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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-29 14:19:46
  • 177


关于”丧的句子“的英语句子41个,句子主体:Mourning sentence。以下是关于丧的句子的四年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Mourning sentence

1、Lincoln said he understood the man's sorrow. 林肯坦言,他理解老人的丧子之痛。

2、Also in 2005 at a time when the daughters are gone, life goes stresses the most painful two things, the middle-aged wife, older son died. 又在二零零五年的时候大女儿也走了,俗话讲人生最痛苦的两件事是,中年丧妻,老年丧子。

3、The man, frustrated, walked away. 于是,那名男子失望沮丧的转身离开了。

4、thousand year contribution a dynasty funeral 不知道对不对啊!

5、That kind of post is a death knell for a blog. 这样的帖子就像给博客敲丧钟。

6、The bad news of my wife's accident really brought me down. 我妻子出事故的坏消息真使我感到沮丧。

7、In the first eode of Season One, when he has to pull the trigger on a legless zombie, he says "I'm sorry". 在第一季的第一集中,当准备对一个无腿的丧尸扣动扳机时,他说了句“对不起”。

8、I’ve been(feeling) a bit down in the dumps lately.我最近的心情有点低落。

9、Kids praised for their smarts, on the other hand, were easily discouraged. 另外一边,被表扬聪明的孩子,非常容易就垂头丧气了。

10、I'm so frustrated with my 14-year-old son, I am about to explode. 我14岁的儿子让我感觉很沮丧,他快把我给气炸了。

11、Weeks after Michael's funeral, Kathy was still struggling to make it through each day. 迈克尔的丧礼几周后,凯西每天仍在丧子之痛中挣扎着。

12、I'm so frustrated that no girls wrote to me. 没有一个女孩子给我写过信,我真是沮丧极了。

13、Soon after their loss the bereaved had an average heart rate of 75 beats per minute, five beats more than the controls. 刚经历丧偶或丧子之痛的实验组成员心率为75次/分,比对照组成员高出5次/分;

14、The flower in many cultures is used for weddings , funerals and births. 花,在许多中文化中,被用来装饰结婚、丧礼和孩子的新生。

15、我妻子出事故的坏消息真使我感到沮丧。The bad news of my wife's accident really brought me down.

16、To deprive of virility or spirit; emasculate. 使无男子气使丧失精力或精神;

17、When the Master was critically ill, Zi-lu made some disciples serve as his house officers. 孔子患了重病,子路让学生们临时充当治丧家臣,预备后事。

18、On September 11th 2001 al-Qaeda killed nearly 3,000 people. 2001年9月 11日,将近3000人丧生于基地分子之手。

19、In those days, he whips much younger faces, full of energy, the wife of depression disappeared. 那段日子,他一下子年轻了许多,满面红光,精神抖擞,丧妻的抑郁一扫而光。

20、According to the status of decedent, it could be divided into emperor funeral, queen funeral, imperial clan funeral, minister funeral and the funerals of emperor or queen in other countries. 丧礼辍朝就去世之人的身份可以分为大行丧礼、皇后丧礼、宗室丧礼、大臣丧礼及别国帝王太后丧礼等。

21、People say parents of a dead son depend on an informal network of friends or family, or even a well-connected fixer, to locate a family that has recently lost a single daughter. 据了解,丧子父母通过自己的亲戚、朋友,甚至固定的联系人,来寻找最近丧失单身女儿的家庭。

22、The cook, he makes his knife so sharp To stab it then into my heart. 那厨子正把他的刀磨亮,就要把我的命儿丧。

23、Who'll be the chief mourner? I, said the Dove. 谁来充当丧主? 我,鸽子说。

24、Losing a child is most people's worst nightmare. 对于大多数人来说,丧子之痛是最可怕的梦魇。

25、These news depressed her; The bad state of her child's health demoralizes her. 这些消息使她沮丧;她的孩子的健康的情形使她沮丧。


26、Poplar leaves is not reversed pendulum, and I never dejected life. 白杨树没有倒垂的叶片,我也从没有垂头丧气的日子。

27、"In the group of kids I taught two weeks ago," Randa explains, "one had a brother who was missing, another lost a cousin, and another had a relative who died in Qaddafi's shelling. Randa解释道,“我两周前开始教这组孩子,一个孩子的哥哥失踪了,一个孩子的表兄丧生了,还有一个孩子的亲戚在卡扎非的炮轰下丧生了。”

28、On waking, he was dismayed to discover that monkeys had taken all his hats to the treetop. 等他醒来后,他沮丧地发现猴子们把他所有的帽子都拿到了树梢。

29、They were dismayed to find that the house had been washed away. 他们发现房子被水冲走了感到沮丧。

