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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-29 08:37:24
  • 146


关于”春节的句子“的英语句子21个,句子主体:Spring Festival sentences。以下是关于春节的句子的高考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Spring Festival sentences

1、Spring Festival in February 2008, led the students to partite in Pnix Satellite TV, "Qiang Qiang" program. 2008年2月春节率领学员参加凤凰卫视《锵锵三人行》节目。

2、After the dinner,we watch the Spring Festival party on television. 晚饭后,我们在电视上看春节联欢晚会.

3、During the Spring Festival, people say "Happy New Year! " to each other and kids get lots of gift money from their parents and grandparents. 在春节,人们互相拜年,孩子们收到很多爸爸妈妈、爷爷奶奶给的压岁钱。

4、In spring, the cherry trees along the banks would blossom, and I'd put my son on the back of my bike and we'd go off to watch the Giants' Triple A team in spring training. 春暖季节,沿岸的樱桃树会盛花怒放,而我也常在单车后座载了儿子,一起兴致勃勃地观看巨人“3A”级棒球队的春季集训。

5、Love is so much valued because it is the beautiful flower of youth, the golden time of one's life. 青春在人的一生中是最黄金的时节,爱情是青春的花朵,人们把这朵花看得尤为重要。

6、It was new year once again. All the families in the village were busy preparing rice cakes to celebrate the new year. 新的一年即将到来。村子里家家户户都忙着准备米糕来庆祝祝新春佳节。

7、庆祝春节 observe Spring Festival 放鞭炮 set off fireworks 压岁钱Lucky money 走亲访友visit friends and relatives

8、It depicts the people to celebrate the Spring Festival grand festival scene. 描绘了我国欢度春节盛大的喜庆情景。

9、The first day of spring brought a massive sandstorm to China. 初春时节,中国出现了大范围的沙尘暴天气。

10、A man performs martial arts on the top of wooden totem poles during a show celebrating the Spring Festival at a park in Xiangfan, Hubei province, China. 中国湖北襄樊公园里举行的春节庆典上,一个人在木头柱子顶上表演武术。

11、Fuzhou, xiamen, fujian's low ink orchid every year before. 福建厦门福州的低价墨兰每年春节前一直热销。

12、When she visited my hometown during the Spring Festival ,she proudly told me that she is part of the "Green Angles Campaign"these days. 当她春节拜访我故乡的时候,她自豪地告诉我这些日子她是"绿色的天使活动"的成员.

13、I expect food inflation to subside by early spring. 我,今年早春时节,食品通胀就能消退。

14、Happy Spring Festival to all friends who visited ZHEJIANG row! 祝愿每一位来浙江排参观的朋友们春节快乐!

15、Ji, just to send you the essence of wishes, happy Spring Festival! 玑,只为传送给你最精髓的祝愿,春节快乐!

16、Following dinner, most families watch special holiday variety shows on television, which last well into New Year's Day. 除夕饭后,大多数家庭都要有一些春节特别节目,这些节目往往持续到新年的到来。

17、The busiest days in Chinatown is the Spring Festival. The festal atmosphere became stronger after New Year's day. 唐人街最热闹的时候是春节,元旦过后,节日的气氛便愈加浓烈起来。

18、Came back to take place a lot of matters Chinese New Year in this year, perhaps some matters missed all irretrievable during a lifetime. 今年春节回来发生了很多事,也许有些事错过了一辈子都无法挽回。

19、What do you intend to sent to your pen-friend this Spring Festival? 今年春节你打算给你的笔友寄点什么?

20、Many people eat noodles dumplings and so on, they hope to have good luck to make the life longer and healthier. 很多人在春节吃面条,饺子还有很多,他们希望能有好运,使生命更长远更健康。

21、When gingko blooms and erflies flutter over the lawn, let us sing the praises of the beauty of the season with our youth. 银杏花开的日子,蝴蝶飞满草坪,让我们用青春来吟读这个季节的魅力。

22、Hope! Wish ah, see the Spring Festival is coming soon, think about it, I couldn't help laughing, before the Spring Festival, people all beaming, all in high spirit. 盼啊!盼啊,眼看春节就快到了,想到这,我不由得笑了起来,在春节前,人们个个喜气洋洋,个个精神饱满。

23、It also explains the relationship between Chinese Spring Festival with agriculture. 从这一点上也说明了中国春节与农业的关系。

24、In order to welcome the Chinese traditional spring festival, on the night of Feb. 1 2010 Haisen Institution held a wonderful evening party at Xiangjiang Hotel, Fanyu, Guangzhou. 为庆祝中国的传统佳节---春节,2010年2月1日晚海森机构在广州番禺香江大酒店举办了别开生面的新春联欢晚会。

25、It even supplanted CCTV's Lunar New Year's Eve Gala-a heavily patriotic extraanza-as the year's most-watched show in the city. 此节目作为年度收视最高的节目秀,在上海甚至超过了CCTV春节联欢晚会——一个高度爱国主旋律节目的收视率。


26、Further up in Derry, in Northern Ireland, the celebration arrived early. 在北爱尔兰的德里,对春节的庆祝早先一步上演。

27、Please open the window,let the new year's wind blow your room and the snow flying in,my warming wish flutter to your heart! 请你打开窗,让新春的风吹进你的屋子,让新春的雪飞进你的屋子,让我新春的祝愿,飘进你的心坎。

28、For this year's Spring Festival, there will be a provincial gathering for entertainment. 今年春节将举办全省规模的游艺会。

29、A. Which program impresses you the most during the Spring Festival Evening Gala last night? 昨天春晚的哪个节目你印象最深刻?

