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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-25 11:34:14
  • 86


关于”句子的基本类型“的英语句子44个,句子主体:Basic types of sentences。以下是关于句子的基本类型的八年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Basic types of sentences

1、The flow of Poyang Lake is divided into three kinds of flow as following: gravity flow, top-lifted flow, and backward flow, their characters are described in the article. 根据实测资料,将鄱阳湖湖流归纳为重力型、顶托型、倒灌型三种基本类型,概述了各类型湖流的机制、特征;

2、Women, Tao and life are its three basic prototypical meanings. 女子、道、生命是水意象的三个基本原型意义。

3、Such property-based pointcuts can express a set of join points that matches "every call to a subtype of an Account" without forcing the programmer to enumerate those subtypes. 这类基于属性的切入点可以表示一套与“每个针对 Account 子类型的调用”匹配的连接点,却不必强迫程序员枚举这些子类型。

4、Your design can sometimes dictate which choice you make; for example, extending base types with subtypes is clearly a more object-oriented approach. 您的设计有时可以支配您的选择,例如,以子类型扩展基本类型则更加趋向于面向对象方法。

5、The javax.xml.datatypes package also defines the DatatypeConstants utility class that contains basic data type values as constants. datatypes 包还定义了 DatatypeConstants 工具类,以常量定义了基本的数据类型值。

6、We've looked so far really at two non-scalar types. And those were tuples written with parentheses, and strings. 关于这两种基本类型我们已经,学的相当多了,包括哪些元组和字符串类型。

7、A planar quadrilateral is adopted as the basic loop in building up the displacement equations, and four basic types of solutions are given. 采用平面四边形为基本封闭形建立位移方程,给出了所有四个基本类型的解。

8、The study and practice of Flash-based computer networking principles interactive animation; 本文着重探索数字交互动画艺术形态的基本类型和特征。

9、According to the markers, cucumber genes were divided into morphological genes, isozyme and molecular marker genes. 根据标记类型的不同,将黄瓜基因分为形态学基因、同工酶基因和分子标记基因;

10、The DITA approach to topic-based writing focuses on three fundamental types of topic 基于主题写作的 DITA 方法将重点放在以下三个基本的主题类型上

11、Protocol buffers supports the following primitive datatypes that can be represented in "object" graphs Protocol buffers支持如下的可以被“对象”图表达的基本数据类型

12、Derived types must be completely substitutable for their base types. 派生类型必须是它们的基础类型完全可替换的。

13、Based on the results of TWINSPAN classification, 60 quadrats of C. glauca community were classified into 8 association types with their community characteristics described. 通过TWINSPAN分类,将青冈栎群落60个样方划分为8个群丛类型,探讨了各群丛类型的基本特征。

14、The typed topics represent the fundamental structuring layer for DITA topic-oriented content. 类型化主题代表 DITA 面向主题内容的基本结构层。

15、Even though only base types of strings are supported, it is possible to add typing data to distinguish between types of strings semantically. 尽管仅支持基本类型的字符串,但可以添加类型数据来从语义上区分字符串的类型。

16、We've looked so far really at two non-scalar types. And those were tuples written with parentheses, and strings. 关于这两种基本类型我们已经,学的相当多了,包括哪些元组和字符串类型。

17、A Type may be a subType of another type, and can inherit all its properties. 类型可以为其他类型的子类型,可以集成这个类型的所有属性。

18、Representation of basic data type, extended data type and 3D entities in R2000 DWG file are ilrated. 在具体数据类型方面还包括基本数据类型,扩展数据类型和三维信息等的内部表示方法。

19、A division of the types is made for the gold deposits in the eastern area of Guizhou, and the essential characteristics are stated synthetically . 本文对黔东地区金矿进行了矿床类型划分,并综述了各类型的基本特征。

20、Local variables can be primitive or business object types. 局部变量可以是基元类型或业务对象类型。

21、The base ADIEU tool comes with an assortment of useful card types. 基本的 ADIEU 工具提供对有用卡片类型的分类功能。

22、There are three base implementations provided for subclassing. 所提供的用于生成子类的基本实现有三种。

23、Thus, algal-bacterial phosphorites are main source of phosphorites. 从而揭示了菌藻生物磷块岩是磷块岩的基本类型。

