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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-22 01:02:08
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关于”比较励志的句子“的英语句子44个,句子主体:More inspirational sentences。以下是关于比较励志的句子的初二英语句子。

英文句子模板1:More inspirational sentences

1、As an example, compare the slide above with the one below. 作为例子,我们把上面的片子和的片子比较一下。

2、The focus and concentration on one task at a time pays dividends in faster and better quality writing. 在某个时间,专心致志的去写文章,就会写的比较快,文字质量也会很高。

3、Like Sun Zhigang case the case of such each body enrolls " Guangzhou almanac " in, more infrequent still. 像孙志刚案如此一个独体的案子编入《中国广州年鉴》中,还是比较,少见的。

4、Density—neutron overlapping is quite familiar. 比较常用的是密度—中子曲线重叠法。

5、The foundation of Taixue was the sign that China had owned the comparatively complete university. 太学的建立 ,标志着我国具有了比较完备形态的大学。

6、would you show me the way to。.. 对方回答你 一般是 这几种,回答:都会告诉你附近一个比较有标志性的事物。

7、Stimulated by holding many shares, institutional shareholders are more effective in dealing with agency problems in the corporation, but also behave as opportunists sometimes. 受持股较多的内在激励,机构投资股东在解决公司内部的问题时比较有效,但也会滋生机会主义行为。

8、A small database log file size can run out of log space and cause the redistribution to fail. 如果数据库日志文件比较小,则会很快用完日志空间,并导致重分发失败。

9、You can also specify a custom comparer. 您还可以指定自订比较子。

10、People who had not seen anyone else’s pizza slice and those who had been given what appeared to be a small slice of pizza went on to eat the same amount of cookies. 那些没有同别人的比萨饼进行比较的志愿者和被告知比萨饼比他人小一些的志愿者吃的甜点数量基本相同。

11、By contrast, Franz Humer of Roche earned the biggest salary, but a smaller bonus and incentives. 相比之下,德国罗氏幽默获得最大的薪金,但较小的奖金和奖励。

12、The wage and technique management are the relatively right and notable parts of the enterprise management of the Foochow Dockyard, which is the important symbol of the neoteric corporation. 工资管理和技术管理是福州船政局企业管理中制度比较健全,成效比较显著的部分,是其做为近代企业的重要标志。

13、Satellite Science Fiction was another Golden Age sci-fi pulp magazine that leaned towards hard science ilrations for its covers. 《卫星科幻》是科幻黄金时代的另一本通俗杂志,该杂志封面的科幻画风格比较“硬”。

14、Is the comparison that bud seedling dish seed sells there cheap? 芽苗菜的那里卖的比较便宜?

15、I agree that the iPad is heavy. 这机子比较沉,这我同意。

16、Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology. 刊中文名比较生理学杂志答:神经行为学,感官,神经,生理和行为。

17、Which do you like better , apples or pears? 苹果和梨子你比较喜欢什么?

18、Visual estimation, tape measurement between fixed landmarks, and the UG aligned on fixed and anatomic landmarks were compared with the CROM goniometer, which was used as the reference standard. 视觉判断、在固定标志点弹性带子测量、解剖标志点固定通用量角器和CROM量角器比较,CROM量角器测量认为是一种参考标准。

19、He thinks that savings is a good idea in the long run, but not now. 他认为鼓励储蓄是个好建议,但那比较适合长期政策,而非解决燃眉之急。

20、Relocates the work site the reward standard by to relocate the human respectively to determine voluntarily that the capriciousness is quite big. 各拆迁工地的奖励标准由拆迁人自行确定,随意性比较大。

21、It is concluded that both quantity of futures dealings and growth rate of clients should be taken into consideration when futures brokerage companies drow up contracts for motivation. 通过比较,指出现实中所用传统激励契约的不足,建议制定激励契约时既要考虑交易成交量又要考虑客户成长率。

22、The twins are fond of ginger and parsley. 双子座比较喜欢姜和西芹口味。

23、Focusing on the semantic features, syntactic multi-functions in a comparative way, this es- say explores the passive markers in some Chinese dialects and languages of minority national- ities. 本文采用比较的方法对汉语部分方言中的被动标志做类型学的考察,以探究其语义特点及句法上的多用性,文章指出了汉语被动标志在意义和用法上的一些普遍共性特征。

24、呵呵,十月学长的帖子,我也来凑个热闹~~ 谚语我比较喜欢Where there is a will,there is a way.(有志者事竟成。

25、Lets take an example to understand keyword research better. 让举一个例子牛鼻子字研究比较好的。


26、else statements, reaching the else block requires performing all the comparisons, because the semantics of the if... else语句嵌套中,到达else块需要执行完所有的比较,因为if...