30、For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost. 人子来为要拯救失丧的人

31、The ceremonies are a reflection of a tendency of carnival in the funerals of Tujia Nationality. 跳丧、绕棺、坐丧、闹丧等丧葬仪式均反映了土家族丧葬的狂欢化倾向。

32、He looked so dispirited I took pity on him. 他那十分沮丧的样子令我产生了怜悯。

33、A 46-year-old man was killed, police said. 警方称,一名46岁男子在暴风雨中丧生。

34、Since then Cui drawbars black-and anti-from the Bureau of coordinated operations and fighting the Guizi afraid. 此后黑翠拉杆子起局与抗联协同作战,打的鬼子闻风丧胆。

35、The parents' funeral namely ugg boots tallest funeral instrument, is also mow the funeral of Shuai. 父母之丧是最高丧仪,也就是斩衰之丧。

36、Jo groaned and leaned both elbows on the table in a despondent attitude. 裘哼哼着,把双肘靠在桌上,一副垂头丧气的样子。

37、The family home has been foreclosed. 她家的房子丧失了抵押赎回权。

38、The main state on "self in Chuang-Tzu's theory is "I Lose Myself. 庄子关于自我问题的核心表述是“吾丧我”。

39、I've been feeling a bit down this week.这周我有点情绪低落。

40、Fathers, provoke not your children to indignation, lest they be discouraged. 作父母的,不要激怒你们的子女,免得他们灰心丧志。

41、The children pulled a long face. 孩子们一个个都哭丧着脸。

42、To our dismay, we were ushered into a small room. 让我们沮丧的是我们被推闪进了一个小房子。

43、The patient looked gloomy. "Coconuts, " he said. 病人神情沮丧。“ 椰子,”他说道。

44、The mother of the child who lost a cousin called Randa and asked her to give the kids time in class to talk and write about their lost loved ones, which they did. 那个表兄丧生的孩子的母亲让Randa在课上给孩子们时间,用来谈谈或者写写他们的丧生的亲人们。

45、Mt. 18:11 For the Son of Man has come to save that which is lost. 太十八11 因为人子来,是要拯救失丧的人。

46、Zi Gong was proficient in convenance , which was the reason why Confucius sent him to there. 子贡是精于礼仪的,这也是孔子派他来协助处理丧事的原因。

47、I could tell from his hangdog look that things had gone badly.我从他难过的表情中看出情况很不好。

48、不要丧气,你会有更好的太阳 Don't lose heart, you will have a better sun

49、Jo groaned and leaned both elbows on the table in a despondent atttitude. 裘哼哼着,把双肘靠在桌上,一副垂头丧气的样子。

50、With the departure of Wei Zheng, I have lost one of my most precious mirrors! 魏征一走,我丧失最宝贵的一面镜子了!


51、Still, Father Mabeuf had not entirely lost his childlike serenity. 可是马白夫公公没有全部丧失他那种富于孩子气的宁静。

52、Losing her father and son was such a grave hurt that she was deeply stricken. 丧父失子对她的打击沉重,真是创巨痛深。

53、What is frustrating about this, says Dr Kristensson, is that more often than not the correct strings of words were recognised, but rejected by the speech-recognition program on statistical grounds. 据Kristensson所言,使人沮丧的是,许多被认为并不具备正确结构的句子被语言识别程序以具备充足证据为由拒绝。

54、Lk. 8:24 And they came to Him and woke Him, saying, Master, Master, we are perishing! 路八24门徒进前 来,叫醒了 他,说,夫子,夫子,我们丧命啦!

55、These are the times I'm sad Fire Joe Morgan doesn't write about golf. 弗尔·乔·摩根没报道高尔夫的这些日子,我感到很沮丧。

56、Do the frustrations and annoyances make you feel frustrated and annoyed? There's nothing that says they have to. 那些令人懊丧和使人烦恼的事让人沮丧和烦恼吗?没人说过因为遇到懊丧和烦恼的事就一定要沮丧和烦恼。

57、And then I see it on Valleywag an hour later, which is, of course, very frustrating for me. (一小时之后我在Valleywag (著名科技博客)上又再一次看到了这句话,当然啦,这让我十分沮丧。

58、I feel shame for myself, ashamed, my days off were white, and spend every day in frustration. 非常的沮丧,白活了我。然后,我的日子- 是在沮丧中度过的。

59、She said parents with dead daughters , like those with dead sons , were also carrying out an obligation to their child. 她说,冥婚源于对死亡的恐惧和神秘感,而那些丧女的家庭,其实和丧子家庭一样,也是在给子女尽责。

60、On that day, Confucius would weep and do not sing. 孔子在这天为吊丧哀哭过,就不唱歌。

61、The pain of losing her Son was like a sharp and merciless sword piercing Mary's soul. 丧子之痛,像是无情的利刃刺透了马利亚的心。

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