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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-26 09:07:16
  • 101


关于”常用的句型“的英语句子55个,句子主体:Common sentence patterns。以下是关于常用的句型的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Common sentence patterns

1、Untyped integral constants are of type (unsigned) int. 无类型的整数常量就是 (unsigned) int 类型的。

2、Sick sinus syndrome is most commonly seen in female Miniature Schnauzers. 病态窦房结综合征是一种常见于雌性迷你型雪纳瑞的疾病。

3、Still, the mathematical models used to rank results are usually some variation of the common term-frequency/inversed document frequency model, which is well-mapped territory. 尽管如此,用于排序结果的数学模型通常是常用的 词频/倒排文档频率模型的变体,而对于这种模型,已有很好的研究基础。

4、The first two are usually used for small messages while the latter two are used for larger messages. 前两个通常用于小型消息而后两个则用于较大型的消息。

5、This restaurant often caters for large banquets. 这个饭馆常常承办大型宴会。

6、Generally use the soft rubber type sealing ring seal, hard seal ring-type metal seal used. 软密封型一般采用橡胶环密封,硬密封型通常采用金属环密封。

7、Spinal muscular atrophy in childhood is one of the most common neuromuscular disorders with an autosomal recessive mode of inheritance. 儿童型脊髓性肌萎缩症是常见的遗传性神经肌肉病,为常染色体隐性遗传。

8、The low and flat wave was found more often than high diastolization wave and high cardiac atrium contraction wave. 在各种异常波型中以低平波最常见,其次是高舒张波和高房缩波。

9、Try to describe the output wave types and their clinical applications of electroacupuncture apparatus. 试述常用的电针波型及其临床应用。

10、This is especially true for the strategic competencies , which are often paired with complementary tactical competencies . 对于战略型能力更是如此,因为其常常伴随多种战术型的能力。

11、Open canopies may connect the storefronts, but a strip center does not have enclosed walkways linking the stores. 典型的直销中心没有锚店。条状结构是最常见的。

12、The common faults of S1240(ELC type)SPC exchange are in user mod ul e, relay module and metering module in daily maintenance work. 在对S1240(ELC型)程控交换机进行日常维护时,常见故障有用户模块、中继模块和计费模块的故障。

13、Polymerization saccharification and beer production process is often the typical batch process. 聚合反应和啤酒糖化生产过程是常见的典型间歇生产过程。

14、topas is a nice little performance monitoring tool which can be used for a number of purposes (see Figure 1). topas 是一种非常优秀的小型性能监视工具,它可以用于许多目的(请参见 图 1)。

15、Seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, is another common type of depression that often occurs in northern climates. 季节性情感障碍,简称SAD,是另一种常见类型的抑郁症。通常发生在北方性气候地段。

16、Constants : The following are the integer constants defined. 常量:是定义的整型常量。

17、Cering and high-availability architectures are often found in these types of large enterprise environments. 在大型企业环境中,常常有集群和高可用性架构。

18、Rigidbodies are most often used in combination with primitive colliders. 刚体通常和原型碰撞器配合使用。

19、Fenestration of the vertebral artery , different from duplication, is a rare vascular variation, which can be usually classified into extracranial , intracranial and extracranial -intracranial types. 窗式椎动脉是一种较为少见的血管变异,它与双椎动脉为两种不同的变异类型,通常可分为颅外型、内型和颅内-外型。

20、Another common threading model is to have a single background thread and task queue for tasks of a certain type. 另一个常见的线程模型是为某一类型的任务分配一个后台线程与任务队列。

21、This type is relatively rare in clinical practice, always put it into generalized pustular psoriasis and two kinds of palmoplantar pustular psoriasis. 此类型在临床上比较少见,往常把它分为泛发性脓疱型牛皮癣及掌跖脓疱型牛皮癣两种。

22、The most common transmission mode of Hepatitis B, C, D and G is blood contact. 血液接触是乙、丙、丁及庚型肝炎的最常见传播途径。

23、The rest, 13 cases, constituting a total of 6% COlour defectives of the sample, consist of 3 protans, 3 deutans, 1 protanomal, 2 deuteranomals and 4 extreme deuteranomals. 其余13例,占总检查人数的6%,包括甲型色盲3人,乙型色盲3人,甲型异常三色觉者1人,乙型异常三色觉者2人和极端乙型异常三色觉者4人。

24、The most common type, known as ly heat, results when sweat escapes into the epidermis. 最常见的一型,即痱子,因汗液溢入表皮内而导致。

25、Identify and correct common network problems at layers 1, 2, 3 and 7 using a layered model approach 用分层模型的方法识别和改正位于1、2、3和七层的常见网络故障


26、You may notice that this Struts model is very similar to the model used by VisualAge Generator. 您也许会注意到 Struts 模型和 VisualAge Generator 所用的模型非常相似。

27、There are many different types of digital transmission schemes for telemetry seismic instruments. 常见的电缆遥测地震位数字传输方案有不同类型。

28、Objective To develop a nested-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to identify G and P genotypes of group A rotavirus. 目的用巢式聚合酶链反应(PCR)对A组轮状病毒常见G、P基因型进行检测。

29、But it is difficult to choose which model to use since biologists disagree about their relative performances. 这类模型估计不同物种的分布如何随着气候而改变。但是,选择使用哪一种模型非常困难,因为生物学家在这些模型的相对表现上不能达成一致意见。

30、This model is very useful for long-tail applications. 这个模型对长尾应用程序(long-tail applications)非常有用。

31、Commercial application of T-503 COS hydrolysis catalyst and T-307 ambient-temperature desulfurization agent in a polypropylene (PP) plant was reported. 介绍了T-503型COS水解催化剂和T-307型常温脱硫剂用于丙烯常温液相精脱硫的工业应用情况。

