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英语句子语法 15个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-18 14:05:07
  • 108

英语句子语法 15个

1. The cat sat on the mat. 这只猫坐在垫子上。

2. I went to the store to buy some bread. 我去商店买面包。

3. She likes to read books in the park. 她喜欢在公园读书。

4. They are going to the beach for vacation. 他们要去海滩度假。

5. We played soccer in the park yesterday. 昨天我们在公园踢足球。

6. He works as a doctor in the hospital. 他在医院工作。

7. She is cooking dinner in the kitchen. 她正在厨房里做晚饭。

8. The students are studying for the exam. 学生们正在备考。

9. The bird flew away from the tree. 这只鸟飞离了树。

10. We watched a movie at the cinema last night. 昨晚我们在电影院看电影。

11. He likes to listen to music when he drives. 他喜欢时听音乐。

12. The flowers are blooming in the garden. 花儿在花园里盛开。

13. She is writing a letter to her friend. 她正在写一封信给她的朋友。

14. He ran 5 kilometers this morning. 今天早上他跑了5公里。

15. They are dancing in the ballroom. 他们正在舞厅跳舞。

16. The sun is setting over the mountains. 太阳在山上落下。

17. The car crashed into a tree on the side of the road. 车撞上了路边的一棵树。

18. She is drinking coffee and reading a book. 她在喝咖啡和读书。

19. The children are playing in the park. 孩子们在公园里玩耍。

20. He is studying English in order to go abroad. 他在学英语为了去国外。

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