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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-08-02 07:09:12
  • 82


关于”高冷的句子“的英语句子57个,句子主体:High cold sentence。以下是关于高冷的句子的小升初英语句子。

英文句子模板1:High cold sentence

1、The unpredictability of life, at any time, should hold a hope. 你觉得我不好相处,可能只是因为我讨厌你吧。

2、The connetion between cooling water flux and cooling effect of blast furnace wall is revealed by experiment. 通过实验揭示冷却水流量与高炉炉壁冷却效果间的关系。

3、The cold heading property of cold heading steel rod bundle is improved by the optimum design and control of chemical compositions of low carbon low silicon high aluminium cold heading steel. 通过对低碳低硅高铝冷镦钢成分的优化设计和控制,大大提高了冷镦钢盘条的冷镦性能。

4、My feelings you can never afford, it's not cheap. 人生的不可测,在任何时候,都要抱着一份希望。

5、Because Helium is used as coolant in High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor (HTGR), the change of tribological properties of HTGR structure component under Helium is a big problem. 由于高温气冷堆采用氦气作为冷却剂,堆内构件在氦气下的摩擦学性能变化成为高温气冷堆必须研究的一个问题。

6、We may be your sentence:" I will get cold, don't you tube." 换来的也许是你的那句:“冷了我自己会弄,不要你管。”

7、Ltd, specializes in producing and suppling the compressors for refrigeration, especially the high efficiency refrigeration compressor for the refrigerators, storages and the vehicles. 主要为冰箱、冰柜及车载制冷提供高性价、高效能的制冷压缩机。

8、I tore my memories to pieces and forgot to throw them away. 漫漫人生路,总会错几步。

9、The results showed that the animal diversity level of alpine pine forest, Birch-Arrow bamboo mixed forest, alpine pine- alpine oak mixed forest was higher. 结果表明,在高山柳、冷杉林、杜鹃林、冷杉林、高山栎纯林生境中土壤动物的多样性都较高;

10、The blast furnace bottom adopted high density fire-clay bricks, water cooling device, pure copper cooling stave and Ukrainian large-scale cooling modules. 高炉本体采用了高致密粘土砖炉底并增加水冷设施、纯铜冷却壁、乌克兰大型冷却模块等多项新技术;

11、The little hero stopped a TAXI driver sit up, was a middle-aged man, his face white scary, cold asked a sentence, where are you going? 小杰拦了一辆TAXI坐了上去,司机是个中年男人,脸色白的吓人,他冷冷的问了句,去哪里?

12、The movable water-cooled skimmer was designed according to the work principle of BF cooling stave. 式 水冷撇渣器是根据高炉冷却壁的工作原理设计的。

13、"You are cold, shivering, and without a weapon" — This adds a complication. “您浑身发冷、不住颤抖,而且没有武器” — 这句话将添加复杂度。

14、One should look at executive bonus with a slightly dispassionate approach. 大家应该稍微冷静冷静,理智看待高管奖金这事。

15、But didn't expect to meet his father is the indifference faces and a few words of coldness. 但没想到迎接他的却是父亲冷漠的面孔以及几句冷言冷语。

16、I only have such a heart, you look at the injury. 你不必牵强的说爱我,我也不再逞强的对你好。

17、Loneliness is that you would rather lick yourself than vomit with others. 好久不见,不知道你丑成什么样了。

18、The higher up we go, the colder it becomes. 我们登得愈高就愈冷。

19、With the increase of inlet air temperature of the condenser, evaporation pressure, condensation pressure increase, but supercooling and superheat degree, refrigerating capacity and COP decrease. 随着冷凝器进口空气温度的升高,蒸发压力、冷凝压力升高,而过冷度、过热度、制冷量和COP均线性下降;

20、Air Condenser- For the condensing coil in the high side of Refrigeration System. high temperature and high pressure steam is cooled into saturated super cooled liquid in the condenser. 冷凝器应用—用于制冷高压侧的冷凝盘管,高温高压蒸汽在冷凝器中冷却为饱和过冷状态的液体。

21、We always pretend to be smart in front of people, but we still weep at night. 我只有这么一颗心,你看着伤吧。

