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英语句子中的重读规则 18个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-09 09:21:51
  • 272

英语句子中的重读规则 18个

1. I would like to have a slice of pizza. 我想要一片比萨饼。

2. He is playing basketball with his friends. 他和他的朋友们在打篮球。

3. She is reading a book in the library. 她在图书馆读书。

4. We are going to the beach this weekend. 我们这个周末要去海滩。

5. The dog barked loudly at the postman. 狗对邮递员大声吠叫。

6. I love to watch movies in the cinema. 我喜欢在电影院观看电影。

7. He cooked a delicious dinner for us. 他为我们做了一顿美味的晚餐。

8. The sun is shining brightly today. 今天太阳很明亮。

9. She sang a beautiful song at the concert. 她在音乐会上唱了一首美丽的歌曲。

10. They are building a skyser in the city. 他们正在城市里建造一座摩天大楼。

11. I have a meeting with my boss this afternoon. 我今天下午和我的老板有个会议。

12. The children are playing in the playground. 孩子们在游乐场玩耍。

13. The teacher explained the lesson clearly to the students. 老师向学生们清楚地解释了这节课。

14. He ate a large sandwich for lunch. 他午餐时吃了一份很大的三明治。

15. The train arrived at the station on time. 火车准时到达了车站。

16. The orchestra played a beautiful symphony at the concert. 乐团在音乐会上演奏了一首美妙的交响乐。

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