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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-04 02:21:59
  • 127


关于”秋天的小诗“的英语句子48个,句子主体:Autumn Poems。以下是关于秋天的小诗的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Autumn Poems

1、Here are four distinct, and letting a hundred flowers bloom in spring, summer, tree-lined, better weather in the fall, winter makeup silver-wrapped. 在这里四季却是分明的,春天百花齐放、夏天绿树成荫、秋天秋高气爽、冬天银妆素裹。

2、"Golden Autumn" is a beautiful violin solo that sings the praises of labor, harvests and the golden autumn of the country. 《金色的秋天》是一首歌唱祖国金秋、礼赞劳动丰收的优美小提琴独奏曲。

3、Today, I will take you to read the poetic life of Li Po. 今天,小编将同大家一起赏读李太白的诗酒人生。

4、Blue sea mountain clouds, light rain to the poem's favorite subjects. 高山大海蓝天彩云,小雨轻盈入诗入画。

5、In autumn,the weather is very dry and cool. 秋天的时候,天气很干燥和凉爽。

6、Last fall, he started moonlighting as a small-business consultant and personal finance counselor. 去年秋天,他开始兼职做小企业的顾问和个人理财顾问。

7、The autumns in Beijing are very beautiful. 北京的秋天都很美。

8、Ah, the fall of the wilderness, you are such a beautiful, really beautiful people Shuangxin autumn fields, you attract people's admiration, despite your happy flying birds. 啊,秋天的原野,你是这样的绚丽,真是人爽心悦目,秋天的原野,你招引人们赞叹,你任凭小鸟快活的飞翔。

9、It was a crisp autumn evening . 那是一个天朗气清的秋天的黄昏。

10、Through the summer, and as fall began to deteriorate into winter, I would devote about an hour per day to my little job. 整个夏天过去了,随着秋天开始渐渐退去,冬天来了,每天我要把大约一小时时间用在这个差使上。

11、I love swings and swing every night for an hour in my backyard on our swing set. Snow, rain, and sleet never stop me. 我喜欢荡秋千,每天晚上都会在后院的秋千架上荡一个小时,风雨无阻。

12、Autumn was already in the air on the late afternoon when she decided to fish near the island. 当她决定在岛上钓鱼时,午后的天空正散发着秋天的味道,可爱的小船咕噜咕噜地穿过小河。

13、Autumn is also in possession of many sweet smell, Xiangxiang pear, pineapple sweet… There are many odors are hiding in the autumn! Children's feet are often flavor hook. 秋天还藏有许多香甜的气味,梨香香的, 菠萝甜甜的……还有许多气味都躲在秋天里呢!小朋友的脚常常被香味勾住。

14、Miao miao tolerates little autumn care, small autumn also attracted to miaomiao kindness. 苗苗对小秋百般照顾,小秋也被苗苗的善良吸引。

15、Autumn is coming and the squirrel is busy picking up pine cones. 秋天到了, 小松鼠忙着捡松果。

16、"Boo! " said Qiuqiu, "They're for Xiaoqiao! " “呸!”秋秋说:“这是给小巧的钱!”

17、And drama is autumn. 而百花凋零的时候是秋天。

18、I am the gentle autumn's rain. 我是秋天的细雨飏飏。

19、The difference is clear in early spring and late autumn. 早春和晚秋差异大,晚春和早秋差异小。

20、Although there will be 3 days off during the Mid-Autumn Festival, our reporter did not find any special tour routes developed by travel agencies. 虽然中秋有3天小长假,但记者发现,各旅行社并没有针对中秋制定特别的旅游线路。

21、Ah yes, summer's out and autumn's in. 哦,好耶,夏天结束了,秋天来了。

22、The farmers look after their corn and wheat carefully so that they can have a good harvest next autumn. 农民们小心地照看他们的玉米和小麦,以便明年秋天能有个好收成。

23、Autumn comes , it gets cooler and cooler. The sky is blue and the clouds are white. You would say autumn is blue and white. 秋天到了,天气变得越来越冷。天空是蓝的,云是白色的。你会说秋天是蓝色和白色的。

