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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-07 03:27:26
  • 149


关于”短小精悍的句子“的英语句子33个,句子主体:A short sentence。以下是关于短小精悍的句子的小学英语句子。

英文句子模板1:A short sentence

1、By his account , his brief meeting with Mr. Ozawa to secure his future verged on the surreal . 在他看来,他与小沢的简短会面使他未来的日子越发离奇。

2、This suggests the small, stocky Indohyus spent a lot of time in the water. 这证明了,这种短小精悍的生物,在水里待了很长的一段时间。

3、Miniaturization of the electronic components to prevent whisker cause a short circuit accident. 小型化的电子元件需防止晶须造成短路事故。

4、She has big eyes, a small nose, small mouth and short black hair. 她有一双大眼睛,小鼻子,小儿朵,小嘴巴和黑色的短发。

5、The ladies who meet regularly in a museum cafe in Cologne skip the gossip and get straight down to haiku, an ultra-brief poetry style that has spread from Japan around the globe. 一些女士们定期在科隆博物馆的咖啡厅里聚会。她们不闲谈八卦,而是直接切入正题探讨俳句——一种从日本风靡至全球的短小精悍的诗体。

6、In 2010, this trend will move away from the quirky navigation and become more minimal in its approach. 在2010年,这种风格会摆脱花哨的导航变得更加短小精悍。

7、Ideas for new plays and short stories teemed in his head. 他的脑子里有许多新戏剧和短篇小说的构思。

8、The dress is too short. 这裙子太短了。

9、The broadcast commentary writing style then emphasized terse and forceful, easy to understand, to the sentiment is moving and the two-way exchange. 广播评论的写作风格则更强调短小精悍、通俗易懂、以情动人和双向交流。

10、She has small eyes and a black nose. 她小眼睛黑鼻子,短腿。

11、The final example I'll give of this is a short demonstration. 我想用一段简短的演示,来作为无意识的最后一个例子。

12、The form is compact (usually one or two pages) that can be carried around and updated with current status as you talk to team members. 这种表格短小精悍(通常一、两页),可以随时带上,在跟团队成员交谈时,可以用当前的状态进行更新。

13、Theteam proved that among their 10 million antiprotons and 700 million positrons, 38 stable atoms of antihydrogen were formed, lasting about two tenths of asecond each. 研究小组证实,1000万个反质子和7亿个正电子共形成38个稳定的反氢原子,每一个的存在时间只有短短十分之二秒左右。

14、Some nice little and useful applications have been built around our service. 一些建立在我们服务的短小精悍和游泳的应用程序。

15、It is only a short story of less than 2000 words, but it expresses multiple themes-the moral paralysis of Dubliners, the dilemma of life and the awakening of woman consciousness. 它短小精悍,高度浓缩了多重深刻的主题思想:都柏林生活中的“精神麻痹” ,人生的两难处境,女性意识的觉醒。

16、She bemoans the way electronic media, with their demand for spectacle and brevity, have shortened our attention spans. 她对追求壮观和简洁的电子媒体很是不满,认为电子媒体缩短了我们的注意力。

17、Minutes were as big as plums, hours the size of watermelons. 分钟短些,是李子,小时长些,是西瓜。

18、Plunging through the woods, the little swine-herd was coming towards her, in a gy cap, a short sheep-skin jacket. 跳进树林后,一个矮小的带粗短帽子和一个短羊毛皮夹克的养猪人朝她走去。

19、Afanti stories which spread in Xinjiang , China have short and pithy form , charming and witty content. 我国新疆地区流传的阿凡提故事,形式短小精悍,内容风趣幽默。

20、There were short letters full of tiny compliments that only a seven-year-old would notice. 一些短信里充满了一个年仅7岁的孩子的小小问候。

21、Short initial comment by each speaker. Panel discussion. 报告人作简短评论。小组讨论。

22、But as a mobile terminal, the portability of the device demands short messages so that users can interactively communicate anywhere and anytime. 但手机又是一个移动终端,设备的便携性要求其传播的信息具有短小精悍的特点,以满足随时、随地的互动要求。

23、The scientist shouted a few quick commands over his shoulder, and two Invid soldiers marched into the room. Sandwiched between them was a small Tiresioid male, narcotized , so it appeared. 科学家回头发出一句简短的命令,两名因维士兵踏进房间,中间架着一个体型瘦小的泰雷西亚男性,他看起来已经昏迷了。

