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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-26 07:30:50
  • 69


关于”端午节的诗“的英语句子50个,句子主体:Poems of the Dragon Boat Festival。以下是关于端午节的诗的三年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Poems of the Dragon Boat Festival

1、I have four cl in the morning and two in the afternoon. 我早上上四节课,下午上两节。

2、First half of next year must be crowed with short break holidays, which concerns Tomb-sweeping Day, Dragon Boat Festival and so on. 明年上半年又是一个小长假的集结期,无论清明,还是端午。

3、"Jingchu in mind, " said the Dragon Boat Festival originated, they are more clear: "things in Zixu, none of Quping also. 《荆楚岁时记》中说到端午起源时则更明确地说:“事在子胥,不关屈平也。”

4、Lin Wu Yang exquisite neural senses a clue, in order to hold the yun-long sun, Lin Wu Yang with yun-long sun drink chat, tough and hard to persuade yun-long sun shi with him and keep jinzhou. 林午阳细腻的神经察觉到了一丝端倪,为了稳住孙云龙,林午阳跟孙云龙喝酒畅聊,恩威并施全力劝说孙云龙与其一同并守锦州。

5、make the zongzi包粽子 watch the Dragon Boat Race观看赛龙舟比赛

6、Wanshuiqianshan "brown" is the situation, Qu Yuan said thank you, Dano look at the dragon boat fun, friendship maintain a distance. 万水千山“棕”是情,屈原说声谢谢您,端午齐齐看龙舟,友情维系无远近。

7、The next first half year will be another collection of short holidays, Tomb-sweeping Day, and Dragon-boat Festival included. 明年上半年又是一个小长假的集结期,无论清明,还是端午。

8、We had four cl only this morning. 我们仅今天上午有四节课。

9、It is Dragon Boat Festival today. I want to have a rice cake with luxury ingredients, like shark fin, abalone, pork, salted egg yolk and wrapped in bamboo leaf. 今日系端午节,我想食一只糉,要有好多奢侈既材料。包括鱼翅,鲍鱼,猪肉,咸蛋黄,要被竹叶包住既。

10、Meanwhile, on board Discovery, the seven astronauts conducted an in-depth inspection of their ship's wings and nose with a laser-tipped boom Monday afternoon. 另外,本周一下午,飞船上的七名宇航员曾用前端装有激光装置的机械手对航天飞机的机翼和前端进行了一次彻底的检查。

11、He has been teaching three periods this morning. 今天上午他上了三节课。

12、Dragon Boat race is the most popular folk activity in traditional Dragon Boat Festival. Sheraton Kingsley Dragon Boat Challenge 2008 has been hold in the Mochou Lake on June 7, 2008. 赛龙舟无疑是中国传统节日端午节最热闹的民俗活动,2008年第八届金丝利喜来登龙舟赛如期在被誉为“南京龙舟基石”的莫愁湖公园举行。

13、One day, a French poet through here, he looked at the board, asked the elderly, morning, people give you money? 一天,法国一个著名诗人经过这里,他看了看木牌,问道,老人家,上午有人给您钱吗?

14、There where barbecue mutton-chops for lunch, huge, savory hunks of meat sizzling like the devil over charcoal. 午餐是烧烤羊肉,香喷喷的大块烤肉端咝咝作响,就象在炭火上的恶魔似的。

15、In the countries in north of Guizhou, there is a set of wine culture with a strong local color, which includes wine culture in wedding, funeral, and other important traditional festivals in China. 黔北农村有一套地域色彩浓厚的酒俗,其中以婚宴酒俗、丧葬酒俗、端午酒俗、中秋酒俗、春节酒俗最为典型。

16、We only had four cl this morning. 我们今天上午只有四节课。

17、My aunt said "the custom of Dragon Boat Festival has a lot of… " I rob said: "this I know, there are eating zongzi, dragon boat racing, hanging moxa leaf, wearing five silk, sachets, etc. 姨妈还说“端午节的习俗有很多……”我抢着说:“这个我知道,有吃粽子、赛龙舟、插艾叶、戴五丝线、香包等。”

18、My dream school I always feel tired after eight cl a day so my dream school starts at 8:30 a. m. and ends at 3:30 p. m. 我梦想中的学校后,一天八班我总是感觉很累,所以我的梦想开学上午8:30和下午3:30结束,上午有三节课,下午两点。

19、As two common flow characteristics, the upper endwall separation and strong upper endwall secondary flow have great impact on the aerodynamic performance of large meridional expansion turbines. 大子午扩张涡轮易发生外端壁流动分离,并产生较强顶部二次流。

