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  • 2022-06-02 02:27:51
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关于”情人节的诗“的英语句子45个,句子主体:Valentine's Day Poetry。以下是关于情人节的诗的九年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Valentine's Day Poetry

1、Poem is the most sentimental and humanic literature style among all of literature styles. 在各类文学样式中,诗歌是最富个人化和情感化的一种文学体裁。

2、The prosperity of Jianan poetry, to some extent, is the beautified, elegant, full of feeling and individual and is the humanistic result. 建安诗歌一代繁盛,从某种意义上讲,是汉乐府民歌美化、雅化、情志化、个人化,即文人化的结果。

3、may you have a wonderful Valentine's day! 愿你有个美好的情人节。

4、The Valentine's Day arrived, slicing to hate to make stronger the old lover, development new lover, protect the little lover, guard against to know what happened the person. 情人节到了,切忌巩固老情人,发展新情人,保护小情人,提防知情人。

5、When is Chinese Valentine's Day? 中国情人节是什么时候?

6、Poet's status also has brought their laissez faire personality. 诗人的身份,又带来了他们的放任情性。

7、Part III is divided into the next series:Nanshe and the Modern Poets poetry pattern, consists of three chapters. 第三部分为下编:南社诗人群体与近代诗坛格局,包括三个章节。

8、Both of these poets were students of the early Greek lyric poetry, especially the works of Sappho . 这两个诗人是学生的早期希腊抒情诗,特别是作品的萨福。

9、It has a constant form, strict art of composition, working as a moderate poem style to fit require of reciprocating poem writing. Therefore it was accepted by the poets and carried forward. 近体在情绪上比较冷静沉实,并且篇幅固定,章法谨严,本身就是一种具有节制性的诗体,适合这一时期诗人酬答创作的要求,因此才会被这些诗人所采用并逐步发扬光大。

10、The stance that I'm trying to describe, which is a kind of ambivalent and complicated one, emerges powerfully in the poem "Easter, 1916," on page 105 in this book. 我想阐明他的这种态度,他的心情是复杂矛盾的,这强烈体现于他诗歌“,本书105页《1916,复活节》中。

11、In Psalm 116:14 the Psalmist said he would pay his vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people. 在诗篇一一六篇14节,诗人声言要在众民面前向神还他的愿。

12、The poetry is the supremeest literature strain of Han's affectionamount, and has the force to shake man's soul. 诗歌是含情量最高的文学品种,具有撼人心魄的力量。

13、It is entrusted with the poet's desire of breaking away from the mundane world and staying aloof from the mortal life. 这首诗寄托了诗人摆脱世俗、超然物外的思想感情。

14、And Zhang Feng's first Valentine's Day! 与张铭峰的第一个情人节!

15、In terms of content Lin Huiyin's poetry mainly sings and delineates her personal life and emotion; 林徽因的诗歌从内容上看侧重于对个人生活、个人情感的吟唱与描绘;

16、The well-known "Dawu"was a grand dance which incorporated the art forms of dance, music and poetry together in depicting Emperor Wu's expedition to overthrow the Shang Dynasty . 著名的《大武》就是综合了舞、乐、诗等艺术形式,表现武王灭商这一历史事件的情节性大型歌舞。

17、Mr. Ondaatje, who started out as a poet, says plots often come to him as 'a glimpse of a small situation.' 以诗人身份开始创作生涯的翁达杰先生表示,故事情节对他来说常常就是“对某些小事的一瞥”。

18、Though only a few of Ren's poems are preserved, the apparent traces of his style can still display the features of the school of creating poems to show the learning. 任昉诗歌今存虽少,然而以学问为诗的倾向迹状显在,仍可借以察知当时这一派诗人创作的大致情况。

19、You are right, I am working hard to get everything in order for this year's festival. Just as the others here of course. 你说对了,我正在忙于今年诗歌节的事情,努力使一切就绪,当然就像以前每届所做的一样。

20、You mightbe in for a good Valentine's day. 情人节有你享受的了。

21、I used to like Valentine Day. 我一直都喜欢过情人节的。

22、You live in this, and dwell in lover's eyes. 你长在诗里和情人眼里辉映。

23、The public wasn't accustomed to free-verse poems or abstract paintings or plotless novels. 大众不习惯自由诗(不受格律约束)或是抽象画或是没有情节的小说。

