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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-02 03:52:45
  • 84


关于”春节的好句“的英语句子44个,句子主体:A good sentence for the Spring Festival。以下是关于春节的好句的雅思英语句子。

英文句子模板1:A good sentence for the Spring Festival

1、Spring Festival, also having seen him: the high greatly, handsome gas gas, a good young life, just disappeared. 春节时还看到了他的:高高大大,帅帅气气,好年轻的生命,说没就没了。

2、Many people eat noodles dumplings and so on, they hope to have good luck to make the life longer and healthier. 很多人在春节吃面条,饺子还有很多,他们希望能有好运,使生命更长远更健康。

3、Today is the spring festival. My mother and fether give me lucky monry. lm very happy. 今日系春节,我啊妈同我啊爸被著我好多利是,我超级开心。

4、Summer marks the middle of green tea season, which runs from late spring to fall. 绿茶采摘季节从晚春一直延续到秋季,夏季正好处于中间。

5、I do not think that the hotel should be considered as Ramada international chain hotel. 我和朋友在春节期间入住的海华酒店,这家华美达好像是个大型连锁机构吧?

6、I wanted to wish you a very happy Chinese New Year as we enter the year of the Tiger, a year traditionally associated with good fortune and power. 在即将迈入象征着好运和力量的虎年之时,我祝大家虎年春节快乐。

7、Take good care of yourself then. And happy Spring Festival to you. 那你要好好儿照顾自己。也祝你春节快乐哦!

8、People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest . 人们享受春节,在这段时间他们可以好好休息一下

9、Years to meet the double spring water, years to meet the double spring good farm. 年逢双春雨水多,年逢双春好种田。

10、In the spring days like this, we focus on each outstanding detail of Yapolo, and expect it to be more prosperous! 在这样春意融融的日子里,我们关注着雅宝路上每一个美好的细节,期待着雅宝路更加繁荣!

11、It is a tradition of Chinese to give hongbao to friends and relatives during Spring Festival. 春节期间给亲朋好友发红包是中国人的一个传统。

12、But for fashionable young women in Changchun, Jilin Province, it is also a suitable time for them to beautify themselves with fresh flowers. 但是对吉林省长春市的年轻女孩来说,这时也是用鲜花打扮自己的好时节。

13、Yes, Shunrei. She's fine too! 紫龙:“对,春丽她也很好!”

14、Prune in the dormant season --- pruning in late spring could create an entry point for dogwood borers. 剪枝最好在晚春时节休眠期进行,这样可以使得山茱萸切口完整。

15、Ah good picture of school of spring! 好一派春意盎然的景象啊!

16、For all the Chinese people, the Spring Festival is a holiday of reunion, family, harmony, and peace. 春节凝聚着中国热爱吉祥与欢乐,向往温暖与和谐的美好情感。

17、The cattle are thus an excellent source of long-term info on how earlier springs affect what's called phenology—seasonal lifecycle events. 这里的牛因此成为了关于早春是如何影响生物气候学(季节性的生命周期事件),的绝好的资源。

18、Spring has a month, summer flowers autumn breeze winter with snow there, if not in the heart, it is human meddling in good time. 春有百花秋有月,夏有冷风冬有雪,若不闲事在心头,即是人世好时节。

19、People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest . 人们喜欢春节,在这个时候,他们能好好休息一下.

20、The first was after Valentine's Day -- that holiday has a way of defining relationships, for better or worse -- and in the weeks leading up to spring break. 第一个时间段是在情人节之后到春节之前的几周——这个节日是确定两人关系是否朝更好还是不好的方向维系下去的节点。

21、People buy vegetables all ready, and only, such as the Spring Festival comes, can be one of the Sinseong-. 人们把买来的菜全部都弄好了,只等春节一到,就可一饱口福了。

22、Spring Flower & Autumn Fruit Nice Photos! 美好的春华秋实图片!

23、People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest . 人们喜欢春节,在这个时候,他们能好好休息一下.

