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  • 2022-06-30 10:19:32
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关于”表达情绪的句子“的英语句子42个,句子主体:Emotional sentences。以下是关于表达情绪的句子的高一英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Emotional sentences

1、Kobian, a "humanoid" robot, which can express seven human emotions, has been unveiled by researchers at Waseda University in Japan. 库斌,一个具有人类表情的机器人,它能表达七种人类情绪,油日本大学研制成功,面世了。

2、The fur acts as an emotional indicator, as different moods trigger different rippling responses on a Bothan's fur. 他们的毛发是情绪的表达器,不同的情绪会触发博萨人毛发的不同颤动。

3、An emoticon is a textual portrayal of a writer's mood or facial expression. Emoticon(符号表情)是书写者情绪或者面部表情的文字表现方式。

4、The media follows mood, and Mr. Keene was expressing the sentiment of crude oil traders around the globe—saturating hopelessness. No one buying. Only selling. 媒体总会跟随情绪而动,而基恩表达的正是全球原油贸易商的情感——充满了绝望。

5、Tress's work mimics the process of the child who continuously converts the facts of his existence into magical symbols for unexpressed feelings and emotional slates. 特雷斯的作品不断模仿孩子的进程,连续不断地转换着他的存在进入魔术般的象征符号,展示出无法表达的感情和情绪的板块。

6、Often perceived as dark and emotionally charged, Bergman's films expressed the human emotion of being alone and fearful. 伯格曼常常可以或许洞察人道的暗中及情感颠簸,他的影戏表达了人类在孤傲和惊骇时的情绪。

7、"Recent psychology research indicates that moral judgments can be influenced by emotions and other affective conditions, " says Paharia. 研究表明,愤怒的情绪在对道德标准的影响上要远远大于其他的情绪及情况。

8、Remember Paul Ekman's work on the basic emotions, the universals of emotional expression? 还记得Paul,Ekman对基本情绪的研究,情绪表达的共性吗?

9、In this second stage, you wonder about your emotional state related to the situation and expressing your feelings. 在第二个阶段,你会知道与沟通情况相联系的你的情绪状态,并且表达出你的感觉。

10、Next time your partner says 'What's up?' resolve not to say 'Nothing'. Learn to speak your mind firmly but tactfully and improve those important communication skills. 下次,当你情绪不佳、你男友问你“怎么了?”的时候,不要再说“没事”。要学着把自己的情绪坚决、并有技巧地表达出来,增强自己的沟通技巧。

11、The most difficult thing was repressing his emotions while playing Woomin, Song says. 宋说最困难的事是表达宇民的情绪。

12、In the expression of energies, there is an alternating current between assertiveness and apathy. 在表达情绪时,可能会有着坚定自信及无动于衷之间的不稳定情绪流动。

13、I think it's very defining and your expression of not wanting something. 它可以非常清晰地表达你厌恶某事的情绪。

14、Expressing anger related to minor, fleeting annoyances just amplifies bad feelings, while not expressing anger often allows it to dissipate. 表达对于微不足道的、转瞬即逝的烦恼中的愤怒只会放大那种坏情绪;而不表达往往会让它们消散。

15、Parrots express their emotions vocally and with attitudes and postures, as well. 鹦鹉用声音同时也会藉态度和姿势表达他们的情绪。

16、The researchers also point out that this difference in perceptionis reflected in the differences between Eastern and Westernemoticons--the typographical characters used toconvey emotions in e-mails。研究人员同时指出,这种知觉差异也反应在东西方人使用的符号表情中。符号表情通常在电子邮件中使用,以表达书写者的情绪。

17、We'll also discuss the massive importance of voice tone and how it influences the moods and emotions we want to convey. 我们也会探讨说话语气极其重要的一面,以及它是如何影响到我们想要表达的情感和情绪的。

