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  • 2022-06-28 12:10:52
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关于”成长的诗歌“的英语句子57个,句子主体:Growing Poetry。以下是关于成长的诗歌的高考英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Growing Poetry

1、Their poem style has obvious differences, which is closely related to their thought difference. 思想的歧异是形成嵇、阮诗歌风格差异的重要原因。

2、The song grows on you. 这首歌伴着你成长。

3、In the process of rendering the poem, the artistic conception always decides the quality of the translation. 诗歌意境在翻译中的成功再现与否,在很大程度上决定着整首诗翻译的成功与否。

4、Lose not a chance to waken love 别错失去了唤醒爱的良机

5、Therefore, when we either study the development of 20~(th) century Chinese poetry or discuss the achievements of Chinese poetry translation, Mu Dan is a figure that we could never bypass. 因此,不管是研究20世纪中国诗歌的发展历程,还是考察中国诗歌的翻译成就,穆旦都是无法忽视的重要作家。

6、It broke up into ss of songs and lay tered at your feet. 它裂成诗歌的碎片散撒在你的脚边。

7、Does the earth, like a sharp, shiver into songs with the touch of my feet? 那大地,像一张琴,真因着我双足的踏触而颤成诗歌么?

8、Zheng didn't show any particular interest in poetry while growing up. 在成长的过程中郑对诗歌没有什么特别的兴趣。

9、Therefore, exploring his poetry writing during that time is significant to study his life and thinking in Chang' an. 因此,探究李白二入长安时的诗歌创作对研究李白在长安的生活及思想状况大有裨益。

10、①You may only be a person in this world, but for someone, you’re the world. 你可能只是这个世界上的一个人,但对于某人来说,你就是全世界。

11、His most famous collection of poems is ’Gitanjali’. He also specialized in composing and painting. 他最著名的诗歌集是《吉檀迦利》,他还擅长作曲、绘画。

12、Since long ago, when writing the livelihood of the people the poets all adopted a commanding position, which affected the poetry artistic effect. 长期以来,诗人在抒写民生主题时都采取一种居高临下的抒情姿态,因而影响了诗歌的艺术效果。

13、This can help you come to terms with the idea/feeling itself, to move forward with your growth as living human being. 诗歌可以帮助你与你的抽象感受亦步亦趋,可促使你在成长的过程中前进。

14、The poetics in Han Dynasty grew up from the matrix of book of songs theories. 汉代诗学理论是从《诗》学理论母体中脱胎成长起来的。

15、In Judah is God known: his name is great in Israel. (亚萨的诗歌,交与伶长,用丝弦的乐器)在犹大神为人所认识。在以色列他的名为大。

16、②Life is a chain of moments of enjoyment;not only about survival; 生活是一串串的快乐时光;

17、In entire Tang poetry, there are almost four hundred poetry and songs of this kind which are completed commonly by a lot of authors within a very long period . 在全唐诗中,这类诗歌有近四百首,是在一个很长的时期内,由众多作者共同完成的。

18、If you were president of the poetry society, say how many members the club had and what you did. 如果你曾担任诗歌社社长,说说社团里有几个成员,你做了些什么。

19、And the songs of every poet past and forever. 还有每一个诗人们的歌谣也已成为过去与永恒。

20、Governor Mario Cuomo once said we campaign in poetry but we govern in prose. 马里奥.科莫州长曾说过,我们在像作诗歌般竞选,像作散文般执政。

21、And angel voices say to thee你将听到天使的声音在说

22、The scholar temperaments of Cao Pi's poetries were attributed to his growth experience, living environment and literary accomplishment. 表现为一种轻盈摇曳、婉约多姿的诗歌风格,其形成与曹丕的个性气质、成长环境和文学修养有重要关系。

23、An extended narrative poem in elevated or dignified language, celebrating the feats of a legendary or traditional hero. 用严肃或庄重的语言写成的叙事长诗,歌颂传奇中或历史上英雄的丰功伟绩。

24、David became known as the "sweet psalmist of Israel " for his skill in composing half of the psalms in Israel's hymnbook . 大卫成为「以色列的美歌者」,诗篇有半数以上是由他写成。

25、Poems arise as ten thousand leaves of language from the seeds of people's hearts. 诗歌是人类心灵的,会成为万语千言的叶子。


26、Does the earth, like a sharp, shiver into songs with the touch of my feet? 那大地,像一张琴,真因着我双足的踏触而颤成成诗歌么?