20、Weekend, six one holiday and the Dragon Boat Festival together, it became a small holiday. 周末、六一假期和端午假期合在一起,就凑成了一个小长假。

21、We talked for several hours. It was probably between 11pm and midnight when the unexpected events began to unfold. 我们聊了几个小时,大约11点多快到午夜的时候,反常的事就开始初现端倪。

22、Zouping County, Shandong Province, the Dragon Boat Festival, drinking a cup per person is required to get up early, legends can be believed. 山东省﹞ 邹平县端午,每人早起均需饮酒一杯,传说可以避邪。

23、Usualy we have four cl in the morning. It's along time before lunch. 通常我们上午有四节课,午饭前这是一段很长的时间。

24、At school the next day, I secretly poured my luncheon soup into a bottle and brought it home. Then I talked the cook into serving it to Mother at dinner. 第二天在学校吃午餐时,我偷偷地把我的那份午餐汤倒进一个瓶子,把它带回了家,然后说服厨师,让她在晚餐时把汤端给妈妈。

25、Following their Christmas morning visit to the church, lunch is served at 1:00 pm, usually a giant turkey reared at Sandringham. 在圣诞节当天上午去教堂做完礼拜后,王室成员们于下午一点享用午餐,午餐的主菜通常是在桑德灵汉姆宫饲养的一只大火鸡。


26、In our hometown there, people called the Dragon Boat" in May when five", the Mid-Autumn Festival is a kind of position and almost. 在我们那儿,家乡人都叫端午作“五月当五”,地位该是和中秋一类差不多的。

27、V. Sleeping time and Tea time 午睡和午点 It’s bed time. 午睡时间到了。

28、Following their Christmas morning visit to the church, lunch is served at 1:00 pm, usually a giant turkey reared on the estate. 在圣诞节当天上午去教堂做完礼拜后,王室成员们于下午一点享用午餐,午餐的主菜通常是在桑德灵汉姆宫饲养的一只大火鸡。

29、Noon this daytime, various Ge's carrying cloud scarcely must dine some entities, then and singularly sleep afterward. 这日午时,诸葛端云只很少得吃了些东西,便少见地睡下了。

30、The most natural time to nap, based on our circadian rhythms, is between 2 and 4pm. 根据昼夜节律,最自然的午睡时间是下午2点到4点之间。

31、Finally, this dragon boat, my family and I, the fairy horse, try to have the spirit into their yearning. 终于,今年端午,我和家人,走向了仙马,试图走进一直向往的这座精神家园。

32、The western portion of Sinus Meridiani was the landing site of the Mars rover Opportunity. 靠近火星赤道的子午湾陨坑为东西走向,它的西端就是“机遇”号火星探测器着陆的位置。

33、The control stage of improved 300MW steam turbine used bowed static blade cascades with convergent tip endwall and integral shroud triple pin rotating blades. 优化了300MW汽轮机的调节级,采用了子午面端壁收缩的弯曲叶栅,动叶为自带围带三销钉三联叶片,再用铆接围带形成整圈联结叶片。

34、Deck out your deck for siestas and fiestas. 为午睡和节日装扮你的甲板。

35、Dragon Boat race Traditions Bt the center of thellos festival are the dragon boat races. Dompeting teams drive their colorful dragon boats forward to the rhythm of beating drums. 风尚习惯端午节最重要的勾当是龙舟竞赛,比赛的队伍在热烈的鼓声中划著她们多彩的龙舟前进。

36、A dreamy meadow, pines at one end, the pond, the clear fresh air, the afternoon clouds rushing golden . 一个梦幻般的草甸,一端是些松树,水池,清净新鲜的空气,那些午后的云在翻涌金黄…

37、" Xingping County Dragon Boat Festival in sewing silk damask millet small angle, then sewing on the following figures, a small, known as "playing dolls. 兴平县端午以绫帛缝小角黍,再缝上一个小人偶,称为“耍娃娃”。

38、We get to work support seven thirty every morning and finish working support eleven thirty before you stacity noon. (a. m. ) 我们每天早上七点三十离开端事业,到十一点三相等了结事业。(午前)

39、It's just like the dragon boat race during China's traditional Dragon Boat Festival. Only when everyone rows at top speed and at the same pace can the boat sail fast and steadily towards victory. 这就像中国传统的端午节龙舟赛,只有合力划桨、步调一致,才能使船又快又稳,赢得胜利。

40、Ai Fu increasingly fixed customs, but the wine, then Po Chi Sheng-ping, " Dragon Boat Festival, Dragon Boat Racing, reflects a unity and cooperation, to make progress in the national spirit;" 不动艾符趋习俗,但祈蒲酒话升平,”端午节,龙舟竞渡,体现了一种团结协作、奋发向上的民族精神;

