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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-26 16:15:18
  • 398




1、With regard to futurist poetry,however,the case is rather difficult,for whatever futurist poetry may be—even admitting 然而关于未来派诗歌,情况就复杂得多,因为不管未来派诗歌到底是什么,—即使承认它有正确的理论基础——我们都很难称之为文。

2、The third part, "creation characteristic of Zhang Jiu-ling's poems ". 第三部分,“张九龄诗歌的创作特色”。

3、Lately he has been trying his hand at poetry. 最近王教伟正努力在诗歌领域一试身手。

4、Make a joyful noise unto God, all ye lands (一篇诗歌,交与伶长)全地都当向神欢呼。

5、Song of Tima is a glorious epic of Tujia. 《梯玛神歌》是一部辉煌的土家族历史史诗。

6、We know poetry is a vital force in the global community. 我们深知诗歌是地球村的有生力量。

7、Now, when she frustrated or furious, she dances, sings and writes poetry and songs. 现在,当她沮丧或愤怒的时候,她就会去跳舞,唱歌,写诗歌。

8、This background cannot be disregarded by the history of poetry. 这是一个不能被诗歌史忽视的背景。

9、We don't refer--we have no reason to refer, - if we respect the autonomy of the poem as such, we don't refer-- we don't appeal to an authorial intention. 我们不能,我是说如果我们尊重,诗歌的意志自由的话,我们不能也没有理由-,为诗歌加上作者的意图。

10、The poet wind is out over the sea… 诗之风,正出经海洋森林,追求它自己的歌声。

11、EnglishCanadian poetry during the period of its inception managed to cast off the limitation of British literary tradition, and opened the door for the native English poetry of Canada; 加拿大“启门时代”的英语诗歌努力摆脱英国文学传统的束缚,开启了加拿大本土英语诗歌之门;

12、My brother doesn't appreciate poetry--he has no soul. 我弟弟不喜欢诗歌——他根本没有鉴赏能力。

13、We don't refer--we have no reason to refer, - if we respect the autonomy of the poem as such, we don't refer-- we don't appeal to an authorial intention. 我们不能,我是说如果我们尊重,诗歌的意志自由的话,我们不能也没有理由-,为诗歌加上作者的意图。

14、The contents of paragraphs C and D would vary with the poem. 段C与段D的内容随诗歌而变。

15、Third, being in office or being relegated poets to Bashu culture's sing. 三是任职、贬谪诗人对巴蜀的歌咏。

16、What is your source of inspirations when initiating poetry composing ? 什么是您的灵感来源时开始诗歌创作?

17、His means of communication - singing the poems or hymns he had composed extempore - was all his own. 吟唱他即席创作的诗歌或圣歌—— 是他的特有的交流手段。

18、The third chapter elaborates the Wang Zao poetry ideological content. 第三章论述汪藻诗歌的思想内容。

19、Like many songs on the al “Bon Iver” this one is soft, dreamy, and poetic. 与“Bon Iver”中许多歌曲一样,这首歌曲调柔软、梦幻并且富有诗意。

20、What kind of dishes do we offer / serve on Costa? 我们歌诗达邮轮提供/服务什么菜?

21、Therefore, the proposal of introducing the theory of thing-in-itself into the poetry research is raised, i. e. to treat the poetry research as a research of literature science. 由此,提出了在诗歌研究中引入本体论研究、将诗歌研究作为文学科学研究对待的主张。

22、This epic extolled the founder of this primitive tribe. 这部史诗歌颂了这个原始部落的创始人。

23、He was writing his poetry more and more slowly, but nonetheless his poems from this period published in Death and Entrances (1946) are among his best. 他的诗歌创作虽说越来越不精彩,但他这一时期的发表在《死亡与登场》(1946)的诗歌仍不失为上乘之作。

24、The translator is engaged in such a continuous search for poeticity contained in novel experience of source language, which infuses fresh sensibility into target language and discovers its vitality. 诗歌翻译者的工作即是不懈地寻求把蕴涵在源语言诗歌中的异质体验纳入到目的语中的最佳方式。

25、This is a movement that advanced modernism in arts which concentrated on reforming the medium of poetry as opposed to Romanticism, especially Tennyson's wordiness and high-flown language in poetry. 这一运动推动了现代派艺术的发展。在诗歌中,反对精工细琢夸夸其谈的语言,主张改革诗歌的媒体。


26、That is to say, it coexists with poetic language. 这就是说,实用语言和诗歌语言并存。

27、Langston Hughes; Black Poems; Cultural Hegemony; Afro-American Culture; 兰斯顿·休斯; 黑人诗歌; 文化霸权; 黑人文化;

