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小学英语教学反思万能简短句子 18个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-05-20 11:48:58
  • 140

小学英语教学反思万能简短句子 18个

1. I found that using games in my English lessons not only made learning more enjoyable, but also improved students' retention of vocabulary. (我发现在英语课上使用游戏不仅让学习更加有趣,还提高了学生记忆词汇的能力。)

2. Through reflection, I realized that I should have provided more scaffolding for my lower-level students to help them understand the new grammar rules. (通过反思,我意识到我应该为我的低水平学生提供更多的支持,帮助他们理解新的语法规则。)

3. I noticed that my students struggled with unciation, so I incorporated more phonics activities into my lessons. (我发现我的学生在发音方面有困难,所以我在我的课程中加入了更多的语音活动。)

4. After reviewing my lesson plans, I realized that I had not included enough speaking and listening activities, so I made adjustments for the next class. (在回顾我的课程计划后,我意识到我没有包括足够的口语和听力活动,所以我对下一节课进行了调整。)

5. I observed that some students were struggling to read and write in English, so I created more opportunities for them to practice these skills. (我观察到一些学生在阅读和写作方面有困难,所以我为他们创造了更多的练习机会。)

6. I learned that incorporating real-life situations and experiences into my lessons can help students to better grasp the meaning and context of new vocabulary. (我了解到将真实的生活情境和经历融入到我的课程中可以帮助学生更好地掌握新词汇的含义和上下文。)

7. I realized that I had been using too much rote learning in my lessons, so I began to incorporate more interactive and hands-on activities. (我意识到我在我的课程中使用了太多死记硬背的学习方法,所以我开始加入更多互动和动手实践的活动。)

8. Through feedback from students, I discovered that they enjoyed using technology in the claoom, so I started to incorporate more digital resources into my lessons. (通过学生的反馈,我发现他们喜欢在课堂上使用技术,所以我开始将更多的数字资源融入到我的课程中。)

9. I noticed that some students were struggling to stay focused during longer activities or lessons, so I incorporated more breaks and varied activities to keep their attention. (我发现一些学生在长时间的活动或课程中保持注意力很困难,所以我加入了更多的休息时间和多样化的活动来保持他们的注意力。)

10. I found that using songs and music in my lessons not only made learning more enjoyable, but also helped students to remember new vocabulary and grammar rules. (我发现在我的课程中使用歌曲和音乐不仅让学习更加有趣,还帮助学生记忆新的单词和语法规则。)

11. Through reflection, I realized that I had been relying too much on textbooks and should incorporate more authentic materials such as news articles or videos. (通过反思,我意识到我过于依赖教科书了,应该加入更多真实的材料,如新闻文章或视频。)

12. I noticed that some students were hesitant to partite in class activities, so I created more opportunities for them to work in pairs or small groups to build their confidence. (我发现一些学生在课堂活动中犹豫不决,所以我为他们创造了更多的小组或小组合作机会,以提高他们的信心。)

13. I learned that using visual aids such as pictures, diagrams, and videos can help students to better understand and remember new concepts. (我了解到使用图片、图表和视频等视觉辅助工具可以帮助学生更好地理解和记忆新概念。)

14. Through feedback from colleagues, I discovered that I had been speaking too quickly during my lessons, so I made a conscious effort to slow down and speak more clearly. (通过同事的反馈,我发现我在课堂上讲话速度太快了,所以我有意识地放慢速度,讲得更加清晰。)

15. I noticed that some students were struggling to understand the difference between similar words, so I created activities to help them practice and differentiate between them. (我发现一些学生很难理解相似单词的区别,所以我创造了一些活动来帮助他们练习和区分这些单词。)

16. I learned that providing positive feedback and praise can greatly improve students' motivation and confidence in learning English. (我了解到提供积极的反馈和表扬可以大大提高学生学习英语的动力和信心。)

17. Through reflection, I realized that I had been spending too much time on teacher-centered activities, so I began to incorporate more student-centered activities into my lessons. (通过反思,我意识到我花费了太多时间在以教师为中心的活动上,所以我开始将更多的以学生为中心的活动融入到我的课程中。)

18. I found that incorporating cultural elements into my lessons not only helped students to better understand English, but also allowed them to appreciate and learn about different cultures. (我发现将文化元素融入我的课程中不仅帮助学生更好地理解英语,还允许他们欣赏和学习不同的文化。)

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