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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-08 15:22:32
  • 183


关于”努力奋斗的句子“的英语句子40个,句子主体:Hard struggle sentence。以下是关于努力奋斗的句子的三年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Hard struggle sentence

1、We in China are proud of our achievements accomplished through strenuous efforts. 中国对自己通过艰苦奋斗而取得的成就感到自豪。

2、Thus it can be seen the fate-rule can be changed by a kind of strong willing with hard fighting against human natural fate. 由此可见,通过人生不懈的努力奋斗和奋力抗争,所谓的人的命数是能够改变的。

3、Working hard and frugal are both virtues. 艰苦奋斗和勤俭节约均是美德。

4、The lower cl won them by waging long, difficult struggles throughout the 19th century. 中下阶层在19世纪当中,通过发动长期而又艰苦的斗争才争取到这些权利。

5、Let us join hands together and work hard for the future! 让我们携手为汇思的未来一起努力奋斗!

6、To remould one's world outlook involves arduous struggle. 改造世界观需要进行艰苦的斗争。

7、The two armies battled all night furiously. 两军整夜激战。斗争,竞争,奋争;

8、The hawker’s life is a tough one, always a fight against weather, traffic and crime. 小贩们的生活是艰苦的,他们需要不时与天气、交通、犯罪作斗争。

9、We will advocate thrift, avoid extraancy and cherish fruits of the labor of others and the society. 勤俭节约、艰苦奋斗,杜绝浪费并珍惜他人和社会劳动成果。

10、To achieve double-win-win joint efforts to fight! 为取得双收双赢共同努力奋斗!

11、With your work hard and perseveringly spirit, must be a better life. 凭着你那艰苦奋斗的精神,一定能做名生活中的强者。

12、After a painful struggle so much. 奋斗过后的痛苦莫过如此。

13、Thank you, again, for that hard work, that willingness to take on the t issues, for working together. 再一次谢谢大家,为着我们的努力工作,为着我们攻艰克难的意志,为着我们的共同奋斗。

14、After more than ten years' ups and downs, with the efforts of over six hundred members, COB now becomes one of the largest oil-less bearings manufacturers in ASIA with science, industry and trade. 经过十余载的艰苦奋斗和六百余名员工的共同努力,中达已成为亚洲最大的自润滑轴承制造商之一。

15、" I "work hard, " 3 minutes and 6 issue still empty 3. 我又“艰苦奋斗”了3分钟,六道题还空着三个。

16、Do you have any specific advice for people who struggle with discipline? 你有什么好的建议给那些努力奋斗的人吗?

17、Students should rise up your rigid spine, study hard, and work hard perseveringly, using your own hands to build up your homeland more splendid. We must have such confidence and courage. 同学们要挺起不屈的脊梁,努力学习,艰苦奋斗,用自己的双手把家园建得更加美好,我们要有这样的信心和勇气。

18、Students should raise up your rigid spine, study hard, and work hard perseveringly , using your own hands to build up your homeland more splendid. We must have such confidence and courage. 同学们要挺起不屈的脊梁,努力学习,艰苦奋斗,用自己的双手把家园建得更加美好,我们要有这样的信心和勇气。

19、Making a fresh start manifesting the past ages steadiness, is hard , struggle , dim , lonely. 更张显出旧时代的稳重,艰苦,奋斗,暗淡,孤独。

20、Hard graft is the only way to succeed in business. 艰苦奋斗是在事业上成功的唯一途径。

21、We got here with hard work, by confronting t issues, and most importantly of all, by working together. 正是我们努力工作、直面艰难,最重要的是共同奋斗,才使我们有了今天。

22、The spirit of arduous struggle is a social-historical category. 艰苦奋斗精神是一个社会历史范畴。

23、But for either it will be an uphill, years-long struggle. 但对于他们任何一个人,这项任务都将是项艰苦的、长达数年的斗争。

24、China still has to work hard for a long period of time in order to realize modernization. 同时,中国要实现现代化建设的目标还需要长期艰苦奋斗。

25、L et 's go all out, aim high, and active for a better future of yucai . 让我们鼓足干劲,瞄准先进,努力奋斗,去争取育才更加美好的未来。


26、Eg. We should pass on the fine tradition of hard struggle from generation to generation. 我们应该把艰苦奋斗的优良传统一代一代传下去。

27、Eg: If you want to achieve something or intend to fulfill one of your ambitions, you must work hard, make efforts and get prepared. 假如你要取得成就或要实现你的雄心壮志,你必须努力工作、艰苦奋斗、准备好条件。

28、Her life shows us that hard work and discipline are the road to self-improvement. 她的生活向我们表明,艰苦奋斗和严守纪律是改善自己的途径。

29、We'll be working hard over the next ten days to win over the undecided voters. 我们必须再努力奋斗10天把尚未拿定主意的选民争取过来。

30、If you want to achieve something or intend to fulfill one of your ambitions you must work hard, make efforts and get prepared. 假如你要取得成就或要实现你的雄心壮志,你必须努力工作、艰苦奋斗、准备好条件。

31、Hit people: self-reliance self-reliance and hard struggle to rebuild their homes and resume production. 灾区:自立自强,艰苦奋斗,重建家园,恢复生产。

32、Through our long-term and unremitting efforts in dribs and drabs, we strive to develop our company into an industrial flagship with the first-rate competitive edge in the world. 信靠点点滴滴、锲而不舍、日积月累的艰苦奋斗,努力把公司发展成为世界具有一流竞争力的行业旗舰。

33、Work hard to succeed but not to the detriment of others. 在不损害他人利益的前提下为成功艰苦奋斗。

34、We will also work hard and perseveringly to carry forward fresh cut flowers of China to the international market! 同时公司还将为了把我国的鲜切花推向国际市场而艰苦奋斗!