24、There eis a breath of autumn in the air today. 今天的天气显出了一丝秋意。

25、Autumn is quite pleasant, but winters are cold. 秋天的气候宜人,冬天则寒冷。


26、in autumn,the weather is very dry and cool. 秋天的时候,天气很干燥和凉爽。

27、Foot gingerly stepping on the fallen leaves of autumn, a crisp sweet, lingering in the ears. 小脚小心翼翼地踩在秋天的落叶上,发出清脆悦耳的响声,萦绕在耳畔。

28、Van Aelst sees fall as small boys climbing g vines. 范·阿尔斯特把秋天看作是一个攀爬葡萄藤的小男孩。

29、Because the fall is the harvest season food…Food group specially for everybody strict chose represents autumn taste guess what food in the? 因为秋天正是美食的丰收季… 美食小组特地为大家严选了代表秋天的味道猜猜看哪些菜入选了。

30、Qiuqiu spent more time in the hut of Granny Yinjiao. 秋秋往银娇奶奶的小屋跑得更勤了。

31、there is a breath of autumn in the air today. 九月的天气确实像秋天了。

32、Sky blue, the fall grass fragrance is in heart's heaven. 天蓝蓝,秋草香是心中的天堂。

33、Oh, my God, Rach. Beanbag chairs. 哦我的天,瑞秋,充气椅。

34、Autumn is a beautiful little ingenuity tailor. 锦绣的秋天是一位心灵手巧的小裁缝。

35、The fields in autumn are fruity. 秋天的田野果实累累。

36、Autumn, jujube Whispering, and rice-sized scilloides shy like hiding under the leaves. 秋天,枣花落了,米粒般大小的枣儿怕羞似的躲在叶片下。

37、Second litters can be put off in autumn as porkers. 第二窝小猪到了秋天就可以当肥小猪卖掉。

38、Autumn can be wonderful: bright, crisp days with brilliant blue skies, leaves in colours that lift the spirit, hedges glistening with jewel-like hips and haws. 秋天很美:秋高气爽,湛蓝的天空,金色的树叶,令人精神振奋,那树篱上闪闪发光的是宝石般大小的蔷薇果和山楂。

39、Autumn is a harvest season, the first books to the children and farmers. 秋天是一个丰收的季节,此首拙作献给小朋友们和农民朋友们。

40、A bosket, quiet and full of poetry, attracting different birds flying over. 小树林,诗意、安静,吸引着天空的鸟儿。

41、These little animals gather nuts from the ground in the autumn. 秋天,这些小动物把地上的坚果收集起来。

42、In autumn,the weather is very dry and cool. 秋天的时候,天气很干燥和凉爽。

43、Summer-born children are considerably less likely to attend top universities than pupils with autumn birthdays, according to research published today. 今天公布的一项研究显示,比起秋天出生的孩子,夏天出生的孩子考上顶尖大学的概率要小得多。

44、His soul has in its Autumn,when his wings 他心灵的秋天有如小湾安谧

45、Autumn rain, the weather cool day by day. 秋雨绵绵,天气一天比一天凉爽。

46、Although there are 3 days off during the Mid-Autumn Festival, our reporter did not find any special tour routes developed by travel agencies. 虽然中秋有3天小长假,但记者发现,各旅行社并没有针对中秋制定特别的旅游线路。

47、That little boy asked his parents why the leaves fall from the trees in autumn. 那个小男孩问他的父母为什么树在秋天掉叶子。

48、In the autumn of 1930 Edward went to stay with his friends Lord and Lady Furness. 1930年的秋天,爱德华去他的朋友弗内斯勋爵夫妇那里小住。

49、And suddenly I realized that marguerite doesn't belong to falls only. 有棕榈树的小岛又突然发现,雏菊并不只属于秋天。

50、there ia breath of autumn in the air today. 九月的天气确实像秋天了。


51、A deer casts its horn in autumn. 鹿在秋天脱落的角。

52、Autumn is still warm in Xizhen. 西镇的秋天还很暖和。

53、Today, the small cricket in particular joy is that this autumn scenery to the boring cricket infinite happiness! 今天,小蛐蛐特别快乐,是这秋天的景色给了无聊的蛐蛐无穷的快乐!

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