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  • 2023-04-30 20:21:35
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关于”queen的句子“的英语句子22个,句子主体:Sentence of Queen。以下是关于queen的句子的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentence of Queen

1、Queen Victoria ascended ascended the throne in 1837. 维多利亚女王于1837年登上王位。

2、The Pope was present at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II. 白金汉宫称,伊丽莎白女王二世对这一决定也表示赞同。

3、so much so that Mr Morse was emboldened to request the Queen to speak a few words. 摒弃了皇室一贯的矜持,女王陛下显得格外高兴,以至于莫尔斯敢斗胆请求女王讲几句话。

4、One of his tasks will be to guard his grandmother, the Queen. 哈里王子的其中一个任务就是保卫他的祖母英女王的安全。

5、The Queen said, "I should like to send a present to my dear sister, the Queen of England. 女王接着说:“我想要送一件礼物给我亲爱的妹妹*,英格兰的女王。

6、And there was deception: she was a false drag queen, a real woman, in fact, playing the queen. 这里有个诡计:她是一个假的男扮女装的演员的女王,在实际上由真正的女人扮演着的女王角色。

7、The queen alighted from the carriage. 女王从马车上下来。

8、The Queen disrobed after the coronation ceremony. 那位女王于加冕礼后脱去了王袍。

9、The queen created him a peer. 女王封他为贵族。

10、It was built by the timber of Her Majestys Ship Resolute and given by Queen Victoria. 桌子是用女王陛下“坚决”号船的木料打造的。

11、(like a queen作状语) she lived like a queen. 她过着女王般的生活。

12、Winston Churchill is knighted by Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom. 白金汉宫称,伊丽莎白 女王二世对这一决定也表示赞同。

13、I, Mary, Queen of Scots, give the kingdom of Scotland to my son, James. 我,玛丽,苏格兰女王,把苏格兰王国交给我的儿子,詹姆斯。

14、Queen Elizabeth I of England is thought to be the Queen of Clubs. 英国的伊利沙白一世女王一般认为是梅花王后。

15、Myra, the youngest, was a rodeo queen. 迈拉是最小的孩子,骑术女王。

16、son,"said Queen Bella,"we must find you a wife!" “我的儿子,”贝勒女王说,“我们必须给你找到一个妻子!”

17、He bowed down to the Queen. 他向女王躬身行礼。

18、You've got the Royal Family, Queen Elizabeth, you've got Charles, Prince Charles. 你能看到皇室家族,伊丽莎白女王,你能看到查尔斯王子。

19、The king and queen loved their daughter greatly. 国王和王后都非常爱他们的女儿。

20、The Rain Queen is served by a series of "wives" sent by the tribe's villages and whose children are considered hers. 女王由一群“妻室”侍奉,全部由部落村子送来,村民子女也被视为她的子女。

21、Mary Stuart, 1542-1587, Queen of Scotland and Dowager Queen of France. 玛丽斯图亚特, 1542-1587, 苏格兰女王及作为遗孀的法国王后.

22、Does the Queen really dine off the gold plates? 女王真的用金盘子进餐吗?

23、The Queen stood at the graveside. 女王参加了葬礼。

24、God save the Queen! 愿神佑我女王!

25、Princess Diana the wife of Prince Charles, the oldest son of Queen Elizabeth2 of England, died in a car crash… 查尔斯王子的王妃戴安娜死于一场车祸。查尔斯王子是英格兰女王依利莎白二世的长子。


26、The bride also wore a diamond tiara previously worn by Queen Mary, the Queen Mother, the Queen and the Princess Royal. 新娘还佩戴了一顶钻石头冠,先前玛丽女王、女王的母亲还有皇室的公主都曾佩戴过。

27、Queen Elizabeth II must have been a favorite of her granny, Queen Mary. 女王伊丽莎白二世一定是她的祖母玛丽女王的掌上明珠。

28、I'm the Swan Queen, You're the one who never left the corps. 我是天鹅女王。你只能一辈子跑龙套。

29、The Queen disrobed after the ceremony. 女王在仪式过后脱去了王袍。

30、Be a queen. 做一个女王。

31、From that moment Martinez resolved to learn everything she could about the queen. 从那时候起,马丁尼决心去了解这位女王的一切。

32、The Queen: It’s pretty great to see the Queen listening to people sing “God save the Queen.” 女王:看到女王聆听人们唱“天佑女王”真是相当的美妙。

33、"My son,"said Queen Bella,"we must find you a wife!" “我的儿子,”贝勒女王说,“我们必须给你找到一个妻子!”

