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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-31 21:07:20
  • 225


关于”爱情的诗歌“的英语句子38个,句子主体:Poetry of love。以下是关于爱情的诗歌的六年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poetry of love

1、This section has not yet vindicate love ownership, bend the face the choice between life and death, and sacrifice with the warsong love them, the present, turned into a melody "very love". 这段尚未表白爱情归属,就俯首直面生死的考验,牺牲的战歌伴着爱情旋律荡气回肠,催人泪下,化作“十分爱情”。

2、The opera"Faust"is one piece of representative work in all of Gounod's operas, the plot in which about a tragic love story between Faust and Margarita was from parts of Goethe's drama"Faust". 歌剧《浮士德》是古诺最具代表性的歌剧作品之一,它选用歌德诗剧《浮士德》第一部中的第二部分——浮士德与玛格丽特的爱情悲剧进行音乐描绘。

3、I was meant for you.And you were meant for me. 两个命运多舛的情人如此和谐地在一起,只要给我一线希望,你终将答应。

4、Contrary to the anatomy referenced in all of our favorite love songs, love (as with every other emotion we feel) is not rooted in the heart, but in the brain. 与所有我们喜欢的爱情歌曲的歌词相反(及我们能感知的其他感情),爱并非来源于心灵,而是大脑。

5、Magic can be a lifetime hobby and card magic is considered to be the poetry of prestidigitation . 魔术可以是终身爱好,并且卡片魔术认为戏法诗歌。

6、forgive me for wanting to be with you when i grow old 原谅我生活中不能没有你;

7、brings you clean coolness whole year long 也不止像险峰,

8、as if we separate all the time 却又终身相依,

9、Different from Yuan Mei who focused on "disposition", Hong put more attention on "emotion", holding that the natural "emotion" was the nature of poetry. 不过与袁枚关注“性情”不同洪大容更多地强调的是“情”,认为自然之“情”才是诗歌的本质。

10、At this point, it is so much akin to love that there are more love songs than anything else. 就此而言,音乐与爱情最为向近,所以人间的情歌比什么歌都多。

11、I will never follow a sy bird 为绿荫重复单调的歌曲;

12、The connotations of the work are complex, which is not only an them for the deep relationship between the army and the people, but also a love pastoral without love, an elegy for mou. 该作品思想意蕴也就变得复杂多样:它既是一曲军民鱼水深情的赞歌,又是一曲没有爱情的爱情牧歌,还是一曲哀悼美好生命死亡的挽歌。

13、The new book is entitled Love Story. 她唱了一首关于爱情和死亡的动人的歌曲。

14、Our minstrel sweet oh synge unto me roundelaie. 哦,亲爱的快给我唱情歌。

15、Just one smile from you,Would make my whole world bright. 如果你是我眼里的;一滴泪;

16、Yet he charmed lovers and admirers with poetry and sailboat outings. 但是,他也会“利用”诗歌和帆船航行来吸引他的爱人和仰慕者。

17、i was meant for you.and you were meant for me. 两个命运多舛的情人如此和谐地在一起,只要给我一线希望,你终将答应。

18、I have my red ample flowers 像沉重的叹息,

19、For the blackbird's song of love. 因为山鸟在为爱情歌唱。

20、You know, when it works, love is pretty amazing. It's not overrated. There's a reason for all those songs. 如果肀爱情一切顺利,那确实很让人着迷,不然哪会有那么多歌曲来描写爱情。

21、Hanshan's poems were prized by Liu Dajie with Superlative, Free and Natural Mood. 寒山诗歌被刘大杰先生赞为有“高远空灵的情趣”。

22、Such feelings as subjective will of the poet are manifested to the full through creation of original conceptions. 这样的人情味作为诗人主观之意,便通过诗歌中匠心独运的意象营造显露无疑。

23、His church choir sang it outside the quarantined home of his brother, offering words of hope about God's heart of care. 后来,教会诗班在他兄弟被检疫隔离的家门外,咏唱这首诗歌,唱出了上帝关爱的心所带来的希望。

24、Most duets are slow, tender love songs. 大部分二重唱是慢而柔和的爱情歌曲。

25、The Yuan, writes love the poetry to reprimand as in vain "is white until the Yuan, then makes the body the beautiful and bewitching female, explains in the quilt silk the ugly performance"; 把元、白写爱情的诗歌斥为“迨元白起,而后将身化作妖冶女子,备述衾绸中丑态”;


26、To this also I contributed a song or two and an effusive appreciation of Vaishnava lyrics. 我也给它写过一两首歌曲和一篇感情奔放的赞赏毗湿奴派抒情诗的评论。

