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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-24 09:25:47
  • 96


关于”过年的单词和句子“的英语句子60个,句子主体:New year's words and sentences。以下是关于过年的单词和句子的六年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:New year's words and sentences

1、Are we as grown-ups still able to memorize words? 成年之后是否还能“记住”单词?

2、from Tea Party favorite Sarah Palin, including her 2010 conflation "refudiate". “佩林体”已经存在好几年了,大多用来指茶党最爱的莎拉•佩林用词错误而自创的新词,比如2010年她(把“拒绝”和“驳回”两词合在一起)生造的新词“拒驳(refudiate)”。

3、It occurs through multiple exposures to a word in different contexts. 学习者通过在不同的情境下,多次接触单词而附带习得该单词。

4、During the late 1830s, it was a favorite practice among younger, educated circles to misspell words intentionally, then abbreviate them and use them as slang when talking to one another. 19世纪30年代末,受过教育的年轻人圈子中有一个广受喜爱的做法,就是人们会故意拼错单词,缩写这些词,然后在互相交谈中把这些缩写当作俚语使用。

5、Users can search English words by known letters and descriptions in addition to finding anagrams and word combinations. 用户可以按照知道的字母和描述搜索英文单词以便发现字母顺序和单词组成。

6、These were called 'Rococo' , a taste that sprang from the French word 'Rocaille' which literally meant rocky or shell encrusted and which flourished between 1730 and 1780. “洛可可”一词来源于法国的单词“Rocaille”,意思是用石子和贝壳做的装饰。从1730年到1780年洛可可风格风靡一时。

7、Thebest way to learn new words is . 学新单词的最好方法是通过读英语杂志。

8、Providentially, some words like star and far are now spelled with ar, but in the past they too had er. 幸运的是,有些单词例如star和far现在拼写为ar,但在过去,这两个单词也含有er的。

9、First , let’s learn some new words. 先来学新单词。

10、In recent years, research on dependency parsing becomes active, because dependency grammar benefits to represent the relation between terms. 近年来依存句法由于其利于描述语言中词与词之间的关系、突出核心词的特点日益得到重视。

11、To make revising easier, leave wide margins and extra space between lines so that you can easily add words, sentences, and corrections. 要想修改起来更容易,多留一些页边空白,行与行之间也要留出空白,这样你就可以轻轻松松地增加单词、句子和更正的内容。

12、Odds are when this function called gets a string from the user by expecting them to manipulate their keyboard - with their fingers, I need to-- initiatively I'm gonna get back a sentence or a word or a phrase or something. 调用GetString获取的信息也有可能,是通过键盘敲进来的,东西-,它将会返回句子啊,单词啊,或词组啊等等一些信息。

13、For more granular searches, you can also perform a NEAR search to look for words near other words and adjacent (ADJ), which looks for words near others, but only in the specified order. 对于更为细化的搜索,还可执行一个 NEAR 搜索来查找靠近和邻近(ADJ)其他单词的单词,不过它查找的是靠近其他单词的单词,但只能按指定的顺序。

14、Then these two words will be sent to SHA-1 for digest calculation, the results of which will decide the binary values of both words. 把原单词和替换词分别代入SHA-1算法运算,通过比较摘要信息的大小而确定原单词与替换词各表示的二进制值。

15、Whether if you can put all the words in the lattice. 你能把所有的单词放进格子里么。

16、You can specify whether prime words, class words, and modifiers are optional, and the order in which these elements should occur. 可以指定基本单词、类单词和修饰词是否是可选的,以及这些元素出现的次序。

17、Learn new words. 学新单词。

18、Then use your dictionary and the internet to find more examples of that word in use and note those sentences down as well. 然后,通过字典和网络找到更多使用该单词的例句,也把它们都记下来。

19、Write five new words in your Vocab-Builder. 在你的词汇积累库中写出五个新单词。

20、Should we remember all the new words and expressions? 我们应该熟记所有的新 单词和表达吗?

21、Phonics is a code that unlocks word construction. It empowers the child to learn by putting small pieces together. 自然拼读是解开单词结构的钥匙,它赋予孩子们通过把字母组合在一起学新单词的能力。

22、You can specify whether prime words, class words, and modifiers are mandatory or optional, and the order in which these elements should occur. 可以指定基本单词、类单词和修饰词是必需的还是可选的,以及这些元素出现的次序。

23、It only took a year before this French invention crossed the English Channel—no doubt on a mail ship—to show up as an English word in 1865. 只用了一年,这个新创的法语单词便跨国了英吉利海峡——毫无疑问是通过邮船——在1865年作为一个英语单词出现。

24、So if I want to use a string as we'll call it which is a word or phrase generally, they always go between double quotes, David hence the quotes around David, and they are double quotes not single quotes intentionally. 当我们要表示单词啊,词组啊,句子啊等等这样的东西时,就会用到字符串,它们位于双引号之间,也就是这里双引号之间的,是双引号,不是单引号哦。

25、If there is no child in the required direction, the new word is not in the tree, and in fact the empty slot is the proper place to add the new word. 如在搜寻方向上无子树,则说明新单词不在树中,并且,当前的空位置就是存放新加入单词的正确位置。


26、The word string is just a synonym for what? 单词和字符串一定程度上是同义词?

