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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-19 04:04:19
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1、Haibun is the Japanese name for 17th Centurey poet-monk Basho Matsuo's poetic-prose travel journals which were studded with haiku. 俳文(haibun)是个日文名称,源于17世纪僧侣诗人松尾芭蕉(Basho Matsuo)的嵌有俳句的诗文云游日记。

2、In a sense, "Yun" has become a kind of "Poetic" and "Aesthetic" tradition which has a special position in the history of Chinese aesthetics. “韵”已成为一诗学和美学传统,在中国文艺美学史上有着自己独特的地位。

3、Rhyme of Sui and Tang Dynasty, as one of the important research data of medieval unciation, has always been valued by scientists phonology. 隋唐诗人的用韵作为中古语音的重要研究资料之一,历来被音韵学家所重视。

4、I think there are really three strong metrical accents in a row there. 我想这行诗中,有三个重音韵。

5、The most striking feature in its poetical form is the use of alliteration. 最醒目的特征以它的诗形式是头韵的使用。

6、How should the classical Chinese poetry be translated into English?Some scholars insist on translating it into rhymed verse in English, while some advocate the use of prose form. 如何英译中国古典诗歌?有些学者坚持用韵体英译,而有些学者提倡用散文体。

7、Prior to 1694 metrical psalms were all that were sung in our English churches. 一六九四年前,在英国教堂只会听到韵律诗篇。

8、In Udana Pali, the stanza appears with the preceding prose passage and is taken to mean a miraculous crossing of the Ganges by the Buddha. 在巴利文的优陀那之中,韵诗出现在前一段的散文之中,这意味着通过佛穿越神奇的恒河。

9、Word Weng, Methodism and the Japanese monk who Junsuke last shots poem ("o-pay sign the book" Grand early release articles Volume II "and the shots Rhyme" Poetry Notes). 字时翁,理宗淳祐末曾和日僧静照诗(《邻交徵书》初篇卷二释大观《和静照诗韵》诗注)。

10、The pursuit of traditional culture in general (internal) and the line to form the ink Interest (explicit) integration, namely: poetic and "Qiyun, " "charm". 总体上追求传统文化(内在的)与以线造型的笔墨意趣(外显的)融合,即:诗情画意和“气韵”、“神韵”的表现。

11、There are a number of stanzas (gàthà. ) tered all over the Mahaparinibbana Sutta. 在大般若涅磐经中分散着很多韵诗和偈子。

12、It people employ a method of empathy in building advertising logo, they can strengthen the fundamental impact of the national brand, and, at the smae time, obtain incredible achievements. 古典诗词的韵味对民族品牌的文化底蕴有特殊的影响,在广告标识语中运用文化移情方法,可以产生绵长的韵味,加深民族品牌的文化底蕴。

13、To be sure, the cadences of its poetic prose are enjoyable and the practical advice about composition may still be useful. 诚然,它的诗意的散文韵律可以赏心悦目,关于写作的具体建议仍然有实用价值。

14、There were several versions of a verse. 一首韵文有几个版本。

15、As a historical work of rhyme occupying an important position in the cultural and ideological construction of the Qing emperor, the All-rhyme Poem is worthy of recognition and research. 《全韵诗》实际上是一部韵文的史籍,在清高宗进行的文化总结、思想建设中居于重要地位,值得予以重视和研究。

16、They have the common characteristic of alternation between dialogue and stanzas. 在对话和韵诗之间他们有一般的特点。

17、Pay special attention to Owen's WW I Poems. Consider how and why they use Off-rhyme. 请特别注意欧文关于一战的诗。思考他们如何和为什么使用压尾韵。

18、Selena Li, a 17-year old first-generation Chinese-American from Sacramento, California, is working on a more effective treatment for liver cancer. 例如,李诗韵(Selena Li)的研究就是这样。17岁的李诗韵是第一代美籍华人,来自加州萨克拉门托。她正在研究治疗肝癌的一种更有效的方法。

19、Duplicates the geographic name to the after article in which appears, only when first time appears lists poem document number, name and prose original sentence which is heavy, in order to consults. 对后文中重复出现的地名,只在第一次出现时列出重出的诗文卷数、篇名及诗文原句,以便查阅。

20、He quoted Mario Cuomo’s line about campaigning in poetry and governing in prose. 他引用了马利奥·库默散文与诗中关于活动与治理的语句。

21、I hate you so much it makes me sick; it even makes me rhyme. 我恨你恨到恶心,恨你让我的诗压韵。

22、It is a completely functional article, covering all his appearances, abilities and distinguishing characteristics…written entirely in rhymed couplets. 这篇文章内容很有角色的个人特色,涵盖他的外表、能力和特点…完全以押韵对句写。

23、Scholars read, imitated and emulated his works eagerly. Korean scholars absorbed Ouyang Xiu's literary theory from the form and content. 文人们争相阅读、次韵、效仿其诗文,还从形式与内容方面吸收、借鉴其文学理论。

