)和目标。

53、She walked slowly because she had a pain in her leg. 是一个介词词组,后面要跟名词结构,对比:她走的很慢,因为腿疼。

54、let me call the roll. 点名(固定词组)

55、One group sings the purple words. The other group sings the green words. 一个小组唱紫色的歌词,另一个小组唱绿色的歌词。

56、Look at the picture and fill in the blanks with the right words. 看图填空,把写的英文词组写完整。

57、Chambers is not, however, accepting new subscribers to the full shebang – 170, 000 words and phrases and 270, 000 definitions. 但是,钱伯斯对于完整版本不接受新订阅者(完整的包括170000个单词词组以及270000个定义)。

58、The linguistic object is not defined by the combination of the written word and the spoken word:the spoken form alone constitutes the object. 语言学对象并非由书写的词和口说的词共同组成;而是由口说的词单独组成。

59、Let's assume that proportions of full np to ominal subjects stays constant throughout development. 假设在他语言发展期间,完整名词词组到代名词当主语的比例维持不变。

60、Each week I went through half-remembered phrases, getting bogged down in the intricate grammar and impossible inflections . 每周我都复习那些记不大清的词组,艰难地整理复杂的语法和纷繁的屈折。

61、PyWordNet is organized into dictionaries, one for each of the four parts of speech WordNet 2.0 covers -- noun, verb, adjective, and adverb. PyWordNet 被组织成 4 个词典,分别对应言语 WordNet 2.0 的 4 个部分 —— 名词、动词、形容词和副词。

62、New words can be created by attaching affixes onto a root word ( affixation ), formation of a compound word (composition), or repetition of words or portions of words (reduplication). 新词产生,可用加词缀于词根、组成复合词、或叠加整个词或部份词。

63、If the teams do not synchronize integrations, each team must have its own prefix for its iteration names. 如果小组并未同步处理整合作业,则每一个小组必须有自己专属的反覆项目名称前置词。

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