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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-16 19:23:35
  • 84


关于”情话句子“的英语句子50个,句子主体:Love words sentence。以下是关于情话句子的四级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Love words sentence

1、In other words, in most situations, Australian law forbids 'copyright-design overlap' for industrial products. 换句话说,在多数情形下,澳大利亚法律禁止工业产品“版权-外观设计重叠”。

2、The fellow turned a keen , watchful face on the inquirer. 这个小伙子把脸转向问话的人, 表情敏锐而机警。

3、To paraphrase “Curb Your Enthusiasm,” you will elevate the discussion from small talk to medium talk. 换句话说“抑制下你的热情”,你反而可以把沟通从“闲聊”的程度提升到“适度交流”。

4、I can't say how the house was run in your last place—' She started everything she said to me with a line like that. 我不清楚你上一个主家是什么情况——”每次和我说话,她的开场白都是这么几句。

5、I posed my ice question to the guy behind the counter, but a beefy man buying some whiskey interjected. 我正要向酒保提及冰块的事情,这时一个来买威士忌的壮汉插了句话。

6、We all looked, and said nothing. 我们怔怔地看着,一句话也说不出来。

7、You must think I'm pretty stupid to fall for that line. It takes a lot more guts to do your own thing. 你肯定会认为我太笨了,就为了这句话喝了酒。但做自己想做的事情需要很大的勇气。

8、As the above sentence says, whitespace is significant by default, but it is not true that all whitespace is significant. 就像这句话所说的那样,默认情况下空白是重要的,但并非所有空白都是重要的。

9、Each time I've said it, I meant it. I'm sure I will say it and mean it many more times. 每次说出这句话的时候我都是认真的,而且肯定大多数情况下都会言行一致。

10、There eis a saying that man proposes, goddisposes, which means man plan the things and the rest of the outcome lies inthe luck. 有一句话说谋事在人,成事在天,意思是人们计划事情,剩下的结果依赖于运气。

11、And well talk about this sentence, she said with a laugh, we never tired of each other, we are fall in love at first sight. 和遥遥谈起这句话,她笑着说,我们从来没有彼此相厌,我们是一见钟情的啊。

12、The crowd was silent now, fearing to miss a word, to fail to see a gesture or an expression. 人群现在沉默了,恐怕错过一句话,看漏一个手势或者一个表情。

13、She studied every sentence: and her feelings towards its writer were at times widely different. 她把每一句话都反复研究过,她对于这个写信人的感情,一忽儿热了起来,一忽儿又冷了下去。

14、Liam Neeson and I last spoke a week before I wrote this sentence. 连姆·尼森,在我写下这句话之前上周刚刚与他谈过话。

15、Given its ten year’s company, though, I would like to say a few words for it — computer in its prime of years was innocent. 看在十年老交情上,我为它说几句好话:早期的电脑是无害的。

16、Only with this explaination can you understand why there are some people that can establish relationship within a conversation of several lines. 也只有这样才能解释,为什么两个不认识的人,通过几句话就有可能建立感情。

17、Perhaps you've heard the familiar refrain: "There are only two things that last for eternity: the Word of God and the souls of men.� 也许你有听过类似的叠句:“只有两件事情是永恒的:神的话语和人类的灵魂。”

18、In other words, only one result is no better than no result, especially where the marketplace is concerned. 换句话说,只有一个结果并不比没有结果好,特别是在涉及到市场的情况下。

19、Dropped this sentence, he went straight away. 扔下这句话后,他头也不回地走了。

20、In other words, having a set routine lets you put all of your energy into the work you're doing, rather than spend your time deciding which work to do. 换句话说,固定的日程安排能让你把精力专注到正在做的事情上,而不用浪费时间犹豫该做哪件事情。

21、In other words, what is there--which is a kind of way of talking really has to do with what Gadamer means when he talks also about die Sache, the subject matter. 换句话说,存在,确实和伽达默尔所说的,事情本身有联系。

22、Lin Pingzhi heard this sentence have couldnt suppress his feelings, and promised to seclusion together lenient to the Great Wall, MoBei seclusion. 林平之听到这句话便再也压抑不住自己的感情,答应岳灵珊要一起隐居塞外,隐居漠北。

23、Can you tell me some information about the place you live?How does the neighbourhood area look like? 羊村部落 » 英语学习 » 帮翻译句话“你能告诉我一些关于你居住地方的情况吗?

