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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2022-07-17 10:59:36
  • 83


关于”对女朋友表白的话“的英语句子60个,句子主体:Confession to girlfriend。以下是关于对女朋友表白的话的初三英语句子。

英文句子模板1:Confession to girlfriend

1、He flipped over his new girl friend. 他对新的女朋友爱得发狂。

2、A:My girlfriend. 我的女朋友。

3、If you keep acting so dorky, you'll never get a girlfriend! 如果你总是这么古怪的话,你就会找不到女朋友!

4、Everything is clear in my heart 万物如此清晰。

5、Is she your buddy friend or sweetheart friend? 他是你的普通朋友还是男女朋友?

6、Bf of course have to protect his gf, but as a gf, we also need to protect our bf. Do not let the others insult the other half ofu. 做男朋友的当然要保护女朋友,但做女朋友的亦要保护对对的尊严,不要让他人中伤,或者侮辱你的另一半。

7、What she said hurt the friend so much that this good woman was herself hurt for the pain she caused . 她的话伤害朋友如此之深,以至于这个善良的女人为自己给朋友造成痛苦而伤心不已。

8、而我要象火炬熄灭 You are the surge of deep music, Ibut a cry!

9、I have two friends, one black one white, in a long term relationship. 我有两个朋友是长期的男女朋友关系,一个黑人另一个白人。

10、“Yes, I’ll give my daughter to him who jumps highest, ” said the King, “for it would be mean to let these people jump for nothing.” “对啦,谁跳得最高,我就把我的女儿嫁给谁!” 国王说,“因为,假如让这些朋友白白地跳一阵子,那就未免太不像话了!”

11、Yang says he cannot forgive his girlfriend for what she has done to him, but, according to Liu, he should go a little easier on his ex. 杨牟说,对于女朋友对自己所做的一切,他无法释怀。但刘强却表示,杨牟应该对前女友宽容一些。

12、I can see why you're so fond of her. She never likes my girlfriends. 我明白为什么你对她这么一网情深了。她从来都没喜欢过我的女朋友。

13、I am the leaf that quivers, 我是那震澶的叶子

14、It happened like it normally did except this time the girl's eyes turned red when she saw my cousin and his girlfriend. 直到一天我请我表弟和他的女朋友也来看,这次,当她看到我表弟和他女朋友时,她的眼睛变红了。

15、Level one: ex-dorm buddies, girlfriends. 第一级:同室密友,女朋友。

16、"They made my girlfriend cry in front of everybody," she said. “我的女朋友因为他们的话当场就流泪了。” 她说道。

17、My girlfriend is jealous of my female friends. 我的女朋友总是嫉妒我其它的女性朋友。

18、You can make new connections if you play your cards right. 如果出对牌的话就能结识新朋友。

19、Your girlfriend has friends -- women you may or may not care for. 你的女朋友有自己的朋友——那是些你关心或者并不关心的女人。

20、Third, often practices English with friends, also often listens to English broadcast or the movie dialogue. 第三, 常跟朋友练习英语会话,也常收听英语广播或电影对白。

21、It will get your mind off of your girlfriend, I mean your ex-girlfriend. 它会让你忘记你女朋友,我指的是你前女朋友。

22、You are the stars that are steadfast, 你是那坚定的群星

23、the little girl talks with her friends a lot, 小女孩老是爱和她的朋友们讲话。

24、Sir David Brewer, Members of the business community, Ladies and Gentlemen. 尊敬的白乐威爵士,各位企业家朋友,女士们,先生们。

25、Donkey: Wow, only a true friend would be that truly honest. 驴友回应:“哗!是真正的朋友才会说这样坦白的话。”


26、It takes place of a conversation between two old friends. 情节是关于,两位老朋友间的对话。

27、You can watch these videos to learn Teochew, Mandarin or both, these videos have subtitle in all 3 languages (incl. 潮州乡亲朋友们,会识潮州话个朋友你可以睇视频学国语,会讲普通话的朋友你可以看视频学习潮州话。

28、正是一点的话就是 I would like to make an appointment with you at 2pm. 如果是朋友,Lets meet at 2pm. 约女孩子的话。

29、To investigate, Agnew's team performed a study of 74 male-female couples and their network of friends, including both their joint friends and their individual friends. 为此,阿格纽博士的研究小组组织了74对男女恋人和他们的朋友进行调查研究,这些朋友包括男女双方共同的朋友和他们各自的朋友。

30、Generally speaking, if you have a girlfriend, you will be urged to get married. 基本上,如果你有女朋友,你会被催促着结婚。但是如果你还没有女朋友的话,你就很可能被拉去相亲。

31、Bill is talking with his girlfriend Ruby. 比尔正在和他的女朋友茹比说话。

32、And, of course, gossiping with someone signifies that they are your confidante or friend —we do not gossip with our enemies. 当然,说某些人的闲话预示着他们是你的知心女友或朋友——我们不会对敌人说闲话。

33、What a ty way to treat a friend! 这样对待一个朋友,真不像话! !

