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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-27 09:50:18
  • 86


关于”常用的句型“的英语句子44个,句子主体:Common sentence patterns。以下是关于常用的句型的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Common sentence patterns

1、So, in general, avoid using casts and instanceof checks on type parameters. 因此,通常应避免对类型参数使用数据类型转换和 instanceof 检查。

2、Telnet - A very good TELNET application that has a typical color VT100 terminal type screen. Telnet是一个非常好的远程登录应用程序,它具有一个非常典型的彩色VT100终端类型的屏幕。

3、The regression model for contaminated data is a useful model in biostatistics. 染数据回归模型是生物统计中常用的模型。

4、Animal models of Behavioral Despair, Learned Helplessness, and Chronic Stress, etc. , are widely used to study stress-induced depression. 在应激性抑郁研究中,常用的动物模型包括行为绝望模型、习得无助模型、慢性应激模型等。

5、The next section provides sample statements for commonly requested queries in the area of volume and response information. 下一节提供了样本语句用于在容量和响应信息区域中进行常用的请求查询。

6、Planar multi-angulated beams are commonly used in retractable structures. 平面折梁单元是可开启结构中的常用单元类型。

7、When the models become dated, teams often abandon them, failing to take advantage of their code-generation capability. 当模型过时后,团队常常抛弃,未能利用它们的代码生成能力。

8、Do you know what kind of scent she usually wears? 你知道她平常爱用哪种香型的吗?

9、Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished.违反交通规定的人应该受处罚。

10、The level-1 process definitions of the Industry Models are often used to guide this process and to ensure the use of standard terminology. 行业模型第 1 层的过程定义常常用于指导此过程,并用于确保标准术语的使用。

11、Objective: To study the antiarrhythmic activity of taurine-magnesium coordination compound (TMC) in vivo by using the arrhythmic model induced by ouabain of guinea pig. 目的:建立哇巴因诱发的豚鼠心律失常模型,观察新型配合物牛磺酸镁(TMC)的在体抗心律失常作用;

12、The English Figure of Speech is a deviation from the ordinary use of words, with a view to increasing their effect. 英语修辞法是一种使文字表现更为有力的比喻或将词语用异乎寻常的方法使用的辞句用法。

13、High-speed aircraft usually employ thin, low-drag, low-lift airfoils; slow aircraft that carry heavy loads use thicker airfoils with high drag and high lift. 高速飞机通常采用低阻力、低升力的流线型薄翼型,载重量大的低速飞机使用高阻力、高升力的厚翼型。

14、Cost-plus Contract is an ordinary construction projects contract type. 成本加成合同是一种常用的建设工程合同类型。

15、If this is an index, it usually takes on the data type of the corresponding field. 如果动作是一个索引,那么它常常采用对应字段的数据类型。

16、Two-dimensional wind-driven currents model is a very useful hydrodynamic model for shallow water, such as Dianchi Lake. 二维风生流模型是浅水湖泊常用的水动力模型,适用于滇池的湖流模拟。

17、However, those iterations are often hidden from the typical and common user base. 只不过商业软件的迭代常常对典型的普通用户是隐蔽的。

18、In goal-seeking optimization problems, linear programming problems are the most common. 线性规划是目标优化问题中最常用的模型。

19、Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had. QYK英语作文网

20、Rigidbodies are most often used in combination with primitive colliders. 刚体通常和原型碰撞器配合使用。

21、The ARCH model and the nerval net model are often used in the model economic pre-warning. 模型预警法常使用ARCH模型预警与人工神经网络模型预警。

22、Capuchin monkeys often rub their bodies with a certain type of millipede. 卷尾猴经常擦用某种类型的千足虫的身体。

23、Cering and high-availability architectures are often found in these types of large enterprise environments. 在大型企业环境中,常常有集群和高可用性架构。

24、UI development often demands better productivity and high flexibility, so dynamic typing is often preferred. UI 开发常常需要更高的效率和灵活性,所以更适合采用动态类型。

