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  • 2022-07-15 04:57:51
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关于”中秋节的古诗“的英语句子23个,句子主体:Ancient poems of the Mid Autumn Festival。以下是关于中秋节的古诗的初中英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Ancient poems of the Mid Autumn Festival

1、On the Mid-autumn Day, each family get together and have a big dinner. 在中秋节,各家各户都团聚在一起,吃一顿丰盛的晚饭。

2、The reason (which/that) I dislike most is autumn/fall. 我最讨厌的季节是秋天。

3、It is fall, the best season for chrysanthemum. 秋天,正是赏菊的最好季节。

4、Some have dug into the festival' s origin and found that it was truly a romantic day as ancient Chinese girls grew up at home and hardly had chance to go outside to meet people. 有人深扒元宵节的渊源发现,在古代中国这真是一个浪漫的节日:中国古代深闺之中的女孩很难外出见人。

5、In the past the month Mid-Autumn Festival, always give to another flavor. 往昔岁月里那些有月的中秋,总能赋予节日以别样的滋味。

6、In autumn prime, we usher the 4th English Festival. 在这秋高气爽的季节,我们迎来了第四届英语艺术节。

7、As a peculiar organism in specially designated environment, cicada as a literary image is mainly to manifest the theme of autumn-sadness. 作为特定环境中的独特个体,蝉意象在中国古代文学中主要用于表现悲秋主题。

8、That is, Liqiu is the beginning of the cool season. 即立秋是凉爽季节的开始。

9、Li Autumn is the best time of the year in that ancient city, when there's warm sunshine almost every day … Oh, my goodness! 秋天是那座古老城市一年最好的季节,几乎每天阳光温暖宜切人……噢,天哪!

10、We can enjoy the Spring Festival. 我们能尽兴天悲度秋节。

11、The theme that penetrates through the chapters is ancient Greek agency vs. ancient Chinese harmony. 章节中渗透着一个主题是古希腊的个人主义和古代中国的“和”的对比。

12、Don Juan (1819- 1824) owes its title and parts of its story to the old legend of the great lover. Byron retells the story in the form of satire. 《唐璜》(1819~1824)的得名和其中部分的情节,出自一个关于伟大情人的古老传说,拜伦以讽刺诗的形式重述了这个故事。

13、Autumn is a better season to fly kites. 秋天是放风筝的好时节。

14、sacrifices to gods and ancestors, and feasting for longevity. 古时民间在重阳节有登高祈福、秋游赏菊、佩插茱萸、祭神祭祖及饮宴求寿等习俗。

15、Surveying the allegory of "fish's Pleasure" in "Autumn Water" of Chuang-tzu, this essay discusses the sophisticated meaning of "knowing" (Chi), a classic Chinese philosophical category. 本文借对《庄子·秋水》中“鱼之乐”寓言的分析,探讨中国古典哲学中“知”的复杂内涵。

16、With autumn winds breezing softly, Changsha came into the year's most beautiful season. 在一道道秋风的轻拂下,长沙进入了一年中最美的季节。

17、In the Spring and Autumn Period, this relation has been overturned, and exerts great influence on China ancient legends though the overturning is not complete. 至春秋时,中国古代人与神的地位终于翻转,并对中国古史传说发生重大影响,当然这种翻转有诸多不彻底之处。

18、China and Japan have mid-autumn festivals, when people admire the moon and in China, enjoy mooncakes. 中国和日本都有中秋节, 这时人们会赏月。在中国, 人们还品尝月饼。

19、The Easter bunny really started out as the Easter hare in ancient cultures. 复活节兔子确实源于古文化中的复活节兔子。

20、Autumn is a lively season for the wool market. 秋天是毛织品畅销的季节。

21、I hope the round moon will bring my best wishes to you, my best friend. 月是中秋分外明,我把相思遥相寄!节日快乐,我的朋友。

22、Season's greetings and sincere wishes for a bright and happy Midautumn day! 献上节日的祝福与问候,愿你拥有一个充满生机和快乐的中秋节 4.Please accept our wishes for you and yours for a happy Midautumn day!

23、Ancient Greek festivals held seasonally, chiefly at Athens, in honor of Dionysus, especially those held in the fall and connected with the development of early Greek drama. 古希腊主要在雅典举行的季节性节日,以纪念狄俄尼索斯尤其是秋季举行,并同早期希腊戏剧发展有关。

24、And autumn is the season of harvest. 而且秋天是一个收获的季节。

25、Autumn truly is what summer pretends to be: the best of all seasons. 夏天佯装自己是一年中最好的季节,其实秋日才是最美。


26、Chapter one teaches us that the process of the Mid-Autumn Festival"s development and evolvement." 第一章论述了中秋节的孕育、形成与发展过程。