18、Objective To provide empirical evidences for emotion coaching by investigating the development of 4- to 6-year-old children understanding of the situation using emotion display rules. 目的考查4~6岁儿童对需要使用情绪表达规则的情境的认知发展特点,为童年早期儿童的情绪教育提供实证依据。

19、Match, he keeps his emotions in check, exuding. 赛中,他控制着自己的情绪,表。

20、Once she was angry enough to grab the microphone and shriek out her sentiments in Chinese. 有一次她非常愤怒抢过麦克风用汉语大喊表达她的情绪。

21、It is a basic emotion with a characteristic facial expression. 这是很基本的一种情绪,还伴有特定的面部表情。

22、He never used his trumpet to just play notes; he used it to invoke moods and express emotion. 他的小喇叭从来就不只是演奏音符而已,而是唤起听众情绪和表达情感。

23、“It was a sentiment-led downturn, it's a sentiment-led bounce as well,” Mr Hamilton said. “是市场情绪引发了下跌,也是情绪引发了反弹,”汉密尔顿表示。

24、Some people cut to express strong feelings of rage, sorrow, rejection, desperation, longing, or emptiness. 一些人割伤自己,是为了表达愤怒、悲哀、拒绝、绝望、渴望或空虚等强烈的情绪。

25、Female inmate Mei Lan is emotionally unstable and is very negative. Everybody is trying to help her. 女宿舍舍友美兰近期情绪不稳,常表达负面,大家都在帮助她。


26、Humans often use their animals to express their unexpressed emotions. 人类经常用自己的动物去表达他们未表达的情绪。

27、Emotional Labor means that one adjusts and manages his own feeing at work in order to express specific emotion which the organization needs. 情绪劳动是指在工作中对自己的情绪进行必要的调节和管理,以表达出组织需要的特定情绪的过程。

28、Yet it is flexible, too, as shown by its success in depicting varying shades of mood, in expressing those more intimate emotions which are so very nearly inexpressible. 但是它也是灵活的,可以从它成功地描写了情绪的不同层面,表达了那些细腻的几乎无法表达的感情看出来。

29、In English, the pitch at which a word is spoken conveys emotion but usually does not affect its meaning. 在英语中,单词的音调表达了情绪,但通常并不影响它的意义。

30、For example a horizontal line suggests calmness and tranquility, a vertical line gives a feeling of balance, oblique suggests movement. 比如水平线能够传达出平静和安宁,垂直线表达出平衡的情绪,而斜线表明运动。

31、The moon represents what you need, instincts, moods, and feelings. 月亮代表你的需求、能、绪和感情。

32、The article breathes the spirit of the age. 这部小说表现出绝望的情绪。

33、There is some evidence that chronic stress shrinks the parts of the brain involved in learning, memory, and mood. 有证据表明,长期的紧张情绪使大脑在学习、记忆、控制情绪的能力减弱。

34、The setting, clothing, props, accessories, pose, and emotional expression all work together to tell a story. 场景,衣着,支撑物,饰品,姿势以及情绪表达,他们结合起来讲述一个故事。

35、Because it will allow you to express strong feelings about not liking something or not wanting something. 因为它能帮助你表达一种厌恶或不想做某事的强烈情绪。

36、In both cases, the results can't be explained by chance. With 11 choices for each emotion (the 10 emotions plus "none"), random guessing would yield a score lower than 3. 在两种方法下得到的数据都无法用概率来解释,舞者表达的每一种情绪都有11个选项(10种情绪选项再加一个“无情绪”选项),如果是单纯的猜测的话,得分会低于3。

37、Were you able to put into words what it was? 你能够用语言表达出这种情绪吗?

