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  • 2022-08-02 14:41:28
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关于”适合生积累的句子“的英语句子43个,句子主体:Sentences suitable for students to accumulate。以下是关于适合生积累的句子的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Sentences suitable for students to accumulate

1、If combined the suitable amount of biochar with fertilizer could promote the dry matter accumulation and increase yield of maize, which better than single chemical fertilizer application. 适量的生物炭与肥料配施可促进玉米的干物质积累,提高产量,优于单施化肥;

2、Traditionally, young ad4iks are preoccupied with business careers, financial success, the accumulation of possessions and conformable living. 传统上来说,青年人关心的是职业、成功、积累财富以及舒适的生活。

3、The objectivity, accumulativeness and fairness of quotation make it very suitable to measure the academic influences of academic journals as a whole with the rate of quoting. 引文所具有的客观性、可累积性和公平性使得被引用率(量)非常适合用来从整体上测度学术期刊的学术影响。

4、"Phrase reflects the accumulation of knowledge and moral education of the objective law: smell, " Road "in the first place, " after the prerequisite sleep Sleep "; 这句话反映了道德知识积累和教学的客观规律:闻“道”在先,以“先觉觉后觉”;

5、Appropriate competition density was in favor of height and caliper increment and biomass accumulation for Fraxinus mandshurica seedlings. 通过研究得出如下结论:1、合适的竞争强度有利于水曲柳幼苗苗高和地径生长,并有利于生物量的积累。

6、Many a little makes mickle. 积铢累寸。(积少成多。)(集腋成裘。)

7、There were great advantages for super rice in dry matter production and accumulation and its yield rose as the increase of dry matter accumulation. 超级稻具有显著的物质生产与积累优势, 产量随成熟期物质积累量的增加而提高。

8、Those who have enrolled in credit-bearing courses offered under CAM will be issued a CAM student identity card. 学分累积制的学员将获发学生证作辨别身份之用。

9、The combination of application of P fertilizer and N fertilizer is important because the long-term application of Diammonium-phosphate increase the content of available P in cultivated layer. 长期施用二铵是造成土壤中有效磷的累积的主要原因,所以应适当加强与氮肥的配合使用。

10、Life is like a dog-sled team. 人生是一个积累的过程。

11、Yes. You can't learn these words from textbooks; you just get them from daily life. 对,这些词课本上是学不到的,都得在生活中积累。

12、The cumulate urea permeations of the UF-ZB and UF-ZA composite membranes are much smaller than that of the UF resin membranes. UF-ZB复合膜材和UF-ZA复合膜材累积透肥量明显小于脲醛膜材的累积透肥量。

13、The shading effects on the content of ATP, net photosynthetic rate and the yield. 且遮荫条件明显影响体内ATP含量、净光合速率和生物量的积累状况。

14、Following the development of the corm, starch was accumulated progressively. 随着天麻球茎的生长发育,逐渐积累淀粉。

15、The results showed that there was continuously accumulating of dry matter during the whole growth and development, but the accumulative amount and intensity varied in various period. 结果表明:在果实发育的整个过程都有干物质的不断积累,但不同时期其积累量和积累强度不同;

16、Objective: To probe into the effects of cultivating measures on root rot of Panax notoginseng for the integrate control . 了解各种栽培措施对三七根腐病发生的影响,为综合防治积累资料。

17、The precursors of these wall molecules, microfibrillar pectins, then accumulate and block the tube. 这些细胞壁分子前体——果胶纤丝发生积累并堵塞花粉管。

18、But it also develops naturally with age as we accumulate wisdom from years of coping with challenging situations. 但适应力也是我们在长年累月地与各种艰难困苦作斗争中不断积累经验,并伴随年龄自然成长起来的。

19、Protection device generator stator response to the accumulation of heat process. 保护装置能反应发电机定子的热积累过程。