24、Hu Feng's poetic creation was the externalization of this innermost of his feelings, the symbol of the force of his personality. 胡风的诗歌创作是他内心感情的外化,是他人格力量的表征。

25、Section III of this chapter shows the characteristics of"Wuge Xiqu"by comparing the difference of"Wuge Xiqu"and songs owning to the poems. 本章第三节主要通过对比文人笔下吴歌西曲与文人艳情诗的不同来展示吴歌西曲的特点。


26、Li Ying is a poet owning unique artistic talent and personality in contemporary poetic history. 李瑛是当代新诗史上有着独特艺术才情和个性的诗人。

27、Yonghu-poetry expressed the feelings of happy and pleased with oneself and attitude towards life. 浥湖诗表达出诗人怡然自得的生活情趣和超然旷达的人生态度。

28、This is a bright leaf in literature history. The artistic feature of ballad can be included three categories. The ballads are of their characteristics in their plots, structure and figure images. 汉乐府民歌叙事诗根据其艺术上的特点可分为三类,他们在情节、结构、人物形象等方面都各具特色。

29、Ghost, as a carrier of the writer's spirit, reflects the content of the world and convey the poet's thoughts and feelings. 鬼作为诗人主观精神的载体,反映的是人世的内容,表现的是诗人的思想感情。

30、Forget Valentines . Boycott Valentine’s Day, as it makes people think they should be romantic on special occasions. 4忘记情人节 ,我们要抵制情人节,因为它会让人们认为只有在特殊的时候才需要浪漫。

31、I realize that writing poetry may seem the most preposterously useless thing a man can be doing today. 我也明白诗歌创作在今天或许是一个人所能做的最荒谬、最无用的事情。

32、Since long ago, when writing the livelihood of the people the poets all adopted a commanding position, which affected the poetry artistic effect. 长期以来,诗人在抒写民生主题时都采取一种居高临下的抒情姿态,因而影响了诗歌的艺术效果。

33、A:When is Chinese Valentine's Day? 中国情人节是什么时候?

34、It's Valentine's Day and lurve is in the air. 今天是情人节,空气中弥漫着爱情的气息。

35、His poems usually take images of martyrs as his expressive subject to eulogize sacrificing spirit and to show his pity. 其诗歌以殉道者形象作为抒情主体,讴歌牺牲精神,并表现出悲悯情怀。

36、i shall but love thee better after death. 情人节物语valentine's day

37、The lunatic, the lover and the poet are of imagination all compact. (A Midsummer Night’s Dream 1) 疯子、情人、诗人都是想象的产儿。

38、With the accompaniment of the heptachord, the poems sounded beautiful and fascinating and were greatly popular with people. 他的诗在七弦琴的伴奏下,美妙动听,情节精彩,深受人们的欢迎。

39、Famed Chinese news anchor Bai Yansong, leads a list of 12 prominent television hosts who will take part in a poetry recital addressing the sae storms. 中国著名新闻节目主持人白岩松带领12名出色的电视节目主持人参加致无情暴风雪的诗朗诵。

40、As a key of Wang fuzhi's poetics, Feeling-Situation generation theory includes two theoretical layers, the feeling-situation paradigms and the feeling-situation occurrence mechanism. 作为王夫之情景诗学的重要环节,情景生成理论包括情景生成范式和情景审美发生机制两个理论界面。

41、His poetry in this period expressed his interest in Buddhism and Taoism. 这时期的诗歌,在情感内容上常常表现出佛禅的意趣和道家的情怀。

42、Obviously, these are poets who work usually in quite traditional meters. 很显然这些诗人都用平静的传统的节奏。

43、Night in the rain, filar silk woven the emotions of the poet. 夜中的雨,丝丝的织就了诗人的情绪。

44、The Perma-Peddle Achievement is no longer a part of the "Fool for Love" meta-achievement. 成就* 情人节事件中获得一只小丘比特的成就不再作为情人节头衔成就的一部分。

45、Valentine's Day in the Philippines was celebrated traditionally, with a riot of red and pink roses, heart-shaped cards and syrupy love ballads. 菲律宾人过情人节的方式比较传统,情侣间互赠红色和粉色的玫瑰花、心型卡片,再唱上几首甜蜜的爱情歌曲。

46、In the poetic discourse, deviation is an important means to reveal the poet's innermost thoughts and emotions. 在英语抒情诗这种话语方式中,诗人常借助于偏离手段来实现表意寄情的语用效果。

