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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-12 14:25:42
  • 82


关于”开心的句子“的英语句子60个,句子主体:Happy sentences。以下是关于开心的句子的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Happy sentences

1、孩子们正进行学校的郊游并玩的很开心 The children are on school outings and play of very happy

2、Mark's favorite cup is broken, and he feels unhappy. 马克最喜欢的杯子了,他很不开心。

3、But my own heart is very clear, I really want to say to you, but sometimes really be a sentence: love in my heart the mouth is difficult to open! 但我自己心里很清楚,我真的想对你说,但有时真的是一句:爱在心里口难开!

4、The children are always up to amusing tricks. 孩子们总是调皮捣蛋寻开心。

5、He too was went away disappointed. 这位王子也十分伤心地离开了。

6、昨天所有的孩子都玩得很开心 All the children enjoyed themselves yesterday 【enjoy oneself,玩的开心 有不会的可以再问我

7、Bottom line: The race to market between Kaixin and Renren is far from over, with Kaixin gaining the latest edge through a small victory in Chinese courts. 一句话:人人、开心上市赛跑远未落幕; 赛场看点不断,最新战报:开心通过法庭小胜利扳回一局。

8、"The boy don't be elated, your battle just absences to start now! "The Chu star Yuan says. “小子,别开心,你的战斗现在才要开始!”楚星渊说道。

9、The cup shacked himself strongly, the water jumped out of his heart last, the cup felt very happy. Suddenly, the cup fell off on the ground. 杯子奋身一晃,水终于走出了杯子的心里,杯子好开心。突然,掉在了地上。

10、So parents rest assured, children are happy, wedding and also worry. 这样父母也放心,孩子也开心,婚礼也省心。

11、The computer centre opened last year is very popular among children. 去年开办的电脑中心很受孩子们的欢迎。

12、Does it make any sense to say, "After a day spent killing his parents, Frank was happy"? 想想这句话正常吗:“弗兰克花了一天时间把爹妈弄死了,他心里非常开心。”

13、if only lily drove more carefully. 如果莉莉车子开的小心点就好了。

14、Four girls I saw other children are playing happily on the island, only a few children lying feebly in the corner, cant help but asked. 四妹见岛上的其他孩子都开开心心地玩耍,只有几个孩子气息奄奄地躺在角落里,忍不住上前询问。

15、What caught my eyes was that both the father and son were laughing as they were running for the bus. 让我特别有影响的是:两父子都在笑着,开开心心地笑着。

16、His story amused the children very much. 他的故事逗得孩子们很开心。

17、A hollow bamboo becomes a flute and the divine starts playing it. 空心的竹子变成了一支笛子,而神性开始透过它来吹奏。

18、Li Guangsheng opened the box, hand to touch the touch, smell the smell, happy. 李广胜打开箱子,用手沾了沾,闻了闻,开心不已。

19、I wish you happy every day in the future. 祝你在将来的日子里天天开心

20、Zhuangzi emphasizes the philosophy of mind, warns people to breakthrough the biased bound "on purpose", cultivates an open mind and observes things with open heart. 庄子重视“心”学,要人突破“成心”之偏见局限,培养一个开放的心灵,并以开放的心灵去观照事物。

21、In other words, don't wait for your company to give you the green light to dream up new ideas--just do it. 换句话说,不要等到公司为你开“允许为新点子异想天开”的绿灯后才这样做,现在就去异想天开。

22、Your primary concern will probably be having fun right now. 你现在首要关心的可能只是开心和找乐子。

23、Open closet and cabinet doors cautiously. 打开壁橱和柜子时要小心。

24、I trumped up a story to amuse the children. 我编了一个故事逗孩子们开心。

25、The hour she was in her houser, she felt very happy. 当她在她屋子里的的时候,她感到很开 心。


26、I received the letter. And i was happy. 今天,收到了芃子的信。很开心。

27、All my children and nieces and nephews were enjoying themselves - all except for my oldest son. 我所有的孩子和侄子侄女们都很开心——但除了我的大儿子。

28、Listen prayerfully to the words; respond silently or aloud by repeating words that strike you as most important in this moment. 以祷告的心聆听这些话,藉著重复在那个时刻最能打动你的心的词句,在心里或开声的回应。

29、The cup shaked himself strongly, the water jumped out of his heart at last, the cup felt very happy. Suddenly, he fell off on the ground. 杯子奋力一晃,水终于走出了杯子心里,杯子好开心,突然,杯子掉在了地上。

30、Seeing how those standing in the front happily bought meat after the shop opened in the morning, Wang waited anxiously. 看着排在前面的人在店子开门后买到肉开开心心的离开了,王老等的心急如焚。

31、‘You can happily combine child rearing and a career, if you are willing to let some things slide.’ 如果你不求事事完美,那么你还可以开开心心地一边养孩子一边干事业。