27、actually we forever rely on each other 这才是伟大的爱情,

28、I wrote this sappy love song. 我写了这首相当花痴的爱情歌曲。

29、I must be a ceiba by your side 做为树的形象和你站在一起。

30、I know an old song about love. 我记得一首关于爱情的老歌。

31、His poetry in this period expressed his interest in Buddhism and Taoism. 这时期的诗歌,在情感内容上常常表现出佛禅的意趣和道家的情怀。

32、so, if i were to fall in love,it would have to be with you. 如果说我已陷入情网;我的情人就是你;你的眼睛,你的微笑;你的笑脸;

33、His poems usually take images of martyrs as his expressive subject to eulogize sacrificing spirit and to show his pity. 其诗歌以殉道者形象作为抒情主体,讴歌牺牲精神,并表现出悲悯情怀。

34、Dickinson had composed pieces of immortal paeans of the soul and love with her love . 迪金森用她的爱谱写出一曲曲爱情永存,灵魂永生的赞歌。

35、Realistic emotion in his poems express both ambitious and conservative attitude. 其诗歌中的现实情思既有用世之志,复多退守之想。

36、It emphasizes the effect of poem and music on the idea and mind. 重视诗歌、乐教对思想感情潜移默化的影响。

37、I am fond of her affectional songs. 我很喜欢她的爱情歌曲。

38、as a tree standing together with you 根,紧握在地下,

39、Keats suffered loneliness all his life, so he grew much attached to nature. He specially looked forward to ideal love, and chose the poetry writing as the basic mode of self-existence. 济慈一生饱经孤独的煎熬,为此,他特别喜爱和亲近自然万物,特别憧憬理想的爱情,并选择了诗歌创作作为自我存在的基本方式。

40、repeating the monotune song for the green shade 也不止像泉源,

41、Wu's poems full of Paladin complex were evidently rare treasures in the content - inanition Parnassus of the Qi and Liang dynasties. 表现吴均“游侠情结”的这类题材诗歌,在内容日益贫弱的齐梁诗坛显得尤为可贵。

42、The poetries of Han Lin have distinctively lyric feature, and it's decided by the author's inside qualities of a poet. 翰林的诗歌具有明显的抒情特色,这是由其内在的诗人气质决定的。

43、According to subject, his pop songs are divided into the following kinds: love songs, sentiment songs, satirical songs, patriotic songs and so on. 陈歌辛的流行歌曲按题材可以分为爱情歌曲、咏物抒怀的歌曲、讽刺性歌曲、爱国歌曲等类别。

44、just one smile from you,would make my whole world bright. 如果你是我眼里的;一滴泪;

45、Even so, her love elegies and poetic charms will be accepted and appreciated by generations of readers, thereby exhibiting her distinctive cultural value as a great poetess. 尽管如此,她的爱情悲歌与诗词华彩必能穿越历史,反复被读者传诵,彰显其独特的文化价值。

46、And your song is love-love only! 你的歌声只把爱情颂扬!

47、All of these has only one aim: expressing fellings and ideas better. 这些最终指向一个目的:充分发挥诗歌的抒情言志功能。

48、not only like a steepy peak 增加你的高度,衬托你的威仪。

49、It has long been said that music is the food of love and many people will turn to romantic tunes such as those by Marvin Gaye or Barry White to create the right mood. 长期以来,音乐都被认为是爱情的养料,恋爱中的许多人都爱听浪漫情歌。

50、The madrigal floatingly sings:" Being love is happiness and the lover is pain and sufferings." 情歌悠扬地唱着:“被爱是幸福,爱人是痛苦。”


51、Loving me for who I am. 感谢你在伤心时安慰我,

52、A man sing love songs, the white knuckles, declare we hopeless love . 一个人唱情歌,泛白的指节,述说我们无望的爱情。

53、Studying poetry, we are investing in affection in wit and in status. 学习诗歌,是感情投资,智力投资,身份投仔眩。

54、So, if I were to fall in love,It would have to be with you. 如果说我已陷入情网;我的情人就是你;你的眼睛,你的微笑;你的笑脸;

55、Just give me a chance to start.I'll show you it was meant to be.To be together is our destiny 我对你一见钟情。

56、I won't wind upon you like a trumpet creeper 借你的高枝炫耀自己;

57、Yamyipo folk song includes mountain song, work song, long song, custom song and sutra praying. 央移谱民歌包括山歌(牧歌)、劳动歌、爱情歌、风俗歌、颂经调等。

58、just give me a chance to start.i'll show you it was meant to be.to be together is our destiny 我对你一见钟情。

59、When two-fold silence was the song of love. 双重的沉默就是一首爱情之歌。

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