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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-06-01 04:13:40
  • 192


关于”读书的句子“的英语句子28个,句子主体:Reading sentences。以下是关于读书的句子的五年级英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Reading sentences

1、Amazon now dominates the e-book market, thanks to its popular Kindle e-readers. 得益于其流行的金读电子阅读器,亚马逊现在在电子书市场上占有统治地位。

2、What worries him most is his son not studying hard. 最使他担忧的事是他儿子不用功读书。

3、He was reading while she was setting the table. 她摆桌子时,他在读书。

4、The old saying "To open a book is always helpful" clearly tells us how good it is to read a book. 有句老话:“开卷有益”清楚地告诉了我们读书的好处,书是我们的朋友。

5、My brother and I are educated. 弟弟和我都是读过书、有教养的孩子。

6、There are books to read and books to look at in his study. 在他的书房里有供阅读的书和供摆样子的书。

7、The bright spots for this industry: netbooks and e-readers. 消费电子业的亮点是:电子图书和电子阅读器。

8、In the following days, Ray read that book with heart and made detailed notes. 接下来的日子里,雷用心地攻读总裁的那本书,并且做出了详细的读书笔记。

9、Yesterday I read "hamlet". Such a fantastic book! 昨天我读了《王子复仇记》。真是本好书。

10、We need to read books, especially good books. 是的,我们要勤读书,读好书。

11、In other words, don't tell her to go and read; be involved in reading-time so she sees it as something everyone does for enjoyment, not simply a requirement from her school. 换句话说,不要只命令她去读书,而是和她一起读,这样她会认为读书不纯粹是学校的要求,大家是因为爱读书而读书。

12、Books can change your life, as mentors do. 如果认真阅读,字斟句酌,书籍亦能发挥导师的作用,也能像导师一样改变你的人生。

13、By means of computer, people can read electronic books. 通过电脑,人们可以阅读电子书籍。

14、Reading your God solution, nothing to keep them. -- Xu Hongjun. 读书贵神解,无事守章句。——徐洪钧。

15、My wife was silent while I was writing. 我读书的时候,我妻子默默不语。

16、After finishing the classics, you can read sophistic essays. 经传都读熟了之后就可以读子书了。

17、Hardly a day went by this week without a major new announcement in the eBook and eReader arena. 这周几乎每天都会发布有关电子书和电子书阅读器市场的重大消息。

18、Have time to read, have the time and have a book to read, this is happiness; ⊙、有时间读书,有时间又有书读,这是幸福; 没有时间读书,有时间又没书读,这是苦恼。

19、He beguiled his days with reading. 他以读书消磨日子。

20、"The Analects" words precise and appropriate, can serve as a literary books to read. 《论语》字句精当,也可当做文学书籍来读。

21、In addition to reading e-books, users can browse and search e-books, download the designated titles, access and management of e-book stacks. 除阅读电子图书外,用户还可以浏览和搜索电子图书,下载指定书目,访问和管理电子图书书库。

22、Xing Tan is the place where Confucius taught his disciples. 杏坛是孔子教授弟子读书的地方。

23、But also good at doing reading study notes. 读书还要善于做读书笔记。

24、Ten Thousand Volume Book Cliff: where prince of Ba Kingdom read books. 万卷书崖―为巴王子读书的之处。

25、Aspire to success, you must study hard, devotion, constancy to read a book. As students, the school's goal is to better white water rafting books, reading success. 立志成才,必须努力读书,专心致志,持之以恒地读书。作为莘莘学子,来学校的目标就是更好的泛舟书海,读书成才。


26、While in the middle of writing a book, I have a hard time reading other books for pleasure. 在写书的时候,我得苦读些别的书才能找点乐子。

27、With its Kindle, Amazon also makes the most popular dedicated hardware eBook reader, with Sony's eReader a distant second. 通过自己的Kindle,亚马逊成为最流行的专用电子书阅读器,将第二名索尼的电子书阅读器远远落在了后面。

