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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-28 14:02:46
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1、Advantages of Campus e-commerce; 校园电子商务优势 ;

2、"The film was beautiful beyond words and every shot was like a painting, " one cinema goer Taylor wrote. 一位电影迷泰勒写道:“这部电影美的难以形容,电影中的每一个画面都像一幅画。”

3、This is a collection of videos in which the animation colors and stylish frames will embellish your movie. 这是一个动画影片中的色彩和时尚的帧将美化你的电影收藏。

4、In 2009, 10 Chinese-language films grossed more than 100 million yuan (about $14.6 million), compared with four two years earlier. 2009年,有10部中文电影的票房收入超过1亿币(约1460万美元),而两年前只有4部中文电影有此佳绩。

5、A film of a monkey being beaten unconscious and its brain scooped out andserved on plates got the same reaction. 同样的,一部将猴子打晕,然后取出猴脑作为盘中美食的电影也受到了相同的抵触。

6、A good number of young directors have introduced a good number of youth movies to the public. 一批年轻导演登上电影舞台,大量的优秀青春片登上电影银幕。

7、The movie was graceful and beautiful and the soundtrack has kept it alive all these years. 影片不仅优雅而且优美,其原声带的存在更是让这部电影至今都充满着活力。

8、Rather than backing every film put out by a studio, they are investing in producers with good records. 他们对以往成绩优秀的电影制片人进行投资,而不资助电影公司拍摄的每部电影。

9、Ge You is an old stager in Chinese film industry. 葛优是中国电影界的老戏骨。

10、It can almost compared to the secneic in the film 'The mountain, the People and the Dog'. 甚至可以和电影<那山,那人,那狗>里的优美画面相提并论。

11、Its a perfect pop-corn movie. 这是一部完美的流行电影。

12、The young movie star revelled in the public's admiration. 这位年轻的电影明星沉湎于观众的赞美声中。

13、V. Ending the lesson with a graceful music and parts of movies. 在优美的音乐声和电影片段中结束本课。

14、Most new releases will start at $3.99, while older titles will go for $2.99. (TechCrunch) 绝大部分新电影的起始价为3.99美元,而老电影的起始价则为2.99美元。

15、Nonetheless, filmmakers cling to the smooch in the hope, or the fond pretense, that it might mean something more. 尽管如此,电影制作者更倾向于希望中的一个拥抱,或是美丽的幌子,它们意味着更多。

16、It’s like you are back from the dead. 好像你是死而复生似的。

17、May: I like scary movies. 阿美:我喜欢恐怖电影。

18、This creates, as it were, electron and positron s. 这将产生电子和正电子的阴影带,正如月亮阴影带本身。

19、It punctuates the film perfectly and ensures audiences leave with a warm fuzzy feeling burning inside of them. 它给这部电影画上了完美的句点,并让观众离席时内心泛起一股暖流。

20、This film series is an historic view of some of the latest Goya Film Awards to the best Spanish films, from the early 90s to 2009. 该电影季精选了90年代初至2009年戈雅电影节获奖作品中最优秀的西班牙影片。

21、The company, headquartered in Shenzhen which is a modernized costal city with beautiful sceneries and international influence, established the GONSON brand in the early of 2008. 成立于2008年初的“炚晟电子”公司总部设在深圳,这是一个风景优美和极具国际影响力的现代化海滨城市。

22、Gome as the best Chinese home appliance retail brands, with China Hewlett-Packard established a depth of the strategic cooperative partnership. 国美电器作为中国最优秀的家电零售品牌,与中国惠普建立了深度的战略合作伙伴关系。

23、Iron Man 2 holds onto and glorifies the myriad of strong points from the first film. 《钢铁侠2》拥有抱和美化第一部电影的众多优势。

24、I’ll make it up to you, I promise. 我会补偿你的,我保证。

25、 Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get. 人生就像一盒各式各样的巧克力,你永远不知道下一块将会是哪种。


26、He reprised the charactor from the stage play in the movie perfectly. 他在电影中完美地呈现原来是舞台剧的角色。

27、Taking human being as the center, moving visual image includes scene, light, , colour and composition. 电影的视象美以人为中心,也包括景、物、光影、色彩和构图。

28、After reform and opening up, China's art film ushered in a second. 改革开放后,中国的美术电影迎来了第二春。

29、 A promise is a promise. 要信守诺言。

30、Ge You have to shoot a new film ? 葛优又要拍新电影了?

31、China condemned the movie as an attempt to "whitewash Japanese wartime aggression. 中国谴责这部电影妄图“美化日本战争侵略”。

32、Balazs who was a film theorists in Hungary said in the "Film Aesthetics" : "a new visual culture will replace the print culture, following the emergence of film, . 匈牙利电影理论家巴拉兹在《电影美学》中预言:“随着电影的出现,一种新的视觉文化将取代印刷文化。”

33、The REOPT bind option affects the optimization of statements that contain parameter markers or host variables. REOPT 绑定选项将影响其中包含参数标记或主机变量的语句的优化。

34、In movies and on TV, wheels appear to rotate in reverse. 在电影和电视中,轮子看起来似乎是反向转动的。

35、As an example, MovieSchedule.xls is a spreadsheet that displays the schedule for a list of movies in local theaters. 作为一个示例,MovieSchedule.xls 这个电子表格用于显示本地电影院中的一个电影列表的安排。

36、Electronic ceramic, a high-tech material applied in electronic industry, has excellent electronic, thermal and mechanical properties. 电子陶瓷拥有优良的电学、热学和机械性能,是电子工业中使用广泛的高技术材料。

37、NIDA is, a centre of excellence in training for theatre, film and television. 澳大利亚国立戏剧学院是一所提供优秀的戏剧、电影、电视训练的中心。