24、I saw it written once that the definition of insanity is repeating the same process over and over and expecting the outcome to suddenly be different. 我曾读到过一句话,荒唐的定义就是情随事迁地反复,却期许成果忽然转变。

25、我认为他说的那句话是错误的。I calculate he is wrong in saying that.


26、In other words, a large resistance against volume-preserving distortion effectively forms twins without deformation under uniaxial stress. 换句话说,大应力不利于保体矩阵<体积守恒>在没有单轴压力变形的情况下有效的畸变形成孪晶。

27、Worried about alien ating the boy, Franz said little during such outbursts and let him 22)rant. 弗朗兹担心这孩子会感觉被孤立,因此在这种情况下总不多说话,让他尽情咆哮。

28、C. who had visited Laozi in his hometown, Guoyang County in Anhui Province, and consulted with him about the Respectism in Zhou Dynasty and was made joke by Laozi. 孔子曾到老子乡下安徽涡阳向老子请教周朝的礼仪的事情被老子笑话。

29、In other words, truth arises out of error. 换句话说,真理在错误之上出现。

30、he was clearly happy to be there. He was clearly "in the moment," in other words. Always good to listen to someone who is passionate about their subject. 他显然很高兴能给大家讲演。换句话说,他显然很“投入”。能听到那些对自己题材充满热情的人讲演总是好事情。

31、In other words, it happens when our Earth and Jupiter – moving in their respective orbits around the sun – align just so. 换句话说,当地球和木星按照各自轨道绕太阳转时恰巧形成一条直线就会产生这种情况。

32、The saying “if you don’t know where you’re going, any path will take you there” fits in nicely here. 有一句话“如果你不知道你的方向,记住:条条大路通罗马”很适合文章里所说的情况。

33、In other words, he did not believe the word of God spoken by Elisha. 换句话说,他根本不相信神借着以利沙所传的话。

34、In other words, knowing that a couple is cohabitating doesn't really tell you all you need to know to love them well. 换句话说,知道一对男女在同居不一定会告诉你所有你需要知道的事情。

35、Eoin: In a word, I think they're lifesavers. Eoin:一句话,我认为他们是救生圈。

36、It might very well be that literally every word in the history books, even the things that one accepted without question, was pure fantasy. 没准儿历史书上的每句话都纯属瞎编乱造,即便人们笃信不移的事情也不例外。

37、He rose awkwardly, and moved to his wife's side. 即使他话中确有真情,仍然无法消除话音中格格不入的恼人的调子。他笨拙地起身,走到他太太身边。

38、Maybe the person you say this to really will be fine, but chances are he or she will think you're a?bonehead. 也许听你讲这句话的人确实会没事,但是可能情况是:他或她会觉得你是个傻瓜。

39、Often portrayed as longstanding engineering wisdom, "If It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It" posture only promotes complacency. 这句话老少相传,可谓工程智慧的真实写照,然而,“如果没有坏,就不要修复它”只会滋生得过且过的情绪。

40、Such behavior is regarded as "all too human", with the underlying assumption that other animals would not be capable of this finely developed sense of grievance. 这样的行为被认为是“人之常情”,这句话的潜台词就是其它动物不会将这种不满情绪发挥到如此地步。

41、Always thought the original administrative And the sentence. 老是想到原行政老陈的那句话。

42、"It's the thought that counts. " That's what we say when someone gives us a gift that we don't want or that doesn't suit us. “礼轻情意重”,这是我们收到不想要或者不适合的礼物时常说的一句话。

