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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-10 13:55:29
  • 72




1、we wish you a merry christmas 都是很好听的!

2、I don't know how to express"more than" 听起来很好听,他弹得很好。

3、Electric Piano is a wonderful sound. There's a job requring the muted singing AGAIN. I've no idea why this kind … 电子琴的声音真是很好听。有配乐又需哑啼,这种咿咿呀呀很受人欢迎啊。

4、This Chinese folk song is very good. I have listened to it. 这首中国民歌非常好听,我已经听了很多遍了。

5、Sounds good to me,I like that. 反正我听着挺好,我很喜欢

6、Tracy: It sounds delicious. 特蕾西:听起来很好吃。

7、she's very good at paying lip service.她很会讲一些言不由衷的好听话。

8、Chichi is a nice name. 琦琦这个名字很好听。

9、Good, because there's this thing, And you're probably gonna think it's stupid, but. try me. Even cold, these are so good. 很好,因为有件事,你可能会觉得很无聊,-说来听听。即使是冷了,这些还是很好吃。

10、This is a very pleasant song. 这支歌很好听。

11、A wife is difficult, but one angry mother, had to listen quietly to her mother scolded; 媳妇很为难,但婆婆一肚子气,只好静静地听婆婆骂;

12、I would be sure to come to this class again and locate this friendly person. 我肯定还会来听这门课,并来寻找这个很友好的小伙子的。

13、Babs: He must have very good hearing. 芭布丝:他的听力一定很好。

14、But kids with hearing disabilities have difficulty filtering out background noise, and hearing aids or cochlear implants do not perform this task either. 但是听力障碍的孩子则很难过滤掉背景噪音,助听器和人工耳蜗也不能很好解决这个问题。

15、The eode of this film sounds good. 这部电影的插曲很好听。

16、Yeah? Hearing aids Hearing aids - that's a good one, others? 嗯,助听器,助听器,很好,还有别的吗

17、I have good hearing comprehension. 我的听解很好。

18、Your company is very reputed in this city, I heard much praise for your company. 贵公司在这个城市名声很好,我听了很多对贵公司的好评。

19、which is such a shame because she was very good at singing. 这真的很令人遗憾,因为她唱歌很好听。

20、I heard there are many fun things here. 我听说这儿有很多好玩儿的东西。

21、Down by the Sally Gardens(歌手不明,但是爱尔兰的风笛爆好听娓娓的旋律,背景音乐也很好听) ;

22、这支歌很好听。This is a very pleasant song.

23、I am sorry to hear that. 很抱歉听到如此不好的消息。

24、She was gentle and very kind to me, and good company in a quiet, listening-type way. 她很温柔,对我也很好,是那种安静倾听型的好伴侣。

25、She rendered the song beautifully last night. 她昨天晚上演唱的歌曲很好听。


26、Can you hear me now? Great. 现在能听得到吗?,很好。

27、Dudu is a nice name. 嘟嘟这个名字很好听。

28、The cover of this al is also nice. 听过这张专辑里面的几首歌, 很好。

29、She's very good at paying lip service。她很会讲一些言不由衷的好听话。

30、The radio had been turned so bound that no one would miss a word . 收音机的音量被调得很大,没有人会听漏一个字句。

31、Prince Aegon sounded shocked. 伊耿王子听起来很震惊。

32、I've had numerous walkmans and this is the best. 我有很多随身听,这是最好的。

33、Wow, It sounds fantastic. I also heard you guys make pretty good Japanese-style cold noodles. 哇,听起来好棒。我也听说你们的日式冷面很好吃。

34、Her voice records well. 她的声音录下来很好听。

35、The tune sounds very familiar. 这曲子听起来很熟悉。

36、that is a good exercise: listening and practicing. 这是很好的练习:倾听和练习。

37、Sounds like very cool, very personal. 听起好像很酷、很有个性一样。

38、 Down by the Sally Gardens(歌手不明,但是爱尔兰的风笛爆好听娓娓的旋律,背景音乐也很好听) ;

39、It's hard to know again what the melody is or what the phrase is here. 还是很难听出,这里面的旋律或者乐句

40、We can go to the cafe or restaurant afterwards。我们先去电影院吧, 我听说那里正在放一部很好看的片子。

41、Avril, you sings very well and your songs are pretty good. 艾薇儿,你唱得很好而且你的歌都好好听。

42、Fine. -Good. Would you like to hear my specials for this evening? -Sure, why not? 好。- 很好。你们愿意听听我今晚的特色菜吗? - 当然,为什么不?

43、《The day you went away》(M2M) 好听,讲述失恋,但不是很哀伤,旋律很好,m2m的声音也很好

44、Then he said slowly, "I'm sorry I can't understand you." 然后他一字一句地说:“我很负疚我听不懂你说的话。”

45、I LOVE this song so much! greatest song ever! She should keep her singing career! 非常好听的一首歌,转音技巧很自然流畅,汪佩蓉唱功真的很好!

46、I'd love you to hear about it. Shall we?- Oh, oui. 我想你会很愿意听听这件事的 到那边好吗。

47、Generally, the sound of an announcer is euphonic. 一般来说,播音员的声音都很好听。

48、Kyo: Oh, yes I have. It's so nice to hear from you! 乔:我也很好,听到你的声音很开心!

49、The crowd in the room seemed full of curiosity. They expressed their eagerness to hear me sing. 那间屋子里的一群人似乎都很好奇,他们迫切希望听我唱一曲。

50、B: I’ve heard they’re very (helpful/ reputable/ well-connected). 我听说(很有用/声誉很好/社会联系广泛)。


51、Good, I'm glad to hear that. 很好,听到这件事太高兴了。

52、He plays guitar and has a great voice. 他弹吉他而且声音很好听。

53、She's very good at paying lip service. 她很会讲一些言不由衷的好听话。

54、Beautiful, wow. Gook luck, man. 很好听,哇。祝你好运,伙计。

55、Okay, a lot of you have heard of it, it's a very interesting concept. 很好,很多人都听说过,这是一个很有趣的概念

56、That's fine.We'll listen to it. 很好,我们一会还会听。

57、The professor spoke slowly in reder that the listeners could hear hem clearly. 教授说的很慢,好让听众听清楚。

58、Okay? It's nice to see you back 好吗?很高兴见到你们来听课

59、the day you went away dear diary girl in your dreams 这些都很好听!

60、Ah, it does-- great. 它听话了,很好。

61、I am sorry to hear that. 很抱歉听到如此不好的消息

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