28、In addition, Google also opened up its EPUB archive, which will give readers easy access to over 1 million free public-domain books for their eReaders. 另外,谷歌也对外开放了ePub格式的电子书下载(中文link),这让读者可以轻易为自己的电子书阅读器下载超过100万本已经进入公共领域的电子书。

29、And upcoming color screens for e-readers could help level the playing field between the iPad and other e-readers. 同样将要推出的针对电子书阅读器的彩色屏幕也会帮助平衡iPad和其他电子书阅读器之间的竞争。

30、A. Hello! Mrs Wong how are your kids going at school? 王太你好, 你的孩子读书情形如何。

31、A:Yesterday I read "hamlet".Such a fantastic book! 昨天我读了《王子复仇记》.真是本好书.

32、We used to share a desk back in high school. 我们在中学读书时共一张桌子。

33、Read read a book, a radix stemonae tasted better than reading. 读懂读透一部书,胜似浅尝辄止读一百部书。

34、I read. A lot. 我喜欢读书,读很多书,常常在深更半夜读。

35、Children often go to the library to read 孩子们经常去在图书馆读书

36、In addition, the output of e-book reader growing, and the use of network platform free download e-books files, so in many cases will be referred to ase-book reader. 另外,由于电子书阅读器的产量越来越大,并且利用网络平台随意下载电子书文件,所以很多情况将电子书阅读器简称为电子书。

37、As the popularity of e-books and e-readers continues to increase, e-book piracy is also growing rapidly. 由于电子图书和电子阅读器的普及度继续增长,电子书盗版数量也在快速增加。

38、Henry's work is reading books and writing book reviews. 亨利的工作是读读书,写写书评。

39、I think I'd read that in a book somewhere. 我想我曾在什么书中读过这样的例子。

40、Getup. Read books, all sorts of books. 失败,站起,还要读书,读各种各样的书。

41、Who doesn’t want little kids to love books? 谁不希望看到小孩子喜欢用功读书呢?

42、Read what they're reading - Take an interest in your child's hobbies and interests. 读他们读的书——对你孩子的业余爱好和兴趣感兴趣。

43、The child was just beginning school. 那孩子刚开始读书。

44、We shared a desk when we were in middle school. 我们在中学读书时共一张桌子。

45、Extra-curricular reading books for 5-15 year-old children(excluding textbooks). 适合5-15岁孩子阅读的辅导书、课外书(教科书除外)。

46、Mark my words, when Bpple ships its tablet or some other device that can be used for the serious reading of books, people will read again. 请忘住人那句话,该苹因宣布了他的读写器或者其余能用于当真读书的安装时,己们便会再主开端读书了。

47、It would make an ideal e-book reader. 这将是一个理想的电子书阅读器。

48、Yeah, it's horrible to see many students from the mainland of China studying very very very very hard! 我是说内地的学生可能不怎么灵活,死读书读惯的样子。

49、E-book readers don't as many headlines as other gadgets, but the market is flooded with options. 电子书阅读器并没有像其他小物件一样抢占各版头条,但是市场上的电子书阅读器已泛滥。

50、Readers don’t need a Kindle to read Kindle books, however. Amazon also offers Kindle e-book readers for the iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry, Android phones, and for Mac and Windows PCs. 读者不必非得有一台Kindle才能读到Kindle书店的书,亚马逊可以为iPhone、ipad、黑莓、Android手机、还有基于Mac或Windows的PC提供Kindle电子书,这种跨平台的做法不仅有助于扩充亚马逊电子图书的读者群,并且为读者们提供了一种保障——即便你的Kindle坏了或者丢了,你仍然可以读你所买的电子书。


51、Mobile reading; E-book; Mobile library; Content provider; 移动阅读; 电子书; 移动图书馆; 内容提供商;

52、It sells reading devices and has an e-bookstore powered by Kobo, a Toronto-based e-retailer. 它售卖阅读设备还拥有Kobo这个多伦多电子书零售商的一家电子书店。