24、Here I subclass ExprEditor in my own VerboseEditor, overriding three of the base class methods -- all named edit(), but with different parameter types. 这里我在自己的 VerboseEditor 中派生了 ExprEditor 子类,重写了三个基本的类方法 ―― 它们的名字都是 edit() ,但是有不同的参数类型。

25、In this method, affinity propagation cering is used to cer training samples. The sub-models are trained by LS-SVM. 该方法用仿射传播聚类算法对样本进行聚类,采用LS-SVM的方法对子类样本分别建立模型。


26、All right. I want to return to some non-scalar types. So we've been looking, the last couple of lectures, at floating pointing numbers and integers. 好,我们现在回到一些,非基本类型的话题来,我们在过去的几节课里,一直在研究浮点数类型和integer类型。

27、Sakuzou Yosino belonged to the ideal type among modern… 吉野作造是近代日本知识分子的理想类型。

28、In the most categorization algorithms, the text or document is always represented using Vector Space Model. 纲后长数文本开类方式都非以背量空间模型为基本的。

29、When the maximum cardinality in a type definition is omitted, the sub-indexes on values of that type can range from 1 to the maximum positive value of integer type. 省略类型定义中的最大基数时,此类型值上的子索引范围从 1 到整数类型的最大正值。

30、Classification is a foundational problem in TCM Constitution Theory, phlegm-dampness constitution is one kind of elementary constitutions type. 体质分类是中医体质学研究的基础与核心内容,痰湿体质是中医基本体质类型的一种。

31、The fundamental principles, factors affecting the reproducibility of mass Spectrometry and reaction types of CIMS are described. 主要介绍了化学离子化质谱的基本原理、影响质谱重现性的主要因素及离子化过程中的反应类型;

32、See the rules about inheriting from generic base cl later in this topic. 请参见本主题后面有关从泛型基类继承的规则。

33、Inheritance lets us evolve general data types into more specialized ones and spares us recoding basic functionality. 继承使一般数据类型可以演变成更专用的数据类型,我们因此不必重写基本的功能;

34、Auto-boxing of primitives. 基元类型的自动装箱。

35、A series of imine esters were synthesised by the addition of amino acid esters to aldehydes. 本论文使用不同类型芳香醛与氨基酸酯的加成反应合成了一系列氨基酸酯亚胺类化合物。

36、One type is a subrange of the other. 一个类型是另一个类型的子界。

37、Business/domain cl, also known as entity cl, implement the fundamental domain types within your application, such as the Order and Customer cl in Figure 1. 业务/域类,也称为 实体类,实现应用程序里的基本域类型,例如, 图 1 中的 Order 和 Customer 类。

38、The cl are templated over the storage data type, and the base unit. 这些类对于存储数据类型,和基本单元已经模板化。

39、Metadata types are those that specific content types aggregate with the base types to provide specific, well-known properties that are specific to a type of content. 元数据类型是特定内容类型与基础类型聚合的类型,提供特定于某类内容的特定属性。

40、Constructing an object of derived type involves constructing and initializing all its base subobjects. 构造派生类型的对象包括构造和初始化宾所有基类子对象。

41、The basic C character type is a 1-byte data type, and no programmer dreams of changing it. 基本 C 字符类型是 1 字节数据类型,没有一位编程人员想到过要改变它。

42、Cannot change the base type, length, precision, scale, nullability, or collation of an existing User-defined datatype. 无法更改用户定义的现有数据类型的基本类型、长度、精度、小数位数、为空性或整理规则。

43、The attribute types can be basic (for example, Integer, String) or complex data types (for example, the user-defined types like Order and CreditCard) 可以将属性类型定为基本类型(例如,Integer 或 String)或复杂数据类型(例如,用户定义的类型,如 Order 和 CreditCard)。

44、Arguments are strongly-typed, and the types range from fundamental primitives (booleans, bytes, integers) to high-level structures (strings, arrays, and dictionaries). 参数是强类型的,类型的范围是从基本的非派生类型(布尔(booleans)、 字节(bytes)、整型(integers))到高层次数据结构(字符串(strings)、数组( arrays)和字典(dictionaries))。

45、Fundamentally, the method simply searches for UDDI bindingTemplates that implement the desired WSDL portType -- in this case, the portType for the stock quote services deployed in the Bus. 基本上,这个方法只是搜索实现我们期望的 WSDL 端口类型的 UDDI bindingTemplates ,在本例中,股票报价服务的端口类型部署在总线内。