24、are two hugely popular personal care brands around the world. “娇韵诗”和“欧莱雅”是两家全球最大的个人护理品牌。

25、Earlier medieval notation had no way to specify rhythm, although neumatic notations gave clear phrasing ideas, ahd somewhat later notations indicated rhymic modes. 虽然早期纽姆谱有着清晰的分句概念,并且稍后还能标示出韵诗,可是早期的中世纪乐谱仍然都没有详尽地记录节奏。


26、Poems, songs, Fu, parallel prose, even prose, drama, fiction, and that there is no neat, like in the dual sentence do? 诗、词、曲、赋、骈文,乃至散文、戏剧、小说,那一样中又没有工整的对偶句呢?

27、Not all verse is poetry; not all prose about the past is history, nor is all literary work literature. 并非所有的韵文文部是诗,并非所有关子过去的散文都是史,并非所有的著作都是文学。

28、From Cui Hao and free verse flowed from eternal charm, let Yellow Crane Tower stand as firm as a rock in a Chinese scholar. 从崔颢洒脱的诗句里流淌出来的千古神韵,让黄鹤楼巍然屹立在了每一个中国文人的心头。

29、Transpose the verse into prose. 把韵文改写成散文。

30、His editorial helloghlights confounding variables in the studies. 他的案语强调了研究中娇韵诗瘦腿的混杂变量。

31、Gao, M. Experimental research on the prosody of contrastive accent in standard Chinese (in Chinese). Doctoral dissertation, Peking University, 1993. 高明明。《普通话语句强调重音韵律特徵的实验研究》。北京大学博士论文,1993。

32、Meige is a book of Yi epic which possess the style of epic and Yi people's unique ethical character. 《梅葛》是一部彝族史诗,具有史诗的韵味和彝族独特的民族性格。

33、I am just come to anchor after crossing the stormy region of the kara, khala[2] series; and I am reading "The rain patters, the leaf quivers, " for me the first poem of the Arch Poet. (孟加拉儿童初级读本里的韵文---原注)在学习这样的词句前,我刚经过像kara khala这样的双音练习的狂轰滥炸;我念着“天上淅沥下雨,树叶婆娑摇曳”,这对于我来说是“原始诗人”的第一首诗。

34、Unofficial History oft he Scholars Circle is a work which breaks the common structural patterns of em bedding rhythmical verses in "Bai Hua"novels. 这样,《儒林外史》便彻底打破了白话小说融入诗词韵文的结构模式。

35、" the hazy feeling. The poet put this feeling into a couplet, " water from Jasper ring out, people in Qinglian flap in" verse points out its charm. 诗人更把这种感受写成了一幅楹联,用“水从碧玉环中出,人在青莲瓣里行”的诗句点出了它的神韵。

36、But while the poem school did the above contributions, it ineluctably expressed the classic taste. 但是诗文学派做出上述贡献的同时也不可避免地表现出古典的韵味。

37、Contemporary haibun is a combination of prose and haiku poetry, sometimes described as 'a narrative of epiphany'. 当代俳文是一种散文和俳句诗相结合的文体,时常用以描述“一段触及心灵的经历 ”(a narrative of epiphany)”。

38、Please choose "the most appropriate answer" to complete the poem based on the "structure, context, and rhymes" of each poem. 请根据每一首诗的结构、上下文及韵脚,选一个最适当的答案填入诗中空格中。

39、Rhyme: I like to eat pizza. 韵文: 我喜欢吃比萨饼。

40、For salon or Wen is recited after endless charm, desire and emotional evaluation, this is all good poetry. 对于知音或文友来说是吟诵之后韵味无穷,心慕动情唱和品评,这都是好诗。

41、Romeo and Juliet was written in blank verse with many protases. Proper handling of the phonology, rhetoric, and cultural codes in the play has been a key issue in the translation of the play. 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》是莎士比亚以素韵体的诗体形式、并运用了序诗这种独特的体例写作而成的,如何在翻译中对其其音韵、修辞、文化符码等进行恰当处理,历来是该文本翻译的关键问题。

42、His play has endless charm, is implicit and poetry-rich. 他的剧作含蓄蕴藉,韵味无穷,富含浓郁的诗情。

43、Firstly, the thesis is devoted to the convergence of sound form on the basis of the Western literary criticism and classical Chinese literary theory. 首先,作者运用西方文学批评和中国古典文学理论来阐述中英诗歌声韵形式的共同点。

44、The theory about Chunya and Shenyun originates from the different concepts of literary history and the poetic strategies. 醇雅论与神韵说的提出来源于不同的文学史观念和诗学策略。

45、Chief Cographer of Dance Drama Poem Painting 《The Spiritual of Man Minority》 and the drama won "Wenhua Great Prize". 大型舞蹈诗画《满风神韵》总编导,该剧荣获“文华奖”。

46、In the first chapter, attention is paid to the former study on the prosody-syntax interaction by linguists at home and abroad. 第一章为文献综述,主要介绍国内外学者对于韵律和句法互动关系所做过的研究;

47、I love your translation: accurate, rhythmic and clear. An excellent match! 我喜欢你的翻译:准确、韵感和明晰。与原诗绝配!

