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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-15 10:48:43
  • 90


关于”打电话情景对话30句“的英语句子39个,句子主体:Telephone situational dialogue 30 sentences。以下是关于打电话情景对话30句的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Telephone situational dialogue 30 sentences

1、(to PBX) Mr Hunter, Mr. Wood wants to buy some computer software. 我明白了,非常感谢,Wood先生。

2、I’m not ready to order yet . 我还没准备好点菜。

3、The time for us to punch in is 9 am. 不对,你这句话的意思是“我们在9点整及时打了卡。”

4、I am Henry Hudson.Why are you interested in working for our company? 为什么有兴趣在我们公司工作?

5、Because I'm working in a small company where a further promotion is impossible. 因为我在一家小公司工作,升职的希望很小。

6、I think that this sentence is not all right. 我认为这句话并不全对。

7、The ability to compose larger e-business scenarios by including several partners in the dialogue 通过在对话中包含几个伙伴来合成大型电子商务情景的能力。

8、What else do you advise me to do? 你觉得我还应该注意些什么吗?

9、His televised speech on March 30 was a disappointment. 他在3月30日发表的电视讲话令人失望。

10、E-business dialogues between peers 对等体之间的电子商务对话

11、To this we reply in one word, only. 对此,我们只打算回答一句话。

12、呢,清空记录浦口区陆续,不明觉厉, Hi, how nice to meet you!

13、I will give you an injection to bring down the temperature . 我给你开一针来降体温。

14、A humorous scenario with witty dialogue delivers the best of music reality TV situations. 一个幽默情景以机智的对话交付最佳音乐现实电视情况。

15、III. Listen to the dialogues or passages and choose the right answers to Question21-30. 听较长对话或短文,选择正确答案作答21–30 小题。听两遍。

16、. Through these I have a deeply understanding of my major—sports training. 除此以外,我还参加了在北京举行的许多运动会。

17、Now I will feel your pulse. That will do. 现在我来给你把脉。

18、If ody's laughing, how come sitcoms are doing so well? 如果没人笑的话,情景喜剧怎会这么受欢迎?

19、Oh, it's nothing serious, Just as I thought you've got bronchitis. 噢,一点也不重。

20、Do you need a few minutes ( to decide what you want ? ) 你是不是想再等几分钟(决定你要什么?

21、Took about 20-30 minutes. 话费20—30分钟。

22、Could you please give me the menu? Bring me the menu , please . 请给我一份

23、I’d like my steak rare / medium / welldone . 我想我的牛排五分/七分/全熟。

24、He chuckled softly at his own joke. 他对自己那句俏皮话嗤嗤 窃笑。

25、I paused remembering the gun pointed at him. 我打住话头,想起劫匪用枪指着他的情景。


26、Method:Adopting multi-media teaching, multi-role playing, scene teaching method to study. 方法理论教学采用整体护理病案为引导的对话式情景教学。

27、Life is like a box of chocolates,you never konw what you're going to get. 这句话出自《阿甘正传》中阿甘妈妈对阿甘说的话。

28、In other words, rounded corners and faded backgrounds had nothing to do with Photobucket’s success. 换句话说,圆角和消退背景与Photobucket的成功没有关系。

29、The magical fairy tale a dream scene arrangement, the photographer unique Angle of view of composition, the autumn fairy tale plot type wayNew ARTIZ autumn fairy tale scene with you. 童话梦中那魔幻般的场景布置,摄影师独特的构图视角,秋季童话故事剧情式拍摄方式 全新ARTIZ秋季童话场景与您不期而遇。

30、Would you like anything to drink ? 您想喝点什么吗?

31、He dispraised the film in a few words. 他以几句话对这部影片加以诋毁。

32、Scenes role in partition: English milk provides a virtual scene dialogue, so that students are familiar with a variety of scenarios, any occasion fluent. 情景角色参与: 牛奶英语提供虚拟情景对话,让学生熟悉各种场景,任何场合对答如流。

33、Sometimes PNG transparency is used for the background of modal boxes as well. 有时透明PNG也作为模式化对话盒(会话窗)的背景。

34、I'm relieved to hear that. 你的话使我松了一口气。

35、The Lyons once joined words to go, was to meditation of he abducts her scene, 2 people all have no again speak. 里昂接过话去,许是想起了他拐骗她的情景,两人都没再说话。

36、Or you have some that will just filibuster you for 30 minutes with stuff you just don’t understand — this buzzword, that buzzword. 或者你会碰到一些人对着你吹嘘30分钟,说一些你不明白的东西——这里来一个行话,那里来一句时髦话的。

37、Take this slip to the injection room and give it to the nurse. 把这张纸条拿去注射室交给护士。

38、Is the office for the Tianyuan Corporation far from here? 精选情景会话:天远公司离这儿远不远?

39、(into PBX) Mr. Hunter, Mr. Wood of IBM Computer Company is on the line. 谢谢,Wood先生,请稍等。

40、There are many scene-by-scene parallels between book and movie, and much closely adapted dialogue. 回忆录和电影之间有许多一一对应的场景,并且对话也极为相近。

41、Will you please unon your shirt. 脱掉你的衬衣好吗?