25、Now the commonly used seal groove is a logarithm spiral groove. 现在的密封 槽 型比较常用的是对数螺 线 槽。


26、Software licenses and maintenance fees are expensive on mainframes. 大型机的软件许可证和维护费用非常昂贵。

27、Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had.  张老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师。

28、Two types of inhalers are used: "relievers" which are used when breathing is difficult and "preventers" which are taken every morning and evening. 吸入器有两种类型: 作为呼吸困难时使用的“缓解型”,和每日早晚常规使用的“预防型”。

29、Support for all common SQL data-types. 支持所有常用的SQL数据类型。

30、This model provides a much neater method invocation process. 这个模型提供了一个非常巧妙的方法调用过程。

31、Usually, HEDP is used together with polycarboxylic acid. 通常与聚羧酸型阻垢分散剂配合使用。

32、Commercial application of T-503 COS hydrolysis catalyst and T-307 ambient-temperature desulfurization agent in a polypropylene (PP) plant was reported. 介绍了T-503型COS水解催化剂和T-307型常温脱硫剂用于丙烯常温液相精脱硫的工业应用情况。

33、This model is very useful for long-tail applications. 这个模型对长尾应用程序(long-tail applications)非常有用。

34、Still, the mathematical models used to rank results are usually some variation of the common term-frequency/inversed document frequency model, which is well-mapped territory. 尽管如此,用于排序结果的数学模型通常是常用的 词频/倒排文档频率模型的变体,而对于这种模型,已有很好的研究基础。

35、Results indicate that double-U-like groove is useful for hybrid welding than the double-V groove used in the oversea; 研究表明:采用类似双U型坡口比国外常用的双V型坡口更有利于复合焊的焊接;

36、Moreover, replacing sleeve style box to 02 style box can obviously increase box's compressive strength. 此外,将常用02型箱型改为套合型箱型,也可明显提高纸箱的抗压强度。

37、Her hair was very straight, so she often used a curling iron to create different styles. 她的头发非常直,因此她经常用卷发器制造不同的发型。

38、Extreme Value Theory has a wide range of applications in many fields. There are mainly two types of commonly used model: BMM model and GPD model. 极值理论在许多领域有着广泛的应用,主要有两类常用的模型:BMM模型和GPD模型。

39、A new non linear constitutive model for normal consolidation soil under static loading condition is presented. 提出了一种新的、适用于正常固结土在静荷作用下的应力矢量型非线性本构模型。

40、Frequently, for a decorative touch, a contrasting color thread is used. 这种缝型常用作装饰格调,使用的线是对比色。

41、Always used in large murals, small decorative wall, all kinds of crafts and decorative glass . 它常用在大型壁画,小型壁饰、各类工艺品及装饰玻璃中。

42、The CAR(Constant Allometric Ratio)and VAR(Variable Allometric Ratio)models were two basic biomass models most widely used in research and applications. CAR模型和VAR模型是生物量模型研究与应用中最常用的形式。

43、You may notice that this Struts model is very similar to the model used by VisualAge Generator. 您也许会注意到 Struts 模型和 VisualAge Generator 所用的模型非常相似。

44、In other words, building a model suited to computer must consider the complexity, the typicalness of the sentence model, the organic relation of abstract element and the commanding-word or not. 换个角度来说,建立机用常模要充分考虑到提要的构造难度、句模的典型性、提元的组合关系及统摄词的有无等四个方面的因素。

45、The adhesive used by mould coal includes organic, inorganic and compound. 型煤常用的胶粘剂分为有机、无机和复合三类。

46、In a typical LZX application, you will often use multiple views, nested within each other. 在典型的 LZX 应用程序中,常常会使用多个视图,视图之间相互嵌套。

47、This model is commonly used by JMS applications, and has the disadvantage that to correlate individual requests with responses, it is necessary to use a temporary destination per request. JMS 应用程序常常使用这种模型,并且该模型的缺点是将单个请求与响应关联起来,每个请求都需要使用一个临时目的地。