27、That compared with 21 infections out of 762 people who received injections of a dummy vaccine. 相比较的,762个给予了安慰剂的志愿者中,有21例感染的报告。

28、There are all sorts of states. Some are more powerful than others. 德意志地区有很多邦国,其中一些比较强大

29、Do you agree that simplicity automobile logo design is brighter and more impressed? 你同意简约的汽车标志设计比较容易给人形象鲜明, 深刻的印象吗。

30、Set up was very easy, there were a couple of fold out tables and a few people volunteered to set up the boxes, etc., along with the staff from EB. 搭建桌子比较容易,因为有一些可折叠的桌子和志愿帮助的人,以及来自EB的职员。

31、The cause may be with the external exciting loop, but may also be inhering in the rotors windings within the generator. 发电机组发生励磁系统绝缘下降是较常见的故障类型 ,既有外部励磁回路原因 ,也有发电机内部转子绕组原因。

32、At the Twelfth National Congress comrades who had made mistakes were handled with cirpection. 十二大对过去犯了错误的同志做了比较审慎的处理。

33、We encourage foreign teachers make an introduction of foreign materials and more advanced audio-visual teaching aids. 鼓励外教引进国外比较先进的教材和视听辅助教材。

34、If a language barrier exists or the patient is not conscious, it becomes more difficult. 如果存在语言障碍或者病人神志不清,情况就比较复杂了。

35、The ladder will be more secure here. 靠这儿比较牢稳。

36、Do you have different hooks that will stay on the rack better? Could the hooks be closed more at the back so they fit tighter? 你们有不同的挂钩可以比较牢靠的挂在架子上吗? 挂钩的背面可以和架子更贴进所以会比较适合吗。

37、The work's chant maybe a rapid one. 这也许是比较急促的号子。

38、AIM:To compare the pharmainetic parameters and bioavailability of two kinds of aniracetam capsules inside the healthy volunteers. 目的:比较两种阿尼西坦胶囊在健康志愿者体内的药动学及生物等效性。

39、Although these are the fastest switching elements when actuation times are compared, the release, or turnoff time, is long. 尽管在比较激励时间时这类继电器是最快的切换元件,但释放或关断时间却比较长。

40、Compared with wind-induced load, the lower frequency of structural displacement is even more than higher frequency. 与风激励相比,结构位移响应中的低频成份较多,而高频成份则有所减少。

41、I prefer dumplings which that have just been cooked. 我比较喜欢吃刚煮好的饺子。

42、With the same maximum pre-stretching strain, larger constant currents can lead to larger recovery stress rate. 最大预拉应变相同时,在较大恒定电流激励下回复应力比率较大。

43、At least these Chinese kids match quirks like their Korean sunbae-nims. The show should have a strong start like the pioneer show. 中国的孩子比较真实,韩国的孩子可能比较大了,有点明白在镜头前要好好表现了,都不好玩了。

44、If your application performs poorly in general, activate logging to try to identify problem areas through log message timestamps. 如果应用程序的性能从整体上来看比较差,那么应激活日志记录功能来通过日志消息时间戳识别发生问题的位置。

45、The Comparison of Mind Theory from Shyun Tze and Han Fei … 荀子论心和韩非子所蕴涵的心论之比较研究。

46、As a rule, big houses are always draughty. 一般说来,大房子总是比较通风的。

47、For FDTD method, there are different feed models to calculate the input impendence of antenna. The results calculated by different feed models are compared with each other. 用FDTD法计算天线的辐射特性可以使用不同的激励方式,文章比较了采用不同激励方式时,天线的输入阻抗。

48、I think the cute pair with the buckles is better. 我认为这双有扣子的可爱鞋子比较好。

49、Which do coco and watermelon ache quite? 椰子和西瓜打头哪一个比较疼?