34、Everything is clear in my heart 万物如此清晰,.在我的心中.

35、Let Music Lead Life – A Dialog with a Childhood Friend. 听音由命 —— 刘索拉与儿时朋友的对话。

36、ku la sou wu nuen bo nu bei o ga mi da 有很多对好朋友也不能说的话

37、Sara tried to befriend her old friend Steve's new wife, but Betty never seemed to have anything to say. Sara 试着和Ta老朋友史提文白勺新婚妻子交朋友,但shi Betty 看起来没有什么话要说。

38、"Amy" in French is the name of female friends, the song is apparently the girlfriend to talk. “艾米”在法语中是对女性朋友的称呼,这首歌显然是对女友的倾诉。

39、He had been behaving very meanly to his girlfriend. 他对女朋友一直非常刻薄。

40、Respect the fact that girls need to hang out with their girl-friends. 接受女友需要对她的女性朋友炫耀的事实。

41、指自己的女朋友多用;meine Freundin, 指一般的女朋友多用;meine Freundin von mir

42、Women sometimes kiss their women friends, and men kiss women friends on the cheek only. 女人有时亲吻她们的女性朋友,男人也会亲吻女性朋友(只亲脸颊)。

43、He wants a girlfriend, a real life-partner girlfriend. 他要一个女朋友,一个真正的终生伴侣那样的女朋友。

44、Don't say such hurtful things to your friend. 别对你的朋友说这样伤感情的话。

45、The woman was talking with her friend, leaving her son playing with the dog. 那女士与她的朋友谈话,让她的儿子与狗玩耍。

46、The smiles that win, the tints that glow, 那胜利的微笑,那流动着的丰采

47、Megan is a scary judge of her son’s girlfriends. 梅根对儿子的女朋友要求很高。

48、With the help of his girlfriend, Xia improved rapidly. "No matter whether he winsor not, I will always help him speak standard Mandarin, " says Zhao. 在他的女朋友的帮助下,夏的普通话进步很快。他的女朋友赵说: “不管他是否赢得比赛,我将继续教他讲标准的普通话。

49、To be honest, until that ate October day, I did not a have any female friends. So you can forget about a girlfriend. 说实在话,那个十月底的那天之前,我连一个女朋友也没有,因此,关于女朋友的事情,你就不要想了。

50、Have you decided between boyfriend and girlfriend? 你选好要交男朋友还是女朋友了吗?


51、You’re a real nitwit. Why should you badmouth his girlfriend in his face? 你真是个糊涂虫,怎么能当他的面讲他女朋友的坏话那?

52、If a friend asks a favor, you should grant it, if it is reasonable; if not, tell him plainly why you cannot. 如果朋友对你有所求,对于合情合理之请,应该欣然同意;不然,应该明明白白地告诉朋友拒绝的理由。

53、I can't understand why he dumped his girlfriend. 我真搞不明白为什么他甩了他女朋友。

54、We feel empathy for my unemployed friend. 我们对失业的朋友深表同情。

55、My friends, God keeps His word. 亲爱的朋友,神说话算话。

56、During brunch Kevin talks to his girlfriend Karen. 在这期间凯文和他的女朋友卡安谈话。

57、No words don't talk about chums, beautiful girlfriend, suitable work? 无话不谈的死党,漂亮的女朋友,合适的工作?

58、“Yes, I’ll give my daughter to him who jumps highest,” said the King, “for it would be mean to let these people jump for nothing.” “对啦,谁跳得最高,我就把我的女儿嫁给谁!” 国王说,“因为,假如让这些朋友白白地跳一阵子,那就未免太不像话了!”

59、Do Asian women who date mostly white guys take flak for it?? 男朋友大多是白人的亚裔女性有没有受到过苛责呢?

60、He dumped the cards, giving greater credence to the voice of his girlfriend than to the advice of a professional translator. 他扔掉了名片,对他来说,女朋友的话比专业翻译的建议更值得信任。

61、have fun doing sth 玩得高兴 have conversations with friends 与朋友对话 get excited about 为…

62、On the subject of girlfriends, Lee -Hom is still available but interested ladies have to wait. 提到女朋友的话题,力宏还没有对象,但有兴趣的女士们可得等上一等。

63、Marcus:Then definitely no way! Susan's my girlfriend. 马卡斯:那绝对不行!苏珊是我的女朋友。

64、Why is your girlfriend so mad at you? 你的女朋友为何对你发那么大脾气呢?

65、I am crazy about my girlfriend. 我对我的女朋友痴心一片。

66、You're asked to do something by your boyfriend or girlfriend. 你的男朋友或是女朋友差你办事。

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