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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-07 16:30:32
  • 109


关于”好看的句子“的英语句子44个,句子主体:Nice sentences。以下是关于好看的句子的专业英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Nice sentences

1、Some skirts are lined so that they keep their shape better. 一些裙子衬上里子就可以使其形更好看。

2、"We have to help them ourselves, " said Pearl Dragon, "for the Jade Emperor will never answer their prayers. 即将有孩子的和刚有孩子的好好看看。“我们一定得帮帮他们,”珠龙说,“因为玉帝是不会答应他们的祈求的。”

3、We’re all trying to look good, and we want our kids to look good and impress others. 我们都想让自己看上去很好,我们也想让我们的孩子看上去很好,给他人留下好印象。

4、You look really wonderful in that blue skirt. 你穿着这条蓝裙子真是好看极了。

5、She looks very pretty in that new skirt. 她穿那条新裙子很好看。

6、There you are. Dishes all packed. 你看。盘子都包好了。

7、Look after the milk on the stove.Don't let it bubble over. 看好炉子上的牛奶,别让它溢出来。

8、Okay. Come on up here. Take a look at this. 好的,到这里来,看一下谱子

9、A:Wow!Look at Nikki, her boots are so high! 你看Nikki。她的靴子好高喔!

10、Let's say, for example, we want to find - I am going to do a different example from yesterday. 好的,来看看,一个昨天上课没讲过的例子。

11、Today, we'll look at some of my favorite unproductivity-day strategies. 今天,我们来一起看看在低效率的日子里能用得上的好策略。

12、He asked his son to remove his life-sustaining helmet, so that he could look upon his long lost son with his own eyes. 他让儿子摘下自己的维生面具,好亲眼看看自己失散多年的儿子。

13、Oh , I see! I must take a clean for you! 原来是这么回事啊。看样子是该帮你好好清扫一下了!

14、John: "Good, See those columns behind you?"" 很好,看见你身后的那两大柱子吗?

15、Then, without much, just look at your own actions! The best together with your child watching it. 看完以后,无需多言,只看你自己的行动吧!最好与孩子一起看完它。

16、Okay, collar boy, let's see what you got. 好的,衣领小子,让我们看看你有什么本事。

17、Bolooloo: Wow! So many pigeons. Ben, look! It's on my heard. 哇!好多的鸽子呀。本,看!它在我的头上。

18、If you use a code generator, really look at the code it generates; if you use database tools, take a look at the underlying SQL it generates; and so on. 如果你使用代码生成器,好好看看它生成的代码;如果你使用数据库工具,看看它生成的底层SQL语句,不一而足。

19、The orange blanket is so lovely.这橘色的毯子真好看

20、Ok, let's do this side or that side for ss, foods..." 好吧,我们去这边或那边看看鞋子,吃的……”

21、It is an interesting thing to look at houses, even if you don't buy them. 看房子是很有意思的一件事情,即使不买,随便看看也很好玩。

22、And you took care of your kids. 你照看好孩子。

23、That dress is a beautiful hue of red. 那条裙子的红颜色真好看。

24、The vest goes very well with light-coloured pants too. 搭配浅色裤子也很好看呢。

25、Mm-hm. Check on those green beans too, OK? 恩-恩。也看一下豆子,好吗?


26、The prince changes the frog more good-looking! 王子变青蛙比较好看!

27、The sick child was well cared for night and day. 那个生病的孩子日夜受到很好的看护。

28、Ok. boys. Let's see you avoid a blast from my Synchro Cannon. 好的。孩子们。让我看看你们能不能逃过我的同步炮的轰击。

29、Be sure to flip down your collar. 看看领子翻好了没有。

30、I often see parents talking about a young child as if he was not there. 我常常看到很多家人当着孩子的面说孩子的不好,好像他们不存在似的。

31、The orange blanket is so lovely. 这橘色的毯子真好看

32、Don't look down, children. Keep looking straight ahead. 别往下看,孩子们,一直往前看就好了。

33、A greenish jacket will surely match the trousers well. 青灰色 的上衣配上这条裤子一定好看。

34、Are the kids doing their homework or watching television? 或者家里的那几个小兔崽子好好做作业了还是去看电视了?