22、It was late spring, but Shangri-La was still desolate, full of oaks and willows. On the southern slope, we could see snow in the fir-tree forest. 晚春的高原依然有几分荒凉,满目的高原栎和高原柳冷冷地看着远山间的松林。

23、The application of dual channel radiator technology depends on the proportion of the heat duty of high and low temperature cooling syst… 双流道散热器冷却技术的应用依赖于高低温冷却系统散热量、单节内高低温散热面积的比例以及相应冷却水进口水温度的高低。

24、You always say I'm cold, as if you treasured me when I was warm. 不想喝的酒先干为敬,不想见的人笑脸相迎。

25、High quality refrigerant and refrigerant alternatives for commercial and residental refrigeration equipment, air conditioning, refrigerator, cold storage, etc. 商用家用各种制冷设备,空调,冷柜,冷库,等所使用的各种高品质制冷剂,以及制冷剂替代品。


26、H. E. A. T. produces high performance air cooling coils to cool air using chilled water. 我们公司生产的高性能空气冷却管,用于冷却冷冻水中的空气。

27、Copper cooling plate is installed in the bosh, belly and shaft of blast furnace, is an important element of metallurgical blast furnace. 高炉铜冷却板是高炉的重要冷却元件,安装在高炉炉体的炉腹、炉腰、炉身等部位。

28、"A burnt dog dreads the fire, " said the lawyer grimly, and closed his eyes. “一朝被蛇咬,三年怕踩草。” 律师冷冷地说了一句,然后闭上眼睛。

29、Afterward, I might cool off Khmer-style, with a chilled coconut juice drunk straight from the husk. 后来,我可能会冷静下来高棉风格,一个冷藏椰子汁喝从稻壳直。

30、It can cool the high-temperature and high-pressure steam from the compressor and coagulate it to liquid. 将压缩机排出的高温、高压制冷剂蒸汽进行冷却,使其凝结为高压制冷剂液体。

31、Don't hate the past. Without it, you can't achieve what you are now. 对于你,没有多余的热情,也懒得认识你。

32、The field to respond calmly and a few words will sister wang blocked back. 田野冷静应对,几句话将王姐堵了回去。

33、The measure result of cooling effect of hard line and mild line indicates that turbulent flow cooler has more effective cooling effeciency than straight spray cooler. 现场硬线软线冷却效果实测结果表明,湍流式冷却器比直喷式冷却器具有更高冷却器效果。

34、Ltd, specializes in the producing and suppling the compressors for refrigeration, especially the high efficiency refrigeration compressor for the refrigerators, storages and the vehicles. 主要为冰箱、冰柜及车载制冷提供高性价、高效能的制冷压缩机。

35、Warm and cold air conditioning! 高额保险! 冷暖空调!

36、Only I abandon your share, no you ignore my share. 我的感情你永远都买不起,那不是廉价的。

37、There are always a few wrong steps in the long road of life. 你总说我冷,好像我暖的时候你珍惜了一样。

38、The exit temperature of the cooling water also decreases with an increase in air mass flow rate and spray water rate. 结果闭式冷却塔结构参数不变时,随着入口空气湿球温度的升高,冷却水出口温度升高;

39、Microencapsulated Phase Change Material (MEPCM) suspension liquid is a coolant with high heat capacity, which can enhance considerably liquid cooling performance. 相变材料微胶囊(MEPCM)悬浮液是一种高热容冷却介质,其应用可大幅提高高功率设备液体冷却性能。

40、The ST-500 cryostat provides a mechanism for cooling samples efficiently and effectively. ST-500制冷机提供了能高效地制冷样品的机制。

41、"I would rather have gas gangrene than go through that again, " my father added grimly. 我宁可得气性坏疽,也不愿再去中国餐馆了。“父亲冷冷地加了一句。

42、Expressions for some important performance parameters, such as the coefficient of performance, cooling rate, and power input, are derived. 特别是详细讨论了在高温极限下自旋量子卡诺制冷循环优化性能,导出了最大制冷率和相应的制冷系数。

43、Improvement of chilling tolerance in rice may significantly increase rice production. 提高水稻的耐冷性将极大的提高水稻的产量。

44、Cool light, Good monochromaticity. High luminous efficacy. 冷光源,单色性好,发光效率高。

45、General situation, structure and features of cooling mode for BF furnace body are introduced. 介绍了高炉炉体冷却模块的结构,阐述了冷却模块的筑炉工艺。

