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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-30 11:54:00
  • 118


关于”闺蜜的句子“的英语句子28个,句子主体:Best friend's sentence。以下是关于闺蜜的句子的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Best friend's sentence

1、Talk to your best friend at work. 与知心朋友聊聊工作。

2、Ziheng and also Meng Ni have a meal together, also name mentioned is his classmate girlfriends, she said her father to join, please. 子恒和亦名孟妮一起吃饭,亦名提到了可可是他同学闺蜜,她说请她的父亲加入。

3、Liberal arts after divide into cl, three girl friends to continue by science in class five. 文理分班后,三闺蜜继续在五班受着理科的摧残。

4、years. We both like to go shopping and eating dilicious food. 这是我的好闺蜜,她叫XXX。

5、Introduce:Story around Mo Si of white · of You Yili Sha (" advertit maniac " ) with Kathleen Wotesidu (" quality originally evil " ) a pair of boudoir of personate are sweet. 简介:故事围绕由伊丽莎白·莫斯(《广告狂人》)和凯瑟琳·沃特斯顿(《性本恶》)饰演的一对闺蜜展开。

6、years. We both like to go shopping and eating dilicious food. 这是我的好闺蜜,她叫XXX。

7、The survey found that when meeting female friends the women made more of an effort with their outfit and spent longer doing their hair and make-up. 调查发现,在和闺蜜会面时,女性穿著打扮会更用心,会花更长时间化粧和打理自己的头发。

8、That's My girl! 我的好闺女!

9、“You're welcome, old girl,” the vet said, shaking it. “老闺女,不客气,”兽医握着爪子说道。

10、The girl was fortunate enough to have her mother as a bosom friend. 这个女孩非常幸运,她的妈妈是她的知心朋友。

11、years. We both like to go shopping and eating dilicious food. 这是我的好闺蜜,她叫 Linda。

12、Especially, the two volumes, "Sage in the Boudoir" and "Not Concede Before Man", display the light of female wisdom in the five thousand history of China. 特别是《闺智》中的“闺中贤哲”,“不让须眉”这两卷,更是展现了女子在中华五千年历史长河的智慧光芒。

13、I love money just as much as the next girl (you should see my s tower). 我也爱钱,就像我爱我闺蜜们一样。(你应该看看我家聚会的时候鞋堆的有多高!)

14、She and I than what, even if I was her best ie. 她什么都要和我比,即使我是她闺蜜。

15、After a few days, Cheng Yun suddenly received a SMS, di of the letter to invite the two good friends come to her new life. 几天之后,程韵突然接到了迪之的短信,信中敬邀两位好闺蜜一起来为她的新生活揭幕。

16、West chicken in brother west light and girlfriends show with the help of secretly tracking south chums rioux, finally found the whereabouts of the south. 西凤在哥哥西光和闺蜜秀秀的协助下,私自跟踪向南的死党丁原,终于找到了向南的下落。

17、Come to think of it, sometimes I wish I had a little more space myself so that I could spend more time with my friends. 得好好想想,有时候我也想要更多一点个人空间,这样就可以有更多时间和闺蜜们聊天。

18、英语,"The best close friend" 韩语'최고의 규방 물엿 " 日语「最高の闺蜜」

19、If you're still hesitating, whether to make male friends or not, you should try to weigh all pros and cons of this friendship. 如果你仍在犹豫是否去交男闺蜜,你应该试着权衡男女友谊的所有利与弊。缫。

20、Bestie is the more you give her, the more she is insatiable, but the relationship is still so good. 闺蜜就是你越是迁就她,她就越是得寸进尺,但是你们的关系依旧那么好。

21、Six of us will always be bestie 我们六个永远是闺蜜

22、A bosom friend is not always at your elbow, but his care and love for you are. 挚友不一定与你朝夕相处,但他的关爱总是与你同在。

23、Bestie, in fact, is another own. 闺蜜,其实就是另一个自己。

24、Introduce:Lin Ting, Tian Tian and Peng fine fine are 80 hind boudoir is sweet, live average life severally. 简介:林婷、田甜和彭佳佳是80后闺蜜,各自过着普通的生活。