50、What is the chaff to the wheat? 糠秕怎能与麦子比较呢。


51、Significantly less importance was attributed to patient encouragement and reassurance by the orthopaedists as compared with family physicians. 与家庭医生比较,骨科医生明显不重视对患者进行鼓励和安慰。

52、Produces the set difference of two sequences by using the default equality comparer to compare values. 使用预设相等比较子来比较值,以便产生两个序列的差异。

53、At last, integrating and comparing the sentiments with heart-body disease and forecasting the sentiments developing trend which rich the content of sentimental theories and push them on a new stage. 最后,把情志与现代心身医学进行联系与比较,展望了情志的发展趋势,丰富了情志理论的内容,把《黄帝内经》情志理论的研究推向一个新的阶段。

54、Another good example is that of a tuning fork . 另一个比较形象的例子是调音叉。

55、Comparing with the old type exciter, the new one has many advantages and can be used easily, it is suitable for the practical engineering. 与传统的晶闸管励磁电源相比,新型同步电机励磁电源的性能得到很大提高,使用简便可靠,是一种较好的同步电机励磁选择方案。

56、We were good children, relatively speaking. 相比较而言,我们还算是好孩子。

57、Lower-class children are clearly marked and the other children know them. 穷苦孩子的标志非常明显,其他孩子也都非常清楚谁家的地位较低。

58、After the babies are born, they do not cry easily, nor would they suffer from heart-related diseases. 生下来的孩子比较不爱哭,也比较不会有心脏方面的疾病。

59、The 70% ethanol eluate was determined and compared with pharmacopoeia method. 采用药典方法测定和比较远志蜜炙前后70%乙醇浸出物的含量;

60、The model including subordinative hysteresis curve can describe the magnetizing branch more precisely. 考虑了包括子磁滞回线的磁滞模型,较准确地描述了电力变压器的励磁支路。

61、A lower proportion of volunteers also suffered from obesity when compared to non-volunteers. 志愿者的肥胖比例亦比非志愿者低。

62、The prince changes the frog more good-looking! 王子变青蛙比较好看!

63、So Bobby the cat was placed in a smaller-sized cage that fits inside Bobbi’s larger kennel. 猫巴比被放进一个较小尺寸的笼子,这样才好塞进芭比较大的狗屋里。

64、The drawback of full data journaling is that it can be slow, although you can reduce the performance penalty by setting up a relatively large journal. 完整数据日志记录的缺点是它可能会比较慢,但可以通过设置相对较大日志来减少性能损失。

65、or literary magazines or things of that nature. 或者是文学杂志,那一类比较学术的俱乐部。

66、Guyer downsized to a small house from a more luxurious one. 盖勒要比较从奢侈的大房子搬到小房子里去了。

67、Laosan is a boy with a promising future from a well-to-do family. 剧中男一号老三则是军区司令员的儿子,家庭背景相对比较好,本人呢也比较有前途。

68、One of the first options required by the CPD task is the minimumTokenCount attribute, which identifies the number of tokens to compare (the minimum value is one token). CPD 任务需要的第一个选项是 minimumTokenCount 属性,该属性用于指定要比较的标志的数量(最小值是一个标志)。

69、The second shop fared better in the tsunami and damage was relatively less. 第二个铺子在海啸后恢复得较快,遭受的损害比较轻。

70、By comparison, Alec was the least ambitious man she had ever met. 相比较而言,艾里克是她见到的最没有雄心壮志的人。

71、Westerners' concept of child fame and marriage is weak, Instead of painstakingly designing children's future, they pay more attention to the free development of the child. 西方人巴望孩子成名成家的观念比较淡薄,他们并不煞费苦心设计孩子的未来,比较注重的是孩子的自由发展。

72、It is besides appearance under numerous product contrast consider noveller, fabrics more durable besides, basically be a classical electric chaffy dish. 除了样子在众多产品对比之下算比较新奇、面料比较耐用之外,基本上是一款经典的电火锅。

73、I like the little monkey. It's younger. 我喜欢那小猴子。它比较年轻。

74、Two prominent examples are discussed in the following. 讲的两个例子是比较有代表性的。

75、Compared with being incentived with high current intensity, under low current intensity, the amount of austenite became from martensite is much more, the stress is greater; 与增大电流强度的激励模式比较,缓慢提高电流强度的激励模式,马氏体转变为奥氏体的量增多,合金的回复力增大;

英文句子模板76:More inspirational sentences

76、In the Qing Dynasty, the scholars in Yangzhou carried out an intensive research into the science of local chronicles. 清代扬州学者在方志学方面曾进行过比较深入的研究。

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