27、The old Hulan River flows gently on an autumn morning. 秋日的清晨,古老的呼兰河水流过原野。

28、I marvel at Yu Qiu's tolerance, no season can turn water deduction so colorful, so vivid, so a quality suggestive of poetry or painting. 我惊叹于秋的包容和宽容,没有哪个季节能把水演绎得如此多姿,如此传神,如此诗情画意。

29、and autumn is the season of harvest. 而且秋天是一个收获的季节。

30、As a core element of Chinese classic aesthetics , the principle of classic poetics is an important and charming spirit culture of Chinese nation. 古典诗学原则作为中国古典美学的核心成分,是中华民族重要而又富有魅力的精神文化。

31、The Israelites vow that they'll obey Exodus 24:3, also 7b. 在《出埃及记》第24章第3节诗7b中。

32、Chinese and Western aesthetics had emerged separately in the Spring and Autumn Period of Chinese history and Greek and Roman Period. 中西方美学分别产生于春秋战国与古希腊罗马时期。

33、Using the theoretical discussion on the epic in the Poetics, based on necessary law of plot and character, Iliad can be interpreted from"Homerg epics". 我们可以以《诗学》中有关史诗的理论话语,着眼于其情节和性格的必然律,来读解“荷马史诗”中的《伊利亚特》;

34、Round round and round we sat in the living room is pleased to talked and laughed, Grandpa told us about ancient myths on the Mid-Autumn Festival; 大家团团圆圆一起坐在客厅里高兴地有说有笑,爷爷给我们讲古时候关于中秋节的神话故事;

35、The translatability of Chinese poetry has been a hot issue in the commentary of literary translation. 中国古诗的可译性一直是文学翻译评论中的热门话题;

36、Mid-Autumn festival night, moon bright, full moon the ancients regarded as the symbol of reunion, therefore, also known as the August 15 for "the mid autumn festival". 中秋之夜,月色皎洁,古人把圆月视为团圆的象征,因此,又称八月十五为“团圆节”。

37、This book features Spyler and CeCe, characters from the I Spy TV show. 本书的主角是斯布莱勒和诗诗,他们是视觉大发现电视秀节目中的角色人物。

38、The seasonal droughts in 2004 became worse on the basis of prolonged spring-winter drought in 2003, and the autumn-drought has become the most severe drought season for the last 44 years. 在2003年秋冬季持续干旱的基础上,2004年各季节干旱继续发展,2004年秋季干旱成为过去44年中干旱最严重的季节。

39、One of the best times to visit the Gardens is during the Mid-Autumn Lantern Festival in September when the Chinese Garden is lit up at night. 参观公园的最佳时节必定是在九月的中秋节因为中国公园晚上会亮起华丽的灯光。

40、A cold autumn rain, fall is getting stronger, bright red blossoms and green willows season is over. 一场秋雨一场寒,秋意渐浓,花红柳绿的季节已经过去。

41、HAN MEI:On Midautumn Day we usually eat a big dinner and mooncakes. 韩梅:中秋节这天我们通常要吃一顿丰盛的晚餐,还吃月饼。

42、In China, there are the Four Halloween Festivals while in Western, there is immemorial Halloween. 在中国有传统的四大鬼节,在西方有古老的万圣节。

43、On Mid-Autumn Day, families often stay in the open air near their houses at night. 在中秋节,很多家庭夜晚通常呆在住宅附近的室外。

44、Contrary to what most people believe, this festival probably has less to do with harvest festivities than with the philosophically minded Chinese of old. 与许多人的认知相反,中秋节也许跟庆祝丰收没什么关系,而是更多地跟古代中国人的哲学观念联系在一起。

45、So, Rachel, what are you doing tonight? 瑞秋,你今晚有何节目。

46、Principle of Good Faith, a moral principle in ancient China, evolved from the sacrificial rites in remote antiquity and developed in the assembly activities in Spring-and-Autumn Period. “诚信”,作为中国古代的一项道德原则,产生于远古的祭祀活动,发展于春秋的会盟活动。

47、In mid-autumn festival, the local have a ceremonious celebration: Fire dragon dance. 每年的中秋节,当地会一个举行隆重的庆祝活动― 舞火龙。

48、Autumn is also the authentic season of renewal. 秋天才是真正的除旧布新的季节。

49、Section V, listed a number of representative symphonic poem rhythm-based, such as "night riding" rhythm-based, "horn" type of rhythm-based. 第五节,列举了交响诗中一些有代表性的节奏型,如“夜骑”节奏型、“号角式”的节奏型。

50、Vintage-inspired handbags inspire new silhouettes for fall. 古典风格手袋成为秋季新轮廓的设计灵感。


51、There are many myths regarding Mid-Autumn Festival. Here, let's look at one story, "The Jade Rabbit". 中秋节的传说很多。这儿让我们看看“玉兔”的故事。

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