27、List as many words as you can find , without checking the wordlist. When you have finished . 你能发现和目录里面一样多的单词,不用检查这个单词目录。

28、Unit10. If you go to the party, you 'll have a great time! 新人教版八年级上册课本全部单词大放送!

29、The word fetish got into English in 1613 from French and Portuguese. 单词fetish是在1613年从法语和葡萄牙语进入英语的。

30、Then as now medical words often had Latin roots but in this case the Latin root reaches further back to Greek. 通常每个医药词汇都有其拉丁词根,但是这个单词的词根要追溯到年代更久远的的希腊。

31、Here is your homework, preview the new words and the past form of verbs. 家庭作业, 预习下一课单词和动词的过去式。

32、The thesis defines the concept and presents the formation of foreign word and foreign morpheme briefly. 本文简单界定了外来词与外来词词素的概念和形成。

33、Here are some tips to help bolster word memorization: Learn new words and their synonyms. 这有一些提示来帮助巩固词汇的记忆:学新单词和它们的同义词。

34、Pronounce these letters, sounds and words. 读出这些字母、单音和单词。

35、Take especial notice of collocations and how prepositions are used with words. 特别要留意单词的固定搭配和介词匹配。

36、Lake Superior State Universit has published its annual New Year list of Banished Words, words or phrases that it thinks are overused or "'problematic' for thousands of Queen's English 'stakeholders'". 苏必利尔湖州立大学发表了该校每年都会列出的新年禁用劣词清单,这些单词或词组被认为是使用过度,或者由于那些顽守陈词滥调的迂腐之人,这些词语带来了诸多问题。

37、You can look up the new word in the dictionary. 你可以在词典上查到那个新单词。

38、You can look for the new word in the dictionary. 你可以在词典上查到那个新单词。

39、Learn new words by watching television, films, etc. 通过看电视、电影等学新单词。

40、The SELECT statement returns all name elements of the products with the term "creamer" and the term "pattern" in any sequence in the respective "name" element. SELECT 语句返回在 “name” 元素中有任何次序的单词 “creamer” 和 “pattern” 的所有产品的 name 元素。

41、How can I get to the Fuxing Hospital? 在那边乘坐57路公交车。

42、Also, current singular versus plural with nouns and verbs. 然后是名词和一般现在时动词的单复数。

43、Each data element name shall contain a sufficient number of modifiers and qualifiers to fully describe it (up to four modifiers per prime word and one modifier plus two qualifiers per class word). 每个数据元素名称应该包含数量足够的修饰词和限定词,以便充分描述它(每个基本单词最多有四个修饰词,每个类单词最多有一个修饰词和两个限定词)。

44、During the late 1830s, it was a favorite practice among younger, educated circles to misspell words intentionally, then abbreviate them and use them as slang when talking to one another. 19世纪30年代末,受过教育的年轻人圈子中有一个广受喜爱的做法,就是人们会故意拼错单词,缩写这些词,然后在互相交谈中把这些缩写当作俚语使用。

45、We are learning to spell and read some words. The students have been completing a lot of worksheets to help them remember the old words and learn new words. 我们正在学习拼写和阅读单词。学生们已经完成了有助他们记忆单词并学习新单词的大量的练习工作。

46、Shakespeare freely used elisions, novel syntax and several thousand made-up words . 莎士比亚随意使用的省音、新奇句法和数千个自造词。

47、Pratice this sount. listen to each word and practice saying each word using the recording tool. 练习这种声音。听每个单词和使用录音工具练习说每个单词。

48、A great example of a neologism is "antecedentially", whichrelies on real words and has applicable meaning, but was coined for thepurposes of this wikihow article. 一个很好创造词语的例子是 ‘antecedentially’,它是依赖真实的单词和适当的意思,但是造词是wikihow(作者)的目的。

49、How many houses are there in the picture? 教师出示较多的房子的图片并领读单词。

50、Learn some words about places some prep. and adv. How to give directions. 学习地点的一些单词,介词和副词,如何指路。


