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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-22 05:42:08
  • 109




1、The going-away car is often decorated by high-spirited friends with messages in lipstick and shaving foam, and tied about with balloons, tin cans, and old boots. 载有新人的轿车往往要被兴致勃勃的朋友们用口红和剃须泡沫涂上几句贺词,并挂上汽球、洋铁罐和旧靴子。

2、I recently fielded an e-mail query, which resulted in series of several more e-mails over the course of a couple of days, that prompted me to recall a saying that a former manager of mine was fond of 我最近回复了一个电子邮件询问,结果在几天的过程中导致了一系列更多的电子邮件,这提示我回想起了我以前的经理非常喜欢的一句谚语

3、If you have not associated an input context with the window before, the returned handle is for the default input context. 如果先前没有输入上下文与些窗口相关联,函数将返回的句柄将是默认输入上下文(的句柄)。

4、Could you help me pass this card to him ? 第四句:你们刚刚在说什么?

5、the MQTs DDL statements are saved in the file 'my_rec_mqts.sql'. MQT DDL 语句保存在文件 'my_rec_mqts.sql' 中。

6、This is my father, my father is ordinary. I love my father! 少了一句,就这样吧

7、Teachers can make suggestions about how to sound out a word or when to use a capital letter. Other skills to address include punctuation, prefixes, and suffixes. 老师同时也教授孩子们如何发音每个单词并指出如何使用字母的大写,还有包括断句、前缀后缀等写作技能。

8、I shall ignore that uncalled-for remark. 我不会理会那句不负责任的话的。

9、Out of a paragraph from the text, put back. 从文段中抽出一句,放回原位。

10、I could read you a random sentence. Uhm, ... No, not that one. 我随便给你念一句吧。

11、But have you not heard, 'Those that are truly hard can never be ground thin' or 'Those that are truly white can never be stained black'. 可是不也有这么一句话‘坚硬之身磨不薄’或这么一句话‘洁白之身染不黑’。

12、In other words, truth arises out of error. 换句话说,真理在错误之上出现。

13、“Liar,” I shot back with a grin. “说谎,”我咧着嘴笑,回敬了他一句。

14、He touched only briefly on that question. 关于那个问题他只略略说了几句。

15、At that time, Zhou Lijun said: "the hungry?" 当时周立军说了一句:“饿了吧?

16、Add the pop-up and conditional statement to plugin.xml. 向 plugin.xml 中添加弹出和条件语句。

17、Suddenly look back, that a "big sister" where? 蓦然回首,那一句“大姐”在哪里?

18、If two people have nothing in common, exchanging a few words can be difficult. 话不投机半句多。

19、In exchange I had to say something for him. 作为交换我必须为他说几句。

20、Goguryeo army could not withstand, and Liaodong fall. 高句丽军抵挡不住了,辽东陷落。

21、Eoin: In a word, I think they're lifesavers. Eoin:一句话,我认为他们是救生圈。

22、If you heard the sentence " "John thinks that Bill likes himself," in a fraction of a second you would think that it means " "John thinks that Bill likes Bill." 如果你听到这个句子,“约翰认为比尔很自恋“,你马上就能领会,这话的意思是,“约翰认为比尔喜欢比尔“

23、Miao develops quite sensitive and exquisite, portrays quite a good Shanghai female has the flavor, but the week has also shown off him elegantly natural. 缪演得相当敏感而细腻,把一个不错的上海女子塑造得相当有味道,而周也卖弄了他的俊雅爸妈吵架,我爸气的说了句。

24、We all looked, and said nothing. 我们怔怔地看着,一句话也说不出来。

25、I'm so glad you could come! 当你到的时候,主人可能会说这句话。


26、She broke in: "You've really been to Russia?" 她插了一句,“你真的去俄罗斯了?”

27、What does this useful command line do? tasklist /m "mscor*" tasklist /m "mscor*" 这句命令是干嘛的?

28、In other words, long after the "thief" was there. 换句话说,那儿早已经有“贼”了。

29、When I set foot in this society for the first year. New-born calves make little of tigers, I was quick-tempered, and did not admit mistakes. I just fenced with leader's criticism. 当我第一年踏进社会,初生牛犊不怕虎,凭着自己的性子来,不会承认自己的错误,而是用一两句话搪塞。