43、In other words, we should always do what we think is right no matter what the consequence may be. 换句话说,我们应该时时做我们认为对的事情,而不要管其结果可能会如何。

44、While reading a recent conversation on Facebook between two family members, I caught sight of these words: “You have time for whatever you MAKE time for”. 最近在脸谱网上浏览一家两口人的对话,我瞥见这样一句话:“无论什么事情,只要愿意挤时间,就会有时间去做。”

45、When think this sentence too sentimental some time, then walked slowly, finally feel cold night shining the sadness. 当年觉得这句话太过矫情,而后的一些时光慢慢走过清辉夜冷,终于体会了这番苍凉。

46、It says that ‘More traps will lure you away. 别忘了那句话‘陷阱诱你上钩’。

47、Well, whether the techniques explored here are useful to you or not comes down to the old computer science adage: it depends. 这里所述的技术对您是否有用还是归结到计算机科学中的那句老话上:视情况而定。

48、And given the likelihood we would buy a new dog, it may just be good business to drop a few words. 假定我们可能还要再买只狗,说上一两句表示同情的话也许仅仅与生意有关。

49、The old saying,” be yourself” is very true and is ultimately what will attract the woman of your dreams. 正如一句老话所说:“做你自己”,这很正确,同时也是吸引你梦中情人最终的一点。

50、He had not spoken a few words when he got heated. 没说上几句话他就急了。


51、So now to go back over the book and anywhere I had a hard time putting things into words the graphics will clarify. 所以现在要回去过这本书和任何地方,我曾努力的时间把事情到换句话说,图形会澄清。

52、After all, if everything was hunky-dory all the time, you would never get a chance to learn how to be patient. (I'm sure that last sentence was annoying too! 毕竟,事情总是太顺的话,你就没有机会变得有耐性了。(我也知道,这句话也是恼人的。)

53、In other words, a whole bunch of states that are thermally accessible at equilibrium. 话句话说,在平衡状态下,大量的状态都可以被占据。

54、Okay, so do you think you could put them into words And speak to her out loud?Yeah. Yeah, if she doesn't leave first. 那么你能将你的感情组织成句,大声对她说出来吗?能,能啊,如果她没有先走的话。

55、Employees tend to exaggerate the importance of anything the CEO says. 麦尔斯指出:“这种情形被称为‘首席执行官放大效应’,员工们很容易夸大首席执行官说的每一句话的重要性。”

56、T Namely dS is greater than dq over T. 换句话说就是dS大于dq除以。

57、Life is like a box of chocolates,you never konw what you're going to get. 这句话出自《阿甘正传》中阿甘妈妈对阿甘说的话。

58、Hazel: It"s kinda easy for you to talk big when you"re hiding out in Brooklyn. 说大话。整句话的意思是“说得倒是轻松,站着说话不腰疼”

59、In other words, it's a fantasy, it is the fairy tale, it is the princess and the pauper. 换句话说,这是幻想,是童话,是公主与乞丐。

60、The girl was disobliged by a tackless remark. 姑娘被一句不得体的话冒犯了。

61、Through researching how his work on facial expressions might be used to tell whether clinicians’ patients were telling the truth Ekman discovered microexpressions. 通过不断研究他在面部表情领域的工作如何帮助对辨别临床上的病人是否说实话(这句翻得太长了),Ekman发现了微表情。

62、In other words, in this case - -however you feel about "A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal"- in this case you would accept Knapp and Michaels's argument. 换句话说,在这个情况下,不管你对“睡意席卷了我的心神“有什么感受-,这种情况下你会接受Knapp和Michaels的观点。

63、They are filled with tips like 'Highlight Value. ' Or 'Focus on Quality. ' In other words, a blinding flash of the obvious. 它们尽是些“凸现价值”和“关注质量”的技巧,换句话说,这些都是明摆着的事情,说了和没说一样。

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