34、I take her rook with my queen. 我用我的女王拿了她的车。

35、女王生日快乐 Happy birthday to the queen 女王生日快乐 Happy birthday to the queen

36、With the birth of Prince Andrew in 1960, The Queen became the first reigning Sovereign to have a child since Queen Victoria. 1960年安德鲁王子出世,成为自维多利亚女王之后第一位在位君主妈妈。

37、Her Ggracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth. 伊利莎白女王陛下。

38、Queen, as true to womanhood as Queenhood. 女王,你才是正真的女中豪杰。

39、The Queen disrobed after the coronation ceremony. 女王在仪式过后脱去了王袍。

40、When I am king, dilly, dilly, you shall be queen. 当我是王,你应当女王。

41、I am the Queen of a tea table! 我就是茶桌上的女王。

42、Rise of the Resurrected Queen 重生之女王 Resurrected / Reincarnated / Reborn Queen 崛起 Rise

43、The royal standard flies when the Queen is in residence. 女王的王宫及驻跸处均有王旗为识。

44、The Queen is elegant in white for a welcome by Mozambican dancers in Ma in 1999. 1999年,女王在马普托受到莫桑比克舞者列队欢迎,带着白色帽子的女王十分优雅。

45、Mary, Queen of Scots. 玛丽,苏格兰女王。

46、The true symbol for English womanhood is the Queen. 英国妇女气质的真正象征是女王。

47、Lord Balian: Deside not to be a Queen and I will come to you. 伊贝林男爵:如果你决定不做女王,我会来找你的。

48、Emmanuelle, Queen of the Galaxy. 1994 … 纽·银河女王。纽·银河女王。

49、The old Queen decides to "take her chances". 老女王决定到丛里去碰运气。

50、Characters: Storyteller, Snow White, Queen, Mirror, Hunter, seven dwarfs , Prince. 剧中人:讲述人,白雪公主,女王,镜子,猎人,七个小矮人,王子。


51、Queen Clarion, it was me. 克拉昂女王陛下,是我。

52、And the big decisions have to then be approved by the Queen. 然后,这些决议必须由女王批准。

53、A queen in crown of rubies drest; 头戴宝石金冠的女王;

54、There is a young Queen Elizabeth. 这是年轻的伊丽莎白女王。

55、Then I was Queen of France,and Queen of Scotland too. 于是,我既是法国王后,又是苏格兰女王。

56、If the Queen abdicates, Prince Charles will become King of England. 如果女王退位,查尔斯王子就会成为英国国王。

57、25pm : The Queen and the bride and groom, together with their families, appear on the balcony. 女王、王子王妃与家人一起走上阳台。

58、All signs suggested her successor would be James VI of Scotland, the son of Mary Queen of Scots - the queen who had been executed in 1587 on Elizabeth's orders. 所有迹象显示苏格兰女王玛丽(Mary Queen of Scots)之子—苏格兰詹姆斯六世(James VI of Scotland)将会成为王位继任者。1587年伊丽莎白女王下令处死了苏格兰女王。

59、Picture, you're queen of everything. 美如画的你,是一切事物的女王。

60、"I, " said the Queen. "I, Jadis the last Queen, but the Queen of the World. " “我,”女王说,“我,简蒂丝,最后的女王,但也就是世界女王。”

61、'No, no!' said the Queen. 'Sentence first--verdict afterwards.' “不,不,”王后说,“应该先判决,后评审。”

62、He did the animations for the queen theway that he felt would be best, with one addition: he gave the queen a petduck. 他用他认为最好的方式完成女王动画,就是补充一点:他赋予了女王一只鸭子宠物。

63、16日 丹麦女王日Birthday of Her majesty Queen

64、The Devil Wears Prada actress is slated for the role of the White Queen opposite Bonham Carter's Red Queen, according to the Hollywood Reporter. 据《好莱坞报道》报导,主演过《时尚女魔头》的安妮·海瑟薇计划出演反对红女王的白女王,而红女王则将由海伦娜·邦汉·卡特扮演。

65、Groups Set Queen bedroom furniture for sale, cheap queen bedroom furniture, bedroom furniture, black oak queen bedroom furniture set, contemporary bedrooms. 女王卧室家具套发售,王后卧室家具便宜,女王橡木卧室家具一套卧室家具一套黑色的,当代的卧室。

66、The royal standard flies when the queen is in residence . 女王的王宫及居住处均有王旗为识。

67、Then let the girl who pleases the king be queen instead of Vashti. 王所喜爱的女子可以立为王后,代替瓦实提。

68、While naokou YiFu also received the queen bee blackmail: she is… 而智子的寄父也收到了恫吓信:她就是女王蜂…

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