28、Wang Changling advocates here an ideal poem in which emotion and scene are integrated, and such integration is the main characteristic of much of the Tang Dynasty poetry. 王昌龄倡导的是情景交融的理想化的诗歌,这样的交融也是唐代大部分诗歌的主要特点。

29、As soon as he has expressed this epic ambition -Virgil explains that as soon as he's expressed this Pbus Apollo, the god of poetry, stepped in and chided him. 一旦他表达出了这种野心,正如维吉尔写道,诗歌之神阿波罗, 闯入诗歌的篇章并指责他。

30、Its nature and function of song poem performance decided the art structure of Xiang He Ge. 其歌诗演唱的性质与功能,决定了相和歌辞独特的艺术构成;

31、The second chapter describes possibility and necessity of modern translation of Li Shangyin's poetry and some researching results of his poetry. 第二部分,介绍了李商隐诗歌存在的今译可能和今译的必要——即今译空间,以及目前李商隐诗歌今译取得的一些成果。

32、You cannot equate his poems with his plays. 你不可以把他的诗歌和他的剧本相提并论。

33、As he, in his swooning ears, the choir's amen. 神魂颠倒的耳中,只想听到唱诗班的歌。

34、The poem is based most closely on Virgil's Tenth Eclogue. 这首诗取材于维吉尔的《牧歌》第十首。

35、It's at this point in the pastoral elegy - the conventional, stereotypical pastoral elegy - that the poet-shepherd sings a mournful song. 在田园挽歌中,-传统的,老套路的田园挽歌中,-牧羊人诗人就在此时唱起哀悼的歌。

36、And the boy dies. It's an extraordinarily powerful poem. 小男孩死了,这是一首很震撼人的诗歌。

37、And poetry itself was I think a sight of cultural conflict. 我觉得诗歌也是,文化冲突的舞台。

38、Inspiring, as a type of prosody, is the fossil in the history of Chinese poetry, maintaining the property of primitive thoughts and the heritage of primitive culture. 作为诗歌写作手法的兴,是诗歌史上的活化石,它保留了原始思维的属性和原始文化形态的遗存。

39、The present thesis is an attempt to probe into the irrational features in Dylan Thomas's poetry so as to bring to light the true meaning in his fantastically magnificent verses. 本文试图挖掘狄兰诗歌中的非理性主义特征,并借此勾勒他奇异、瑰丽的诗歌面貌。

40、Notice, in fact, the cleverness of all this discourse in the poem! 注意,事实上,整篇诗歌语言的巧妙!

41、Natural themes are very obvious in W ·S · Merwin's poetry. 自然主题在W·S·默温的诗歌中非常显明。

42、As soon as he has expressed this epic ambition -Virgil explains that as soon as he's expressed this Pbus Apollo, the god of poetry, stepped in and chided him. 一旦他表达出了这种野心,正如维吉尔写道,诗歌之神阿波罗,闯入诗歌的篇章并指责他。

43、Besides the faith of poetry itself, I am the one who do not have any doctrine, and I will not adulate anything through the composition of poetry. 除了诗歌本身的信仰,我是一个没有什么“主义”的人,我致死也不会通过诗歌写作逢迎什么。

44、Chapter One mainly studies Keats'aesthetic ideas tered in his letters and poetry and explore how the implications of beauty in "Negative Capability" have affected his poetry and philosophy. 第二部分旨在通过济慈诗歌和书信探讨“自我否定力”体现的美学思想对其诗歌创作及其人生观的影响;

45、With the renewed interest in the research of the works of Matthew Arnold, some characteristics of Arnold's poetry are studied with the ilration of the poem The Forsaken Merman. 马修·阿诺德的作品重新受到关注。从他的代表性诗歌“被遗弃的雄人鱼”入手,分析了阿诺德诗歌的特点。

46、Secondly, the author makes a comparative study on different translation versions of poem "Night Mooring by Maple Bridge" for the purpose of exploring the translation of classical Chinese poetry. 其次,通过对诗歌名篇《枫桥夜泊》五个不同译本的分析与对比性研究,探讨如何翻译中国古典诗歌。

47、This fact has great part to do with poem itself, and with its comments and people's updating knowledge and new focuses. 这跟诗歌文体的局限与开阖有关,跟诗歌评论的视角有关,也跟社会发展下人们的观念更新与关注点的变化息息相关。

48、Architecture4, science, drama and poetry also flourished here. 建筑、科学、戏剧和诗歌也曾在这里盛极一时。

49、Mei Yaochen, in particular, contributed greatly to the poetry reformation. 梅尧臣在诗歌方面的贡献尤其突出。

50、Thirdly, it mainly discusses the poems of Song Qi. 第三部分,主要就宋祁诗歌创作进行论述。


51、The person who leads a church choir or congregation in singing; a precentor. 教堂歌唱队领唱者领导一个教堂唱诗班或会众唱歌的人;

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