35、Here, let me show you to your desk. 好了,我先带你看看你的桌子。

36、她应该更好地照看自己的孩子(ought to ) She ought to take more care of her child for much。

37、OK. So there's one quick example. 好,我们很快的看完了一个例子。

38、So now we have a rare chance to see what's inside of the Russian most modern power plant. 让我们抓住这罕见的机遇,好好看看现代化的电厂内部究竟上啥个样子。

39、I'll be away for a while. B:Go ahead. A:Don't just read. Keep an eye on the children. B:I will, dear. 我要出去一会儿。乙:去吧。甲:别光顾看书,好好照看这些孩子。乙:我会的,亲爱的。

40、My interest is sing song, see movie and push horse road. 我的爱好是唱歌、看片子和压马路。

41、The kids on her back:The headwear is beautiful and special. 背上的小孩子》小孩子的头饰很好看,很有特色。

42、That seems to be a no-brainer. 那样看起来好像是个没脑子的人。

43、All right. Just some other examples: a red light over a street door. 好吧,现在让我们看看例子:,临街门上的红灯。

44、MIYOKO:That's a bit expensive. You'd better try them on first. Look at. 美代子:有点贵。你最好先试一试。看看。

45、OK, so it's understandable that parents want a good-looking kid. 好吧,父母们想要长的好看点的孩子,这可以理解。

46、It's good to see your children and mine palling up so well. 看到你的孩子和我的孩子十分友好令人高兴。

47、Print the list of your contacts and look at it in your spare time. 列出与熟人往来的单子,最好打印出来,有空儿的时候看看。

48、The judge directed that the child should be taken good care of by his mother. 法官判决孩子应由其母亲好好照看。

49、You should see the way those boys waded into the meal, as if they hadn't eaten for a week! 你该看看那些男孩子吃饭时狼吞虎烟的样子,好像有一个星期没吃东西似的。

50、PROFESSOR: No. I'm entering -- well, let's look at the example right down here. 教授:弄,我是通过,好,让我们来看看的例子吧。


51、But they're the first words that popped into my mouth when a stranger asked me, in a coffee shop, “How's the book? 不过,如果我在咖啡屋被一个生面孔问道“这本书好看不”,我的第一句评价将是“沉闷又不好看”。

52、If the roof were flat like this, then it will be all right! 好吧,妈咪再来找看看有没有平屋顶的房子好了!

53、Let's review these attributive clauses now. 上面一齐看看这些定语从句。

54、His boy bent curiously to the skeleton of the buck. 他的儿子好奇地弯下身去看鹿的骸骨。

55、It's good to see your children chumming up with mine so well. 看见你的孩子和我的孩子这么要好,真叫人高兴。

56、This looks professional! Is this your career? 看起来好专业的样子阿!你是职业画家吗。

57、The child's hair grew in pretty waves. 那个孩子长著的鬈发很好看。

58、Watching Barcelona, at times it seems you could all play with your eyes closed. How do you generate that kind of confidence? 看巴萨比赛时,有时看起来你们闭著眼睛也能踢好球(这句不确定)。是什么成就了这样的自信?

59、You must come and see our new house when we've settled in. 等我们安顿好了, 你一定来看看我们的新房子。

60、This " gnomic " seem to circulate very long, academic basis is " the distance produces the United States " , alleged far see a flower, see posse hemp nearly. 这句“格言”好像流传很久了,理论依据是“距离产生美”,所谓远看一朵花,近看一团麻。

61、If you have installed an SVG viewer, click to see this example. 如果已经安装好了 SVG 查看器,则 单击 查看这个例子。

62、You also observe that "a good-looking son could come from any dad, whether the dad was good-looking or not." Why? 你还观察到,“无论父亲是否好看,都可能有好看的儿子”。这是为什么?

63、Be sure to flip down your collar. 看看领子翻好了没有。

64、It started to look like those days were over. 它开始看起来好像这样的日子到头了。

65、Let me tast the nice looking chair. 椅子腿好像看上去不错,让我啃啃看。

66、   3她应该更好地照看自己的孩子(ought to ) ought to take care of her child better。

67、Nose. It is tall and sharp ; people always said it is nice to see. 鼻子。因为长得高又挺,朋友都称赞我的鼻子好看。

68、These inquisitive looking penguins are made of eggplant. 茄子做的企鹅们正在好奇地看什么呢?

69、I must take my hat off to you for your good show. 我必须脱去帽子让你好好看看。或是:我把心掏出来给你看。

70、And God saw that it was good. 果子都包著核。神看著是好的。

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