32、Description The Lucuma fruit is usually round but can also be elongated. Lucuma果实的型状通常是圆型也有些会是长型。

33、Conclusion:There are many cardiovascular risk factors in patients with 2 -type diabetes. The CHD patients complicated with 2 -type diabetes often have multi-branch lesions. 结论:2型糖尿病患者常有多种心血管危险因素聚集,冠心病合并2型糖尿病者多支病变常见。

34、Histology: There are several variants, the most common of which is myxoid type, although most tumors have a mix of different histologic types. 组织可分为多种类型,其中最常见的是粘液型,而大部分肿瘤是由多种不同的组织学类型混合构成。

35、It supports most common messaging models (both publish/subscribe and point-to-point). 它支持最常见的消息传递模型(包括发布/订阅和点到点)。

36、Neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) is a common neurocutaneous autosomal dominant genetic disorder affecting primarily tissues derived from the embryonic neural crest. Ⅰ型多发性神经纤维瘤病是一种常见的常染色体显性遗传性胚胎神经嵴外胚叶异常的皮肤神经性疾病。

37、However, those iterations are often hidden from the typical and common user base. 只不过商业软件的迭代常常对典型的普通用户是隐蔽的。

38、Objective Presenting the common patterns and their characteristics of the general linear model(GLM)for the convenient and rational application. 目的展示一般线性模型(GLM)的常见形式及其特点,便于人们合理选用。

39、Performing the data type conversion is a common task, so this piece of code can be reused. 因为可以重新使用此段代码,所以执行数据类型转换是一项常见任务。

40、B-cell lymphoma was the predominant type, seen in 42 of 45 cases (93.3%). 其中B细胞性淋巴瘤是最常见的病理类型,占93.3%(42/45)。

41、Methods Two kinds of constipations(dry stool and excess heat model) and normal mouse were used to detect the purgative action of RCTB oral liquid. ②方法采用燥结型及实热型两种便秘模型及正常小鼠,观察口服液的导泻作用。

42、Do you know what kind of scent she usually wears? 你知道她平常爱用哪种香型的吗?

43、Forward modeling is often used in explaining of seismic data, because conventional convolution model can't simulate the features of the dynamics of elastic wave. 地震资料解释经常用到正演模型,常规的褶积模型不能模拟地震波的动力学特征。

44、Mapping the various types of references to the global JNDI names of the target objects is a common porting task. 将各种类型的引用映射到目标对象的全局 JNDI 名称是一项常见的迁移任务。

45、Her hair was very straight, so she often used a curling iron to create different styles. 她的头发非常直,因此她经常用卷发器制造不同的发型。

46、In Section 2, we review some well-known optimization methods such as the gradient-type methods and Newton-type methods. 第二节概述了一些常见的最优化方法,包括梯度型方法和牛顿型方法。

47、When performance means more boldly decorative staircases , except common wood linear, the suspension bridge type, the type is a past rules and rigidity. 时下楼梯装饰表现手法越来越大胆,除常见的木制直线型外,吊桥型、之字型也突破以往的规矩和生硬。

48、The nuclei of the Paget's cells are atypical and, though not seen here, often have prominent nucleoli. Paget氏细胞的细胞核有异型性而且常有显而易见的核仁(尽管这里未见到)。

49、Extreme Value Theory has a wide range of applications in many fields. There are mainly two types of commonly used model: BMM model and GPD model. 极值理论在许多领域有着广泛的应用,主要有两类常用的模型:BMM模型和GPD模型。

50、In all headache types, allodynia was more common among women, and severity was associated with symptoms of depression. 在所有头痛类型中,异常性疼痛在女性中更为常见,其严重程度和情绪低落相关。


51、The rear seats are extremely comfortable and the L-shaped headrests improve the driver's rear view visibility. 后座非常舒适的L型头枕改善司机的后视能见度。

52、Ternary Form, Rondo Form and Sonata Form are familiar forms of large scale. 复三部曲式、回旋曲式和奏鸣曲式是常见的三种大型曲式。

53、Usually, HEDP is used together with polycarboxylic acid. 通常与聚羧酸型阻垢分散剂配合使用。

54、topas is a nice little performance monitoring tool which can be used for a number of purposes (see Figure 1 below). topas 是一种非常优秀的小型性能监视工具,它可以用于许多目的(见 图 1)。

55、It is concluded that the aberration of chromosome 5 is common in myeloid malignancies, and presents unbalanced translocation. 结论:髓系恶性血液病复杂核型异常中5号染色体异常多见,多为不平衡易位;

56、Animal models of Behavioral Despair, Learned Helplessness, and Chronic Stress, etc. , are widely used to study stress-induced depression. 在应激性抑郁研究中,常用的动物模型包括行为绝望模型、习得无助模型、慢性应激模型等。

57、BPH, or benign prostatic hyperplasia, is the second main problem that can occur in the prostate. 或良性前列腺肥大是前列腺炎中第二常见的类型。

58、The most common blood type in the world is Type O. The rarest, Type A-H, has been found in less than a dozen people since the type was discovered. 世界上最常见的血型是O型。A-H型血自发现以来只在上十人的身上找到过。

59、Two types of inhalers are used: "relievers" which are used when breathing is difficult and "preventers" which are taken every morning and evening. 吸入器有两种类型: 作为呼吸困难时使用的“缓解型”,和每日早晚常规使用的“预防型”。

60、So, in general, avoid using casts and instanceof checks on type parameters. 因此,通常应避免对类型参数使用数据类型转换和 instanceof 检查。

61、" Bug patterns: An introduction" covers a common type of bug emerging from repeated code -- which often can't be avoided in OOP. “ Bug patterns:An introduction”讲述了由重复代码引起的常见类型错误 ― 在 OOP 中经常无法避免。

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