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关于花的英语句子 13个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-28 01:48:33
  • 89

关于花的英语句子 13个

1. The roses in her garden are in full bloom. 她花园里的玫瑰开得正盛。

2. He gave her a bouquet of lilies for their anniversary. 他在周年纪念日送给她一束。

3. The daffodils are poking through the snow. 水仙花从雪中钻出来了。

4. The cherry blossoms are an iconic symbol of Japan. 樱花是日本的标志性符号。

5. She wore a beautiful dress with a floral pattern. 她穿了一件有花卉图案的漂亮裙子。

6. The scent of jasmine filled the room. 的香气充满了房间。

7. Sunflowers always face towards the sun. 向日葵总是朝向太阳。

8. The tulips are a vibrant shade of red. 郁金香呈现出鲜艳的红色。

9. The hibiscus is a tropical flower with large, showy blooms. 木槿是一种热带花卉,花朵大而鲜艳。

10. We used lavender essential oil to help us relax. 我们使用薰衣草精油帮助放松。

11. The peonies in their garden were breathtakingly beautiful. 他们花园里的牡丹美得令人窒息。

12. The white lily symbolizes purity and innocence. 象征着纯洁和无邪。

13. The marigolds in the window box added a lively touch of color. 窗台上的金盏花为房间增添了生气的色彩。

14. She pressed flowers between the pages of her journal. 她将花朵夹在日记的书页之间。

15. The bluebells covered the forest floor like a blue carpet. 蓝铃花覆盖了森林地面,像一块蓝色的地毯。

16. The wildflowers in the meadow were a riot of colors. 草地里的野花花开遍野,色彩斑斓。

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