24、This Christmas to New Year, happy New Year to catch, and good luck to you, good luck surround around you, the money into the pockets, thought the thing was, his laughter Spring Festival! 新年佳节到,拜年要赶早,好运跟你跑,吉祥围你绕,财源进腰包,心想事就成,春节齐欢笑!

25、To help you choose the best places to experience the Chinese New Year, here are five of the biggest celebrations in 2015 in the country. 为了帮你选择最好的地方去感受春节氛围,列出五个2015年最大的欢庆盛事。


26、Unto the society of men he is a sun, whose clearness directs their steps in a regular motion. 在人类社会里,他就好似太阳那般重要,用自己的春节指导人们。

27、Jaspal and our chairman Mr. Satish Reddy like to convey their best wishes to all of you on the eve of Spring Festival. Jaspal和我们的董事长Satish Reddy先生通过我在春节前夕,向你们表达他们的良好祝愿。

28、I can't wait for Spring Festival. I'm going to visit my parents and get some R and R. 我迫不及待春节快点到。我想去探望双亲并好好休养一下。

29、Good times; Mo negative spring mission. 美好时光;莫负春的使命。

30、At Chinese New Year, when once he would go home to visit his son, Fang must stay behind because the restaurant is so busy. 以前春节,他都要回家看儿子,但今年,他必须留守厨房,因为餐馆生意太好了。

31、David: Hi MeiLin. The Spring Festival is coming, do you know anything about it ? 你好,梅林。春节快到了,你知道它的来历吗?

32、You like taking photoes. The weather is getting comfortable, spring is a good season for go outing, so you may sure have a trip and took many photoes of beautiful landscape. 您喜欢摄影,天气越来越好了春天可是旅游的好季节,那您一定会出去旅游还会拍摄下好多美丽的风景吧!

33、Flushed with Success naturally good, the wind and rain is a good condiment. youth is a beautiful young, straight up in the most important; 春风得意自然好,风雨才是好调料,青春美好正年少, 昂首挺最重要;

34、During the Spring Festival, they are put on windows, doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year. 在春节期间,人们将它们贴在窗 户、门及墙上来作为对好运的期 望或是对新年的祝福。

35、In the south of China, summer marks the middle of green tea season, which runs from late spring to fall. 在中国,北方的绿茶采摘季节从晚春一直延续到秋季,夏季正好处于中间。

36、Linmei dances worse than Chunjiao. 林美的舞蹈比春娇跳得好。

37、Early spring to worship, hello! 春来拜早年,您好!

38、Ambassador Yang conveyed his festive greetings and best wishes to the guests present, said that it was his great pleasure coming to beautiful Tobago to celebrate the Spring Festival. 杨大使向来宾致以新春问候和良好祝愿,表示很高兴来到美丽的多巴哥岛,与大家欢度春节。

39、Spring for a long time, as if afraid of the spring rain night chill, still refused to visit. 春来了许久,春雨好像惧怕料峭的春寒,始终不肯光顾。

40、Leaves the work site before the Spring Festival work suspension worker, must complete the end product which, the half-finished product protection work already completed. 在春节停工工人离开工地之前,要做好已经完成的成品、半成品的保护工作。

41、So for greeting the arrival of winter vacation and Chinese New Year, I am so much good friends with to review examination! 所以为了迎接寒假和春节的到来,我要好好复习考试喽!

42、Spring flower, autumn moon, summer breeze, winter snow; What the least to worry about?Then everyday is a festival in paradise on earth. 春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪, 若无閒事挂心头,总是人间好时节。

43、Do you want to explore the city life of a school in NewYork, or are you more interested in the yearlong warm weather at a Californiacampus? 你想体验纽约大都会的生活节拍还是对加州四季如春的天气更感爱好?

44、I don't think you can come here before that. 我们去你那里春游踏青好不好?