38、He was an action hero in the ravishing movie The House of Flying Daggers . 他是《十面埋伏》这部绝美电影中的武打英雄。

39、Moives has influenced current standars of beauty. 电影已经影响了当前的审美标准。

40、"Atomic Power" redirects here. For the film, see Atomic Power (film). “原子能”转向于此。有关电影,请见《原子能》(电影)。

41、The potential exerted of modern power electronics is mainly limited by switching loss. 在多电平变换器中,开关损耗影响电力电子器件潜能的发挥。

42、The chief producer, Han Sanping, CEO of China Film Group, said that the 75 million US dollar movie enjoys the highest investment of any of the 300 Chinese movies he has produced. 中国电影集团首席执行官兼总制片人韩三平说,这部耗资7500万美元的影片是迄今为止中国300部电影中投资额最大的一部电影。

43、Everything you ever told me was a lie. 我为何要相信你?

44、With movie stand function, prefect audiovisual angle, you can enjoy movie and music easily. 设电影支架功能,完美的视听角度,电影、音乐尽在掌握中。

45、Barry McGee is featured in the film Beautiful Losers, in cinemas now. 巴里·马克里在电影《完美失败者》中扮演重要角色,影片正在影院热播。

46、Rudolph Balentino, the Adonis of the silent films, had one great quality— to make women feel weak at the knees. 鲁道夫·瓦伦丁诺,这部无声电影中的美男子,有一个绝妙的本事——使女人感到膝头发软。

47、 I paid my respect to Bubba himself. 我也去看望了布巴本人。

48、To mine joy from misery: that's the gift of many a terrific movie. 苦中作乐是许多优秀电影的特点。

49、Today, Fei Mu's opinion of movie, which emphasizes the noumenon, the atmosphere, and the nationality of movie, has drawn more and more attentions. 费穆重视电影本体、讲究电影“空气”的“布置”、强调电影的民族审美情趣,他的这些电影观在今日已越来越受到中国电影界的重视。

50、Recorded characteristic for magnetic sound records on 35 mm motion-picture film excluding striped release prints; 电影胶片;电影摄影;磁记录;优先尺寸;记录特性;


51、Excellent novels, pieces of reportage, films, television dramas, plays, operas, poems, musical compositions, paintings, dances and works of folk art have been produced. 小说、报告文学、电影、电视剧、话剧、戏曲、诗歌、音乐、美术、舞蹈、 曲艺等各个方面,都出了一批优秀作品。

52、Over the next 10 years, numerous impressive actresses and outstanding women-centered films emerged in China. 又过了10年,中国出现了一批优秀的女性题材电影,以及令人难忘的女电影明星。

53、Meta-cinema means movie concerning movie, include all movies that it"s content is movies and the movie about movie. This is a self-reflected movies world." 元电影是指关于电影的电影,包括所有以电影为内容、在电影中关涉电影的电影,直接引用、借鉴、指涉另外的电影文本或者反射电影本身的电影都在元电影之列。

54、Forget “Brokeback Mountain”, with its distracting scenery. 忘掉《断背山》以及电影中美得让人分心的景色吧。

55、Even if it is only through the film's soundtrack al can not help but make the listener in mind that outlines the painting beautiful scenes of fantasy films. 即便是仅仅通过电影的原声大碟,也能使得听者不由自主的在脑海中勾勒出那一幅幅优美奇幻影片场景。

56、For example, in one movie a woman sings with a very high falsetto voice. 举个例子,在一场电影里,一个女人用很高的美声唱歌。

57、The landscape shouted Australia, indeed Baz Luhrmann's eponymous film, best viewed for its scenery, was shot hereabouts. 这里的风景极具澳大利亚特色,就像在巴兹•鲁曼的成名电影中一样,电影中最美丽的风光就是在这儿拍摄的。

58、Macho heroes in films are bad role models for children. 电影中那些大男子气的英雄是不宜孩子们模仿的。

59、 You got to put the past behind you before you can move on. 你只有忘记以往的事情,才能够继续前进。

60、I watched the movie! It's a really great movie. The story is beautiful and captivating. 她已经看了这部电影,觉得这是一部好片,故事优美动人。

61、It worked so well that it led to a sequel that proved every bit the first film's equal. 这部电影拍得如此完美,以至于后来的续集完全证明了第一部电影中所说的每一点。

62、An animated cartoon made by Shanghai Animation Film Studio in 1983. 上海美术电影制片厂83年小时候的片子。

63、Today, Stellar Mega Media has prepared to work with our peers to create a flourishing age for China's movie industry. 今天的星美传媒,厚积薄发,雄风依旧。星美同仁愿乘中国电影崛起之势,携手同行,共创中国电影产业盛世。

64、Once you’ve seen a beautifully shot, widescreen movie in high definition, you never want to go back to watching old-fashioned standard def again. 人们一旦看过那摄影优美、高清晰度的宽屏幕电影,就再也不想回去看老式的片子了。

65、Thought the film aesthetics can not be equated with the film aesthetic. 电影美学思想不能与电影美学划等号。

66、Horror parody "A Haunted House" debuted in second place with $18.8 million, while mobster drama "Gangster Squad" opened third with $16.7 million. 恐怖模仿类电影《鬼屋大电影》以1880万美元票房排名第二,匪徒类电影《匪帮传奇》以1670万美元的票房位居第三。

67、Along with the appearance of a series of excellent telecine products, the telecine has provided billions of Chinese audience with an all-new appreciative perspective and special aesthetic experience. 随着一批批优秀电视电影作品的面世,电视电影向亿万中国观众提供了一种全新的观赏视角,为国民带来了独特的审美体验。

68、Her photos are tranquil, vintage-esque and beautiful. 她的摄影作品静谧、典雅而优美。

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