25、Bestie, you deep in my mind. 闺蜜、你存在我深深的脑海里。


26、Remember:your bestie if he break your wings, I will destroy his heaven, I have no one dare to hurt you. 闺蜜你记住:他若折断你的翅膀,我必亲手毁了他的天堂,有我在没人敢伤害你。

27、Having bosom friends is a blessing in itself. 有知心朋友,本身就是一种幸福。

28、Her bosom rose and fell as she breathed. 她的脯随着呼吸而高低起伏。

29、Last week I met a couple of girlfriends for dinner. 上周我和几个闺蜜见面吃饭.

30、She clasped the baby to her bosom. 她把孩子紧紧抱在怀里。

31、Mou Anne stomach Fei, your virgin still turns curved son to scold me not good-looking? 牟安腹诽,你闺女还拐着弯子骂我不好看呢?

32、He bared his bosom to the crowd. 他向众人袒示怀。

33、Friend is sitting together even if the words that I said the objective is not to take, you know, even if they don't say what, also won't feel embarrassed. 闺蜜就是坐在一起即使我说的前言不搭后语,你也懂,即使什么也不说,也不会感到尴尬。

34、Bestie, do you hear? 闺蜜,你听见了吗。

35、And a third admit that they were actually taking revenge on those who had done the same to them. 其中有三分之一承认这么做的原因在于闺蜜以前也对自己做过同样的事,这是种报复。

36、The threat of death makes bosom buddies of us all. 死亡的威胁使我们都成了亲密的伙伴。

37、Long distance love to talk about seven years, not if, instead of in the mall to see her boyfriend and his close friend happy together. 长途恋爱谈了七年,没有修成正果,反而在商场里看到了男友和自己闺蜜喜笑颜开的走在一起。

38、During, boudoir honey of Luo Man is like Dan Ni, also not hesitate devote big Jiang Wei that goes after her, raise money will to Luo Man treat a disease. 期间,罗曼的闺蜜肖丹妮,也不惜献身追求她的大款江伟,筹钱来给罗曼治病。

39、He must be extra special, because he is marrying a lovely girl. 新娘如此可爱,新郎必定英俊不凡。

40、Pays off, she really wait until this day.< /p>< p>evening, Xiao Yao took bestie Xixi arm home from the bar. 皇天不负有心人,她真的等到了这一天。晚上,小夭挽着闺蜜兮兮的胳膊从酒吧下班回家。

41、Lin Fei still depressed, bestie advised her to think of Haidong frankly, to give her introduction object, Lin Fei smiled down. 林非依旧闷闷不乐,闺蜜劝她跟海东坦白,还想着给她介绍对象,林非笑着推辞。

42、He is a good friend of mine. 他是我的一个好朋友。

43、Xu Chouzi's eldest daughter in casual grows into a big girl. 徐丑子的大女儿在不经意间便出落成为一个大闺女。

44、Mostly, women complained to their friends about feeling fat or bloated, or about feeling guilty for not going to the gym or eating too much. 基本上,女银会对闺蜜抱怨她们感觉自己又胖又臃肿了,为没去健身房或吃得太多而负有罪恶感。

45、if possible,please be my bromeo all my life。如果可以,做我一辈子的男闺蜜 if possible,could U be my bromeo all my life?

46、Dear friends.Happy birthday.I wish you more and more beautiful. 额英语好像没有闺蜜这词..希望我的回答能帮助到你 !