46、With the development of high-frequency pulse tube cryocooler(PTC), mechanics of PTC must be explored clearly in order to improve the performance of PTC. 随着高频脉冲管制冷机技术的发展,为了进一步提高制冷机的性能,需要对制冷机内部机理进行进一步的深入分析。

47、The thermionic emission cooling employing hetero structure is a high efficient cooling method. 基于异质结结构热电子发射的热电制冷,是近年来提出的一种高效制冷方法。

48、I can let you go, but don't look back when you leave. 不要憎恨过去,没有它,你无法成就现在的自己。

49、Magnetic refrigeration cycle is the key of magnetic refrigeration technology, which is the base of high efficiency of magnetic refrigerator. 磁制冷循环是磁制冷技术中的重要环节,为磁制冷机的高效运行提供了理论基础。

50、Long time no see, I don't know what you look like. 人生太漫长,你只不过是一道风景!


51、It's constituted with high-efficient humidifier, preheater, evaporator condenser, bidirectional air blower, air-cooled condenser and water-cooled condenser. 该装置由高效加湿器、预热器、蒸发冷凝器、双向风机、空冷式冷凝器与水冷式冷凝器等部件组成。

52、Not that I have changed, but that I have understood how others treat me and how I treat others. 我把回忆撕成了碎片,却忘了丢掉。

53、You think I'm not easy to get along with, maybe just because I hate you. 不是我变了,而是我懂得了,别人怎么对我,我怎么对别人。

54、"The other", "best, go her and fare worse", "is the Lord avenge the debt, such as the" drink are from the old monk quotes, monks. “解铃还须系铃”、“求不如求己,一动不如一静”、“冤有债有主,如饮冷暖自知”这些也都出自老僧名言,高僧句。

55、The results showed that condensation temperature and condensation pressure increased with increasing inlet air wet-bulb temperature. 结果显示:冷凝温度和冷凝压力均随着入口空气湿球温度的升高而升高;

56、The highly undercooled was need for UHMWPE crystallization with the increasing of cooling rate. 冷却速率增加,UHMWPE需更高的过冷度才能结晶。

57、Verse 20,"When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies," that's not in Mark. 20节“你们看见耶路撒冷被兵围困“,马可福音里没有这句。

58、High flame resistant polyethylene high foaming products is petroleum chemical industry, construction industry, and refrigeration industries for cold insulation materials ideal. 高阻燃聚乙烯高发泡产品是石油化工,建筑行业和制冷行业保温保冷的理想材料。

59、For you, there is no excessive enthusiasm, also lazy to know you. 你有抛弃我的权利,我也有让你后悔的资本。

60、Beijing's cold winter, dry and cold of the dry and cold, windy, sitting inside listening to high-rise building, as if serious Guikulanghao general. 北京的冬季很冷,干冷干冷的,还刮风,坐在高层建筑内聆听,严重时犹如鬼哭狼嚎一般。

61、The modular high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR) incorporated with helium turbine is considered as one of the leading candidates for future nuclear power plants. 高温气冷堆氦气轮机是将氦气轮机与模块式高温气冷堆相结合,利用高温气冷堆产生的高温氦气直接推动涡轮做功进行高效率发电。

62、It has the advantages of improving both the draft inducing capacity and cooling efficiency of the cooling tower and reducing the emission concentration and manufacturing and operation cost. 该工艺具有提高冷却塔的抽风能力,提高冷却塔冷却效率,降低染物排放浓度,降低工程造价和运行费用等优点。

63、The higher, the colder. 越高越冷。

64、It increases refrigeration requirements. 它会提高制冷要求。

65、The ratio of acicular ferrite may increase by raising cooling speed and decreasing final cooling temperature. 提高冷却速度和降低终冷温度可以增加针状铁素体的比例。

66、Choice chilled cherries cheer Chery. 选择已冷的樱桃,使彻里高兴。

67、You don't have to be farfetched to say you love me, and I won't be brave to you anymore. 孤独就是,你宁愿自己舔伤,也不愿和别人多吐。

68、This very high MTBF is achieved by an appropriate cooling of each component with an efficient cooling plate . 这个很高的MTBF是通过用一个高效的冷板对每个元件适当地冷却而获得的。

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