48、Silicon epitaxial planar type, very high-speed switching, bias stabilizing application. 硅外延平面型,非常高速开关,偏置稳定的应用。

49、You can also look at dual-sport bikes that are also street legal. 你也可以选择那种两用型的车辆,公路上也可以正常使用。

50、The secondary action of micro-grain gold usually forms the carlin-type Au-deposit or lateritic and gossan Au deposit. “微细粒金”的次生作用,常形成卡林型氧化金矿或红土型金矿和铁帽型金矿。


51、There are other specialized block types, but these the most general. 有其它专门的块类型,但这些是最常用的。

52、Generally use the soft rubber type sealing ring seal, hard seal ring-type metal seal used. 软密封型一般采用橡胶环密封,硬密封型通常采用金属环密封。

53、LZX is an object-oriented, prototype-based language that allows you to create custom, reusable cl to streamline and minimize code. LZX是面向对象,基于原型允许创建常用,可重用类的流线型以及代码最小化的语言。

54、On a larger scale, applications that are transactional in nature also tend to create groups of objects that are used and discarded together. 在更大的范围内,实际上事务型应用程序也常常创建一些 “一次性使用、用完作废” 的对象组。

55、The first two are usually used for small messages while the latter two are used for larger messages. 前两个通常用于小型消息而后两个则用于较大型的消息。

56、How important a thing it is to keep our promise! 遵守诺言是多么重要的事!

57、The correction is based on a suitable invasion model, such as a step profile or transition zone model. 常使用阶状模型和过渡带模型等侵入模型作侵入校正。

58、Forward modeling is often used in explaining of seismic data, because conventional convolution model can't simulate the features of the dynamics of elastic wave. 地震资料解释经常用到正演模型,常规的褶积模型不能模拟地震波的动力学特征。

59、In general, the cylindrical model is often used in such porosimetry. 一般情况下,压汞法最常用的是园柱孔模型。

60、It saves you time by letting you call up commonly used text with keystroke combos . 通过按一次组合键就调出你常用的语句,这大大地节省了你的时间。

61、Often Web services will require that the payload data only use the XML Schema built-in types and not any types derived from these. 通常,Web 服务将要求有效负载数据仅使用 XML Schema 内建类型,而不使用从这些类型中派生的任意类型。

62、This typical scenario is used when customers want to migrate from DCE/DFS to NFS V4. 这种典型的场景常常用于客户希望从 DCE/DFS 迁移到 NFS V4 时。

63、Methods Two kinds of constipations(dry stool and excess heat model) and normal mouse were used to detect the purgative action of RCTB oral liquid. ②方法采用燥结型及实热型两种便秘模型及正常小鼠,观察口服液的导泻作用。

64、"In wildness is the preservation of the world," wrote Tau, but people often get the quote wrong and use "wilderness" instead. 梭罗说过:“世界蕴藏在野性中。” 然而,人们却常常错误的引用这句话,他们会把“野性”写成“荒野”。

65、Task pages are typically populated with several kinds of portlets. 任务页通常使用几种类型的 Portlet 进行填充。

66、Models of Self-administration and Conditioned Place Preference (CPP) are often applied to study drug addiction. 且该研究中经常采用的动物模型有自我给药模型、条件化位置偏好模型等。

67、There are two response types, multiple choice response and constructed response, in testing the communicative language ability. 有两种题型经常用来作为测试交际语言能力的工具:选择答案题型和建构题型。

68、When working on complex models, it is typically ideal to work in RSA to develop the model. 当工作在复杂的模型中时,使用RSA来开发模型就变得非常理想。

69、Try to describe the output wave types and their clinical applications of electroacupuncture apparatus. 试述常用的电针波型及其临床应用。

70、It also introduced palm GPSs normal application and extended application in reservoir region survey. 介绍了掌上型GPS的常规应用和在水库库区的拓展应用。

71、This value is a constant and can be used wherever a constant of that type is valid. For example: void *ptr; 获得的值的类型是void *,这个值是个常量,并且可以在任何使用这种类型的常量的地方使用。

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