20、The accumulation of N, P and K increased remarkably with fruit enlargement development. K accumulation in fruit of 5-year-old trees was greater than that of 9-year-old ones. 单果氮、磷、钾累积量均随着果实的生长而迅速增加,5年生树钾累积量显著大于9年生树。

21、We investigated the effect of salinity on seedling emergence, seedling growth, ion accumulation and the rate of photosynthetic oxygen evolution of Suaeda physophora Pall. 研究了盐胁迫对囊果碱蓬出苗、幼苗生长、离子积累以及光合放氧速率的影响。

22、"Learning by doing", "learning by using"and on-the-job training is the basic form of human capital accumulation, which is through one's whole life. 在职培训和“干中学”、“用中学”是专业性人力资本积累的基本形式,人力资本积累是一个终生过程。

23、Many diverse species of plants accumulate glycine betaine (Glybetaine) in response to various stresses, and the biosynthesis and accumulation of Glybetaine are thought to contribute to various stress. 许多植物在受到各种胁迫时,都会引起甘氨酸甜菜碱的积累,甘氨酸甜菜碱的生物合成与积累是植物对胁迫的一种适应机制。

24、The alkaloids in protocorms could be induced susceptibly to produce and accumulate. 诱导子处理能促进原球茎中生物碱类成分的产生或特异性积累。

25、We really wanted the students to have the inputs. 我们希望学生们有一定积累。


26、积累知识 胜过积蓄金银 Wisdom is better than gold or silver.

27、Cooperative learning can develop higher normal college and university students' humane care and cooperative ability and accumulate direct experience for their future career. 合作学习可以培养高师学生的“人文关怀”和“合作能力”,并为他们的未来职业生涯积累直接经验。

28、Michener lived modestly, and his money accumulated. 麦切纳生活俭朴,他逐渐积累起一笔财富。

29、Rules of the dynamic accumulation of both index constituents in different climate zones and different growth periods and different locations are investigated. 研究了不同气候带板蓝根、大青叶有效成分合成积累动态规律、生长积累动态规律和不同产地板蓝根、大青叶有效成分含量差异性。

30、Kate’s father Michael’s more relaxed approach to life is put down to his coming from a long line of professional people. 凯特的父亲,迈克尔•米德尔顿身上则有一种专业人士长年累月积累下来的对生活闲适、放松的气质。

31、METHODS Construct proper accumulation normal distribution function form and fit with our experimental data, then compare with the common 4-parameter equation fitting. 方法构建累积正态分布函数的适当表达形式,对实验所得数据进行拟合,同时与常用的四参数方程拟合进行比较。

32、Doctors-in-training receive experience in different kinds of care. 在训医生在各种不同的护理中积累经验。

33、Many young people feel that values and experience parents had absorbed throughout their lives aren't very appropriate under the conditions of the market economy. 佟新说,很多年轻人觉得父母们从自己的人生经历积累的社会经验和价值观,在市场经济条件下变得不太适合了。

34、The linear dependences of the threshold current and the maximum current on DC clearing ion voltage are also presented. 提出了适于此类清洗电极的直流清除离子电压与积累束流阈值流强、最高流强的线性关系。

35、According to the ter plots, the shape more or less is determined to choose an appropriate curve to fit them. 根据累积频率(概率) 点绘散点图,确定其大致形状,再选取合适的曲线来拟合。

36、The results are as follows: 1) The Se content, process of bioaccumulation and reserves in peanut all showed dynamic changes with plant growth. 结果表明:随着生长发育期的推进,落花生对硒的生物累积作用呈动态变化,表现在植株体内硒的含量、硒元素累积进程及其贮量上。

37、New class sign; Thesis teaching; Foothold textbook; Observation accumulation; Feeling life. 新课标;作文教学;立足课本;观察积累;感受生活。

38、Students who spend more time on phones, in other words, tend to be less active - which also causes a buildup of stress and anxiety. 换句话说学生花更多的时间在手机,上,往往会不太活跃,这也会导致压力和焦虑的累积。

