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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-06-03 02:44:49
  • 143


关于”有趣的句子“的英语句子42个,句子主体:Interesting sentences。以下是关于有趣的句子的专八英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Interesting sentences

1、That's a little interesting anecdote about the epidemiology of these things. 这是流行病学研究中的一个有趣的例子

2、The leaves of this pot of flower grow into two branches. How interesting. 这盆花的叶子两歧着长, 真有趣。

3、Ex. Peter is a pleasant if noisy child. 虽然吵杂点,但比特还算是有趣的孩子。

4、I would be interested in examples of others. 我对其它几种的例子更有兴趣。

5、There it meant something much more interesting, mainly anti-particles accompanying particles. 而那里说的是一些更有趣的东西,大多数反粒子与粒子成对出现

6、Each family member gets to add one sentence at a time. These stories can be seriously funny, especially if one of the kids happens to be in a silly mood. 每个家庭成员每次加上一句话.这些故事肯定会特别有趣,特别是如果其中的一个孩子恰巧用一种傻傻的语气的话.

7、There's plenty of fun things to do inside! Let's play! 在屋子里也有很多有趣的事情可以做呀!我们来玩吧!

8、The child was amused by the goggle -eyed frogs. 这孩子觉得凸眼的青蛙很有趣。

9、Jiang Wei is the funniest of all the boys. 姜伟是所有男孩子中最有趣的。

10、Flowers adorn the table adn interesting people adorn the hall. 鲜花扮靓桌子,有趣的人扮靓厅堂。

11、This sounds not what interesting, but very important. 听起来这没啥子有趣儿的,可是十分重要。

12、It appears like VIA is very interested in in-car computers. 看来威盛也对车用电子有兴趣。

13、Funny, isn't it, how so many cats are left-pawed? 很有趣吧,为什么有这么多左撇子猫呢?

14、The intriguing results indicate a new property of the enigmatic particles known as neutrinos. 这个有趣的结果指出神秘粒子的新属性被称作中微子。

15、So those examples were trivial, but fun. 这些例子虽然琐碎,却也有趣。

16、How do you make waiting fun for your toddler? 你呢,是怎样使孩子的等待变得有趣的呢?

17、Mum:Are they wearing funny hats? 他们正戴着有趣的帽子吗?

18、For several years her fellow activists evinced little interest. 有几年,和她一道的激进分子对此并无兴趣。

19、The interesting thing is, the third generation of the family is older than the youngest baby of the second generation! 有趣的是,孙子辈的要比儿子辈中最小的孩子的还要大呢!

20、It's a myth that people are interested in privacy. 人们对隐私的兴趣其实是子虚乌有的。

21、Help your children develop such interests and make sure they have or seek reading material about their interests. 帮助孩子们发展这些兴趣,确保他们已经拥有的或者在寻找的读物与他们的兴趣有关。

22、The little boy looks very funny when he knots his eyebrows. 那个小男孩皱着眉头的样子很有趣。

23、George Karl said Iverson should be more-ball, but also a better defense. This is an interesting sentence. 乔治·卡尔说,艾弗森应该传更多球,还要更好的防守。这真是句有趣的话。

24、Kids are curious, they're interested and they're adventuresome. 孩子们好奇,他们感兴趣,他们富有探索意识的。

25、This sentence is of great fun. My life will be full of sunshine if I ever receive your words. 这句话很有趣。如果哪天能够收到你的话,我那天的生活将充满阳光。


26、It was amusing that a rabbit ran out of the empty box on the desk. 桌上的空盒子里竟然跑出来一只兔子,太有趣了。

27、The most interesting is Vaux-le-Vicomte, which is southeast of Paris. 最有趣的是巴黎南部的子爵堡

28、At last DM. A truly interesting fascinating article. 本站终于孺子可教,一篇真正有趣吸引人的文章。

29、Compared with the traditional cards, e-cards are lively and interesting. 与传统的贺卡对比,电子卡形象且有趣。

30、In other words, they excite interest because of their difference. But does this interest extend beyond the oddity itself? 换句话说,他们能因其差异而激发人们的兴趣,但是这种兴趣超越了怪人怪事本身吗?

31、Gather some leaves which have an interesting texture and shape. 采集一些带有有趣的纹理和形状的叶子。

32、His dull look is funny. 看他那呆笨的样子很有趣。

33、People look like pirates, so it's fun. 里面的人穿着打扮成海盗的样子,很有趣。

34、Richard Burton was a really interesting case because he was a very masculine figure. 因为Richard Burton是一个非常有男子气的人,所以他是一个非常有趣的例子。

35、Are they wearing funny hats? 他们正戴着有趣的帽子吗?

36、I antite many fun-filled days. 我期待将有许多充满乐趣的日子。

37、If your child doesn't have a talent class, please pick up your child before 4:00 that day. If he or she has a talent class, please arrive 5 minutes before the class ends. 当日没有兴趣班的幼儿,请家长在4:00之前来园接孩子,若当日有兴趣班,请在兴趣班结束前5分钟来园接孩子。

38、Now there are some interesting points to be made about kids defacing property. 现在关于孩子损毁物产有一些有趣的观点。

39、This is Vaux-le-Vicomte, which is much more interesting. 这个是沃克斯子爵的,看上去更有趣一些

40、All right, so it's a slightly more exciting example now. 好的,这是一个更有趣的例子

41、Some authors provoke their readers constantly and pleasantly like a beggar's coat full of fleas. An itch is a great thing. 有些作家能如叫化子的积满了虱子的衣服一般,不断地和很有趣地挑拨他们的读者。痒也是世间一件趣事。

42、Life stinks. -Well, it's kinda funny considering we're in a bathroom. ——stink v.发臭 life stinks 像life s一样是习惯的搭配,而“考虑到我们是在厕所里,这句话变得更有趣”。

43、Most girls are not interested in these stuffs. 女孩子对这些一般不大有兴趣。

44、The special team-specific variety of interesting combat model is Aspect. 该特别班子特有的各种有趣的作战模式也是看点之一。

45、She first solicits the students' interest by using a "hook" such as an interesting story or situation. 她首先用“钩子”诱发学生的学习兴趣,如一个有趣的故事或情景。

46、The rainforest around our house sometimes brings forth intriguing creatures like this. 我们的房子周围的雨林有时带来了这样有趣的生物。

47、A totally boring film has now become very interesting. Well done you silly Monkey-s. 一部完全无趣的电影现在变得很有趣,干得好愚蠢的猴子。

48、That's a line that has vexed commentators for centuries and has sed many very fascinating interpretations. 这是几百年来引得人们争论不休的一句,并且产生了大量有趣的解读。

49、Children prefer climbing to hiking. They are full of beans. 好动的孩子对爬山比行山更有兴趣。

50、Interestingly, Confucius was shown to have dialogues with Lao Tze (Laozi; Laocius), the founder of Taoism. 这部电影中还有一个有趣的就是孔子与老子的对话了。


51、Tom:Dad,look at these lovely little lions. What a hoot! 汤姆:爸爸,快看这些可爱的小狮子,真有趣!

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