27、Perhaps no person can be a poet, or even enjoy poetry, without a certain unsoundness of mind. 也许无人可以成为一个诗人,或甚至欣赏诗歌,假如他没有一点神经质的话。

28、On the Chinese side, the famous Chinese translator who turn many Chinese classics and poems into English, Mr. Yang Xianyi also passed away recently. 在中国,曾将不少中国名著和诗歌翻译成英文的著名翻译家杨宪益先生也与世长辞。

29、The poems in the Yueyu and Zhiyu are called of "Kouhao", which is the important part of poetry creation in the Song Dynasty. 宋人乐语和致语中的附诗被称为“口号”,它是宋人诗歌创作中的重要组成部分。

30、Must find some work to do ; 尽你所能地去做;

31、It is well known that the palace poesies in the initial stage of Tang Dynasty had close relationship with the poesies in the six Dynasties. 初唐宫廷诗与六朝诗歌有着渊源的关系,这已成为广大研究者的共识。

32、However, the special style that used by him in his over three hundred poems benefits him an outstanding poet in the poetic kingdom. 其诗三百余首流传于世,以其独特的风貌成为诗歌王国中一支奇葩。

33、Ovid and Horace challenge comparison with the best elegiac and lyric poets of Greece. 德 和贺雷西要同希腊最好的挽歌和抒情诗人争一日之长。

34、The hay, that is, well, what? The payoff, what the poem is all about, what mowing is all about. 这堆草又是什么呢,是成果,诗歌的成果,割草的结果。

35、Song Lian's Poems, just like others' prose, are noted for vivid portrayal of characters. 宋濂的诗歌如他的散文一样,以善于刻画人物见长。

36、Ensure that the final map of the final form of Chinese poetry anthology. 保证最后形成中华诗歌地图最终选本。

37、These things shall never die. 这些美好不会消逝。

38、They began to write for record, to help and fix their bardic tradition . 他们开始为记事而书写,助长并固定了他们的诗歌传统。

39、③Let nothing pass for every hand 在人间传递温情

40、In the poetry compostion of Song poets, the "Weicheng Qu" became a special stylistic variety. 在宋人的诗歌创作中,《渭城曲》已形成专门的一“体”。

41、His thirty-year's poetry composition related closely to the beginning of the Sung tune. 他的长达三十多年的诗歌创作和宋调的开启紧密地联系在一起。

42、This article gives a brief contrast of visual and audial images in the two English renditions of Nostalgia, and emphasizes that image actualization is of great significance in poetry translation. 本文主要对比了《乡愁》的两个英文译本的视象和音象,指出意象再造是诗歌翻译的灵魂,事关诗歌翻译的成败。

43、So shall a light that cannot fade 因此上方照耀着你的那道光芒

44、Does the earth, like a harp, shiver into songs with the touch of my feet? 那大地,像一张琴,真因着我双足的踏触而颤成诗歌吗。

45、He is currently member of China Writers' Association, Vice-Chairman of Guangdong Prose Poetry Society, and Editor-in-Chief of "Soldiers' Literature". 现为中国作家协会会员、中国诗歌学会会员、广东散文诗学会副会长、《战士文艺》主编。

46、The poems of national minorities in southeast Chongqing have a very long history. They have the characteristics of Ba cantus but they are the sublimation of it. 渝东南少数民族诗词源远流长,承袭了巴歌的特色,是巴歌的升华。

47、Beam on thee from on high. 就不会消失。

48、In fact, locating the poetic creation of the three Cao and the Ye capital Literati Group has become the focus in deciding the periods of the poetic history and the poetic "self-conscious" era. 对“三曹”及邺下文人集团诗歌创作的定位,已经成为汉魏诗歌分期及其“自觉时代”确定的焦点。

49、Not only is Pu good at writing legend and mystery stories, but also expert in poetry and folk songs; 蒲氏擅写传奇怪谈小说,更长于诗歌俚曲;

50、Abstract: Recitation as an art form which has a long history, now it has developed into a variety of art forms including poetry, modern poems, prose, and so on. 摘 要:朗诵作为一门艺术形式其历史源远流长,现如今发展成为不仅有古诗还有现代诗歌散文等丰富多样的艺术形式。


51、Liu Shahe is a poet that grew up with the founding of New China, and also a poet that has the particular personality on the creating road, the verse idea and the art style. 流沙河是伴随着新中国一起成长起来的诗人,也是一位在创作道路、诗歌观念和艺术风格方面独具个性的诗人。

52、In 1997, Wrote long poem The Mournful Dirge to the memory of Yuanmingyuan artist Zhou Zhanhong. 1997年——为纪念圆明园艺术家周瞻弘,作长诗《挽歌》。

53、You have really become my poem , have become the ghost who can sing in my characters, have become the erfly whirling about on my hexameter. 你真的成了我的诗篇,成了我文字中会唱歌的幽灵,成了我诗行上蹁跹着的蝴蝶。

54、My life has been defined by fire. Poetry and the know that comes before. 我的生命被定义成火。诗歌与先知曾经来过。

55、Cen Shen, who stayed in Jiazhou for a short period, composed plenty of distinctive poems and lyrics. 岑参在嘉州逗留时间虽然不长,但其诗歌很有特色。

56、Just because it emulates but not stubbornly sticks to Confucius' thoughts, Confucius' on the Book of Poetry has reaped great achievements in poetical theory. 惟其学孔而不泥于孔,《孔子诗论》才能取得诗歌理论的巨大成就。

57、She was accepted as a partint in poetry at the Bread Loaf and Aspen Writing Conferences. 曾为面包与阿斯本写作会议的诗歌成员。

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