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英语仿写句子大全及答案 15个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-16 03:32:01
  • 129

英语仿写句子大全及答案 15个

1. Original sentence: The dog ran across the street.

仿写句子: The cat jumped over the fence. (猫跳过栅栏。)

2. Original sentence: She baked a delicious cake for her friends.

仿写句子: He cooked a tasty meal for his family. (他为家人煮了可口的饭菜。)

3. Original sentence: The teacher is writing on the whiteboard.

仿写句子: The student is reading from the textbook. (学生正在课本上读。)

4. Original sentence: The bird chirped sweetly in the morning.

仿写句子: The bee buzzed loudly in the garden. (蜜蜂在花园里嗡嗡作响。)

5. Original sentence: The baby cried all night.

仿写句子: The toddler laughed all day. (幼儿整天笑嘻嘻的。)

6. Original sentence: The rain poured down heavily.

仿写句子: The snow fell softly to the ground. (雪花轻轻地落在地上。)

7. Original sentence: She wore a beautiful yellow dress.

仿写句子: He put on a stylish blue suit. (他穿上了一套时尚的蓝色西装。)

8. Original sentence: The car sped down the highway.

仿写句子: The bicycle raced along the path. (自行车沿着小路疾驰。)

9. Original sentence: The sun set behind the mountains.

仿写句子: The moon rose above the horizon. (月亮升上地平线。)

10. Original sentence: The train whistled as it approached the station.

仿写句子: The airplane roared as it took off from the runway. (飞机从跑道上起飞时轰鸣不息。)

11. Original sentence: The river flowed gently towards the sea.

仿写句子: The wind blew fiercely across the plains. (大风横扫广袤的平原。)

12. Original sentence: She danced gracefully to the music.

仿写句子: He sang beautifully to the audience. (他向观众唱得很好听。)

13. Original sentence: The trees swayed in the breeze.

仿写句子: The leaves rustled in the wind. (树叶在风中沙沙作响。)

14. Original sentence: The snowflake melted on my tongue.

仿写句子: The ice cube melted in my hand. (冰块融化在我的手中。)

15. Original sentence: The children played happily in the park.

仿写句子: The adults chatted leisurely in the café. (成年人在咖啡馆休闲聊天。)

16. Original sentence: The stars led in the night sky.

仿写句子: The fireworks exploded in the dark sky. (烟花在晴朗的夜空中绽放。)

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