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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-30 06:39:50
  • 134


关于”好听的爱情句子“的英语句子43个,句子主体:Nice love sentences。以下是关于好听的爱情句子的高三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Nice love sentences

1、No Goodbyes for love brightens their eyes. 没有道别, 因为爱情点亮了他们的双眼。

2、Woven in the heart words you hear? 织在心里的情话你听见了吗?

3、he was clearly happy to be there. He was clearly "in the moment," in other words. Always good to listen to someone who is passionate about their subject. 他显然很高兴能给大家讲演。换句话说,他显然很“投入”。能听到那些对自己题材充满热情的人讲演总是好事情。

4、Sex or clothes? what love is? 情人节送她什么?性?还是漂亮衣服?

5、We appreciate your kindness and we shall always cherish this lovely gift from you。谢谢你馈赠礼品,我们感激你的盛情,永远珍爱你给我们的漂亮的馈礼。

6、A heart that loves is always young. 爱情就像月亮,不增则减。

7、What could be prettier?" 还能有更漂亮的事情吗“

8、It's a nice and beautiful place where people are hard working and hospitable. 广州非常漂亮,热爱劳动,热情好客。

9、Duoduo is very beautiful. She has super gentle eye expression. 躲躲很漂亮,有着非常深情的眼神。

10、The moon is so bright, as if it is man's eye that restlessly admiring his lover. 那月儿是那么的明亮,好似那情郎的眼,目不转睛的痴赏着爱人。

11、A heart that loves is always young. 32 爱情就像月亮,不增则减。

12、Sw:look, my dear! This dress is really beautiful! 公:看,亲爱的!这件衣服真漂亮!

13、It's a Hollywood romance. 好莱坞式的爱情。

14、They conceal all their feelings and desires and little heartbreaks behind a lot of sweet words. 她们把自己的感情、希望和小小的伤心事用一大堆漂亮话掩藏起来。

15、Now you must obey the doctor's enjoining. Stay in bed until you get well. 好啦,你要听大夫的话,卧床休息,直到病情好转。

16、Would you like to be the smartest, best looking, fittest, funniest, best dressed, most compassionate, loving person you’ve ever been? 你想成为有生以来最聪明、最漂亮、最苗条、最有趣、最得体、最热情、最可爱的人吗?

17、never trust to fine words. 切勿轻信漂亮话。

18、How good to listen sweet prattle how lets people unforgettable commitment. 多么好听的情话,多么让人难忘的承诺。

19、Cinderella can't go to the party because she doesn't have beautiful clothes. Her stepsisters have beautiful clothes. They look very happy. Cinderella is very sad. 灰姑娘不能参加宴会,因为她没有漂亮的衣服。她两个姊姊却有漂亮衣服。她们的表情好愉快。灰姑娘伤心透了。

20、Never trust to fine words. 切勿轻信漂亮话.

21、This beautiful room is bathed in light. You’ll wake up every morning in a good humor. 这个漂亮的房间沐浴着阳光,每天早上醒来时你就会有个好心情。

22、Nobel's third and long-lasting love was with a flower girl named Sofie Hess, also from Vienna. 诺贝尔的第三段爱情是一个漂亮的女孩Sofie Hess,她远在维也纳。

23、He has just eavesdropped two sweethearts. 他刚刚偷听了两个情人的谈话。

24、we appreciate your kindness and we shall always cherish this lovely gift from you。谢谢你馈赠礼品,我们感激你的盛情,永远珍爱你给我们的漂亮的馈礼。

25、Everything depends on my mood. If it is bad i listen to the quite and calm music and if it's good i can listen to the quick and mobile music. 任何事情都依赖于我的情绪,如果情绪不好就听安静的歌,如果情绪好,就听快歌!


26、Please dear sisters polish eyes, choose yourself another half is to pay a lifetime to verify the love is the real good love! 请亲爱的姐妹们擦亮眼睛,选择好自己的另一半,是要对付出一生的时间来验证的爱情才是真正的美好爱情!

27、Listen to him or her and have a conversation about their hob-bies, career etc. Learm something new about the topic. 对他们的爱好和工作等要倾听和交谈,从这些话题中了解些事情。

28、  A heart that loves is always young. 32  爱情就像月亮,不增则减。

29、Rick:You have a nice claoom, Alice. 瑞克:你有一个漂亮的教室,爱丽思。

30、Thank you for the gift. We appreciate your kindness and we shall always cherish this lovely gift from you. 谢谢你馈赠礼品, 我们感激你的盛情,永远珍爱你给我们的漂亮的馈礼。

31、A beautiful scallop, is you talking to me? 好漂亮的扇贝,是你在跟我说话吗?

32、Beauty can be eye-pleasing or low. In this case, definitely low. 漂亮可以很养眼或者低俗。这种情况绝对是低俗。

33、We appreciate your kindness and we shall always cherish this lovely gift from you. 我们感激你的盛情,永远珍爱你给我们的漂亮的馈礼多玩星际盒子。

34、You guys want the truth or something clever? 你们想听真话还是漂亮话?

35、The person often says" ss polished bright, love direction." 人常说“皮鞋擦的亮,爱情有方向。”

36、Wang Liang: So I'd rather call it business love. 王亮︰ 所以我称之为商业时代的爱情。

37、A heart that loves is always young. 爱情就像月亮,不增则减。

38、But dear Biddy, how smart you are! 亲爱的毕蒂,你多么漂亮啊!

39、Now it happened that Hera, the wife of Zeus, was very jealous of a beautiful river nymph, called Io. 事情的发生是宙斯的妻子赫拉非常嫉妒一位漂亮、名叫伊娥的女河神。

40、Don't I just have the ability to return mother? 鸡翅在油锅里发出滋滋的叫声,好像在笑话我刚才的失败,我告诉你们几个,这次一定要让你们漂漂亮亮出锅。

41、     A heart that loves is always young.   32  爱情就像月亮,不增则减。

42、Earthen basin is round, beautiful and solid, judging by the sound, they are all good. 陶盆圆而漂亮,并且坚硬,听这声音,多好的陶盆啊!

43、Let drift love, return to love service area. 让漂泊得爱情、重回爱得服务区。

44、Please, dear, we sympathize deeply. 听我说,亲爱的,我们深表同情。

45、The boy was curious about everything he saw. cute 可爱的(指小巧漂亮可爱)

46、If alleged weight lifting is light, heavyweight lovers' prattle is the lovers' prattle that those very relaxed sounding. 所谓举重若轻,重量级情话是那些听起来很轻松的情话。

47、Cinderella can not go to the party because she does not have beautiful clothes. Her stepsisters have beautiful clothes. They look very happy. Cinderella is very sad. 灰姑娘不能参加宴会,因为她没有漂亮的衣服。她两个姊姊却有漂亮衣服。她们的表情好愉快。灰姑娘伤心透了。

48、Carlos: Your beautiful niece working for your ex-lover. 嫉妒你漂亮的侄女为你的老情人工作。

49、Zhang Ailing costumes of their complex family background memory, as well as her spiritual wanderer words and carriers. 张爱玲的服饰情结是对其家族背景的记忆,也是她精神漂泊的话语和载体。

50、We appreciate your kindness and we shall always cherish this lovelygift from you. 我们感激你的盛情,永远珍爱你给我们的漂亮的馈礼。


51、Bassanio (B), Antonio's best friend, was in love with Portia (P), a rich and beautiful lady who also loved him. 巴萨尼奥是安东尼奥最好的朋友,他爱上了一位富有、漂亮的女子鲍西娅,她也爱他。

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