24、Shorts were pinned to shirts, to hats. 短裤改做的衬衫,袜子做的帽子。

25、Papers are written about "activating stunned fish", his epigrammatic summation of the post-merger integration of the succulent but ill-managed morsels that Haier has taken over. 多篇论文就他的“海尔文化激活休克鱼”理念进行阐述,他的这一经典案例是他兼并那些硬件施设尚好但管理混乱小企业之后的简短精悍的总结。


26、I just reduced it to a smaller version of the same problem. 我刚刚把它简化为一个更小的同类问题,这就是我可以写出能解决更短字符串的例子。

27、Finally, I will share three short snappy articles with you that I read recently. 最后,我想跟大家分享做最近读到的三篇短小精悍的美文。

28、In broadcast newsrooms, producers may write headlines and also what are called teases, short descriptions of stories designed to make listeners or viewers want to stay tuned to get the full report. 在广播电视的新闻编辑室里,制作人可能负责写新闻标题,也还要写所谓的引子,即对那条新闻作一个短小精悍的预告,使听众或观众为得到完整的消息而希望继续收听收看。

29、Most captions are short, just one or two lines in small type. 大多数文字说明短小精悍,仅有一到两行小型字体。

30、The slight woman with short, spiky hair stood up in the middle of the basketball court. 这名瘦小的女子站在篮球场中央,她那直立的头发剪得短短的。

31、Common features of trisomics are plant dwarf, poor tillering, short ears, relatively low seed fertility and small seeds. 三体的共同特性是植株变矮,分蘖力弱,穗子短小,结实率低和瘦小。

32、Today’s post was originally going to also be short and sweet, but I found I had a lot more to say about today’s particular topic. 今天的发文原本也应该短小精悍,但我发现关于今天的特殊主题我有太多的话要说。

33、TV comedy program is loved by audience, because it is short, closes to real life and focus on the plot and story, with true emotion. 电视栏目剧短小精悍,贴近生活,注重情节性和故事性,情感真挚,因此深受地方百姓的青睐。

34、n January 6, 1973, the anthropologist Margaret Mead published a startling little essay in TV Guide. 在1973年1月6日,人类学家Margaret Mead在TV向导发表了一篇令人震惊的短小精悍的文章。

35、The brief dictated that Spore had no specific target age-group. 在简短的决定了孢子并没有特定的目标年龄组。

36、With our subroutines set up, we move quickly into the short main program logic. 设置了子程序后,我们将快速转入简短的主程序逻辑。

37、The whole novel is short snappy and rich in meaning, thought-provoking like a modern fable. 整部小说短小精悍而寓意丰富,犹如一部现代寓言发人深省。

38、Ideas of new plays and short stories teemed in his head . 他的脑子里有许多新戏剧和短篇小说的构思。

39、Beedo's Podracer featured an aerodynamically styled teardrop-shaped pit mounted to two blocky engines. 贝多的赛车的特征为:有一个按空气动力学造的泪滴形座舱,连在两个短小精悍的引擎上。

40、This Pipe Candlestick is a fine, dapper and slightly quirky accessory for your home! 这款短小精悍的有点怪的烟斗烛台最适合家居!

41、Another time, a small, wiry man in combat boots and shorts was apprehended trying to break down the front door. 还有一次,一个个头矮小、精瘦结实、穿着军靴和短裤的男子,因为企图损坏官邸的前门,被逮捕了。

42、The message is compelling, compressed, and copied at the bottom of every free e-mail message. 这则信息引人注意,短小精悍,并且在每封免费邮件都被复制。

43、Short, exquisite, this is Willa Cather's most perfect novel. 这部小说简短、精致,是薇拉 • 凯瑟最完美的作品。

44、GPS, Short baseline, Sample quantity, Precision estimation. GPS定位,短基线,子样容量,精度评定。

45、One week of effort isn’t going to get you a finished ebook, unless you’re working on something very short. 仅仅忙活一周可写不完一本书,除非你的那本极其短小精悍。

46、Almost as good is a thank-you email — keep it short and sweet. 发‘致谢’电子邮件也是一个好方法 - 要简短而亲切。