46、>would have been more type-safe for reference types, but would have made it impossible to use Array.newInstance() to create an instance of a primitive array. >泛化 Array.newInstance(),对于引用类型有更好的类型安全,但是就不能使用 Array.newInstance()创建基本类型数组的实例了。

47、Confusingly, a neutralino is not actually the partner of a particular Standard Model particle but is, rather, a mixture of the partners of several of them. 令人疑惑的是,neutralino并非标准模型表格中某个基本粒子的配对子,而是数个基本粒子的对应的配对子的杂合物。

48、Bugs come in three basic varieties: coding bugs, documentation bugs, and requirement bugs. 有三种基本类型的错误:编码错误、文档错误和需求错误。

49、In the Pre-Qin period, the development of the type and standard of vehicle was stable, as well as the manufacturing standard. 先秦时期车辆的类型以及形制的发展已基本稳定,造车制度也基本完善。

50、Therefore, the detection of oncogenes and TSGs in different tumors is the basic prerequisite to understand the mechanism of tumorigenesis and to conduct gene diagnosis and gene therapy. 因此,探讨不同类型肿瘤相关癌基因和抑癌基因是认识肿瘤发生分子机理、开展基因诊断和基因治疗的基本前提。


51、The pr also recognizes other basic types. Doubles can be created with a decimal point 同样,解析器也能识别其他的基本类型,可以使用个小数点来创建浮点类型

52、The model consists of five sub-sets: basic cl model, context model, organization model, resource model, and process model. 这个模型由基本本体类、上下文本体类、组织本体类、资源本体类和过程本体类组成。

53、The basic concepts should apply to other types of databases too. 其中的基本概念也应该能适用其他类型的数据库。

54、The GenericTemplate instance holds the basic type parameter information for the class, along with the array of fields defined for the class. GenericTemplate 实例包含类的基本类型参数信息,还有为类定义的字段的数组。

55、There are three base implementations provided for sub-classing. 所提供的用于生成子类的基本实现有三种。

56、Crime of private prosecution is one of categories in criminal legislation and is a basic form of crimes. 亲告罪是对犯罪在立法上进行分类的结果,是犯罪的一个基本类型。

57、基本数据类型 是由 C 和 C++ 语言规范所定义的所有数据类型。Base data types are all data types defined by the C and C++ language specification.

58、Base data types are all data types defined by the C and C++ language specification. 基本数据类型 是由 C 和 C++ 语言规范所定义的所有数据类型。

59、Three types of practice of human being means three lays of viewpoint towards nature. 人类生活实践的三种基本类型则意味着自然观的三个层面。

60、The UML Primitive Types model library contains the 4 primitive types defined by the UML 2.1 specification, as shown in Figure 10, (again, see the Resources section for more information on UML 2.1) UML 基本类型模型库包括 4 个基本类型,由 UML 2.1 规范所定义,如图 10 所示,(参照 参考资料 部分可以得到更多关于 UML 2.1 的规范)

61、Basic personality types, according to the theories of Carl Gustav Jung. 按照精神病学家容格的理论确立的基本人格类型。

62、It is possible that each product subtype may have its own subtypes. 可能每个产品子类型还有它自己的子类型。

63、According to the schema, the Person complex type must have the direct child elements name of xsd:string type and friend of Person type, and should not have any other types and attributes. 根据脚本,复杂类型 Person 必须有一个 xsd:string 类型名字的直接子元素,和一个 Person 类型的友元,并且不能有其它类型和属性。

64、The principle of numerus clausus is the main principle in sachenrecht, including typenzwang and typenfixierung. 物权法定是物权法的基本原则之一,它包括类型强制和类型固定。

65、The type of load cell that is being presented is basically similar to a bending beam type. 该类型的称重传感器是正提交基本上是类似的弯曲梁式。

66、Subtypes must be substitutable for their base types. 派生类型必须可以替换它的基类型。

67、Plant homeotic genes and homeobox genes are two types of the important genes encoding transcription factors involved in plant development. 植物同源异型基因及同源异型盒基因是涉及植物个体发育调节的两类重要转录因子编码基因。

68、A subtype can also add more element and attribute declarations to the base type. 子类型也可以向基类型增加更多的元素和属性声明。

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