47、And the ode, too -- the form in which this poem is written is a pagan form invented by the Greek poet Pindar to express the sublimities of emotion arising from a contemplation of the actions of the gods. 而颂歌这首诗的形式,是由希腊抒情诗人品达尔发明,来抒发从思考上帝的行为中,得到的崇高情感。

48、It is a festival which is explained for its humaneness and poetry . 这是人们一直都喻为最有人情味,最诗情画意的一个节日。

49、Many valentine cards are written with love verses and comic pictures of cupids. 许多情人卡都会写上情诗,并印有丘比特的漫画图案。

50、Apollo was the god of music and poetry. He could stir up all feelings. 阿波罗是音乐神和诗神。他可唤起人们倾注于圣歌中的各种情感。


51、Plot: Plot is the first and most obvious quality of a story. It is the sequence of events or actions in a short story, novel, play, or narrative poem. 情节:情节是故事中最重要的元素,它是短篇小说、长篇小说、戏剧或叙事诗里面事件或行动的顺序。

52、The crows of partridges record the features of times, enlarge the creative themes of poems, also show people's various feeling worlds. 鹧鸪的声声啼叫记录了时代风情,丰富了诗歌的创作题材,也展示了人们多样的情感世界。

53、One year after starting guitar lessons…Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! 学吉他一年了…用这首歌祝大家情人节快乐!

54、Haizi's poems explore the human spirit from the natural scenery and embody the humane solicitude. 海子的诗歌十分关注风景中的人文精神,卒章显志,体现着人文主义的情味。

55、This helps to develop his mental properties-melancholy, spiritual depression and friendship cherishment, which in turn influence his poetic creation and add similar artistic features to his poetry. 因此,他常以此三人自比,这种自我定位所形成的忧郁、苦闷、重情的心理特征,影响着他的诗歌创作,造成了李诗深情、隐晦、感伤的艺术特征。

56、What is the plot and theme Of England's national epic Beowulf? 英国史诗《贝奥武甫》的情节是如何展开的?其主题是什么。

57、The literature is the mind performance, is emotion expressing, is author personality consciousness presenting, the poetry as ever. 文学是心灵的表现,是情感的抒发,更是作者人格意识的呈现,诗歌犹然。

58、There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine's Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. 关于情人节的起源有许多种说法,有关人士认为情人节是一个名叫桑特-瓦伦丁的人士发起的。

59、The performances involve improvisation based on plot outlines, and use exquisitely crafted puppets and props. Plots came from poems, romances and popular librettos , but dialogue is improvised. 根据一些基本的故事情节,艺人们用精雕细刻的偶人和道具进行即席创作,这些故事一般来自诗歌、浪漫传奇或流行的歌剧,但对白都是临时编的。

60、Tang Dynasty poet Wang Wei in the "September 9, Shandong Yi brothers" wrote: "every festival, loved ones, " brotherhood and loneliness, people moved to the extreme. 唐代大诗人王维在《九月九日忆山东兄弟》中写道:“每逢佳节倍思亲”,手足之情溢于言表,使人感动至极。

61、Ovid and Horace challenge comparison with the best elegiac and lyric poets of Greece. 德 和贺雷西要同希腊最好的挽歌和抒情诗人争一日之长。

62、The Chinese ancient music is mainly a music accompanied dance, which combines songs, dancing and music into one. 著名的《大武》就是综合了舞、乐、诗等艺术形式,表现武王灭商这一历史事件的情节性大型歌舞。

63、As for the study on Lu Yous Poetry of landscape, it has always been a weak link. 对陆游山水诗的研究,历来是一个较薄弱的环节。其山水诗中的人文主义精神,更不为人们重视。

64、We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. 我们读诗写诗,因为我们是人类的一员,而人类充满了热情。

65、Chapter Two focuses on the figures and excavates the poetic emotion of Zhio and Lara. As a poet and a woman of colorful soul, Zhio and Lara sing poetically together. 第二章以人物为中心,挖掘日瓦戈和拉里莎两位男女主人公身上的诗情,认为他们分别以诗人的身份和内蕴丰富的女性形象进行了整体性的诗化歌唱。

66、Schumann : The Poet Speaks from Kinderszenen, Opus 15 舒曼:诗人的话,选自儿时情景,作品15。

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