35、Hard work and discipline could lead to self-improvement. 艰苦奋斗和严守纪律是改善自我的途径。

36、"Striving in hard life" has developed into "doing pioneering work". “艰苦奋斗”转变为“艰苦创业”;

37、When life throuws you one moure obstacle than you think you can handle, remenber something you achieved through perseverance and by struggling to the end. 在重重困难面前举步艰难的时候, 回想你努力奋斗最终取得胜利的时刻。

38、To fight hard, though it is hard to make, but no sweet without sweat, it is also a pleasure. ⊙、与困难作斗争,虽然要历尽艰苦,但苦尽甘来,这也是一种乐事。

39、Some feel that Po’s struggles are a little closer to real life. 有人认为阿宝的努力奋斗更贴近现实生活。

40、Hard work is rewarding And three years later, we me again. 艰苦奋斗是值得的,三年后我们又相遇了。

41、Founder of the Regional in Tie Li schools strong and work hard! 为创办铁力地区强势学校而努力奋斗!

42、You have your work. so am I. 我们现在都有要努力奋斗的事业。

43、They should do things simply and economically, practising economy and working hard with perseverance. 要提倡因陋就简,经济节约,艰苦奋斗。

44、Students should straighten your backs, study hard, and work hard perseveringly, using your own hands to build up your homeland more splendid. We must have such confidence and courage. 同学们要挺起不屈的脊梁,努力学习,艰苦奋斗,用自己的双手把家园建得更加美好,我们要有这样的信心和勇气。

45、Both theoretical divergent factors and the power struggle exist in this struggle, but the latter determines the outcome of struggle. 这一斗争既有理论分岐的因素,又有权力斗争的因素,但后者决定了斗争的结局。

46、It is hard struggle , Untiringly pursue , Cause the might Sa circle develop bigly increasingly . 艰苦奋斗、不懈追求,使威飒集团日益发展壮大。

47、Gandhi tried hard to struggle against racial discrimination. 甘地为反对种族岐视而进行了艰苦的斗争。

48、After ten years of careful preparations, he attacked and finally conquered the State of Wu. 经过十年艰苦奋斗,越过终于雪耻战胜吴国。

49、They need to work hard, be thrifty, and oppose waste and extraance. 要艰苦奋斗,勤俭节约,反对铺张浪费;

50、EASY spirit: strict truth-seeking, hard work, solidarity and hard work, and fighting innovation, the pursuit of excellence. 亿赛精神: 严谨求实,艰苦奋斗,团结实干,拼搏创新,追求卓越。


51、An ordinary man acquires a little devotion after austerities and a hard struggle. 普通人经历严厉的苦行和艰苦奋斗之后通常只会得到少许的虔诚。

52、We will strongly advocate hard work and plain living and firmly oppose extraance and waste. 大力提倡艰苦奋斗,坚决制止奢侈浪费。

53、Eight years' intensive and pioneering effort brings GYU an abundant harvest. 八年艰苦创业不辍耕耘,几年的奋斗拼搏硕果累累。

54、We should work hard for success on the prerequisite of not offensing others' interest. 在不损害他人利益的前提下为成功艰苦奋斗。

55、Strive hardy for success without impairing other's benefit. 在不损害他人利益的前提下为成功艰苦奋斗。

56、China needs to take an unremitting effort to advance its social and economical development as a whole. 中国需要进行长期不懈的艰苦奋斗,促进社会经济的全面进步。

57、He can strive to make the best of life. 他可以努力奋斗,过好人生的每一天。

58、If you want to achieve something or intend to fulfil one of your ambitions, you must work hard, make efforts and get prepared. 假如你要取得成就或要实现你的雄心壮志,你必须努力工作、艰苦奋斗、准备好条件。

59、What we can’t do is refight the battles of the past two years that distract us from the hard work of moving our economy forward. 我们决不能重温过去两年的斗争,因为那些斗争使我们无法努力工作、推动经济发展。

60、In the backside of the reputation, it is the stuffs'unremitting hard work and the tough struggle in GKO under the sparkpluging of the spirit innovation, factulism, responsibility. 荣誉的背后,是巨科人在“创新、务实、责任”精神倡导下的不懈努力、艰苦奋斗。

61、It was a tough fight. 这是一场艰苦的战斗。

62、We should carry through the principle of plain living and hard struggle. 艰苦奋斗的精神要贯彻始终。

63、The self-dependence and arduous struggle are the basic contents of the Yan-an spirits, and they are also the chief indications of the Yan-an spirits. 自力更生、艰苦奋斗既是延安精神的根本内容,也是延安精神的主要标志。

64、most of you first born, worked hard, strived 你们中的大部分都是头胎,努力工作,奋斗

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