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英语句子完整 19个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 12:55:11
  • 122

英语句子完整 19个

1. I am going to the supermarket to buy some groceries. (我要去超市买些杂货。)

2. She loves to read books before going to bed. (她喜欢睡前阅读一些书。)

3. The restaurant serves delicious seafood dishes. (这家餐厅供应美味的海鲜菜肴。)

4. He plays the guitar very well. (他弹吉他非常好。)

5. The movie we watched last night was really scary. (昨晚我们看的电影真的很恐怖。)

6. We are having a party tonight, would you like to come? (今晚我们有一个聚会,你想来吗?)

7. She is a talented artist, her paintings are beautiful. (她是一位有天赋的艺术家,她的画作非常美丽。)

8. I prefer to drink tea instead of coffee. (我更喜欢喝茶而不是咖啡。)

9. They are planning a trip to Europe next summer. (他们计划在明年夏天去欧洲旅行。)

10. He is always on time for our meetings. (他总是准时出现在我们的会议上。)

11. She studies hard every day for her exams. (她每天为考试努力学习。)

12. We had a great time at the beach yesterday. (昨天我们在海滩上度过了美好的时光。)

13. He enjoys playing basketball with his friends. (他喜欢和他的朋友们一起打篮球。)

14. She has a lot of experience working in the hospitality industry. (她拥有非常丰富的酒店业工作经验。)

15. They are organizing a charity event to help those in need. (他们正在组织一场慈善活动来帮助有需要的人。)

16. The museum has a large collection of art from different periods. (这个博物馆收藏了不同时期的艺术品。)

17. He is a skilled chef and can cook a variety of cuisines. (他是一位熟练的厨师,可以做各种不同的菜肴。)

18. We need to discuss the budget for the project before we can move forward. (在我们继续推进项目之前,我们需要讨论项目预算。)

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