47、So in these modern times, we need our small community of women mentors, to embrace us and empower us. 所以在现代这样的时期里,我们便很需要良师益友型的闺蜜彼此慰藉和鼓舞。

48、Talk to your best friend at work. 与知心朋友聊聊工作。

49、(2)Eat well Sleep well Have fun day and day Study hard work hard Make money more and more 致伴我青葱岁月的闺蜜

50、Bestie eis a look as long as I can understand all of me. 闺蜜就是只要我一个眼神就能了解我的全部。


51、Spending time with girlfriends and hitting the shops, or stopping for a coffee and a chat, can lift a woman's mood. 和闺蜜们一起逛逛街,喝喝小咖啡,聊聊八卦,绝对能让女人们的心情瞬间亮起来。

52、下午就和好闺蜜一起出去聚会 Good afternoon bestie went out to the party

53、My best female friend started to get close with his ex. She started things with her that she used to do with me. 我的闺蜜开始和我男友的前女友走的很近,她也开始和她一起做一些曾经和我一起做的事。

54、Her friend said, "Ihope you weren't crazy enough to put all that money in the casket." 她的闺蜜说:“你不会真的发了疯把钱全放棺材了吧?”

55、I had a bosom friend who was my classmate in the university. 大学时,我有个知心朋友,我的同学。

56、The three friends kicked off their ss and ran into the bay. 三个闺中好友迅速蹬掉鞋子,冲向海里。

57、When I was in high school, all my girlfriends wanted to get jobs here. And I wanted to be what they were searching for. 高中的时候,我的闺蜜们都想在谷歌工作。而我呢,就想成为人们用谷歌搜索的话题。

58、The study revealed a third of women agreed that they prefer to spend a day off with a friend because they were more fun and more likely to enjoy talking about relationships or gossiping. 调查揭示,三分之一女性都认为她们更愿意和闺蜜共度一天,因为闺蜜更有趣,而且闺蜜更愿意一起谈论感情生活或聊聊八卦。

59、Having bosom friends is a blessing in itself. 有知心朋友,本身就是一种幸福。

60、I look on him as my bosom friend. 我把他看作我的知己。

61、Four hims and a her. All alive! 四个小子,一个闺女,全都活着!

62、Just imagine what will happen if your mother-in-law-to-be or friends are angry with you. 想想看,如果你未来丈母娘或者女友闺蜜对你怨言不断,你会怎样呢?

63、His cousin Alicia is my oldest and best friend—my first memory of Lucas was from a home video Alicia showed me of her cool older cousin snowboarding. 他的堂妹 Alicia是我的旧友,也是闺蜜——我对Lucas最初的记忆来自于Alicia给我观看的关于他酷酷表哥的单板滑雪家庭摄影。

64、The total field of boudoir honey very interested in this activity, might as well try. 田总对 “闺蜜”这个活动很感兴趣,不妨试试。

65、Beauty boudoir glass harp, the prodigal son look forward to hearing from you soon. 佳人闺房琉璃琴,窗外浪子候佳音。

66、Happy birthday to my best girlfriends. ladybro,这也是闺蜜的意思,可以替换girlfriend

67、In this life, the most let me feel happiness, is to see your bestie, a happiness. 这辈子,最让我觉得幸福的,就是看着自己的闺蜜,一个个的幸福。

68、Happy birthday to my best girlfriends. ladybro,这也是闺蜜的意思,可以替换girlfriend

69、I was inspired by my female friends who like to confide their troubles about family, study and work. 来自上海的 “讨骂网店”店主王平(音译)表示:“我的几个闺蜜很喜欢向别人倾诉家庭、工作和学习上的烦心事,正是她们启发我开了这个网店。

70、'Spending time with girlfriends and hitting the shops, or stopping for a coffee and a chat, can lift a woman's mood.' 和闺蜜们在一起逛逛街,或是喝杯咖啡聊聊天,可以让女人的心情好起来。

71、Still, dear, you must be very lonely, and feel the need of a bosom friend. 不过,亲爱的,你一定很孤独,并感到需要一个知己。

72、"I love getting an alternative perspective from guy friends, " says Nellie Gaintsev, 22, an Interior Design student at The University of Technology, Sydney. 22岁的奈丽是悉尼科技大学室内设计专业的一名学生,她说:“我很喜欢从男性闺蜜那里得到一种全新的观点。

73、Bestie, today is the kind of loud laugh tomorrow, near far to bother. 闺蜜,就是那种今天吵,明天笑,近了烦,远了想。

74、Study hard work hard Make money more and more 致伴我青葱岁月的闺蜜

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