38、Second, positive family emotion environment was related to childrens more knowledge and use of EDRs and lower negative affect. 家庭情绪环境分别从不同方面对儿童情绪表达规则的认知发展水平有显著影响;

39、Cognitive reappraisal and expression suppression are the most common and useful emotion regulation strategies. 认知重评和表达抑制是最常用且最有效的情绪调节策略。

40、It's one of the themes faced by Carlo Ancelotti during the press conference. The coach also spoke about Pato, Ronaldo and Dida. 安切洛蒂在今天的新闻发布会上表达了这样的情绪,他还谈到了帕托、罗纳尔多以及迪达。

41、When I read you, I was like a mute person too much to express. 念你时我像个哑巴,情绪太多无法表达。

42、If you want to meet each other's emotional needs, and you want to overcome Love Busters, one essential ingredient is an honest expression of your emotional reactions to each other. 如果想满足彼此的情绪需要,击败爱情克星,诚实地表达情绪反应就很必要。

43、This energy favors your social & romantic life too, so you may express your feelings & emotions in a non-verbal way. 同样,这种能量可以被运用到你的社交生活和感情生活中去,即使毫无言语,你也能尽情表达你的感受和情绪。

44、In the study, emotion labor included expression of positive emotion and suppression of negative emotion. 在本研究中,情绪劳动有「正向情绪表达」与「负向情绪克制」两种内涵。

45、Let your emotions be expressed and released. 把你的情绪表达出来,让它释放。

46、Nationalistic sentiment is strong, and politicians and interest groups can exploit it. 民族主义情绪空前高涨,政客和利益团体可能利用民族情绪以达到自己的目的。

47、How do you manage to maintain and convey the emotion of a piece after playing it hundreds of times? —Umesh Panchaksharaiah Richmond, Calif. 一首弹了上百遍的曲子,如何还能继续很好地传达其中的情绪?

48、People with severe aphasia are usually extremely limited in explaining themselves by pantomime or gesture, except for expressions of emotion. 严重失用症患者常难以用手势或动作示意,但可通过情绪表达。

49、Can people who've never been exposed to the dances still understand the emotions the dancers intend to express? 对于那些没有接触过印度舞蹈的人,他们还能够理解舞者想要表达的情绪呢?

50、Colour has an enormous impact on us. It can influence your mood and express your feelings. 颜色对我们有很大的影响,它能够影响你的情绪和表达你的感觉。


51、In experiment 2, we examined the cognitive development of children's positive EDRs in different age, gender and target by interviewing children one by one. 实验三则考察了学前儿童消极和积极两种情绪表达规则认知能力的发展差异及情绪表达规则策略的使用。

52、Besides direct effect on self-harm, affection neglect has indirect effect on the self-harm by the mediation role of emotion dysregulation and alexithymia. 情感忽视对自伤行为有直接的正向作用外,并以情绪调节困难和情绪表达不能为中介对自伤行为产生间接影响。

53、Although ha facepalm is usually used to express frustration or embarrassment, in the context of a surrounding conversation it can also be used to express other emotions, such as disgust or dismay. 这个动作多用来表达沮丧或者尴尬,不过,在对话脉络中,也可以用来表达厌恶或失望的情绪。

54、In fact, constructively expressing other negative feeling can be a very positive, empowering act. 其实建设性的表达自己的“不良情绪”是一中十分积极,可行的行为。

55、Later, when re-living the traumatic event, the individual may alternate between a flood of emotions caused by the flashback and an inability to feel or express emotions at all. 随后,在重新体验创伤经历时,个体可能会在由“闪忆”所引发的情绪爆发与完全无法感受或表达情绪的两个极端之间摇摆。

56、By the time their child reaches 12 weeks, as many as one in four are feeling down. 在孩子满12周时,多达四分之一的男性会出现情绪低落。

57、She says only 20 percent expressed "normal" emotions such as fear and worry about getting pregnant. 她说只有20%表达出“正常的”情绪,比如对怀孕感到害怕和忧虑。

58、Thomas Scheff, a University of California sociologist, has said that shame inhibits the expression of all emotions—with the occasional exception of anger. 加州大学的社会学家托马斯·雪芙曾说过,感会抑制个人表达各种情绪——愤怒这种情绪是少有的例外。

