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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-05-12 14:25:55
  • 95


关于”26个字母的句子“的英语句子39个,句子主体:26 letter sentence。以下是关于26个字母的句子的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:26 letter sentence

1、Bök will create a code that links letters of the alphabet with genetic nucleotides (adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine, aka ACGT). 布克先创造一套密码子,将核苷酸(腺嘌呤,胞嘧啶,鸟嘌呤,腺嘧啶,简称ACGT)与26个英文字母一一关联起来。

2、To the uneducated, an A is just three sticks. 对于一个没文化的人,A这个字母不过是三根棒子罢了。

3、In the following example, a function returns the successive lowercase characters of a string. 在的例子中,函数返回某个字符串的连续小写字母。

4、Because they have the same first letters as their parents' monikers ? 也许是因为这俩孩子名字的起首字母和他们的父母相同?

5、Each composition string consists of one or more clauses, where a clause is the smallest combination of characters that the IME can convert to a final character. 每个字母组合字符串由一个或多个子串组成(clauses),子串是IME能转换成最终字符的最小字符组合。

6、abcdefg=all boys can do everything for girls 所有男孩能为女孩做一切

7、This introduces learning & calculative method of probabilistic neural network and identification of tri - level probabilistic neural network to 26 English capital letters with noise. 本文介绍了概率神经网络的学习算法和一个三层概率神经网络对带有噪声的26个英文大写字母的识别。

8、I've been working as a lettering specialist for 26 years. 我一直作为一个刻字专家为26年。

9、An awl or pick for extracting letters from set type. 从字板上抽取字母的铗子。

10、In Pnix , Arizona , a 26-year-old mother stared down at her 6 year old son, who was dying of terminal leukemia. 在亚利桑那州菲尼克斯城,一个26岁的母亲俯身凝视着她6岁的儿子,他快要死于晚期白血病。

11、Because English is easy to write only 26 letters, Chinese is more complex, very difficult to write, but English is the international language, wide range of application. 因为英语写起来比较容易只有26个字母组成,汉语比较复杂,写起来非常困难,而且英语是国际化的语言,应用范围广。

12、Ms. Bird’s daughter, Katie Bird Hunter, 26, is on the other side of the digital communications divide and finds her parents to be out of touch. Bird女士的女儿,26岁的Katie Bird Hunter,站在这个数字通信落差的另一边。她觉得她的父母太落伍了。

13、The negative space in-between the houses formed a letter. 房子包围起来的空间组成了一个字母。

14、Brick quiz whangs a jumpy veldt fox. 关于砖头的测验难住了一只跳跃的南非草原狐狸)

15、The five boxing wizards jump quickly. 五个打拳的男巫快速跳动。

16、Ty is an acronym for transposon yeast…of retroviruses. Ty是酵母转座子的首字母缩写。酵母转 …

17、What eight-letter word has only one-letter in it? 什么8个字母的单词只有一个字母?

18、Join this grandexperiment early. At $26 a month, it’s a low-cost ticket to the future. 尽早尝试吧,26美元每月,对于未来仅仅是个小数字。

19、How many cookies have letters?------Every cookies has letters. 有多少个饼干上有字母?------每个饼干上都有字母。

20、English has 26 alphabets, where as in the Hindi, you have to put some stroke on the top and some shot at the bottom and moreover you have to tie them together with a long bar. 英语有26个字母,而在印地语中,你得在顶上加点笔划,底下添些钩点,此外还得用一根长杠子把它们串起来。

21、The concept doesnt have any letters actually. You might think chair has five letters, but the chair doesnt have any letters. 这个概念没和有任何字母,你可能像椅子有五个字母,但是椅子没有任何字母。

22、Anger and irritation bring about early aging. [谚]不要气,不要恼,气气恼恼人快老.

23、Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs. 将五打酒瓶装在我的箱子里。

24、The first seven letters in English alphabet are ABCDEFG. 英文字母表的头七个字母是ABCDEFG。

25、Words called acronyms are formed by using the first letter or letters of several words. 被称为首字母缩拼词的这类词汇是由几个词的首字母或前几个字母构成的。


26、If the entered character is a lowercase letter, display the message The character just entered is a lowercase letter. 如果输入的字符是一个小写字母的字符,显示消息刚进是一个小写字母。

27、The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 译文:那只敏捷的棕毛狐狸跃过那只懒狗

28、The new £250 bag consists of a 26-litre case and a lean-and-steer s. 这种新型的250磅袋子包括26个小箱子和一个精干和引导踏板车。

29、One sublist in particular is marked out in the diagram as (57 26 9); however, (26 9), (9), and () are all also valid sublists of the first list. 在图中标识出了一个特别的子列表,即 (57 26 9);不过, (26 9)、 (9) 和 () 都是第一个列表的合法子列表。

30、The XB-Maemo-Icon-26 field is a base64 representation of a small icon. XB-Maemo-Icon-26 字段是一个小图标的 base64 表示。

31、The 55-year-old, who has a 23-year-old son and 26-year-old daughter, found that society fears a 'blindly adoring mother' putting endless praise on her son. 伦巴蒂是一位55岁的母亲,她有一个23岁的儿子和一个26岁的女儿。她发现社会担心“盲目宠爱孩子的母亲”会无休止地赞美自己的儿子。

32、Generals arise from the rank and file. 将军起于行伍.