32、It was a pleasure to have Eri work with me. 跟她一起工作的日子真的是非常的开心。

33、您好,翻译为 I hope my brother in the new year happy 希望帮助你

34、I'm happy for you because you are leaving a ungraceful life and will start a new one. 我为您高兴,因为您就要离开不开心的日子,重新开始新的生活。

35、When embedding the wire, as long as open the openable door, embed the wire into the hollow tube, close the openable door and clamp the hollow tube with clips, the work is finished. 在埋线时只需打开可开启式门,将线埋入空心管子内,再关上可开启式门,用夹子夹紧空心管子即可。

36、The children are very happy and they are smiling. 希望能帮到你。

37、He rushed to the villa and found his mother at her supper. She said only "Did you enjoy yourself? 他跑到了别墅,看见妈妈在吃晚餐,她只是说了句:“你玩得开心吗?”

38、All cuddled down together and were very happy. 她们紧贴着身子睡在一起,非常开心。

39、Want a house happy, you have to do the housework, want a table of people happy, you shout, want people happy, you will see Shanghai clown Zhou Libo! 想要一家门开心,你就去做家务,想要一台子人开心,你就做东,想要个人同时开心,你来看上海活宝周立波!

40、Imagine how happy you will be. So we all can see that learning English is a happy thing. 学习英语就像是一个快乐之旅,开始时你对英语一无所知,或者所知不多。

41、A sometimes violent, alcoholic stepfather and a half-brother---his only sibling who would become an addict too . 将定语从句与中心词分开,译为“ 他唯一的兄弟,但后来也成了酒鬼。

42、孩子们在开心地放风筝 the children are flying kites happily.

43、His heart racing, tears filling his eyes, Jack carefully unlocked the box. 他心跳加速,眼泪迷糊了双眼,小心翼翼的打开盒子。

44、You can happily combine child rearing and a career, if you are willing to let some things slide. 如果你不求事事完美,那么你还可以开开心心地一边养孩子一边干事业。

45、孩子们在聚会上正玩得开心 The children are having a good time at the party.

46、Extrovert, out going nature and broad mindedness are some of the Leo sign characteristics. 开朗外向和心开阔的个性是狮子座的主要特性。

47、The life is happy in Huo Tang Bar. 在火塘的日子,每刻都是开心的。

48、to pull one’s leg – Example “ Don’t worry. I’m just pulling your leg.” To pull one’s leg-例句“别担心,我只是和你开个玩笑而已。”

49、Don't let them kid you, big boy . 别让他们拿你寻开心,大孩子。

50、This is too good to be true.这简直不敢让人相信


51、The calligraphy for disciple Kai Xin's residence is attached. 为弟子开心住处所命名的翰墨已附呈。

52、The plant, a hoya kerrii, is commonly called a "sweetheart plant" because of its leaf shape. 这颗植物是一株心形球兰,因其叶子呈心形,常被称为“开心草”。

53、Snoopy debuts as the "Big Man on Campus." “史诺比开心亮相,因为”大个子校园“。

54、This is too good to be true. 这简直不敢让人相信。

55、And that's my older kid, Max, who's happy. 这个开心的小孩是我的大儿子,马克斯

56、Because it makes me happy to help children. 因为帮助孩子能让我开心。

57、Take charge of your own happiness , live your own… 追求自己的幸福,开开心心过自己的小日子。

58、If only Lily drove more carefully. 如果莉莉车子开的小心点就好了。

59、Curiosity moved me to open the box. 好奇心促使我将盒子打开。

60、帮助那些不开心的孩子 help those unhappy children 帮助那些不开心的孩子 help those unhappy children

61、He told me I look beautiful this morning, and that suits me just fine. 今天早上他说我看起来很美。那句话真是让人心花朵朵开。

62、Plus, your kids will have a great time. You probably will too. 另外,妳的孩子们肯定能玩得很开心,你也许也会很开心。

63、Bless you, my child. Enjoy yourself. 祝福你,我的孩子,玩得开心。

64、Zeng and his wife listened to his son's words, are happy to laughed. 曾子和妻子听了儿子的这番话,都开心地笑了。

65、The cinematic teaser recording very victory, huimei dad see huimei happy look, the heart beginning waver. 宣传片的录制很胜利,惠美爸爸看到惠美开心的样子,心开端动摇了。

66、  當孝子,让爸爸妈妈开心开心  You look so much younger than my classmates' moms /dads. 你看起来比我班上同学的妈妈∕爸爸年轻多了。

67、Du Xueyan recalls and Cao Zixuan's love, the hearts of the ice began to melt… She was in a good mood and began to look up Cao Zixuan's safe. 杜雪颜回忆起曾经和曹子轩的恩爱,心中的冰雪开始融化……她整理好心情,开始翻查曹子轩的保险柜。

68、In the years since, I have often joked about that saying with my children, but usually not in the context of delicious desserts! 从那时候开始,我就经常用这句话来跟我的小孩开玩笑,只是并非用来形容美味的点心。

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