42、keyboard image by Fyerne from Fotolia.com Every scene, every action and every spoken word in a movie comes from the pages of a script. 电影中的每个场景、每个动作每句对话都源自于剧本。

43、I bet you know this one, too. 我打赌这句话的含义你一定也知道。

44、On the other hand, situational contextual factors such as addressing object's presence, formality of the setting and the speaker's mood cause the changes in the speaker's way of addressing a person. 另一方面,情景式语境造成了说话者对特定对象称代上的变化:指代对象的在场与否、场合的正式程度、说话者情绪等因素都有可能使说话者称代某一对象的用语不同于称代此对象的常态称谓语。

45、他以几句话对这部影片加以诋毁。He dispraised the film in a few words.

46、Would you like to order now ? 您现在准备点菜了吗?

47、Now let me examine your chest. 三十九度五。

48、Thank you very much ,doctor. 非常谢谢你,医生。

49、It is aroused from reader's (listener's) background knowledge, comprehension of the present utterance and recognition of the situation of speech communication. 它是受话人在话语理解过程中利用背景知识、自己对当前文字和言语情景的认识而形成的。

50、Do you have any other symptoms? 还有些别的症状吗?


51、Given its ten year’s company, though, I would like to say a few words for it — computer in its prime of years was innocent. 看在十年老交情上,我为它说几句好话:早期的电脑是无害的。

52、I have lots of interest, such as singing, dancing, drawing and so on. 我有很多兴趣爱好,如唱歌、跳舞、画画等。

53、Gilberto Angulos does not need to say a word to tell the tale of working 30 years in Chile's mines. 吉尔伯托安格洛斯不需要说一句话来讲述他在智利矿山工作30年的故。

54、Critics complain, however, that the dialogue is stilted and awkward as the actors mouth modern phrases that don't fit the movie's ancient time frame. 批评者抱怨,电影里的对话都很虚假和笨础。从演员里说出来现代版的话,与当时的时代背景很不相符。

55、In fact, there is only one discourse recorded between Xiang and Liu, the content of which can not lead to that deduction. Obviously the other part of the conversation hasn't been recorded. 实际上鸿门宴上刘项只有一句对话,而这句话的内容不可能产生这样的结果,显然有更多的对话没被记下来。

56、He made up his mind not to say a word. 他打定主意一句话也不说。

57、Situational context includes speaker, receiver, and their respective personal status and social status, and so on. 情景语境包括发话人、受话人以及各自的主观状况和社会角色等。

58、II. The strategic dialogue under the framework of China-US SED. 关于中美战略与经济对话框架下战略对话情况。

59、III. The economic dialogue under the framework of China-US SED. 关于中美战略与经济对话框架下经济对话情况。

60、When that was reported on television, the Berliners were off. 这句话出现在电视报道中之后,柏林人疯狂了。

61、An e-business dialogue is really a dialogue between two peers. 电子商务对话实际上是两个对等体之间的对话。

62、I must have said it 20 or 30 times, pointing to my armband. 我指着自己的袖标,将这句话说了不下二三十次。

63、She will give you a test. 她会给你做皮试的。

64、In other words, they wanted to know what people were doing 30-45 days in the future. 换句话说,他们想知道受试人在未来30-45天想做些什么。

65、Schumann : The Poet Speaks from Kinderszenen, Opus 15 舒曼:诗人的话,选自儿时情景,作品15。

66、OK. Which do you want to buy? M-zone, Easy-own or GoTone? 有声英语情景对话:您想动感地带, 神州行还是全球通。

67、You will create the calculator resource and extend out to self-destruct in 30 seconds -- in other words, its lifetime is 30 seconds. 您将创建计算器资源,并且向外扩展为在 30 秒钟内自我销毁--换句话说,它的生命周期为 30 秒。

68、具体要求呢,清空记录浦口区陆续,不明觉厉, Hi, how nice to meet you!

69、Why did you leave your former company? 为什么离开以前的公司?

70、I'm a good team player. 我是一个富有团队精神的人。

71、I haven’t figured out what I want yet . 我还没想好吃什么。

72、Good morning ,doctor, I feel dizzy and weak and I'm running a temperature. 早上好,医生。

73、I have been particularly dissapointed tonight with just about every word you and I have chatted tonight. 我对今晚我俩谈话中的每一句话都特别失望。

74、Doctor, how about my temperature now? 医生,我现在的体温是多少?

75、Psycholinguists are also interested in the way in which a speaker formulates some intention, or expresses some idea in speech, in a conversational setting or otherwise. 心理语言学也关注在对话的背景中或其他的情况下,说话者如何用言语阐明意图和表达观点。

英文句子模板76:Telephone situational dialogue 30 sentences

76、Beleiving 30 year old myths doesn't help us. 请相信30年的老神话不会帮助我们。

77、This dissertation studies the basic sound character of Jingning SHE dialect; compares many differences between Jingning SHE dialect and Hakka dialects. 就景宁畲话的语音而言,景宁畲话与客家话存在着诸多不同。

78、If it expensive one, it means I am serious with our relation. 如果贵的话,这句话的意思是:我对我们的关系很认真。

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