47、The body of the sparrow is small. It has a round head, a short neck and small legs. 麻雀的身体很小,它有一个圆头,短脖子和细小的腿。

48、The monkeys have short hair. 那些猴子有短毛。

49、REBOL introduces the concept of dialecting- small, efficient, domain-specific sublanguages for code, data, and metadata. REBOL引入了方言的概念——专为编码、据与原数据处理工作的一种短小、悍、特定领域的子语言。

50、Thellos article on the bacon, dapper beauty of concise language expression by vivid the comprehension of beauty. 培根的这篇《论美》短小精悍,通过生动简练的语言表达了作者对美的领悟。


51、This is a short story about a bird in a birdcage . 这个短小的故事是关于一只被关在鸟笼子里的小鸟的。

52、Average height, muscular build, black hair worn short, and a soul patch beneath his lower lip. 他个头适中,肌肉结实,黑色的头发剪得短短的,下唇蓄着一小撮胡子。

53、Give brief, relevant examples. Examples make difficult, abstract philosophical points much clearer. 给出简短,相关的例子,这些例子使得抽象困难的哲学观点清晰化。

54、There are 60 funny video clips on the web-site (in the 'Record and playback' folder). 网页内“录制回放”提供了60个短小精悍的趣味录像。

55、In desirability for a short - term relationship, a female preference for male faces with stubble or light beard was found, with clean - shaven and fully bearded faces being the least preferred. 选择留短须和小胡子的成为短期交往伙伴而没胡子的或者满脸大胡子的众人则避而远之。

56、REBOL introduces the concept of dialecting - small, efficient, domain-specific sublanguages for code, data, and metadata. REBOL引入了方言的概念——专为编码、数据与原数据处理工作的一种短小、精悍、有特定领域的子语言。

57、Try to have a quick conversation with non-intimidating girl 尝试跟一位面善的妹子展开一段简短的对话。

58、Pinnacle On-The-Go is a free weekly e-newsletter that provides a short, practical lesson in Business Mandarin. 东方鼎盛“随时看”是免费的每周发送的电子简报,给您带来简短而有用的商务汉语课程。

59、Clarifying communication: Examples include newsletters, email, and brown-bag lunches. 澄清沟通:包括信件,电子邮件,一个简短的午餐。

60、This is a nice reading, but short. Enjoy! 这是一篇短小精悍的文章,希望您能喜欢!

61、Methods are so short that they often seem without substance. 方法是如此的短小,在他们看来简直言之无物。

62、He had a big moustache, and a short beard that curled outwards. 他有一丛浓密的小胡子,还有一条短小的山羊胡子往外卷着。

63、Keep Match Fit – Exercise your writing muscles, the more your practice the more you improve. Comments should be short, fast, to the point and make an impact. 保持身手——锻炼你的写作肌肉,练得越多提高越多.评论应该短小精悍、一针见血、振聋发聩.写评论是锻炼写作技巧的绝佳方式.

64、Pet alligator found travelling in train by startled customs officials 这个星期挪威海关官员在去奥斯陆的火车上截获了一个短小精悍的的乘客。

65、Short, powerful, does not contain any plug-in is your weapon stocks. 短小精悍,功能强大,不含任何插件,是您炒股的利器。

66、Trevor: A boxer is medium size. She's got short hair and a very short stubby nose. And no tail. 拳师犬身型不大不小,毛发有些短,鼻子非常短粗,没有尾巴。

67、Please cut the trousers down. 请把裤子改短。

68、But as a mobile terminal, the portability of the device demands short message so that users can interactively communicate anywhere and anytime. 但手机又是一个移动终端,设备的便携性要求传播的信息具有短小精悍的特点,以满足随时、随地的互动要求。

69、The 16-page booklet serves as a short-form catalog, providing an overview of the company's surveillance products. 该16页小册子是一个简短的产品目录,提供该公司监视产品的概况。

70、She has short hair, small eyes, high nose & small mouth. 她短发,小眼睛,高鼻子和小嘴巴。

71、She turned up her skirt. 她把她的裙子折边改短。

72、Think about SOA not as a protracted effort, but as a series of short, winnable skirmishes that happen as change is driven through your market or organization. 别把SOA当作一个长期的工作,把它当作由市场或组织内部驱动的变更所带来的一场场短小精悍的小战役吧。

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