53、Michelia study is a full day of tears, reading makes me feel ups and downs. 读书是一段满含笑泪的日子,读书使我心情跌宕起伏。

54、Know live is dead living reading dead books can read living dead books read living but to die. 认识活得书是死的活人读死书可以把读读活死书读活人可是把人读死。

55、Most e-readers, like Amazon's Kindle, have an antenna that lets users instantly download new books. 大多数的电子阅读器,比如亚马逊的金读,有一个天线,可以让读者即时地下载新书。

56、The research aims to evaluate how to integrate E-Book in claoom reading and further propose principles of incorporating E-Book in claoom reading environment. 本计画目的在于探讨如何整合电子书于教室阅读环境并提供进一步电子书融入教室阅读环境的设计准则。

57、I'm reluctant to specify the books children ought to have read because I know that, aged 13, I hadn't read any of the requisite books myself. 我不愿意给孩子们指定一些必读书目。因为我知道,我在13岁时就没有读过任何指定必读书。

58、It is not wide reading but useful reading that tends to excellence 读书要有成效不在于博览群书,而在于读有用的书.

59、The device can read a book aloud to a user, and is designed to make it easy to switch between reading and listening. 这款阅读器可大声朗读电子书,用户也可以在听书和看书中轻松切换。

60、They're friends of mine. And you know, they've showed them to me and they're really cool, 我的朋友也使用这种电子书阅读器。他们将这些电子书展示给我看,真的很酷,

61、For 2011, the company predicts 18 million ereaders will be sold -- compared with just 900, 000 sold in 2009 -- and 35% of readers will own come to own one. 巴诺公司预计2011年电子阅读器的销量将达到1800万部,35%的读者将会拥有一部电子书阅读器。而2009年,电子书阅读器的销量还仅为90万部。

62、She asked questions about the books and suggested new ones. 她还就书里的内容,对孩子们提出问题,要求他们一一作答。书读完之后,还向孩子们推荐其他好书。

63、After finishing the classics, you can read sophistic books. 经传都读熟了之后就可以读子书了。

64、Calibre is a complete e-book library manager. Organize your collection, convert your books to multiple formats, and sync with all of your devices. Let Calibre be your multi-tasking digital librarian. 它是一个完整的电子图书馆,包括图书馆管理,格式转换,新闻,将材料转换为电子书,以及电子书阅读器同步功能、整合进电子图书阅读器。

65、The market is boosted by a rising number of e-book services, e-reading devices and tablets like the iPad. 越来越多的电子书服务、电子阅读器和像iPad这样的平板电脑让电子书市场繁荣起来。

66、When reading, parents can explain correct reading habits to their child such as reading from a certain distance, turning the book page by page, reading from top to bottom, or left to right. 当孩子看书时,父母可以教导其看书的方式,例如:一页一页地翻书,文字的阅读从上到下、由左到右;以培养孩子的正确的阅读习惯。

67、You've read the books. 你读过了该读的书。

68、Reading thousands of books is equal to walking thousands of miles. 死读书,读了书,却不会用,那么读了 等于没读。

69、Some children write first and learn to read by exploring writing. 有的孩子先会书写,然后在书写的尝试中学会阅读。

70、Find books that come with a CD either in bookstores or the library so your child can listen and follow along. 到书店或图书馆找一些带CD的书,以便孩子能听说和跟读。

71、Britain's largest bookseller, Waterstone's, is to launch a digital e-reader to rival Amazon's Kindle within six months. 英国最大的书店——水石书店要在六个月内发布自己的电子书阅读器以对抗亚马逊Kindle阅读器。

72、You’ll be provided an opportunity to partite after you download the book, but please, read it first. 当你下载了电子书之后,就有机会参加,但是请先阅读这本电子书。

73、How Confucius Educated his Disciples with "The Book of Songs;" 杏坛是孔子教授弟子读书的地方。

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