45、Po Chu-i a "deep-Chun", "Once they had the deep well, the spring of deep Cold Food at home. 白居易的一首《和春深》,“何处春深好,春深寒食家。

46、In the south of China summer marks the middle of green tea season which runs from late spring to fall. 在中国,北方的绿茶采摘季节从晚春一直延续到秋季,夏季整好处于中间。

47、Shortly after the Spring Festival Holiday, he moved back to his hometown, Nanning, to find a better job. 在春节假期后不久,他搬回到他的家乡南宁市去寻找一份更好的工作。

48、In China, people buy things for the Spring Festival one month ahead of the year. 中国人习惯在春节前一个月就办好年货。

49、Where does Changchun administer onychomycosis well? 长春哪里治灰指甲好?

50、Spring, summer flowers have autumn techniques have cool winter snow, life without troubles, it is a good time to life. 春有百花秋望月,夏有凉风冬有雪,人生若无烦恼事,便是人生好时节。


51、The Spring Festival, Christmas, Ramadan, Kwanzaa and all the other holidays and festivals help us understand who we are, remember where we come from, and share our hopes for a happy future. 春节、圣诞节、斋月、宽扎节以及所有其他节假日能帮助我们认识自我, 记住我们来自何处,分享我们对美好未来的希望。

52、Please bear with me for a few weeks absence following the Lunar New Year holidays, while I prepare the new series. 请允许我春节告假几周,好好准备新的系列博客。

53、Good ivy, what birds hast thou? 良好的常春藤,祢什么鸟吗?

54、However, in such a beautiful early spring season, the flag in front of an apartment was half-mast; 然后就在这样一个早春的美好季节里,公寓前的国旗下了半旗;

55、The late spring is probably the best season time: the sky is blue, the sun is shining and streets are green. 晚春时节可能是一年四季中最好的时节。蔚蓝的天空、明媚的阳光、道路两旁绿树成荫。

56、A:Happy Spring Festival, On such an important traditional Chinese festival, I would like to give my best wishes and warm greetings to you, Mr. Black. 春节好。在中华民族的传统节日里,请允许我向布莱克先生致以最良好的祝愿。

57、The Spring Festival is an important activity, is to establish new contacts friends home and adjacent there, old say congratulations Spring Festival happy New Year. 春节里的一项重要活动,是到新朋好友家和邻那里祝贺新春,旧称拜年。

58、The good rain knows its season, When spring arrives, then it comes. It follows the wind secretly into the night, And moistens all things softly, without sound. 好雨知时节,当春乃发生,随风潜入夜,润物细无声。

59、The staffers were just kindly giving a hand so the passengers could get home for Spring Festival. 工作人员只是好心地想帮那些春节回家的乘客。我们没有想到后果会这么严重。

60、He says the highway may take another 2-3 years to complete, and he will finally be able to get a break to go back home visiting his family. 这条路可能还得两年后才能修好。今年的春节会暂停工回家看看家里人。

61、Partners screaming, shouted. Spring is really fly a kite good time, pure innocence by the spring brush paint in the vivid flying kites. 伙伴们叫着,嚷着。春天真是放风筝的好时节,纯洁的童真被春的画笔生动的绘在了飞翔着的风筝上。

62、Here is wishing you a New Year bright with joy and success. 在这辉煌快乐的新春佳节,献上一切美好的祝福!

63、We go to our Relatives's home and share the happyness together. our elders will give some money to us as the gift. The spring festival is perfect and we like it very much. 我们的长辈会给我们一些压岁钱作为礼物,春节是十分美好的并且我们都很喜欢这个节日。

64、The best time to visit Bird Isle is at the turn of summer when the birds in the kingdom are all busy building their homes. 如果想饱览鸟岛的盛况,最好作春末夏初游。那时候正是鸟国筑巢的繁忙季节。

65、The pigs I am raising will soon be taken to market. If I sell them after Spring Festival, I will get a good price for them. 现在我养的猪都快出栏了,我登过了春节以后我就可以卖个好价钱。

66、Create a regretless youth and add a piece of charming spring to our motherland with it. 好好珍惜,给自己创造一个无悔的青春,给祖国添一份迷人的春色。

67、People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .  人们享受春节,在这段时间他们可以好好休息一下 

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