39、One technique for harvesting those idiomatic patterns uses a combination of metrics. 积累那些惯用模式的一种技巧是使用指标组合。

40、The deposit amount is set by the depositor. He can deposit money at a time every month. The interest rate is computed at the same rate on the lump-sum deposit … 该种储蓄具有期限长、利率高的特点,适用于较长时期不用的节余款项的存储,特别适合于储户按计划积累资金的需要。

41、Time averaged three-order cumulant is one of the estimation values of three-(order) cumulant. 时间平均三阶累积量是三阶累积量的一种估计值。

42、Literary works reflects social life while life is the source of creation, so accumulating the representation of life is a necessary way to enhance the ability of writing. 因为文学作品是社会生活的反映,而生活是创作的源泉,所以,积累生活表象是提高写作能力的必要途径,要提高写作者感知和积累表象的能力。

43、In pre-procreate, dry matter accumulation was slower, and with the advancement of reproductive period, dry matter accumulation in the late jointing and heading stage increase rapidly. 在生育前期,干物质积累较为缓慢,随着生育期的推进,干物质积累在拔节后期和抽穗期增加迅速。

44、The accumulation of carbohydrate supplied the matter and energy for the axillary buds to grow. 碳水化合物的积累为腋芽的产生提供了物质基础。

45、Rice photosynthesis production and dry matter accumulation model is be established on the basis of the single leaf photosynthesis model. 在单叶光合作用模型的基础上,建立水稻光合生产与干物质积累模型。

46、Moreover, the effects of immigration are cumulative. 此外,移民会产生累积性影响。

47、If the relative variability of cumulative vegetation index and cumulative precipitation during the winter wheat growth cycle is adopted, the correlation coefficient between both is raised. 如果取冬麦生育期的累积植被指数和累积降水量的相对变率则其间的相关系数将提高。

48、The physical and chemical factors of surrounding stress will probably induce biosynthesis and accumulation of glycosidic aroma precursors. 茶树也有可能在外在物理或化学因素的诱导下强化挥发物糖苷的生物合成和积累。

49、The maximal leaf area occurred when tuber was in bulking stage and starch accumulation stage, and most of the dry matter was accumulated in tuber at this time. 其最大叶面积持续期正处于块茎膨大和淀粉积累时期,是马铃薯一生中干物质积累最多的时期;

50、The main reason for not keen on physical activities was being afraid of fatigue. 学生不积极参加体育锻炼的原因主要是怕累、怕吃苦。


51、A brief introduction of environmental and ecological characteristics of hyperaccumulators of rare earth elements(REEs), as well as the scientific significance of REE hyperaccumulators were presented. 概述了稀土元素的环境生态学特性及其超积累植物,并对稀土元素超积累植物研究的重要科学意义进行了介绍。

52、To learn new habits is everything, for it is to reach the substance of life. Henri Frederic Amiel. 培养新习惯的能力非常重要,因为生命的本质就是习惯的累积与砌合。

53、The bound tritium in seashell increases slowly with time. 结合态氚的形成和积累随时间呈缓慢增长的趋势。

54、The estimator outperforms the U-I model on stator resistance adaptation and noise accumulation restraint. 该估计器在适应定子电阻和抑止噪声积累方面优于U—I法。

55、A radar range formula is given which combines coherent integration and non - coherent integration for range estimation. 在距离估算中提出了综合相参积累和非相参积累因素的雷达距离公式。

56、Be sure to work with your DBA to ensure you accumulate statistics at the appropriate time, especially in a production environment. 一定要与您的 DBA 一起工作以确保在适当的时候积累统计信息,尤其是在生产环境中。

57、The range formula in which phase coherent accumulation and non-phase coherent accumulation are considered is derived. 在距离估算中提出了综合相参积累和非相参积累因素的雷达距离公式。