59、Methods: 191 students in a middle school in Beijing and 174 juvenile delinquents were sed with Aggression Questionnaire, Emotion Regulation scale and Emotion Expression Scale. 目的:考察青少年暴力犯的情绪调节方式,以及不同性别的青少年的情绪调节方式和情绪表达方式对其是否为暴力犯的作用。

60、In study 1, we examined the cognitive development of children's EDRs in different emotion situation, grade and gender by interviewing children one by one. 研究二主要考察父母的情绪表露对研究一中儿童情绪表达规则发展的影响。

61、Dr.Scott suspected cultural norms might be at play: women are socialized to be more emotionally expressive, he said, so hiding emotions may create more strain. 斯科特博士怀疑可能是文化规范在起作用:女性社会化后表达情绪更冲动,他说,这样一来隐藏情绪可能会造成更多压力。

62、However, emotional self control does not mean "stuffing" your emotions so that you do not experience them fully. 然而,情绪的自我控制并不代表“硬塞”你的情绪好让你不完整地经验它。

63、The image of youth comes from the artist's self-reflection and expression of emotion. 少年的形象是出于作者对自我情绪的反思和表达。

64、An emoticon is a textual portrayal of a writer's mood or facial expression. (符号表情)是书写者情绪或者面部表情的文字表现方式。

65、They receive more detailed information than men and are more able to express emotionally and verbally how they feel. 她们比男人接收到的信息更详细,也更能从情绪上和语言上表达她们的感觉。

66、I hate expresses a strong feeling. hate 表达了一种强烈的情绪。

67、Acting out is indirectly expressing feelings and emotions through behavior. 耍脾气是用过行为间接地表达情绪。

68、Some people find it difficult to openly express negative reactions. 一些人觉得很难公然地表达消极情绪反应。

69、Learn how to express emotions and sentiments in Kathak dance with expert tips in this free dance lesson video. 学习如何去表达情感和情绪专家提示在这个自由舞蹈课视频卡萨克舞。

70、As one of the important parts of children's emotional socialization, children's emotional display rules (EDRs) have attracted more and more researchers'attention. 儿童情绪表达规则作为儿童情绪社会化的重要内容之一,得到越来越多国内外研究者的关注。

71、There’s several basic emotional categories like fear, anger, disgust, and so on, are very well recognized either from face expression or from vocal expression as well. 我们有几种最基本的情绪分类,如恐惧,生气,厌恶等等,他们可以通过面部表情或声音表达中清楚的区分开来。

72、The emoji "Smile" used to represent kindness can sometimes indicate unhappy and dismissive feelings. “微笑” 这个表情曾经是用来传达善意和友好的,但有时它会暗示难过或者轻蔑的情绪。

73、It's a strong word "hate". ate是一个表达强烈情绪的词。

74、Expresses emotion in exaggerated and theatrical ways. 074. 用夸张的、戏剧的方式表达情绪。

75、Recognitions of voice expressions are influenced by body and faces; 语音情绪识别受到面部与身段表情的影响;

英文句子模板76:Emotional sentences

76、This energy favors your social & romantic life too, so you may express your feelings & emotions in a non-verbal way. 同样,这种能量可以被运用到你的社交生活和感情生活中去,即使毫无言语,你也能尽情表达你的感受和情绪。

77、The mood states of 273 high school students were measured by questionnaires of the Profile of Mood State (POMS). 采用情绪状态量表(POMS) ,对2 73名高中生的情绪状态进行了问卷调查。

78、It expresses each of these moods, and many others, in a numberless variety of subtle shadings and differences. 它表达任何一种这样的情绪,或许多其它的情绪,以无数的微妙的细微差异和不同。

79、“The other day, ” she says, “someone asked me how I got her sadness. 她说:“有一天,有人问我是怎么表达出她的忧郁情绪的。

80、Emotional expressiveness is reciprocal; we respond to others' self-revelations with outpourings of our own. 情绪的表达是对等的。我们用我们自己情绪的流露来回应他人的“自我表露”。

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