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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-14 15:16:50
  • 71


关于”好句子“的英语句子33个,句子主体:Good sentence。以下是关于好句子的高三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Good sentence

1、He really wants to fulfil his role as godson properly. 他确实想好好履行作为教子的职责。

2、The handcart was got ready and the body was placed on it, covered with the blanket, and bound in its place with the rope. 手推车准备好了,他们就把尸体放在上面,并用毯子铺盖好,再用绳子捆好。

3、Make the tree good, and good fruit will be the result. 先使树变好,然后必定结出好果子。

4、Scarlett, we owe him a well-born child. 斯佳丽,我们该好好地为他接生孩子。

5、Paper book is better thane-book. 纸书比电子书好。

6、Be happy while alive. You'll be dead a long time! 趁活着好好痛快,死后的日子长着哩!

7、This material does not dye well. 这料子染不好。

8、A couple drove down a country road for several miles, not saying a word. 一对夫妇在一条乡间小路上行驶了好几里路,没有说一句话。

9、Sensible resolution bunnies weaning, the mother good rest, keep a good body. 明理的小兔子决议断奶,让母亲好好歇息,养好身体。

10、No matter how high the mountain is, one can always ascend to its top. 无论山有多高,我们都能登到顶峰。有人点评:后半句翻译得非常好。

11、Now, brain teaser boffs are being challenged by Playbuzz to see if they can spot what's wrong in this sentence and colourful list of numbers below - in fewer than five seconds. 现在,Playbuzz向脑筋急转弯爱好者发起挑战,五秒之内测试他们是否可以发现在这些句子和各种颜色的数字当中发现错误。

12、Good wine needs no bush. 酒好无需挂幌子。

13、Spare the rod and spile the child, as the Good Book says. 省了棍子,插管子,为好书说。

14、A beard well lathered, is half shaved. 涂好肥皂的脸,等于胡子已经刮好了一半。

15、Is the place well-furnished? 房子装修得好吗?

16、The children behave well. 孩子们行为良好。

17、Young children are amoral. 小孩子是不知好歹的。

18、Stria bad hand, bad does not mean that a child's life. 手纹不好,不代表孩子的命不好。

19、In fact, Golden Sparrow is a good example of a "Sparrow Monkey". 事实上,金燕子是一个好例子,去“麻雀猴子”。

20、这扇窗子安装得好。The window hangs well.

21、"But," she adds, "The seed may be planted. “可是,”她补充说,“这粒要好好地培植。”

22、Build better skin with beans. 用豆子打造好皮肤。

23、Banai: Get your nets ready. 巴耐:把网子准备好。

24、Children shouted "How are you? 孩子们大喊,“你好吗?”

25、 Today is a great day.(今天是个好日子。


26、Julie sings very well. 歌唱得超好的小妮子。

27、Cover your tummy with the coverlet. 用被单盖好肚子。

28、you could be speaking with your son and say. 你可以像这样跟儿子好好谈一谈:

29、A haiku-writing intellectual from Belgian's Dutch-speaking north, Van Rompuy is a quiet figure but viewed as a forceful negotiator and a keen seeker of compromise. 范龙佩来自比利时讲荷语的北部,是一位爱好日本徘句的知识分子。他处事低调,但被认为是一位有说服力的谈判家,热心寻求妥协。

30、He's a y little child . 他是好动的小孩子。

31、The gold feels cool. 金子摸上去好凉。

32、) Today is a great day.(今天是个好日子。

33、Today is a great day . (今天是个好日子。

34、Dumpling boiled dumplings, after mother put out. 饺子煮好以后,妈妈把饺子捞出来。

35、This is more true with the subdirectory than the subdomain. 用子目录比用子域效果更好。

36、The skirt has hemmed. 裙子的褶边已缝好了。

37、Confucius nodded, "Very good!" 孔子点点头说:「很好!

38、Open the window , will you ? 请打开窗子,好吗? 缨。

39、Nov.19. Winter sunshine lengthens the . 11月19日 冬天的阳光将影子拉得好长好长。

40、Helpers, please set the table. 值日生,请摆好桌子。

41、Now, give me an example. 好,给我举一个例子。

42、) Today is a great day.(今天是个好日子。

43、Bottom line : Lashou stands a good chance of becoming a regional group buying powerhouse, drawing on its China base and strong support from major Western investors. 一句话: 拉手如果好好利用他中国基楚与国外投资者的经验,可以当亚太地区的大手。

44、And you took care of your kids. 你照看好孩子。

45、She advises keeping small talk finely tuned and topical. 她建议闲聊时要定好调子选好话题。

46、He will make a fine son-in-law and great father. 他将是一位好半子及好爸爸。

47、A little house will filled, a little field well tilled, and a little wife well welled, are great riches. 小房子只要打理得好,小田地只要耕作得勤,小妻子只要好好尽本分,都是可观的财富。

48、He belted up his raincoat. 他扎好雨衣的带子。

49、Well, I'm the hoochie man. 好吧,我是男子汉。

50、Shall I wear this dress? 我穿这条裙子好吗?


51、The wheat is coming along fine. 麦子长得才好呢。

52、He is no child. 王宏是个好孩子。

53、Replace the caps on the bottles. 把瓶子盖盖好。

54、She has beautiful voice. 她有一副好嗓子。

55、He is a good godson. 他是一个好教子。

56、Good wine needs no bush. 好酒不怕巷子深。

57、They had several children. 卢府上有好几个孩子。

58、The window hangs well. 这扇窗子安装得好。

59、Please cover yourself with the quilt。请把被子盖好。

60、Excellent, look for sock, alright. 太好了,找袜子。

61、Relax. Pick them up later, after you've rested. 好好休息一下,过一阵子再把它们捡起来。

62、Hail Child. Well done Bro. 向孩子致敬。干得好。

63、There's a good day of multi-functional snack car. 旗下有好好日子多功能小吃车。

64、To talk about "arousing the m of the people" day in and day out and then to be scared to death when the m do rise … 叶公好龙造句 嘴里天天说 “唤起民众”, 民众起来了又害怕得要死, 这和叶公好龙有什么两样!

65、so that's a great example also. 这个例子很好

66、Her nose tickles and she feels as if something's tickling inside. 陶子的鼻子很痒,好像有东西在鼻子里绕痒痒。

67、) 9. Today is a great day.(今天是个好日子。

68、9. Today is a great day.(今天是个好日子。

69、But doing this too much could have the opposite effect. 每次孩子系好鞋带就赞道“做得好!”

70、You deserve a gruesome death, boy! 你不得好死,孩子!

71、Xiao Ming is a good boy.小明是好孩子

72、Kids, have a good time. Go on, skedaddle ! 孩子们,好好玩儿。走吧,别浪费时间了。

73、Mat 7:17 Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 太7:17 这样,凡好树都结好果子;惟独坏树结坏果子。

74、He buckled up for safety . 他为安全扣好扣子。

75、He put on his hat carefully. 他小心戴好帽子。

英文句子模板76:Good sentence

76、Open the window for some ventilation. 打开窗子好通风。

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