30、New Delhi, India: Holi, the Festival of ColorsIndian girls throw gulal (colored powder) on each other during a Hindi holiday which marks the onset of spring. 印度,新德里:彩色胡里节。印度的女孩子投抛彩色的粉末到其他的人当北印度的节日,那记号是春天有力的开始。

31、The 2015 Spring Festival marked the coming of digital red packets on WeChat. 2015年春节时,微信迎来了数字红包。

32、In Ozu's Late Spring she wanted to remain a daughter, did not want to become a wife. 在小津的《晚春》中,原节子想继续作女儿,而不愿成为妻子。与父亲相守度日便已令人知足,不过最终却还是嫁与他人;

33、Fight to stay one drunk spring and could not stay in the spring, Lau Lian oblique half day, the strange title of the spring flying swallow it. 拚一醉留春,留春不住,醉里春归。西楼半廉斜日,怪衔春、燕子却飞来。

34、Garlic is soaked in vinegar for more than twenty days starting from Laba festival. Then when the Chinese New Year comes, the garlic and vinegar is used alongside jiaozi on the table. 从腊八节那天起,就将蒜泡在醋中二十多天,这样,到春节的时候,就可以在餐桌上与饺子同食了。

35、Jan 31, 2009. with parents in chinese new year. 2009年1月31日,春节大年初六,和父母在一起。

36、My hometown is a village in SongYuan which is not a big city . On the Spring Festival there are a lot of Custom to hold so the Spring Festival in my hometown is very busy. 我的家乡在松原市一个不太大的小镇上, 一到春节就有许多风俗盛行,因此春节在我的家乡是非常忙碌的。

37、Another new type of show is the shanzhai (copycat) Spring Festival Gala Show. 另一种新型节目是 “山寨春晚”的出现。

38、I will do many things to make the Spring Festival meaningful. 我要做很多事情,度过一个有意义的春节O(∩_∩)O~

39、Spring my father and i atea lot of things, put on weight. 我和爸爸春节吃了很多东西,长胖了。

40、The first interpretation has the practice of pasting "fu" during Spring Festival originate in Jiang Ziya of the Zhou Dynasty (11th Century-256 B. C. ). 第一种关于春节贴“福”字的习俗跟周朝(公元前11世纪-前256年)的姜子牙有关。

41、We ought to cherish more the emotional essence of the Spring Festival: its charm lies in the close kinship kindled by the family reunion rather than the feasting. 在剥却了吃喝等内容之外,我们更该珍视春节另一层的情感意蕴,即春节魅力的核心——阖家团圆所召唤出的那份浓浓亲情。

42、Narcissus tazetta, an emblem of purity and luck, is a traditional household decoration during Spring Festival. 水仙花是纯洁与吉祥的象征,是中国人传统佳节——春节装饰家居的传统花卉。

43、After dinner, we watched a Spring Festival gala, very good, let us feel very interesting. 饭后,我们一家收看了春节联欢晚会,节目非常的棒,让我们感到非常的有趣。

44、It's really a shame we can't be together at that moment。我们不能在一起过春节真是太遗憾了。

45、Spring flowering of Hippeastrum, but also through a special temperature treatment. 春节开花的朱顶红,也是经过特殊温度处理。

46、For his first Chinese New Year semester break, my6-year-old son was given 42 pages of math and 42 pages of Chinesehomework to complete in four weeks. 我6岁儿子在春节放假的四周内要做42页的数学题和42页的语文题。

47、Spring Festival----fried tower-like cakes, is regarded as a gift for its good look. 春节——糕坨塔糕因为好看所以送礼的。

48、Season may change, winter to sping, I'll love you till the end. 季节更替,冬去春来,我会爱你到底。

49、Please open the window, let the new years wind blow your room and the snow flying in, my warming wish flutter to your heart! 请你打开窗,让新春的风吹进你的屋子,让新春的雪飞进你的屋子,让我新春的祝愿,飘进你的心坎。

50、Wish you special joy at the Spring Festival and all year.祝您在春节和新的一年中享有无限的快乐!


51、Wish you a happy holiday, your career greater success and your family happiness. 祝你春节愉快,事业有成,家庭幸福。

52、o’ clock, almost every family watch the festival gettogether. 八点整的时候,几乎所有的家庭会观看春节联欢晚会。

53、Babies that have missed Chinese Spring Festival Fair look over here! 春节里没有出去逛庙会的宝宝们看过来!

54、In the spring days like this, we focus on each outstanding detail of Yapolo, and expect it to be more prosperous! 在这样春意融融的日子里,我们关注着雅宝路上每一个美好的细节,期待着雅宝路更加繁荣!

55、Spring Festival is the most glorious day for Chinese. There are a great number of legends about Spring Festival in the folk. 春节是中华民族最为盛大的综合性民间节日,民间关于“年节”的传说尤为丰富。

56、Wish you a happy holiday, your career greater success and your family happiness. 祝你春节愉快,事业有成,家庭幸福。

57、A series of activities such as lion dancing, dragon lantern dancing, lantern festivals and temple fairs will be held for days. 一系列的春节活动,比如舞狮子、 耍龙灯、演社火、逛庙会等都将持续数天。

58、The spring of 2011 will see them shining in their careers. 2011年春节将见证牛牛们在事业上的光芒。

59、Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge, Victoria Peak, the most famous, long-distance travel, the National Day, Chinese New Year, watching movies. 白金汉宫,塔桥,太平山,最著名的,长途旅行,国庆节,春节,看电影。

60、Braised lion's head with bamboo shoots. 这是春笋焖狮子头。

61、Before Spring Festival , people usually clean and decorate their houses. 在春节前夕,人们一般都打扫和装扮自己的家。

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