51、Mnemonic Dictionary (MD) helps in learning and remembering word and it's meaning easily by providing memory aids (called mnemonics ) for each word. 助记词典通过为每个单词提供助记方法(记忆术)来帮助人们轻松的学习和记忆单词及词义。

52、Double syllabled words can be divided into three kinds-single words, compound words and speech-stressed words. 《汉书》应劭注双音词有单纯词、重言词和合成词三类。

53、I don't know aht's the difference between position tol. and concentricity, can you figure out? 我不知道位置度公差和同轴度公差的区别,你能给我解释一下吗?注:原句当中英语单词有错误。

54、只用了一年,这个新创的法语单词便跨国了英吉利海峡——毫无疑问是通过邮船——在1865年作为一个英语单词出现。It only took a year before this French invention crossed the English Channel—no doubt on a mail ship—to show up as an English word in 1865.

55、How do you come to school. 通常我步行来,有时我乘公共汽车来。

56、Like other languages the Miao language consists of single words and compound words. 根据词的不同内部结构,可把苗语的词汇分为单纯词和合成词两种。

57、Many years ago, when I was a little pig, my mother and the other sows used to sing an old song of which they knew only the tune and the first three words. 许多年前,当我还是一头小猪的时候,我的妈妈和别的母猪经常传唱一首老歌,她们只知道调子和歌词的前三个单词。

58、This includes spell-checking, dictionaries , and translations for various applications. 这会包括单词检查,词典,和许多程序的翻译。

59、To review and reinforce the use of "third person " gerund . 巩固动词单数第三人称的用法和动名词的用法。

60、Stemming is the process of finding the constant part of a word, which is the fragment that stays the same no matter which word tense or mode is used. 确定词干 是查找单词中不变部分的过程,它是单词中与时态和语气无关的保持不变的片断。

61、In terms of inner composition, single-morpheme words and compound words approximate in number. 从词的内部语素构成情况来看,植物词中单纯词和合成词的数量大体接近。

62、And how closely does it map onto the ways that words and phrases earworm their way into spoken language? 这不正是单词和词组在口语中的进化过程吗?

63、You can also teach it new words and phrases. 你也同样可以教会其识别新的单词和词组。

64、Now, look at me and guess what class I am having. 猜一猜。使用动作或单词卡片让学生复习有关科目和星期的单词。

65、Step 5: When all the listeners have written the words, the teacher posts new dictation words on the blackboard, and speakers and listeners change roles. 第五步:听写者写完单词后,老师将新的单词贴在黑板上,朗读者和听写者交换角色。

66、We are going to the cinema. 你们什么时候去?

67、There were two long e's: closed (approximately as in pet) and mid-open (approximately like e in where), but having greater duration than in those modern words. 那就是有两个长音e:闭元音(和单词pet中的e相似)和半开元音(和单词where中的e相似),但比在现代英语单词中的发音更持久。

68、Usually I come on foot.Sometimes I come by bus. 我经常骑自行车来。

69、The 160-page English-slanglish lexicon includes terms, definitions, parts of speech, sample sentences and notes on the etymology and origin of new slang, Munro said。孟罗说,这本160页的英语俚语词典包括词条、定义、选段、例句、有关词源的注释和新俚语的来源。

70、Write five new words in your Vocab-builder. 在你的词汇库里写上五个新单词。

71、In order to prove it, Houdini left his wife a secret note with 10 randomly selected words that he would communicate to her after his death. 为了证明这个,霍迪尼留下了一张只有十个随意选择的单词的纸条,他将会用这些单词在他死后和他妻子交流。

72、If you mistype a word, you should delete the whole word before retyping it correctly to reprogram your brain to do it properly the next time. 当你打错一个单词时,你应该将整个单词删除,再重新打出正确单词,这样做是在脑中重新编程避免下次再错。

73、The reason I chose the word queen was that I see from the Oxford English Dictionary’s online newsletter that this word was recently updated in their December 2007 quarterly release. 我选择了单词queen是因为我在《牛津英语词典》(文中简称《词典》)的在线新闻通讯里了解到,最近,这个单词在他们2007年12月第四季度的发布中有了更新。

74、It refers to the formation of new words by adding affixes to other words or morphemes. 将词缀加入其他单词或词素以构成新词的方法。

75、I love the small town where I lived during my childhood. 句中"town" 是动词"lived"的地点,即"童年时住过的小镇",故用where.

英文句子模板76:New year's words and sentences

76、We’re going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. 你们打算去哪儿?

77、What are you going to do tomorrow? 我要上美术课。

78、Word building reinforces the pre-reading concept that letters (and their sounds) make words, and that words have real meaning…and power. 单词的认识能增强阅读的概念,字母和他们的发音形成了单词,单词都有其真实的意思和影响。

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