30、Always thought the original administrative And the sentence. 老是想到原行政老陈的那句话。

31、Dropped this sentence, he went straight away. 扔下这句话后,他头也不回地走了。

32、T Namely dS is greater than dq over T. 换句话说就是dS大于dq除以。

33、I haven't seen this film yet。你大概是把标点打错了,应该是句号。

34、I love music till i die. I can't live without music in my life. 直译就是第二句。

35、It says that ‘More traps will lure you away. 别忘了那句话‘陷阱诱你上钩’。

36、That makes us calculative and mean and reduces the marriage to a conditional clause : as long as he lives up to his end of the bargain so will i. 那使我们计算而且意指,而且让婚姻变成一个有条件的子句:只要他住,直到他的交易的结局为止,我也会。

37、The girl was disobliged by a tackless remark. 姑娘被一句不得体的话冒犯了。

38、"when the memory of a virtually car-free Los Angeles is still fresh…" The 405 work shut down a few miles of freeway for a couple of days. That was not even… 像这句:“在人们关于洛杉矶几乎无车时的记忆依旧清晰的时候,405快车道的某一路段关闭过一段日子。

39、It's more expensive than it was last time but not as good. 价钱比上次高,但质量却比上次差。(增补原文省略部分,原句后半句完整形式应该是:...but it's not as good as it was last time.)

40、And so both of them carried on, alternately putting in their words, while she just cried. She herself knew the rationale. What is a woman's duty? 他们纷纷的你一句,我一句,她只是哭,她也知道自己理曲,妇人的职务是什么?

41、And see Morningside sentence, not the first tears down Yin. 及睹晨兴句,未吟先涕垂。

42、So we can't believe a word of his. 看来他的话我们一句也不能信。

43、Or as Asha Greyjoy, female captain of the ship Black Wind, observes: “Some men had faces that cried out for a beard. Ser Clayton's face cried out for an axe between the eyes. 或者像“黑风号”的女船长阿莎·葛雷乔伊观察总结说的一句话:“有些男人的脸迫不及待地要长出胡子,而克莱顿爵士的脸则需要在两眼之间插把斧子进去。”

44、71Every word is so deep, Leopold. 71每句话都讲得那么深沉,利奥波德。

45、He had not spoken a few words when he got heated. 没说上几句话他就急了。

46、Tutti was four years old when she said this. 图蒂在四岁的时候说这句话。

47、He took me apart to have a private talk. 他把我拉到一旁私下谈几句。

48、Sorry, too heavy! I can't afford to. 一句对不起,太沉重!我承担不起。

49、You can step into called functions or programs, or just treat the calls as part of running the current statement. 您可以跳入被调用函数或程序进行逐句调试,或仅仅将整个调用作为一个当前语句来运行。

50、this is my father, my father is ordinary. i love my father! 少了一句,就这样吧


51、Ci" in the book Ma Shi Wen Tong is traditionally thought to be equal to the Western grammatical case, but "Ci" is not same as the case. and can be cancelled. 传统看法认为,《马氏文通》的“词”相当于句子成分,“次”相当于西方语法中的“格”,但又不等同于“格”,“次”可以取消。

52、My dream had been shattered with these last words of Prudence, and its going had brought me back to reality with such a jolt that I was still dazed by the shock. 我的梦想已经随着普律当丝最后几句话破灭了,我突然一下子掉落在现实之中,被摔得头晕眼花。

53、我认为他说的那句话是错误的。I calculate he is wrong in saying that.

54、If the shape does not support any of the use cases for a particular handle (out-going or in-coming), then that handle does not appear. 如果形体不支持特定句柄(输出或者传入)的用例,然后该句柄便不会消失。

55、To be fair, it is not all his fault. 说句公道话,这不全是他的错。

56、That's how much time it took Melissa Thompson of Salford, England, to type a complex sentence on a Samsung Galaxy S, which makes her the new Guinness World Record holder for fastest typing on a phone. 这是英格兰索尔福德(Salford)女子梅丽莎 汤普森(Melissa Thompson)在三星Galaxy S手机中输入一个复杂句子所需要的时间,这使她成为了在手机上输入最快吉尼斯世界纪录的保持着。

57、He is good at make full use of text, seize one change makes all change sentences, words, and even some punctuation, put questions to stimulate interest, inducing exploration, development thinking. 他擅长于充分利用文本,抓住牵一发而动全身的句子、词语甚至是某个标点,设疑激趣,诱导探究,发展思维。

58、I calculate he is wrong in saying that. 我认为他说的那句话是错误的。

59、Or as Asha Greyjoy, female captain of the ship Black Wind, observes: "Some men had faces that cried out for a beard. Ser Clayton's face cried out for an axe between the eyes." 或者像“黑风号”的女船长阿莎·葛雷乔伊观察总结说的一句话:“有些男人的脸迫不及待地要长出胡子,而克莱顿爵士的脸则需要在两眼之间插把斧子进去。”

60、Revealing to say is a , you two lights decline; 拆穿说一句,你们二位的光降;

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