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关于团结的英语句子 17个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-31 05:39:16
  • 121

关于团结的英语句子 17个

1. Unity is strength. 团结就是力量。

2. Together we can achieve great things. 我们齐心协力可以取得巨大的成就。

3. United we stand, divided we fall. 团结则立,则亡。

4. When we work together, we can overcome any obstacle. 当我们团结一心,我们可以克服任何障碍。

5. The success of any team depends on the unity of its members. 任何团队的成功都取决于其成员的团结。

6. We must set aside our differences and work towards a common goal. 我们必须放下分歧,为共同目标而努力。

7. When we unite, we can make a difference in the world. 当我们团结一心,我们可以改变世界。

8. A united front is necessary when facing challenges. 在面对挑战时,需要一个团结一致的队伍。

9. Unity brings peace and harmony. 团结带来和平与和谐。

10. The strength of a chain is in its unity. 一根链条的强度在于它的团结。

11. When we work together, we can share the workload and achieve more. 当我们团结一心,我们可以分担工作量,取得更大的成就。

12. Unity is important in both personal and professional relationships. 团结在个人和职业关系中都很重要。

13. The power of unity can overcome even the strongest of opponents. 团结的力量可以战胜最强大的对手。

14. In times of crisis, unity is more important than ever. 在危机时期,团结比以往任何时候都更加重要。

15. When we unite, we can pool our resources and achieve more than we ever could alone. 当我们团结一心,我们可以共同利用资源,取得比单打独斗更多的成果。

16. Unity is the foundation of a strong community. 团结是强大社区的基础。

17. When we work together, we can learn from each other and grow together. 当我们团结一心,我们可以互相学习,共同成长。

18. The bond of unity between people is stronger than any force in the world. 人与人之间的团结纽带比世界上任何力量都要强。

19. Only through unity can we create a better future for ourselves and for future generations. 只有通过团结,我们才能为自己和后代创造更美好的未来。

20. When we stand together, nothing can stop us from achieving our goals. 当我们齐心协力,没有什么能阻挡我们实现目标。

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