33、Yes, if the DF-26 ever zaps a carrier, all heck is gonna break loose. 是的,假如东风26攻击一个航母,一切禁锢将会打破。

34、The sentence "Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs" uses every letter of the alphabet and uses the least letters to do so! “放我箱子里五打酒壶”使用了字母表里每一个字母,而且,用的字母最少。

35、The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. (快速的棕色狐狸跳过一条懒狗。

36、And he would name all the letters from A to Z. All 26 of them. 他可以读出从A到Z的所有字母。

37、Omega is the last letter of the Greek alphabet. Omega是希腊字母表中的最后一个字母。

38、Dan you spell donkey with one letter? 你能用一个字母把“驴子”拼出来吗?

39、Indicate each footnote in a table a superscript lowercase letter. 每一个脚注中注明位子上标小写字母。

40、What word of five letters has only one left when two letters are subtracted? 什么字由五个字母组成,减去两个字母只余一?

41、All names are lower-case letters, there are no more than 10 people in a group, and no name is more than 12 characters in length. 所有名字都是小字字母,每个圈子不会超过10个人,所有名字都小于或等于12个字符长度。

42、Can you spell donkey with one letter? 你能用一个字母把“驴子”拼出来吗。

43、The last two letters look like a 1 and 0, representing the digital signal. 最后两个字母表示1和0,代表点子数字信号。

44、The letters AB begin the alphabet. 在字母表中AB是头两个字母。

45、He never saw a saw saw a saw. (他从没见过一把锯子锯锯子。

46、There is one value for each clause and a final value that specifies the length of the full string. 每个子串对应一个值,最后一个值确定整个字母组合字符串的长度。

47、She had borne two children but they were born deaf. 她生了两个孩子,但他们生来就聋.

48、If, for example, a cell has a 26 in it and the number 26 occurs one other time somewhere on the card, mark that cell with a 2. 比如说,如果一个空格中的数字是26并且这个数字在同一张卡片中的其它地方还出现了一次,那么将空格标记为2.

49、People generally quarrel because they cannot argue. 人们通常因为不能辩论而争吵.

50、In August 2008, 36% of men and 26% of women aged 65 to 69 were still working, compared with just 26% of men and 17% of women 10 years earlier. 2008年8月,65至69岁的人群中,有36%的男性和26%的女性仍在工作,而10年前这两个数字分别为26%和17%。


51、When reading books,start from the easy to the difficult,and then from the redundant to the concise. 读书要从薄到厚,再从厚到薄.

52、The second example in Listing 14 shows sorting the first field numerically and the second by collating sequence (alphabetically). 清单 14 中的第二个例子显示对第一个字段按照数字顺序排序,而对第二个字段按照字母顺序排序。

53、They are, in fact, a 26-year-old mother and her daughter. 事实上,她们是一位26岁的母亲和她的女儿。

54、A 27-year-old British woman has become the world's faster texter after sending a tongue-twisting 26-word message in just 25.94 seconds. 一个27岁的英国女子在25.94秒发送了一条有26字的绕口令短信,这使她成为了世界上发短信相当快的人。

55、To be or not to be,that is the question. 生存还是毁灭,这是一个值得思考的问题.(莎士比亚名剧主人公的独白)

56、If you hover over the field, you can see a partial list, as shown in Figure 26. 如果您浏览这个字段,您就能看到一个不完全的列表,如图 26 所示。

57、Initial sounds am. Children should be able to identify the first sound of each word. 帮助孩子认识字母大、小写,字与音关系及辨字母形与音。

58、Benner has designed a DNA molecule with eight new chemical"letters" and in addition to four natural "letters". Benner已经设计出一个有着八个新化学“字母”DAN分子,其中有四个自然的化学“字母”。

59、Let's cut to Jamelia, the 26-year-old internationally acclaimed singer and mother of two, whose own mother is just 42. 让我们把镜头转向贾米拉,一位26岁拥有国际声誉的歌手,2个孩子的母亲,而她自己的母亲才42岁。

60、At $26 a month, it's a low-cost ticket to the future. 尽早尝试吧,26美元每月,对于未来仅仅是个小数字。

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