41、This year, Mr. Castro plans to invite his colleagues to join the dragon boat competition during the Dragon Boat Festival. 今年,康处长还打算邀集同事组队参加端午龙舟竞赛。

42、Meanwhile, our reporter found at some major bookstores that many people choose to come here to spend their holidays, which makes the festival filled with a literary taste. 此外记者在各大书店也发现,很多市民都选择利用假期走进书店去充充电,过一个充满书香味的端午佳节。

43、The novel indicates a beginning of new narrative poetry initiated by Pushkin in Russia. 这部小说标志着普希金建立俄罗斯新叙事结构诗学的开端。

44、This article summarizes Huang Zunxian′s nation-state thought which is mainly manifested in these poems about the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895. 在重新解读黄遵宪咏甲午战争的诗,更能总结出黄氏晚年在总结甲午战争过程中体现出来的民族思想。

45、However, due to regional differences and in the changes of historical and cultural heritage, celebrating the Dragon Boat Festival activities are not all the same, each has his strong point. 不过,由于不同地域历史的变迁及文化沿袭的差异,各地在欢度端午节时所举行的活动也不全一样、各有千秋。

46、Dragon Boat race Traditions At the center of this festival are the dragon boat races. Competing teams drive their colorful dragon boats forward to the rhythm of beating drums. 风俗习惯端午节最重要的活动是龙舟竞赛,比赛的队伍在热烈的鼓声中划著他们多彩的龙舟前进。

47、We had only four cl this morning. 我们今天上午仅四节课。

48、We have three cl in the afternoon. 下午我们有三节课。

49、The composition of poetry once pushed the elegance and fantasticality to the acme in a new period, and then started to go back to forward folk language and live language till "slobber poem". 新时期的诗歌创作曾一度将诗语的典雅奇异推向一种极致,随后开始了面向生活语言的俗化的回归,一直发展到当下的“口水诗”,走到了另一个极端。

50、Dragon boat festival rice dumpling也可以说是zongzi dragon boat garlic wormwood


51、We have four lessons in the morning. 我们上午有四节课。

52、After left the church, Molly returned to live with Lin Wu Yang of the old, in which hope to be able to find some Lin Wu Yangs whereabouts. 在教堂留下字条之后,莫莉回到与林午阳居住的旧所,希望能够在其中发现一些林午阳行踪的端倪。

53、Afterglow some like the bottom of the river, and some like a fierce dragon, and some people like the Dragon Boat Festival race, like a beautiful princess in fancy walking, how elegant! 晚霞有的像清澈的小河,有的像张牙舞爪的龙,有的像端午节人们赛龙舟,还有的像一位美丽的公主在天边散步,多么优雅呀!

54、The next morning, 4 people come dizziness, nausea, vomiting, paralysis flu acral limbs, limb weakness and other symptoms. 次日上午,有4人陆续出现头晕、恶心、呕吐、手脚肢端麻痹感、四肢乏力等症状。

55、Artemisia argyi high in front of dance, sickness, driving away evil gas, anti-Wudu, happily the Dragon Boat Festival. 艾蒿高高门前舞,驱邪气,防五毒,高高兴兴过端午。

56、Shanghang County Dragon Boat Festival with boat tie-shaped reed plays Zuolong waterfront, known as the Boat Race. 上杭县端午用小艇缚芦苇作龙形戏于水滨,称为竞渡。

57、For ancestors or popular folk gods, ordinary goods like Chinese pork stew, meat , or dried bean curd are usually used. The photo shows offerings set out for the Dragon Boat Festival. 祭拜祖先或民间神灵,通常以家常菜肴为祭品,如红烧肉、贡丸、豆乾等,图为端午时节拜祭龙舟。

58、the dragon boat festival the dragon boat festival、午日节、赛龙舟,薰苍术, may

59、He searched in himself, in Nature, in the message of poets and thinkers. 他搜寻上帝于自己身上,于自然界中,于诗人及思想家之笔端。

60、I had two cl this afternoon. 今天下午,我上了两节课。

61、A day goes through daybreak, morning, noon, afternoon, nightfall and night-time. 一天经过�晓,上午,正午,下午,傍晚和午夜。

62、The main function of telomerase is for the replication of telomere DNA, which is closely related with tumor and cell senescence. 端粒酶的主要功能是复制端粒末端DNA,维持端粒长度。端粒酶活性调节与肿瘤发生和细胞衰老有着密切关系。

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