58、The results show that the cumulative damage of propellants under the different stress levels agrees with linear rule. 结果表明,在不同应力水平下,推进剂的累积损伤基本符合线性累积损伤规律。

59、To learn new habits is everything, for it is to reach the substance of life. (Henri Frederic Amiel) 培养新习惯的能力非常重要,因为生命本质就是习惯的累积与砌合。

60、They are probably amalgams either of intellect and personality or of intellect and informal experience in specific job or life settings, respectively. 这两种智力可能分别是“学识+人格”和“学识+特定工作经验或生活积累”的结合体。

61、Suitable stress is advantageous to the formation and the accumulation of vinblastine in the Catharanthus roseus. 适当的水肥胁迫有利于长春碱在长春花体内的形成和积累。

62、The effects of nitrogen on plant growth and cadmium accumulation in hyperaccumulator of Sedum alfredii Hance were investigated using hydroponic culture. 通过水培试验,研究了氮素水平对超积累植物东南景天植株生长和镉吸收积累的影响。

63、The accumulation mainly occurred in forepart exposure. 积累效应主要发生于暴露早期。

64、Failure mode of the composite also changes from cumulative to typical noncumulative after long time exposure at 500℃. 高温长时间热暴露后复合材料的断裂也从累积型转变为典型的非累积型断裂。

65、Cumulative survival was similar among persistent smokers and nonsmokers. 未戒烟者与不吸烟者的累积生存率相同。

66、The alluvial plains in Mesopotamia are perfectly suitable for high food production. 美索不达米亚的冲积平原非常适合生产高生量的食物。

67、In conditions of moderate drought stress, enhanced UV-B radiation increased biomass accumulation to root, biomass accumulation to stem and biomass accumulation to root. 在中度干旱胁迫下,增强的UV-B辐射提高了金荞麦根生物量积累和配置、茎生物量积累。

68、It is fitting, in a society that still claims to cling to socialist values, while enforcing a spectacularly exploitative primitive accumulation. 这在这样的社会里是合适的,这里它一边声称坚持社交价值观,同时却在不断强化对原始积累的剥削。

69、Disciple wishes the best for each of us in accumulating merits and dedicate all merits to all sentient beings. 弟子祝愿我们每个人积累功德及回向所有功德给所有众生。

70、This is your advantage. 积累一生的朋友客户,这才是你的优点。

71、Therefore, we concluded using mariculture wastewater to irrigate salt-tolerant crop could increase soil nutrients, while the total desolved salts would not be excessively accumulated. 因此,适时适宜矿化度的海水养殖废水结合适当的淋洗分数补充灌溉耐盐植物,有效地增加了土壤养分,而盐分不会过量累积。

72、He describes aging as the lifelong accumulation of various types of molecular and cellular damage throughout the body. 他把衰老描述为周身各种分子和细胞的损伤在一生中的累积。

73、The peak of nitrogen uptake appeared before that of nicotine accumulation, and a lot of nicotine accumulation occurred after removal the apex. 氮素吸收高峰出现在烟碱累积高峰之前,且烟碱大量累积发生在打顶之后。

74、The bioconcentration factor(BCF) of MET was also in positive correlation to the lipid content of the fish. 多效唑生物积累因子(BCF)和鱼体类脂质含量之间有较高的正相关性。

75、The accumulation rate was similar among the different groups(1.64–1.98), which indicates that the accumulation is low. 不同组间的累积率相似(1.64-1.98),表明累积较低。

英文句子模板76:Sentences suitable for students to accumulate

76、The incidence rate of neurasthenic syndrome was 61.13%. It had rising trend with accumulative exposure dose. 神经衰弱综合症发生率随着累积辐照剂量积增呈递增趋势。

77、Core competencies are"the collective learning in the organization, especially how to coordinate different production skills and integrate multiple streams of technologies". 核心能力是“组织中的积累性学识,特别是如何协调不同的生产技能和有机结合多种技能的学识”。

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