48、Suzhou gardens are famous for their cultural style and verve poetry. 苏州园林以其独具的神韵诗意、高逸的文化格调,而享誉海内外。

49、Fabliau: a medieval verse tale characterizedbycomic ribald treatment of themes drawn from life. 故事诗:中世纪的韵文故事其特征为来源于生活的滑稽粗俗的主题。

50、When viewing ads, potential buyers were confused as to why and how they would want to look like the models using Clarins products. 当潜在客户观看广告的时候,他们就会产生疑惑,到底自己为什么要用“娇韵诗”产品呢? 自己如何使用“娇韵诗”产品才能像这些模特呢?


51、I believe that your peculiar harmonic rhyme that is my one-line poems. 我相信,你那奇特的谐韵,就是我的另一行诗章。

52、His works include Imprint of palm, The story of chopsticks, Moonlight serenade, prose collection The romance of gecko and music commentary Remnant rhyme. 著有诗集《掌纹》、《筷子的故事》、《月光小夜曲》、散文集《壁虎之恋》及音乐评论集《余韵》。

53、The essence of classical Chinese poetry affects the deepest part of national brand. It people employ a method of empathy in building advertising logo, they can strengthen the fundamen… 古典诗词的韵味对民族品牌的文化底蕴有特殊的影响,在广告标识语中运用文化移情方法,可以产生绵长的韵味,加深民族品牌的文化底蕴。

54、If you don't have an ear for a meter, carry on writing free verse or prose. 如果你对韵律不敏感的话,那就继续写自由体诗或散文吧。

55、That is why the poet has to turn and twist them in metre and verse, so that the meaning may be held somewhat in check, and the feeling allowed a chance to express itself. 正因为如此,诗人把它们组成韵律和诗句,以便使它们的含意含蓄些,使感情能够得到一个自然流露的机会。

56、I have been trying during the intervening moments since the Soviet respond a Russian Poem in you honour to translate it into English in such a manner that it might rhyme. 刚才苏联代表在发言中念了一首献给你的诗,我就一直在设法把这时候诗译成一首有韵的英文诗。

57、The second sentence to rhyme the word was not yet clear, but as with the fourth sentence of "health" as the rhyme, it will certainly be the Ministry of the word farming. 第二句的韵脚字虽然尚不清楚,但既然与第四句的“生”为韵,也必定会是耕部字。

58、These three stanzas are also said to have been added by the reciters. 这三段韵诗中据说也已补充到诵文中。

59、He and Li both plan to be physicians and medical researchers. 布瓦维尔和李诗韵都打算当医生和医学研究者。

60、Yazi U. S. special, Clarins, Yun Miao these three which is the best? 雅滋美特,娇韵诗,蕴妙这三个哪个最好呢?

61、Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 's adapted Old English meter tends to connect the two halves of each poetic line through alliteration, or repetition of consonants. 加文爵士与绿骑士适应古英语米往往连接的两半每个通过韵诗行,或重复的辅音。

62、The category of "Qiyun" reflects the characteristic of poetic thinking of the aesthetic culture of ancient China. 气韵范畴显现出中国审美文化的诗性思维特征。

63、The most remarkable achievement is her prose, which is full of the appeal of the lyric poem and landscape picture, namely the unique artistic charm. 她一生都在写作散文,成就也以散文最为显著。她的散文作品满蕴着抒情诗的韵味和风景画的明丽―诗画美,具有独特的艺术魅力。

64、In Qing Dynasty, Wang Shi-zhen put forward the poetics of more important being attached to romantic charm than to learning, which soon got censured by scholars thinking highly of learning. 清人王士禛论诗讲求“神韵”,少谈学问,自其说产生后,即遭清代主学文人的非议。

65、These rhymes in poems include not only the mutual rhyming of classical poems, but also the phenomena of Jie Yun and Chu Yun of later style poems(they are mainly the poems during Song Dyn… 借、出韵现象也是诗人实际语音的流露,我们从韩诗的用韵情况就可得出这一结论。

66、Although there can be considerable variation in rhyme scheme, most English sonnets are written in either the Italian (Petrarchan) style or the English (Shakespearean) style. 虽然韵式的变体很多,但是绝大多数的英语十四行诗都继承着意大利诗人彼得拉克或英国文豪莎士比亚的体式。

67、Literature usually takes the form of prose or verse. 文学通常表现为用散文体或韵文体所写的文字形式。

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